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Status Updates posted by Evanescent_Soul

  1. Hahaha oh, I know how that is. xD I check mine everyday now cause i'm always looking things up lol. && it's okay, it happens lol. Yeah, they are :) I'm so happy to have them lol. We got them from a breeder in Horseheads NY

  2. Yeah I agree. && Haha oh, well it sends a notification to my e-mail every time I get a comment or anything :) Soo, i'm so excited, yesterday I got a couple of Sugar Glider pets, and they are soo cute, and lovable. :D (Haha a lot of people don't know what they are, so if you don't, google a picture of them, they're soo cute. :D) Lol.

  3. Haha Oh I know what you mean. This year was pretty tight with everything, the economy is pretty crappy, and with New York, not doing anything to help it out, a lot of people I knew didn't even have a Christmas. xD

  4. Haha no more close the the outer edges of my eyes, and oh cool. :3 Yeah, I want mine done too, when it will actually look alright on me lol. :) && merry christmas to you too. How was your holiday? :)

  5. Oh haha cool :) mine are going next to my eyes. :D && it was free? Awesome! && get used to the belly piercing lol.

  6. Haha yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking. && where'd you get your micros at.. like on your body lol.. xD && oh, that sucks.. xD I bet you'd get used to it after a while :D

  7. Yeah lol me too, and it's all good, it took me more time. && i'm jealous, i'm getting microdermals too, but I have to wait until my surgery is over.. i've wanted them for 3 years now. xD Lol

  8. Oh I don't like this new layout either, everythings changed soo much. I almost gave up on trying to sign in, and everything cause I was like.. "o.O Wait a minute.. where's the? ... " then it was hiding. :x Hahaha. But ooo cool. :) && I will! I'm excited for it lol. :D

  9. Haha. :D


    Hahaha, yeah they do, well my guy isn't that bad. <3 But yeah ahahaha. I'm sick of guy problems though. xD Yeah, I wish I was more positive sometimes. You're best is better then mine. :D Sounds awesome, i'd love to see it. :D I'm suposed to be getting 2 or 3 of mine soon. :D They're already paid for lol.

  10. Yeah. Haha, good job! :D And, i'm glad i'm not the only one who feels that way. ^_^


    Hahaha, awe. :D That sounds awesome! And you go girl, ;D They deserve it. ^_^ Haha, I love your positiveness, it amazes me lol. :) And yeah I know right! Lol

  11. Haha. xD Uhm, i'm not sure about the gym membership deal. xD Working out infront of people makes me nervous lol. I don't really know why, even though they are there for the same reason, it still gets to me lol. And yeah we will succeed. :D


    Haha, him and I were friends for a couple of years before, and one night we were hanging out and he just asked me out, it was like something out of a book. I never suspected it coming. I liked him, but I never thought he'd like me lol. I don't have confidence when it comes to guys either. Ohh, I see, well that's still cool. We don't do anything like that around here, but most people around here don't have much anichitive to get up and do a walk xD. Thanks, and me too. :D

  12. Eh. Trust me I know what you mean. Even in gym lately, I feel so drained to the point where I just don't wanna try. I have to force myself. Not to mention I need someone sitting there going, "Come on, Tonya, just do it" so i'll be like, "Ehh, I can do it!" Lol.


    Haha yeah. I understand what you mean. If I didn't have the guy i'm with, I wouldn't be looking either. :) Thanks. :D I know I was excited lol. That's so cool! I wish my school did that, lol, my schools so lame. Yeah, he's a sweetheart. :D And Thank you. Haha, yeah I know that's not good, xD I'm going to see a doctor about it, sometime here. :D

  13. Lol. I need to start too, haha, i've been doing some things in my school work room, but I pulled something today, so i'm kind of backing off a little lol. xD Wow, that's a lot of walking lol. I like to walk too, and in school, I do a hell of alot of it. In my class we can't sit down for over 2 hours, and were always running back in forth on a time schedual to get everything perfect. =.] I went down 2 pants sizes since school started lol! Zombie prom?! That sounds awesome! Wish we had one of those lol. Haha, awe. =.] I wish you luck with him. My boyfrend and I just had our 2 year anniversery. ^_^. The mini bypass is as effective as the band, and yeah it's a small bit. I believe she lost over 200 pounds. I have bad knees too, but it runs in the family. Yeah, shoes are important when working out. I learned that the hard way. Lately my hip has been acting up, and popping out. xD So it affects how fast I can move, lol.

