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Status Updates posted by thinoneday

  1. Thank you! Sorry it's been so long since I answered but I didn't realize I had these notifications! How are you feeling? I saw my doctor today for the last time before the surgery and am nervous! But like you say I'll be ok and yes, I can do this! Thanks for caring!


  2. anytime my dear! I'm here for you! Ask anything you want anytime. . I go to my doctor on tuesday and will be able to post a new weight on my ticker! Hope that i lost at least 10 lbs! the weight is coming off rather slowly now, but that is ok! It's not frustrating at all . . i'd rather lose slowly right now. . .

  3. Bless your heart! I understand, it is a very expensive procedure. I was self pay and am now paying off a hefty loan but at a good rate. I got my loan rate at 3.0% from Randolph brooks. . not to shabby. . . What prereq's do you have to have the surgery? All I had to do was to show up. Different doctors I guess. Do you have lots to loose? I had about 180 lbs to loose, have lost 110 so far. Not too bad, thank god i'm tall! heheheh

  4. excellent question. . would i do it agan? In the beginning NO NEVER AGAIN, now 1 year out yes. . I'm even trying to encourage my daughter, but she doesn't want it. . too drastic she says. . .

  5. good morning! no i was lucky i guess, my doctor didn't feel it necessary to do a pre op diet. it's going to be hard, but if you can do the 2 shakes and a regular meal without snacking you should be ok. think about it as just another diet . the over eating thing, i think, is cause we know we're getting this surgery so it's the "last eating thing". i know for myself before the surgery, whenever i'd try yet another diet, i'd eat myself in oblivion the day before why, because it was my last day for "freedom". try not to sabatoge yourself, what if your blood pressure, sugars, or something goes wrong because of the overeating and your surgery is canceled because of it just take it easy, go for a walk or something instead of eating. and really important stop the night eating! That will sabatoge you even with the surgery good luck!

  6. Happy birthday and a i hope that you have a fantastic day! Merry christmas and a very blessed new year!

  7. Happy Birthday Helen!

  8. Happy birthday! Hope your day is wonderful and that you have a wonderful merry christmas and a very blessed new year!

  9. Hey Girl, yes, want to know what it was? I was full of poop literally. . i hadn't had a poop for 2 1/2 to 3 weeks (didn't even realize it was that long, no bloating, no pain, nothing) doctor says it was a toxicity build up causing nausea, dizziness, and weakness, so got some Mag Citrate drank 1/2 the bottle, and have been using Miralax every day and have been going every day now. . . i feel great, wanna sing the halleluas every day now!!! How are you doing?????

  10. Hi , I haven't heard from you in a bit, are you ok?

  11. hi barbann, do you feel like crap too? the pain is amazing huh? I don't like it. . . today was a "I regret this surgery" day, but i kept going. . . drinking stuff is my challenge. . . i can' t tolerate it very well. . . tonight is better, boy you really can't drink fast with this thingy can you? And it does feel different. . . wow amazing. . . anyhow chat more later as i'm feeling rather "run down" my birthday is March 24, 62. . . .

  12. Hi barbann, today is a better day for me. . .still majorly swollen though, look really pregnant! but that is expected! How are you feeling? Are you getting those fluids in a bit better today? Don't worry about the pooping, remember you really don't have anything in the tummy. . . did the contrast not give you the trots really badly? I'm still going 3-4 times a day since Wednesday. . .are you walking lots? Has the shoulder pain gone away, mine is slowly going, the sleeping thing is a bit of a challenge, but it will soon go away. . . i'm just glad i'm off work for the next 2 weeks! Keep me posted honey and take care of yourself. . .

  13. Hi Chancie! thanks for adding me as a friend! Yes, I can't wait to get this surgery done! It's been a long time coming! I wonder why we wait til we are older? Maybe it was because we were too busy with raising kids, husbands, work, etc, maybe it wasn't well known or there was only the major invasive one. . .I don't know, but instead of struggling for so very long, I wish I would have known/done this a long time ago. . . oh well, they say "with age comes wisdom" Have a great day!!!

  14. Hi Charity, haven't heard from you in forever, how are you doing? Are you feeling ok? let us know, we worry

  15. Hi Eydiebug! Have you had your surgery yet? Who did it for you? My doc was Sonny Cavazos with NE baptist. . .i was selfpay so was at Foundations Surgical Hospital. . I've had real good luck with this surgery. . I read where folks are having tough times, i'm glad i chose Dr. C. . . would love to keep in touch with you. . . nice to see another San Antonio'er here!

