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Posts posted by sandi2004

  1. Hi all:

    Just wanted to let you folks from Oregon know that lap bands will be well represented this year at the NW Weighloss conference in Portland 10/28 though 10/30 with Dr. Emma Patterson speaking and Sandi and Gloria of Banded Living conduct both a table talk and break out session. You can check it out and register hereNW WeightLloss Conference. We sure would love to see our fellow bandsters attend and get your input!

  2. I posted this in the post-op forum, and then thought it belonged here. Yes, its a slow day at work.

    Its a slow day here, am I was sitting here thinking. I was 225 when I got married 28 years ago. I use to travel a lot and when I got down to 195, I'm thinking this was 1985 or so, I was in Missouri and I noticed my wedding ring was missing and I suspected it came off while I slept. (Ladies, this is the truth) I was lucky and did go back to the hotel room and was able to find it in the bed. I'm getting close to getting back to that weight and I see my ring is very loose. I'll have to look into one of those ring guards. Just thought I would mention it in case it saves someone from losing a more expensive piece of jewelry.

    Probably the most effective way to deal with rings is when you're close to, or at goal weight visit a jeweler and have it sized down to fit- I LOVE my rings now - Before I did that I had dropped one of them into a suitcase at the hotel while I was packing, although I wasn't sure it was in the suitcase. I backtracked to the conference room I had been in that morning, loked everywhere on the bed, under the bed in the hotel room, left word witht he front desk and then patiently waitied until I got home to unpack my suitcase. You see, I was afraid that if it had fallen into my suitcase I would lose it for real at the hotel if I unpacked, but if it fell out in my house, on my tile floors I would hear it. I was right, thank heavens!

  3. I weigh daily, I was doing it weekly, but I like daily better.. yes it fluctuates, but if I'm totally off base with my diet, I like to know sooner than later.

    Each of our journeys are so different and for some of us daily weighing will work best, others weekly weighing will work best, and others monthly weighing works best. That's what is so great., we can each find what works best for us and follow that pattern. For me, journaling works well when I want to be in weight loss mode or when I've fallen off the wagon along with weekly weighing. At the beginning, monthly weighing and journaling worked best, but then I had a huge amount of weight to lose. You can follow my journey at Sandi's Banded Living.

  4. Personally I have been able to have a glass of wine with dinner (with my doctor's approval) on weekends since about 5 months post-op. I allowed for the 100 calories in the wine in my planning and still managed to lose 250 pounds an dhave been maintaining that weight loss. It is all doable. You don't have to "eat diet food" or be "on a diet" for the rest of your life, but you DO have to be careful to not sabotage yourself by having the second glass, or the little dessert, or a glass of wine every night. My band helps me deal with satiety so I can plan those little outings with the glass of wine, and yes, even a small square of dark chocolate. I did weight until about 2 years out to add the occassional square (about 60 - 80 calories) or dark chocolate, but I am now almost 7 years out and have learned how to be "normal" while using my band.

  5. I was banded almost 4 weeks ago, but I need some help from more "experienced" bandsters. I only weigh in when I go to my doctor's office (which is once per month). I notice that if I weigh every day, I becaome obsessed with a number. I can gain and lose 5 or more pounds of Water weight in a day and seeing a higher number on the scale can discourage me and push me into my old ways of depressed, emotional eating.

    On the other hand, staying more accountable and weighing more often may be better, so if there is a problem with my loss, I can catch it earlier? Is weekly the optimum weigh-in amount?

    Opinions and input welcome!

    (next WI is 3/30/11....according to endo, I've lost at least 20 lbs!)

    The bariatric nurse in my doc's practice suggested only weighing in once a month at the doctor's office. This worked for me, especially since the scales I could get for home couldn't weigh me. It was difficult but it was a good hting because rather than seeing 1/2 pound at a time I got to see bigger nmbers which were very motivating and I used my clothes and how I felt the rest of the time. I must say for a while at 3 months or so out I did weigh once a week at the doctor's office, but that got old so I went to once a month. As you get down there - you may want to weigh a little more often if it helps "keep you honest" It really is a personal decision.

  6. Hi I am so worried that I wont qualify for surgery and theres no way I can afford to self pay. I have a BMI of 34. I can gain 7 lbs and I'll have a BMI of 35. I have co-morbidities , high cholesterol, depression, back pain, shoulder pain from the size of my chest 44 DDD,I'm not sure if I have sleep apnea need to be tested,I snore real loud I'm told, I'm pre-diabetic, gastric reflux, shortness of breath and all this isnt enough. My primary care physician said he will give me a letter of medical neccessity I have been to a seminar and have chose the surgeon that I want. I'm mailing the patient profile and all the other paperwork required tomorrow. I want the lapband so bad. I envy all of you that have it. Ive tried so many diets. I have never been able to reach my goal weight let alone keep it off. I keep researching weight loss surgery and decided on the band. I read all the questions and stories too. Every night I pray that I will get approved for surgery. Good luck to all of you who have the band and to those of you like myself who are trying to get the band. For those of you that have it ,you are very lucky

    Be patient and think positive thoughts. My fingers are crossed for you. Lap band surgery literally saved my life! Read about it at Banded Living.

  7. Hi, I was banded this past Wednesday and have some questions about pain. Wondering if normal?

    1. I still have some pain when I breath deeply..Normal 6 days out?

    2. I also have waves of pain after drinking sometimes and randomly through the day. Like I ate two big a piece of food or gulped air wrong. Is this normal

    3. Pain on right side like a stich in my side after running..also radiates around...normal 6 days out. Is this gas/

    Thanks to whoever has a moment to chat!