  14. Haha nice. :) That's kind of a hard college to get into, well around here it is anyways. Yeah, i'm doing the same thing. Haha wow, 5 miles, damn. I used to do that when I was like 12-14 but now, it's getting tougher, I know I need to work on it. Lol. Yeah, same here, I like to walk but it has to be with someone, and someone I can really have a conversation with lol. Yeah, bypass scares me a little to, but because it's the miniatue, it's not as bad, and twice as effective, plus my doctors wife had it and so I know he knows what he's talking about, ya know what I mean? I'm near the Oakdale Mall. :) Oh, I bet, mine would too. Lol. :)

  15. Lol, yeah cause their is Broome Community College (BCC) Then their is Binghamton University (BU) lol. Wow. If I walked to my Sally's it would be, 25 miles, just their lol. I'm going to start doing sit ups, and push ups, and some jogging. As much as I can get in before winter lol. I know I have to wait until im 18 for the band. But my doctor was also telling me about the miniature bypass, because i'm pretty heavy, and it might be a better choice for me. I'm just not sure about it all yet. I live 45 minutes from my mall, or I would walk around the mall everyday lol. But that's awesome! :) I bet that walk was killer though, I wish you luck. ^_^.

  16. Sweet. =.] Haha their are two colleges in binghamton. ^_^, & oh, yeah haha not many hot topic's are huge.


    Haha good idea. =.] Yeah I know what you mean, I need to work out more too. Haha thanks. =.] & Yes it is indeed awesome!!!! Hahaha =.]

  17. Haha thats awesome! Wow, you cousin must have some mad skills. Lol. Im from well, haha I guess near the Binghamton area. I don't know how else to really put it. Its pretty small. Lol. Its not really that big, but its decent, lol.


    Haha, nice. =.] Yeah, ive been walking from 2:30 until 3:3-0 sometime to 5, in town after school. Haha so im hopeing its going to do me some good. Plus im trying to get back on the good food deal. I wish you luck on that goal. =.] I know you can do it! Haha that sounds awesome. ^_^.

  18. Awesome. Yeah I do, I just have been to lazy to put any up, but I am going to. Lol, yeah I know, I know alot of the people who work their, my friend said when I turn 18, and I am in college, which is next to the mall, she will consider giveing me a job there. Haha nice, and yes, Dax is indeed the dog. =.]


    Wow. xD Your not happy with 34 pounds? I would be.

    Your only 206 pounds? Wow lucky, I wish I weighed that much.

    Im still a 330. >.>

  19. Haha awesome. =.]


    Awe. Yeah I understand that. I just recently put black lowlights in my blonde. =.] Yes I know exactly what you mean. I love hot topic! Its my favortie store ever! It would be more, if I could fit into their cloths haha. xD I get so jelous when I see people who wear stuff I know if from hot topic, cause I know I can't fit into it, eh. >.> I pretty much could work there. =.] Or im planning on it lol. I have a mall next to the college I wanna go to, so im going to apply. Yes, I do. Skelanimals are amazing, I have the perfume haha. I have Dax. =.] Lol. Hes pretty cute. ^_^.


    Dude, Id be so happy with a freaking 12, you don't even know. xD But 7, or a 5 seems like a mericle to me. I wish you so much luck. =.]


    How are you doing so far anyways? o.o

  20. Haha, that does sound awesome. =.]


    Yeah I bet. =.] & o.o haha okay. xD


    By the way, I have to say I love your hair! xD Your like my clothing syle soul mate. xD Everything you wear in your pics is stuff I love. =p

  21. Yeah. =.]


    Wowness. Im so happy it went great. =.] & haha, now I know what to expect lol. =.]


    Wow, thats awesome! =.] && eh, the eating thing, thats... not good. But you'll deff lose weight lol. xD

  22. Yeah. Ima seinor this comeing year. =.]


    Oh my. xD o_O I hope you feel better.


    Its okay. Feel better. =.]

  23. Haha awesome. =.]


    Haha, my friends are planning a spring break in Flordia, and I was told I have to go no matter what lol. =.]


    My prom has already past lol. I went, and I don't do homecomeing. I dunno. Im thinking of putting my b-day in the hands of my best friend. =.] Haha yeah. Mines the 2nd of august. xD Haha oh my lol. That will be intersting. lol Don't be nervous you will be fine. =.]

  24. Yeah, I could really used a licence, and maybe a job lol. Not to mention a car lol.


    Awe, hey, I was finally right about something. =.] Yay! lol. Ha, a vacation, now thats entertaining. Lol. Vacations don't happen around where I live.


    Yeah, Nope I don't. I don't do birthday partys, not my kind of deal. Im more of a few close friends, and fam, a campfire, pool, and some parrot bay. =.] Coolie, I wish you much fun. lol. Wow. thats not to far away. You will do wonderfully. =.] Thanks. ^_^.

  25. {Read other part first =.] =.P}


    Now, everything is starting to settle down some though. Im slightly getting back on track. Hopefully. =.| Im almost 18, so I figured its not going to hurt to wait.. ive got nothing else really to look forward to, so im makeing that it. =.| Good luck. =.] .Hope everything goes smoothly.

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