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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by thereikiroom

  1. Hello peeps, hope you are all well and happy ion your journey.

    Today i am feeling a bit low i have lost around 42 pounds since i started which was in oct 2009 not a big loss i admit. it makes me feel like a failure. i have had three fillls one of which had to be removed, i do have some restriction with certain foods but i cannot curb my craving for sweet things hence the slow weig...

  2. thereikiroom

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hello Homecare and fellow badsters, thank you for replies to my questions it is greatly appreciated and i feel more reasured, can you tell me who wls are and how i can contact them if that is possible. You all sound so happy and it is pretty reasuring to know you all help and support each other when problems arise, not be long now till i see fred hope the fill works for me speak soon take care all of you wishing you all much weight losssssssxxx
  3. thereikiroom

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Mia, try and relax , i pray you have the courage to do the deed, i was banded on 6th october :thumbup:and was a complette wreck before it, i was having nightmares too and on the verge of not going i kept thinking i was making a mistake as i enjoy my food and was so worried i couldnt eat nice munchies any more haha fat chance pardon the pun!! you will be fine. i will be thinking of you and looking forward to hearing your happy succsefull outcome which it will be:thumbup: lots of luck you are in safe hands and just wait till you see your first weight loss you willbe sooooooooo happy alll the best moonbeam:wub:
  4. thereikiroom

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Debs, eekkkkkkk paying all that money for your follow up i hadnt even thought that way, i was just intending to pay for the fills as and when i needed them so you have given me food for thought. we are due to see fredrick in two weeks for the first fill. i am having some problems with some foods i cant seem to get them down and last night i had to sit for two and ahalf hours brining up this saliva and mucus yuk but tonight my tea went down ok. i dont find i feel that hungry so i wonder what it will feel like again when we get the fill i am eating less than a quarter of what i could eat but i suppose that is ok. i am going to start on the running machine and some light cardiovascular my wounds are still healing although Su's are almost healed, bought some bio oil but it said not to use it on open wounds mine are just begining to scab over so i will wait anohter week and try then. you are doing so well with your weight loss i have lost about a stone, so i am wondering what the weight loss will be like by xmas what kind of foods are you eating ? i had a cheat and had some hagen dahz ice cream and some chocolate :thumbup::thumbdown:naughty i know but it went down so easily hahaha god i will never get slim at this rate lol.:crying: take care debs and hope to hear from you again let me know how you get on at the consultation and i willl keep you posted on mine . Angel xxx
  5. thereikiroom

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Debs, what you are experiencing is quiet normal, i spoke to susan today and she said she felt the same way as you and would have her fill done now, she is managing to eat most things, i tried some fish pie tonight and it went down ok i just hate this chewing business by the time the food gets down the rest is cold yuck i am starting to feel less satisfied with the food i am eating and feel quiet hungry just now, although i could only manage some crispbreads and chicken soup yesterday and that was a struggle i take it it is all part of the healing process my wounds are healing well but a bit sore today ouch.:thumbup: i have some time off tomorrow so i am going to rest, havent even thought about going to a gym yet eekkkk I hope your alergies sort themselves out once you get on to an even keel with the eating , just keep going girl your doing great, i have been filling up on chicken oxo when i am really hungry so maybe you could give that a try :crying: take good care and i will speak soon Angel xxx
  6. thereikiroom

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Debbie well done on your op hope you feel much better now your home, i was banded on same day as you, we both had large haematomas if i remeber rightly.you were in a lot of pain next day so was i but we gotta remember no pain no loss lol xxx i am trying to take things easy just now went out for a walk and some shopping yesterday and it was fine a little tired afterwards but other than that fine wot you eating just now i am getting fed up with soft stuff tried some scrambeled egg omg the pain was horrendous and i was sick to get the stuff out geusse im not ready for that yet shame as i only had less than a teaspoon however gotta be positive, my daughter inlaw had some chocolate naughty girl and i must say i have not been tmepted at all in fact i just feel full all the time but i suppose that will change some time soon. anyhow it was good to see you and hear your good news keep on going girl stay in touch. angel:thumbup:
  7. thereikiroom

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi , i paid £4000 = 700 euro deposit then 4000 euors final payment which equals around £4000 then flights to get there were separate i paid around £240. for flights although if you are in london it may be a lot less. the reason i booked the flights was it was so much hassle to go by train for instance i couldnt get to the hotel in time for the preop consultation, and i was thinking of the return journey so although it was a little more expensive it will be less of an inconvinience. i am being banded october 2009 :thumbup:will let you know how it goes although i have to admit i am suffering :scared2:pre opp nerves and anxiety grrrrr thought the hardest part of this journey would be raising the funds what a shock. wish me luck please :seeya:

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