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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by davighd

  1. I was banded on Friday, worked from home on Monday and back full speed Tuesday. Tuesday was a bit rough but I just went to bed early that night and was good going forward.
  2. davighd

    Banded in october--updates please

    I was banded October 2nd. I am down 80lbs and feeling great. Still have a bit to go, would love to loose another 50 lbs or so but overall very happy with the decision and the process.
  3. I had surgery on a Friday and was back at work on Monday. No issues bathroom or otherwise. A little tired the first day back but after that fine.
  4. davighd

    Banded in october--updates please

    I was banded 10-2 and have dropped 45 lbs so far. Had 2 fills and have some restriction but it comes and goes depending on what I eat. I get stuck every now and again but nothing major and rarely the same food twice. I got stuck on the cheese in Lasagna the other day but was fine the day prior. My intake is about 8 oz of food a meal. Biggest problem right now other than food choices is getting the hungries at night for something sweet. I try to substitute fruit but every now and again I treat myself. On the exercise front I do the Pre-Cor Elliptical for about 1/2 hr 3-4 times a week. Overall feel great, had no complication with the surgery, pain or otherwise. As for who I told, pretty much everyone, I wanted the support. Just my dime when you asked for 2 cents.
  5. Michelle, for me it isn't so much what I eat but how much. Before surgery I never got full. I got tired of eating or there was nothing left within reach...lol. With the band and a fill my portion sizes compared to what I was eating is about 1/4 of previous. I exercise for about 1/2 hour 3-4 wk on an elliptical machine. Don't really snack but do have small desert or treat a few times a week. Just enough to know the edge off. I am sure it will become more difficult in the near future but so far just decreasing the intake has worked wonders for me. I think probably by end of January I will see my PCP about decreasing the CPAP and see where I am at from there.
  6. On a BTW, how did you know the time was right to lower the pressure on your CPAP? I am down 43 lbs since surgery in October and really have not thought about it until I read your post. Thanks
  7. I find that I swallow air when my chin strap is not tightened enough and my mouth is open for part of the night with the Cpap going. When I remember to make it tighter I no longer have the issue. Just my 2 cents.
  8. For me, the restriction is a full sensation that tells me to stop right there. If I keep going I get over full, uncomfortable and it feels like my cup runith over. I guess the lump sensation you were talking about, but more over like I have food waiting in my esophagus to go into my stomach. Still learning this lesson though.
  9. My first week was 2 oz a meal of the protein shake. Honestly though that was tough as I just wasn't hungry for the first 4 days or so. Once I got of liquids I still couldn't eat more than a small cup of food until week before my first fill. Then it loosened up and I could eat more. Still nowhere close to what I could before surgery but at least a cup & half - 2 cups per meal. Then the first fill and back down to a half a cup a meal.
  10. I had surgery on a Friday, worked from home on Monday and back in the office Tuesday. I had no troubles or problems. I was off the pain medicine Saturday morning and just Tylenol for the rest of the weekend.
  11. davighd

    Tired and cold?

    I felt the same way after my surgery but learned for me it was that I needed protein. As soon as I increased my protein intake I got more energy and was not cold anymore.
  12. davighd

    Realize Band

    My band is also 11ccs. Had my first fill today, put in 6ccs. We'll see but so far so good. Surgery was 10/2 and I am down 30lbs. I felt restricted prior to the fill so am a bit curious how restricted I will be once I can eat again. Will let you know if its an issue. I must say it is a weird feeling, feeling full. Prior to the surgery I never felt full. I just got tired of eating or decided I better stop because who really needs more than a large pizza... (lol) now, at least as of yesterday, a slice and half without eating the crust and I am stuffed. Weird.
  13. My port is Right side, a couple inches below the ribs. I too got the medical card and the Realize Band. My card is branded Realize though... Nothing like some free advertising.
  14. I moved to Shashimi (sp?) and that has been wonderful.
  15. davighd

    Feeling very weak!

    I was banded on October 2nd. I too had times feeling weak but found that my body was just craving protein and it was time to eat. My appetite has not returned near what it was but I start to feel weak and cold when I need protein. Just what I learned.
  16. I was pushed towards Unjury by the dietician at the doctors office. Many flavors. I found however after a few days I was getting super sensitive to the too sweet (strawberry sorbet flavor started great but wow too sweet now) and have tried the chicken soup flavor. Perfect. Salty, not sweet and tastes like Chicken Soup. I also went out and bought a soy based banana flavored one, can't remember the brand from Vitamin World and that is good too, not super sweet. Ya ask for 2 cents, I give ya a dime...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
