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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    The Longest 6 Mths Ever!

    and also prepare your head hunger. . .try to train yourself now to test if your really hungry or just "think" your hungry. this is a big part of success with the sleeve. What you do is this. . . say you've eatten your first meal. . .then about 2 hours later you say, wow I'm hungry. . . stop everything your doing and "listen" to your tummy. . . is it growling? No, then your NOT hungry, you may just be thirsty, go drink water or crystal light. . but don't eat. . . then when lunch comes, eat your meal and repeat. . this is especially important to do if your a night eater like the majority of us. . .if you really are hungry and your tummy is truly growling, eat a fruit or something light, and not a candy bar or junk food. . . its tough, but you can do it, just like the rest of us have. . . . good luck!
  2. thinoneday

    Me Not So Horny......

    Sex? Whats that? This is why I'm so glad I married an older man. . .his sex drive is waning and mine has always been non existent. . couldn't care less about it (I'm amazed we had 2 kids lol) . . he is my best friend and i find doing other stuff, like hugging, holding hands, going out, and just being together much more rewarding and fun then hopping into the sack for sex. . I have always found that part really boring (sorry but it's true)
  3. Yup! Most definately.. . I've been the same weight for the past 2 years now. . . not that it bothers me. . .at least i'm not 350 + lbs anymore, but i sure would've loved to lose enough to get to my own personal goal of 170 lbs. . . but i surpassed the doctors goal of 212 lbs and now i houver around 200 - 210 lbs. I've tried killing myself with exercise, eating way less then 800 calories, doing the 5 day pouch test, etc etc etc. . . I've tried going back on Adkins protein only, weight watchers, and Jenny Craig, nothing moved the weight. . .that is ok, cause i feel great, look good and am proud of my accomplishment thusfar. . . what is to be will be i suppose but at least i was not a sleeve failure.
  4. thinoneday

    My Vsg Story So Far

    The best tip i can give you is this. . . get rid of the scale! That puppy will kill you. . after i had my surgery in 2009 I NEVER weighed myself except at the doctor appts. . . then after 1 year I reinvested in a scale and only weighed myself 1 time per week if that. . now at 3 years out i weigh myself if I remember to. . . but i'm in maintainence and have stayed the same weight for over 2 years. . . love it!
  5. thinoneday

    My Texas Sleevers

    San Antonio here as well. . . sleeve 2009 by Dr. Cavazos and Gonzales with Texas Surgical Weight Loss Group at Foundations!
  6. thinoneday

    More Of A Question..or A Whiney Rant

    It's been 3 years and i still wont look at my reflection in the windows. I still look down when I'm walking in public cause i don't want the "stares". I still get all self conscience when i walk into a room and it goes quiet, "they must be shocked at the fat girl who just came in" As I posted in one other place, it's so sad what years of abuse can do to a person.
  7. thinoneday

    Post Surgery Alcohol Use :(

    It's amazing how this surgery has made drinking alcohol so much easier. . . you can get a buzz on 1 glass. . . i drank before surgery, but AFTER surgery I was really drinking. . . i was drinking 1 glass every other day. . . 1 glass consisted of 6 oz rum and 2 oz coke. . . 1 glass. . . my one glass was really 6 glasses. I'd go through a big bottle of rum a week. . . finally my husband brought it up to me that i was drinking A LOT. . . of course I got all sensative and stupid about it, but that made me realize that that is exactly what alcholics do. . . they deny it and rationalize everything. . . so I just stopped dead in my tracks. . . no i didn't get rid of all the alchol in the house, it stays there in the liquor cabinet because I have to be strong enough NOT to go and get any. . . so far so good and it's been 3 months + . . . I've not even had a craving. . . but be careful out there. . . this could be your worst nightmare come true. . . . good luck to all
  8. My longest stall was 7 MONTHS!!!! then it moved but only lost 10 more lbs. . . from there I've been maintaining and feeling great at the same weight, give or take 5 - 10 lbs for over 2 years. . . .
  9. thinoneday

    Am I Naughty? (I Need A Woman's Opinion)

    specialK1960 - - -ok NO, it's not wrong chatting with us gals. . .you said yourself that you are happily married for the past 24 years and NOT looking to hook up (I think that would be another forum though). . . it's just fun chatting with new found friends and such. . . I chat to alot of different guys here as well. . . I tell my hubbie about them and he has no problems with it. . . (as long as they stay in the computer of course LOL). . . We are a great support team here for everyone! We learn from each other and we share our victories, sorrows, angers, and joys. . . we are a little family, so continue to enjoy your chats with us. . . your NOT naughty. . .
  10. thats REALLY dumb! Even when i was a whooping 350 lbs + i never ate like that. . . that is so stupid. . . . reminds me of that show Man vs. Food. . . that is gross too.
  11. thinoneday

    A Little Bummed

    Any encouraging 'it's normal' type words of wisdom would be much appreciated! giraffequeen, just in your statement above, you yourself know "its normal" and that in itself is encouraging as you can see the progress and what is normal and not. Here is some words of wisdom . . "GET RID OF THE SCALE". . . . weigh yourself only once a week or every other week, you'll drive yourself crazy otherwise. . . good luck
  12. thinoneday

    Ranting Abouy Myself..

    Honey I've drank from straws since day 1. . . and i'm out now 3 years. . my power that be TOLD me to use straws as it prevents air. . . the day after surgery, my ice water, soup and gatoraid came with a straw. . . .guess we all have different "powers that be" good luck!
  13. thinoneday

    How Is Everyone So Happy?

