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Everything posted by cajun

  1. For me, the heating pad made me more comfortable when I had some gas pains in the hospital, and for the first few days at home too. I took gas x strip every 6 hours. Can't stand the isopure straight up, but I add some to my Vitamin Water now that I am home, on Clear Liquids. That way I am getting in some Protein at least. It does not taste too bad diluted in the vit water. I also prepared clear chicken broth before I left for Mexicali, and froze it in ice cube trays after straining it with a very fine strainer. This was the VERY BEST "food" I have had during my 10 day clears. In the morning, something warm seems to go down better than cold liquids. I froze all the meat and veggies that I boiled to make the broth too, and when I am start full liquids, will blend it with broth to make a think Soup...that will be yummy too. I'm a chicken lover, can you tell? I traveled light (are you going far, or local hospital?), and took only my crocks which I wore. I could shower in them, and walk the halls in them...no need for slippers. I did carry my own pillow and it was nice to have. Took my small "e-computer" too but never could get it to work in Mexicali.I also took a few packets of koolaid and some stevia, in case I got stranded somewhere and needed fluids. Tried the koolaid while in the hospital but it tasted nasty. Your taste buds may change after the surgery and things you liked before may not taste good afterwards. So don't invest in large amounts of Protein drinks before hand. You might end up throwing them out. Who is doing your surgery? Best of luck to you.
  2. cajun

    One Month out

    awesome! keep up the great work!
  3. JoAnne It's not uncommon. Very treatable with medications. If not treated it can cause gastric ulcers.
  4. cajun

    NSV shout outs

    "for the first time in 3.5 years, I literally fell asleep in my love's arms." Tiff, that brings tears to my eyes, it such a sweet, sweet NSV. The best I've ever heard. Nothing trivial about it, just the opposite. The journey you have been on is so remarkable. You should write a book; I am sure it would be successful. Soak up the love, Tiff...and enjoy! And thanks for sharing your personal journey.
  5. cajun

    not losing anymore!

    Skinny, Have hope! This is likely a normal adjustment period (a "stall) for your body. You are probably still losing inches, and the scales will show the pounds soon too. You might want to just start doing a careful calorie intake count, to be sure your calories are not too low, or too high. Sometimes we think we are eating 600-800 calories but it turns out we are too low or too high. Are you exercising? Eating any other carbs besides sweets? If all that turns out to be according to your doctor's recommendations, just wait it out and you will see the scale moving again soon. This STALL stuff happens to everyone.
  6. cajun

    New VST Team Member

    Congrats to you vegas
  7. cajun

    I'm Fixin' To Be Sleeved!!!!!

    Congratulations! How exciting!
  8. cajun

    Hello :)

    Good luck to you to today, Josephine! Let us know how you are doing after surgery!
  9. cajun

    Movie Reviews

    It's an oldie, but I always laugh a lot when watching it. "What About Bob?"
  10. Prilosec gave me a headache in the past. Nexium does not seem to bother me and really works well to prevent reflux...had it only the first night I was home after surgery, and no more. I'm really happy about that...it was a nasty experience. Temporary reflux is not uncommon after the VSG, and even moreso if you have a hiatal hernia repair done at the same time. I knew that going into surgery, so am extremely careful with swallowing small portions, and following the diet, food/fluid restrictions before bedtime, sleeping on wedge pillow, etc. Prolonged reflux puts acid in your esophagus which causes it to swell, can form scar tissue, and further increases the reflux/pain with swallowing. So prevention is the very best way to go.
  11. Ouch!!! that must have really hurt!
  12. There can be lots of hormone changes after WLS so if you start to "yo yo" just let folks around you know not to take it personally...you are hormonal! It shall pass eventually. One day you can be on top of the mountain and the next day, under it!
  13. I think someone is going to have to go fishing in there.....
  14. cajun

    Pre-Op Milk shakes?

    At GNC they have a lot of different kinds of Protein powders. Some of them have individual serving packets that you can buy to try them out. Do that if at all possible because you may find that many brands taste so yucky that you would not want to spend lots of money on a big package only to throw it out. I tried the individual packs of Jay Robb protein powder, and like the chocolate flavor myself. I also add a few drops of banana extract and the flavor is very good to me. I mix it in lactaid milk because I am lactose intolerant.
  15. "both my brother in law and a good friend this week have mentioned how they are doing it "on their own." THAT would have ticked me off...but you know what, I cannot count how many times in my 62 years I "tried to do it on my own" and could not...so I need this sleeve if I am to live 20 more (happy active) years instead of 10 more (miserable) ones. don't look back!
  16. cajun

    Food issues, now in reverse.

    "that be damned if I mess up.". Thinoneday, I can see from your dogged determination that once you have set your mind to have this surgery and walk this journey, you will do an outstanding job at it, and will be very, very successful. I don't think you will sabotage your success, not with the motivation that you seem to have. Chill...take one day at a time and you'll do great!
  17. cajun

    December Sleevers

    millie, You will be in the very best of hands! I shall pray that the time flies by!!!
  18. "The fact that I will never be able to take a bite out of a big sandwich or a bagel kinda sucks...but losing 18 pounds in 22 days gets me over that pretty fast ;-)" dheer up! You WILL be able to take some (small) bites out of a big sandwich, eventually. You will be able to eat maybe 1/2 of a sandwich and will feel very satisfied. Just gotta be patient and take good care of that sleeve while it is healing!
  19. cajun

    December Sleevers

    Try goodwill...cheap and great clothes if you are willing to look. also you can turn in your stuff that no longer fits and claim it on your income tax!
  20. cajun

    Amazing news ! ! !

    Thanks for letting us all share in your joy, Tiff. It is so wonderful. Please thank him for his service to our country. And THANK YOU for all the sacrifices that YOU make , because YOU are serving our country too as his wife!
  21. Coconut is a VERY fibrous food and it may be that it is just really hard to digest for that reason. A couple sticks of celery could probably do the same thing. It may be if you had eaten a much smaller portion of coconut, or chewed it for a much longer time, it might have gone on through, but, alas... Now what does the doctor say about getting it out of there?
  22. I am 62. I also had mine done by Dr Aceves in Mexicali Mexico, same price as TennJenn. Half what someone quoted you. 4 days and 3 nights in the hospital. Incredible service inlike I've seen anywhere in US hospitals and I'm a nurse for 30 years. Consider that you pay for airfare though. If you schedule it far enough in advance you can usually get a good deal on a flight. It's important that you be comfortable with what ever you choose, dont just base your decision on cost alone.
  23. cajun

    Hello :)

    Sounds good to me.
  24. Even water can come back up. Best to have an empty sleeve when horizontal!
  25. 1 week post op and I finally can sleep on my side! Feeling good and almost at 30 lbs loss already!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
