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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Any Horseback Riders?

    Definate horseback rider here too! After I lost 150 lbs, it was so nice to be able to get up onto that horse again. Before that day, I hadn't ridden for over 20 years. . . now i ride a lot and am very happy. . . unfortuately however, my knee has been battling a bad meniscus tear and they won't repair it, so i need a step to help me up and off the horse, but that will not stop me ever!
  2. thinoneday

    Disappointed And A Little Sad

    It will never be enough for me either. . . but you know what at least i'm not 350 lbs+ anymore. . .I'm happy with myself. It took a long time, but i'm finally at peace with myself. I've accepted me for once, and eventually you will too. I had to seek couseling though, for my low self esteem. It helps a lot. Good luck to you as you walk your path. . your doing great. . . just think, before the surgery, could you have lost 54lbs in 4months? probably not. . .
  3. thinoneday

    Macho Cheese Doritos

    I had the best laugh of all days just now! Thanks guys, this is great!
  4. thinoneday

    I Dont Need Your Help..thanks

    Totally can relate with this. . .I hate when people assume things. . . the other one that i really hate is when people think they have the answer for EVERYTHING and anything and everything you have to say they have to put you down or be condescending. . . but you know it makes them look like real a$$es and really ignorant. At least that is what i think. Thanks for listening to my little rant
  5. thinoneday

    Day 7 Post Op

    I think some of us wished we didn't do this surgery right after. . . i was like that for 3 - 4 months, then i just accepted the fact that this wasn't going to go away and i was stuck with it. . .pulled up my big girl panties and dealt with it. . . lol. . . are you sure it's the protein drinks keeping you in the bathroom or the change in your habits and the possible dye coming out from the leak test??? I had the runs for close to 1 month because of that dye. . . i would keep drinking them, you go to the follow up next week anyhow, so just hang in there for a bit more. . . .just my advice, if your vomiting them up, then thats different, then i would definately call the nut. . . .good luck
  6. thinoneday

    Day 3, Time To Go Home

    yeah!!!! tooting and burping is great! glad to hear your doing better! all those other discomforts will go away eventually. . . just hang in there and in no time at all this will all be a vague memory. . . .good luck!
  7. thinoneday

    How Much Should I Be Working Out?

    Hi, I'm not a fitness guru at all, just an old ex-bodybuilder. . .but from what the books say, work out 30 minutes 3x per week including cardio and strength training. Back in the day I would work out 4 hours x 5 days a week and 6 hours on saturday and sunday. . pure bloody hell. . . .now i don't do anything hahahaha.
  8. thinoneday

    Am I?

    I was like that too, only mine was for the better. . .my hubbie told me i was so much easier to get along with and had less mood swings. I noticed that i was much more relaxed and calm. . .maybe it was because i knew i finally was at peace with myself. . even now at 3 years out, i notice that i'm much more calm and tolerant. . . i feel bad for those who are the opposite and feel miserable. . it makes it much more harder. . .
  9. thinoneday

    Husband Is Confused...

  10. thinoneday

    Husband Is Confused...

    I'm not even going to say what i really want to say. . .
  11. thinoneday

    Here I Go..

    LOL !!! At very first glimpse, i thought your post said "I'm about to get my egg done" I was going to say "oh ok!" Anyhow's now that I've laughed myself silly, good luck!
  12. thinoneday

    Very concerned

    No tracey, that is excellent advice!
  13. thinoneday

    Another Rant About Husbands/spouses

    ahhhh, good old husbands. . .mine says the same thing. . .only I tend to agree with mine on plastics. . . due to the fact that my obesity caused me a lot of problems in my lifetime, i have no veins/arteries left in case of emergency except for one, and that one is hard to access due to major scar tissue from too many IV's and such. Even the doctors have warned me not to have "unnecessary" surgeries anymore. During my sleeve process, they couldn't find any veins and had to use the jugular which they had a horrible time accessing (took 12 attempts) because the veins/arteries are so very small and valvy. . . so plastics is not an option for me at all, goal or not. . . it's going to have to be duck tape! lol. . . thank goodness i don't have too much of it. . .
  14. thinoneday

    Super Nurses With Sleeves (Support Group)

    20 years RN, 12 years now as DON in Public Health STD/HIV. 8 years in all aspects of nursing EXCEPT pysch (I'm nutty enough lol) Sleever for the past 3 years and loving it. . .
  15. thinoneday

    Ladies What Is Your Type?