    Sorry Kala but the surgery didn't make us happy, we made us happy. The surgery is just a tool. . .i'm glad your in counseling though and hopefully one day something good will happen to you which will make you realize that your here for a special purpose, and that purpose we never know. . . just to let you know I suffered badly from depression myself when i was younger and finally when i had had enough, i took the bull by the horns and swore i would get out of it and changed my entire outlook on things. . I realized that, yes the meds were there to help me, but i was the one who had to change the attitude and behavior, not the meds, not the doctors or the hospital was going to do that for me. . I was blessed enough to be strong enough to change and now am off the meds and am livin a good life. . .I wish all the best to you and good luck hopefully things will change for you as well one day.
  14. hey, RN here for 20+ years. . surgery 3 years ago! No problems going on, still maintain tons of restriction!
  15. thinoneday

    How Is Everyone So Happy?

    I_Did_it: don't feel too badly, this is very normal. . no i don't believe everyone jumped off the operating table and said "yeah, I'm so happy" noooooo, I'm sure just the opposite. . I hated (hear that?) hated my sleeve and the decision i had made for almost 1 year. . .3-6 months for darn sure. I hated that i had to change my ways, i hated it that i had to re-learn to eat properly without getting sick. . . I hated change! I still hate change. . .i've been out now for 3 years and there are still days i really growl at this surgery decision i made 3 years ago. . .but mostly i am really glad i did it cause i was way more upset and unhappy when i weighed 350 + lbs 3 years ago!
  16. thinoneday

    Loose Clothes!

    yahoooo! don't weigh yourself until you go to the doctor and you will have the biggest surprise and joyous feeling ever! it's great and your going to love it!
  17. thinoneday

    Liquid Diet Stinks!

    victyt. . . . well thank goodness it's temporary right?
  18. thinoneday

    1 Year And I Have Lost......

    Congratulations! That is fantastic!!!! Keep rockin' that sleeve! Live life, it's great!
  19. Of course!!! I hated my sleeve for a long time. . . going from pigout mama to eating less then a bird basically overnight without any training in how to do it. . . it's called change and with change comes hatred. . . no one likes change and it's the dangest thing to do. . . even now at 3 years out I have to do alot of self talk when head hunger hits. . . but now would I give back the sleeve if i could? NO WAY!!! Now I advocate it. . . .
  20. I'm out 3 years and don't enjoy food like before surgery. I no longer have favorite foods and couldn't care less what's being served. BUT, give me stuff to drink and I'll be more then happy to do that. . I love drinking everything. . . especially crystal lite or arizona green tea with pomegrante sweetened with splenda. . . now there's a drink. . I can easily drink 64 - 128 oz a day of that stuff. . . plus water with lemon or lime sweetened with splenda. . . but the days of lovin food is gone for me. . . don't even like desserts anymore and couldn't care less if they are there or not. . .I'll drink me a dessert first like iced coffee with a spoon of cool whip! Yummmmmm
  21. thinoneday

    Weed Lol

    And it's organic! Anything from a plant or the ground can't be that bad for you right! Think of it as an extra type of veggie! lol
  22. thinoneday

    Weight Watchers

    sure, why not. . .I stayed on Adkins and still am a member with Jennie Craig. . I'm out 3 years now. . . whatever helps I say
  23. thinoneday

    "so How Much Weight Have You Lost?" Rant

    Wow is really all I can say here. . .you really didn't expect to lose everything all at once did you? This surgery takes time, over 1 year if not more to lose the weight. You probably gained 10 lbs in the hospital from all those IV fluids and swelling. That is definately a normal occurence with most folks. Your probably still swollen from surgery now. . . stop weighing yourself and just follow the doctors plan for you. . . in the beginning i really hated this surgery but am so happy with myself now. Your NOT Ugly! stop that kind of hate talk, that won't help any and may i just say one more thing. . . pull up the big girl panties and get on the wagon, the surgery is done and there is no turning back, so all you really can do now is work with it. . . sorry if i offended you but a helpful and caring person doesn't kiss butt and i say it how it is. . .good luck. . . (I'm ready for my lashings now)
  24. thinoneday

    Relationship Help

    Im definately not perfect and my marriage isn't the best in the world, but hubbie and I have held it out for the past 34 years. It is so hard and you have to really work at it. When kids where in the picture, it was hard too, we argued all the time, and there were days we were ready to throw in the towel as well. . . well now that we are empty nesters and finally can reestablish our relationship, it is so much better. We have come to realize that we are each others best friend. . I could never do without him and him without me. . .we have learned each others quirks and can laugh and joke without anger. But all this takes time and patience. You got married for a reason and that reason was love (hopefully) . . . there was something about her/you that the other loved and wanted to be with for the rest of your lives. Living with in-laws really sucks and that in itself can cause havoc within a relationship. . . but hopefully all will get better with that. . . there is a child on the way who is going to need both parents, raising a kid singly is very very difficult. . . we all have to walk our path in life, we don't know where it will take us or what we'll do with it once we get to a obsticle in the road, but just walk it, one step at a time, one day at a time, and one day you and she will understand why things happened the way they did. . . good luck and may blessings come your way. . .
  25. thinoneday

    For The Post-Op Veterans!

    YOU BETCHA! I was 3 months out when I had my first alcoholic beverage and coffee. I'm out 3 years now and basically eat and drink whatever i want, including sodas (diet of course). But the only thing you will NOT be able to do is overeat (pigout) like before. And that is all well worth it. . . so don't freak out, time will get you there and then you'll smile at your question. . . but dont worry. . . life is good and your going to love it! good luck

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