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Everything posted by cajun

  1. cajun

    Vent and broth question...

    I just did not worry too much about protein in those first days, but focused on getting in the necessary fluids. I was able to add a little Isopuke to my vitamin water, but I don't know if you could tolerate that. Avoiding dehydration early on is the most critical thing.
  2. Welcome to the loser's bench! We are glad to have you! Post any questions or successes or worries and we'll listen and try to help if need be. Soon you'll be helping others who come along behind you.
  3. It's VERY important to follow your surgeon's plan. If you don't think you can even before starting this process, maybe you are not ready for this right now, and need to do some reading about what happens to people who have complications. The preop diet is meant to shrink your liver so the surgeon can work safely in that area...if it is in the way there is a higher chance it will be "nicked" and you can hemorrhage. At best this can be managed with blood transfusions (do you really want that?). At worst, hemorrhage can cause death. How badly do you want to lost weight? What sacrifices are you willing to make for a BRIEF period of time, in order to reach your goal?
  4. I needed a seat belt extension almost every time I flew once I was over 250 lbs. You can ask when you get on the plane and pass by the flight attendant, or when they pass down the aisle. They are very discreet and will "slip" it to you quitely. Don't worry about that. Just be glad that the home flight will be the LAST time you will ever need one! That made me so happy! The seats that are hard-sided (bulkhead seats) are very uncomfortable. If you can affort to upgrade to first class, you will be most comfortable of course, but that is not possible for most of us financially. Often a last-minute upgrade is a lot cheaper than buying first class to start off though. I've paid as little as $70.00 for an upgrade. It helps if you are a frequent flyer on that airline.
  5. I actually started a presurg diet in mid August, so the weight loss began at that time. I'm a bit hesitant about using compression garments because of the increased risk of compressing blood vessels, and possibly increasing risk of blood clots. That's one potentially lethal risk factor post sleeve, and especially if you get dehydrated. I'd rather just be who I am, flab and all, until I get it taken off surgically. I am starting to "grow wings" as I lose in my upper arms. :crying::blushing:
  6. We've not heard from you since the beginning of the month. Just wondering if you are in the hospital somewhere?
  7. cajun

    H1N1- positive

    Actually about 90% of the Influenza A in the US now is H1N1, so if you've got the flu, you've probably got H1N1. The nasal swab only tests for whether you have the flu, and whether it is Type A or Type B. To further type it for possible H1N1, the specimen has to be sent to a special lab, like the CDC. That's not done too often.
  8. cajun

    San Antonio, Tx surgeons

    That's great. Nothing like knowing how to work the system. San Antonio is so beautiful...I know you will enjoy living there.
  9. cajun

    November Sleevers

    A lot of people have problem with milk post-vsg. Once your surgeon clears you for full liquids, you might try lactaid milk...just a little...and see if it agrees with you. it works fine with me. I use it to make my Protein shakes. A lot of the initial weight loss is due to all the IV Fluid they pump into you in the hospital. It comes out in a couple days. But the first month will be your fastest weight loss, for most people anyway.
  10. cajun

    Mixed feelings

    We'll all be cheering for you! You'll be so happy you did this when you see the pounds vanishing! Enjoy the ride and let us know how you are doing. We are here to support you!
  11. cajun


    Did you add up the carbs and calories for that juice? Usually a lot of carbs/cals in those.
  12. cajun

    Whatcha' Eating?

    Protein Shake in Coffeemilk...33gms protein Vitamin Water 60 ounces all day Salmon 2oz w/ranch dsg.... 12 gms protein bacon 2pc crispy ....9 gms protein lean pork chop 2 oz....14 gm protein 1 cup blueberries w/ 2 oz cremora 2 oz okios yogurt...6 gm protein 68 gms protein, 709 calories
  13. cajun

    San Antonio, Tx surgeons

    Tiff, Being military, do you have to go to a military surgeon?
  14. cajun

    Hunger Pains/Burping

    I still have a fair amount of burping when I eat/drink, but it is less than at first, when I burped after EVERY swallow.
  15. cajun

    4 weeks out SOFT DIET?

    I would not recommend "raw" beef or even "rare" especially if you are on a PPI (nexium, prilosec) or acid reducer, which most sleevers are. The reason is these meds reduce stomach acid, which kills some bacteria that we might inadvertently eat. Since we lack the acid, we could be more susceptible to pathogens in food. Raw meats in my opinion are high risk for pathogens.
  16. Thanks for the definition. Is it a mostly "california" term? I've never heard it before....California does seem to be a "starter"State...always ahead of everyone else!
  17. cajun


    I'm doing well, thanks. Am in week 6. Getting used to solids a little at a time. I remember having diarrhea for the entire first week...it seems to be normal for a lot of post-op sleevers. Just keep the clear fluids coming...that's the key at the beginning. Your stomach is kind of in shock, and you won't feel "hunger". Be careful to not overfill it, even with liquids, because the last thing you want is a leak. Slow small sips, burp between, sip some more.
  18. cajun

    Hi from Louisiana

    Hi Feffers! Today is your day! Congratulations! How are you feeling?
  19. Tiff,

    Since you are a part of the military family, I just wanted to say how sad I am about the Ft Hood incident...I know military families everywhere are grieving over this horrible incident. It makes me so sad. I wish more would be done to help our military deal with the awful stresses that they endure fighting for freedom around the world. Maybe this awful carnage will help ensure that more is done to watch for signs of stress, and deal with them in a healthy manner before people "snap".

    It is comforting to read about all the heroic measures the soldiers were so well prepared to take, and how they did what they were trained to do, to prevent more deaths. They were so brave and skilled, THAT makes me proud even though I don't know any of them.

    How is your hubby doing?

    Hope y'all are having some fun (wink wink).

    Cathryn (Cajun)

  20. I had a little stall when starting mushies too...I think it's normal. Just stay away from the scale for a week and be patient. If you are following the rules, the weight will start coming off again once your body has "rebalanced" itself. You are doing great!
  21. What does "staying crunchy" mean? Thanks for enlightening me.
  22. cajun

    H1N1- positive

    Ky Hen, hope you feel better fast. Anyone working with children is likely to get the flu...All I can say, is bless your heart, for the work you do. You are forming our future leaders.
  23. cajun

    surgery in Syria

    I would not want anyone learning on me, as you say...this is serious major surgery. Research shows that after a surgeon has performed 300 sleeves, their complication rate drops significantly. I'd look for someone who has done at least 300. That's what I did.
  24. cajun


    Right, calories don't matter at the beginning, and feeling hungry or not does not matter, you MUST get in at least 70 ounces of Fluid to avoid becoming dehydrated, which can put you in the hospital, and predispose you to a blood clot. Sip Sip Sip, all day long, small sips with burps in between. If you urine is dark instead of pale yellow, you are dehydrated.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