    Small waist, small hips, big butt . . . I have a body builders shape (whatever that is) square, narrow, not a pear or apple, more like a board with muscles. . . hahahaha
  16. thinoneday

    I'm Here At The Beach And...

    Well my dear fluffy girl, you really need to ask yourself if you are REALLY mentally ready for this. . . to me it seems like you care more about what your friends will think and about food celebrations. . . with this surgery you have to be willing to sacrifice alot! You have to be ready to give up mass amounts of food. . in the first few weeks you mourn the loss of your freedom to eat whatever and whenever, it's very hard, you only eat pea sized amounts and then you don't feel so great. . . but this is a decision only you can make. . . there are no signs, no miracles, no nothing out there. . . only you. . . .so honey, you really have to think and make this something YOU really want. . .and not give a damn about what your friends will think. . . .good luck!
  17. thinoneday

    You Are More Important That This....

    Who puts "Hello Kitty" on their foot????? Apparently that girl did. . . hahahaha. . .
  18. thinoneday

    Too Small

    Wow, do the first few people not sleep! lol. . . . anyhow to answer your question from my view and my view only. . . . i'm out 3 years now and my body knew when it needed to stop. . .i stopped and didn't lose anymore after i lost 150 lbs. . . i have been at 200 - 210 lbs for the past 2 years and it won't budge a pound under 200. . .sooooo to answer your question, your body will know when it wants to stop. . .by the way, people tell me I look so healthy and whats my secret. . .I just tell them "love yourself and love life" . . . . end of story
  19. I've always be ashamed of myself from since i can remember. . . always trying diets, pills, etc anything to lose weight. I hated myself for ever and never was happy. But i went on like this for years and years until finally 3 years ago 47 years old I could afford to get this done and i did. . . now i've lost 150 lbs, have tons of self confidence, enjoy life and finally finally love myself for the person who i am. . . I got to my doctors goal for me, but not my own personal one, but I'm definately not a failure . . .I AM PURE SUCCESS!
  20. my sleep pattern turned like that too after my surgery. . .i could fall asleep and stay asleep with no problems. . . that is just one of the benefits of losing weight. . . your body is probably really exhausted. . . and like livinglifeout, make sure you take your vitamins as ordered by your doctor. . . you'll definately get used to it soon, and you'll notice your energy levels will go up as soon as you start working again. good luck
  21. thinoneday


    Im 3 years out and cheat all the time. . . I'm not perfect, if i was hell i'd of reached my personal goal or more right! I'm human and love life and love living it. . . i'm a emotional eater and always have been.. . . goodness i just got done eating about 5 small chocolate chip cookies and coffee! yummmm. . . . am i mad at myself? sure, am i going to stop living because of that? noooooo. . . .am i going to eat more cookies? no, not today or this weekend, but maybe next week. . .who knows. . .i'm human and there are no fast and true rules on how to live this life. . . we have beat ourselves up enough and I don't know about you guys, but for me the scars of abuse are with me for ever skinny or not. . . .
  22. thinoneday

    Emotionally Abusive Mother :(

    I'm so sorry to hear this. that is really hard. . . I was reading your post and said "well move out of the house girl". . . then I read about your culture part. . . guess you can't ask her why she treats you that way either huh? Can you talk to your dad and express how painful it is to you? Maybe he can advocate for you or is your household matriarch? Then that will be a big problem. . .I don't know what other advice to give you. . I'm sorry, but just know you are a wonderful person in the "Maker's" eyes and you are "His" child who he loves very much. . .you were placed here on this earth for a purpose, it's a purpose we will never know about and it's not for us to question. . . could be that maybe one day something will happen and make your mom realize that you are the only one she can turn to and then she may realize how horrible she has been to you. . . it's so sad to think that way but it's true cause in my culture, what goes around, comes around and those who hurt others soon have the same inflicted back to them 3x greater. . . i'll keep you in my thoughts and just know you have another "family" here to talk too. . . good luck and blessings towards you my dear. . .
  23. thinoneday

    Me Not So Horny......

    Parkers Dad, sometimes birth control isn't the answer. . . for example, I am not on birth control at all. . .don't need too. . I've always hated sex ever since I can remember. . for me it's a total waste of time. . . but then that is just me. . . .don't understand folks who just "want to do it" all the time. . . i'd rather pick weeds. . . .lol !!! Just my 2 cents
  24. thinoneday

    Will I Lose My Butt?

    I "thought" I'd lost mine (sure wanted too) but then someone told me that I have a big butt like J. Lo . . . skinny with a hugh butt! ERRRRRRR that ticked me off. . .

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