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Everything posted by thinoneday

  1. thinoneday

    Anyone more then 2 years out?

    Oh and by the way i started off pre-surgery 360lbs and lost 150 lbs within 1 year.
  2. thinoneday

    Anyone more then 2 years out?

    I was fortunate enough to get a 28F (that is really small) Today at 3 years out I can still not eat more 6oz of food at a time. If I eat only protein, that's even less. I can eat whatever, of course, but only very small amounts still. For example I could eat a whole (small) breakfast taco, but then i feel uncomfortable, so I eat about 3/4 of it and am fine. I can only eat 1 egg and 1 1/2 slices of bacon. I can only eat about 6 grapes. I still slime everytime i overdo it, and when i eat a bit too much, i sneeze like crazy My restriction is fabulous. I am maintaining my weight between 210 and 215lbs. My doctors goal weight for me was 212. I don't have a problem "watching" my intake at all, although i've heard of people gaining a lot of weight back despite the sleeve (go figure) hope this helps
  3. Is it really that important to you? There will be other Christmas's and birthdays, and thanksgivings, and and and. . . alcohol is like pizza, it's always around. Is it really going to kill you not have a drink 1 week after your most important life changing surgery? However, the choice is still yours to make. Good luck
  4. thinoneday

    Anyone more then 2 years out?

    3 years out here and doing great
  5. thinoneday

    Weight Loss Success Is....

    Being able to buckle the airplane seatbelt with lots left over and be able to get up on my horse without him grunting and snorting beneath the weight (poor thing)
  6. thinoneday


    No, I'm not in the same boat, but can offer a little advise. I'm out 3 + years and i WAS like that. All I can say is this, do the best you can. This surgery isn't cookie cutter for everyone. everyone is different. What I can do, you may not be able to do, as what you can do, I may not be able to do. Just do the best you can. The beginning is hard, you have to retrain yourself and your tummy is still swollen and hurt, heavens you can't stick everything down there! Good luck, just sip to your comfort, don't overdo.
  7. thinoneday

    So, what ever happened to Tiffykins?

    Had her baby and left the forum. She felt this group was too "different" and so she left. I see her reasoning every now and then. She is doing well though.
  8. No changes here. My hubbie met me when I was thin, we got married had children, of course i gained weight and a lot of it. . then i had the surgery and now i'm thin again like before. He has never changed, I have never changed except for i'm more active and can do stuff which was alittle hard to do as a obese person. We've been married 34 years and life is good.
  9. Vidalia, welcome to sliming! Yup, I'm out 3 + years and if I try just "one more little thing" I slime like a snake for about 1/2 hour. . . it's hard to break old habits, but this one isn't fun at all! Good luck!
  10. thinoneday

    This May Be Inappropriate, Forgive Me :)

    this thread just made my day! very entertaining! lmao! I'll have a smile on my face all day WITHOUT the ben wa balls! LMAO! hahaha :lol:
  11. McKate, let me tell you something interesting. Oh they notice alright, but this is where the jealousy and lothing comes in. This is where you find out whose your friend and whose not. . . don't worry, keep your head up. . .keep on shakin' your stuff, they notice alright. . . .
  12. thinoneday


    Excellent advice Rootman! This is definately not the place, for your own protection.
  13. thinoneday

    Ok, Here We Go..........

    With that attitude, you are going to definately win this ! Congratulations and best of luck to you! Just keep it up and remember once it's done, it's done, there is no going back and the best thing to do is deal with it! Good for you!!!!!
  14. thinoneday

    Eyes Way To Big Still !

    Don't feel bad, I'm out 3+ YEARS and still my eyes can be bigger then my tummy (literally) I KNOW I can only eat 1 egg, still I make 2. I KNOW I can eat 1 1/2 slices of bacon, still I cook the whole package. I KNOW I can only eat 1 piece of bread, still I toast 2. . . ugh, old habits die hard. . . I just save stuff for later. You should see how funny I look at the buffet! Now there is another story. . . . hahahaha you can just imagine!
  15. Same here, I am out now 3+ years, so I guess I'm kinda "old" at this . . . lol. . . ask away, I'll be more then happy to chat as well. I've lost a total of 150 lbs and am maintaining my weight great.
  16. thinoneday

    Any Long Time Sleevers Out There?