  16. hi how are you? have you been sleeved already? if you have any questions please ask! i'm out now 1 year and am pretty much "normal" . . . chat soon

  17. hi Josie! Well the only thing i can tell you really is to google the Vertical Sleeve Gasterectomy and Roux N Y. By doing that, it should give you not only information but links for further your search. . Good luck and Welcome to the forum. . once you make your decision, you'll be happy you did! At first its a bit weird and you might not like your decision cause you have to make real lifestyle changes and relearn a whole new way of eating and living. . but after a while you'll get used to it and love it! keep in touch and ask any questions you have!

  18. Hi Red, thanks for that nice compliment. . anything i can do for you advice wise I will. . . this sleeve thingy is awesome, but you will have days as any other. . . some will be good, great and some will be blah. . . the one thing to really remember to succeed is to walk right after surgery. . . don't pity yourself and lay around in bed, get up and go and do it often, you won't have bad gas pain, and your bowels will get moving. . .I was up and about at 6 hours after surgery. . . sipping will be tough but try. . . take your pain meds as needed ok, it helps alot with the walking. . . just ask and know that i'm here for you whenever you need me ok! Good luck and ask away!

  19. Hi Renee! No actually now at 1 year out I don't get the foamies with anything. BUT (and there is always a but) I do get the foamies really badly if I eat 1 more morsel then i really should. . so I have to really listen to the full signal or i spit for about 30 minutes. . .thank you. . it's been interesting and i really have to get back to exercising because i lost the whole 145 lbs without it.

  20. Hi sweetie, the reciepe for the chai tea or the bbq chicken wings? let me know!

  21. Hi sweetie! Well i'm glad the exlax got you going, Miralax is good too, you can mix it with anything and can't taste it at all. i really like it. those irratating foamie/slimes are because you ate too fast and didn't chew good enough. i get that a lot. but 48 years of bad habits are hard to die. I have to literally time myself at each meal. chew well, swallow, then wait 2 minutes, another bite, and so on for about 30 minutes, stop eating, put away the left overs for the next meal. we'll get it. i had some chocolate today, tummy didn't like it much. amazing how this surgery has altered some things i used to love. can't eat beef or tougher meats either. no pancakes, bread, spaghetti, rice, noodles, etc. only fish, soft chicken, eggs, melba toast (go figure) jellos, popsicles, etc. love grape flavored (sugarfree) water! just like a kid! tummy doesn't like veggies, slimes it up nasty! hehehe. i'm glad we're friends and can relate to things! chat soon again! take care!

  22. Hi there, i joined the san antonio group. . .don't know how to navigate around the site, so thought i'd just write. . .i'm from san antonio and had my sleeve done on Dec 29, 2009 . . to date i've lost 150 lbs. . how about you?

  23. Hi, i don't want to talk about this all over the forum so i thought i'd pm you. I am out now about 13 months or so and have started gaining weight. Why I don't know, my calories are under 1000 I don't exercise as i should but do get it in every now and then. I personally don't understand why i'm gaining cause i'm not eating hordes of food as when i weighed 350 lbs....

  24. Hi! Welcome! Yes of course honey, my doctor was Dr. Ramiro "Sonny" Cavazos. . he is at NE Baptist and is the best bariatric physician I know. . I'm a registered nurse and know alot of physician so when I say he is really good, trust me, he is. . . he answers all your questions without hesitation and is very approachable. . . he looks like a young Douggie Houser but he has tons of experience. . . he is gentle and considerate. . . I am really glad i chose him. . . my surgery experience was wonderful, not too much pain, just minimal, but as long as you walk as ordered your fine. . i've not had any sort of problems at all, no leaks, nothing . . I've lost a total of 70.5 lbs so far in 14 weeks . . . he makes sure you have all your doctor visits and you can call the office anytime if you have concerns. . . I think you would really like him. . . good luck and keep me posted!

  25. home today, really feel icky! but i guess it too shall pass. . . doctor sent me home with darvocet pills hope these will work ok. . . . my shoulder is on fire too. . . having really wild diarrhea from the contrast though. . . i never had morphine because i'm allergic but did have diloided. . . it was given though my central line. . . very hard iv stick to needed a central line. . . i know all this shall pass and we'll be happy later, but right now it's pretty gross and painful. . .

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