    Im out 3+ years as well and haven't reached my own personal goal of 170 lbs. but have reached the doctor's goal of 212 lbs. and surpassed it by 12 lbs. I lost 150 lbs the first year and have been maintaining well without any problems. I haven't had any serious medical problems and am glad about that. . .
  17. thinoneday

    Help With Head Hunger

    I'm out 3 years and still have tons of head hunger. . . it's a real bad demon. i find that keeping myself busy during the day is the best. . it's the night that kills me mostly. . . but then i try to do other things like get onto this forum or play games etc. . . it's really tough and this one is hard to battle. . . but together we can do it. . .
  18. Hey has anyone had pseudotumor cerebri? And along with it had the lumbar/peritoneal shunt placement? Did you have any trouble getting the sleeve after that? Did they do the surgery anyhow? I have a LP shunt for pseudotumor cerebri and asked the doctor if there would be any problems about 2 days ago and he hasn't responded. . . i find that weird. . . maybe someone can answer this question for me. . .I sorta concerned now
  19. TRUST ME, YOU'LL CHANGE AND REALLY FAST!!!!! I used to be like you, never chewed my food, ate like there was no tomorrow, drank huge amounts in one glup. After you have the surgery, you have NO CHOICE but to change. . . you'll see, it's hard to explain. I'm out 3 + years now and still watch that i don't overdo and that i chew right or else the sliming starts and i really hate that and the accompanying pain and discomfort for the next 30 minutes. . . .NO THANKYOU!
  20. thinoneday

    Why Lie?!?!

    Yup, sure have, because after 3 + years you get really sick of hearing "oh you took the easy way out" . . . that gets really old. . . so when i get a compliment and they ask how i did it, i just say "lots of determination" and leave it at that.
  21. Bryan, well being out 3+ years and being as "normal" as possible, I'll tell you this. I for one NEVER want to go back to how I was, I never want to gulp anything ever again. At 3 years out I have learned portion control by eyeballing it. My portions are served on a teacup saucer. A spa lean cuisine is too much at times. I can only eat a 3" subway sandwich and that makes me want to puke. 1/2 - 3/4 breakfast taco, and when drinking water, soda, etc I can drink 1/2 glass "normally". . . in the beginning all this is very regretable especially around holiday times. . but take heart that it does get easier and soon it will be old hat to you. After a while you will feel "normal". . . good luck and hopefully this wasn't too harsh for you. . .
  22. thinoneday

    Found My True Friends

    Dexter, hi there, well welcome to VSG, you really do find out whose in your corner with this surgery, thats for sure. On my facebook page someone posted a poster which states the following "fri end, boy/girl fri end, week end, notice that these all "end". . . but fam ily remains the same ily "i love you" Hope this bring a smile to your face. As far as getting out, GO OUT!!! You don't need someone to be there to make you feel good, you can do that all by yourself. Love yourself enough to take yourself out for tea/coffee whatever. Girl, come on, as far as getting that tire fixed, it's not like you have to get down there and change and patch it yourself. Drive to the nearest mechanic that fixes tires and go sit down in the waiting area and have coffee/water/soda whatever while THEY fix your tire for about $10.00. We don't need to depend on men to do something as simple as that now. . . Actually we don't need to depend on men for anything really. . . hahaha good luck and know we are your "cyberfam ily"
  23. If this post showed up by someone else, what would your advice to them be?
  24. thinoneday

    Where's My Miracle?

    For me, to be able to wake up every morning is a Miracle enough. When I was morbidly obese, i would be so happy to lose 10 lbs, to me that was a miracle right then and there, but of course that wouldn't last. When I was blessed to have this surgery (I was self pay) that was a miracle. And now that I have lost 150 lbs not only is that a miracle but to have the ability to use my talent in order to keep it off is more of a miracle! Amen!
  25. thinoneday

    Going For My Sleeve In An Hour From Now.

    Good luck and see you on the losers side shortly! Remember to walk, walk, walk, sip, sip, sip. . .

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