    You are still pretty early post - op and pain for a couple of weeks on sudden movement is not unusual, as is after drinking either big gulps or cold Fluid. If you are at all worried call your surgical office. Please feel free to PM me with any other questions.

  8. :smile: Hi,

    I'm having my Band on Monday, March 29th in Santa Barbara, CA and traveling 2.5 hours to be there as there is no Center of Excellence in my hometown. Starting to worry about port issues, tubing leaks that I've been reading about and it seems all too common. Hadn't thought about it before while being so busy getting pre op testings/approvals for the surgery. Could use some moral support and encouragement to help me on my way.. Thanks!

    Colleen -Guitarmama54

    Hi Colleen:

    I'm in Ventura and I was banded 7

    almost 7 years ago. I'd be available to help any way I can. You can email me at sandi@bandedliving.com and we can hook up by phone. You also may want to check out my site Banded Living for some articles to help calm you down for th enext few days and get you through your recovery. You are almost "on the other side" and starting your new life. I know I was excited but terrified at the same time. Think of us sitting at my kitchen table, drinking a cup of tea and coffee and discussing what exciting things are about to change in your life. I know mine did. I have my health back and that is great, and also is only ONE of wonderful changes. I lok forward to hearing from you.

  9. so 4 fills so far and no restriction at all. (7cc / 11cc band). I am starting to wonder if this band will ever be right?

    Everyone is so different. I didn't need a fill for over a year and I had restriction, but others that I know needed 4 or 6 or 7 fills before they had good restriction. Each of us is so different and that is ok. Once I started getting fills a fill would work for 3 or 4 or 6 months and then I would feel like I needed another one. There are so many things that go into what you personally need that it really isn't fair to compare yourself with anyone else. Take a look at this article How much Fluid do I need in my band? and let me know if it answers some of your questions. Also, you may want to sign up for our free call The 10 lessons of successful lap band patients on Wednesday and see if some of your questions are answered there.

  10. It seems like alot of people on here only need to lose like 60-100lbs, but I need to lose close to 200 and I hope its in reach for me... has anyone lost close to this much? I feel like i have a huge journey ahead of me, and i was banded 1-11-11.. Lots of hard work I hope i can reach my goal!!

    Hi Steph -

    I lost 250 pounds and have kept it off. My surgery was in May 2004 and it was the best thing I ever did! You can read my success story at Sandi's Story. If you want an idea of what I did to lose the weight you may want to register for the free call coming up Wednesday evening The 10 Lessons of Successful Lap Band Patients. You may get some useful tips for your journey. It is a long, but very rewarding road. Stay in touch and let us know how you're doing.

  11. I really understand how all of this can be overwhelming. so many instructions, so many new things to get used to. Seven years ago when I had surgery I too felt overwhelmed. I visited my doctor's office every month like clockwork, but did not get a fill for over a year. Perhaps it is just a post op appointment, and you will only get a fill if you and the doctor decide it is time for one based on your hunger, your weight loss and how and what you are eating or not eating. Since you are new on this journey you may find some useful information in the articles on fillsLap Band fills at the Banded Living website. We also have our FREE call The 10 Lessons of Successful Lap Band Patients scheduled for Wednesday evening. You may want to join us. You will get all of the information that can feel so overwhelming sorted out over time. This is new for you. One day at a time. Just keep referring back to any written material that you have and write down questions and don't hesitate to ask them either of your doctor and staff or on forums or at support groups. That's how we all learned and got comfortable with our new lives.

  12. The key for me in losing 250 pounds was eating high quality Protein at each meal. I used small plates and a toddler spoon and fork, cut my food up into tiny pieces, put my fork down between bites, and chewed until the food was like applesauce in my mouth before I swallowed. Anything less and I ran the risk of it getting "stuck". It took time, patience and quite a bit of trial and error before I got it right and, 7 years later I still have those errors :rolleyes: but I also have a new life that I love so it is all worth it. I hope you have a support group or other band buddies close to you that you can commiserate with, but if not the boards are the way to go to stay connected and get answers. If you want some ideas and some more support you may want to download a copy of our free call

    The 10 Lessons of Successful Lap Band Patients and see if there is some more info you can use. The neat thing is you can "take" the info with you easily by loading it on your MP3 player as well as your computer and listening to it over and over again if you need to. Let me know if it helps.

  13. I had the band thr first of November and I have had 3 fill since then. I have only lost 3 pounds. Before I got the band I was doing no carbs nd had lost 20 pounds. Once I go the band I did the liquids and Soups. Even the Protein drinks, and I'm not lossing. My last fill was last week, so I'm still on liquids. Why is everyone lossing weight and not me. I feel like I'm barely eating anything. I got Soup for lunch today, and didn't even eat all of it. Can someone help.

    Emma I realy feel for you. I hear your frustration. You may want to start keeping a journal of everything you eat and drink and at the end of the day total up the calories and Protein and ounces of Water and make sure your body is getting enough fuel so that it's not hangin on to everything it has thinking its starving. Sometimes when I write down everything I have eaten in a dayor week I am surprised - in a bad way as often as in a good way. It really helps me understand what is going on with my body. Each of us have different caloric requirements and food requirements to convince our bodies to let go of that weight. Have you talked with a nutrtionist that knows the lap band? That's another possibility. Are you back on your no or low carb eating plan? Don't throw in the towel, it is certainly not over yet and high frustration levels just lead me to craving carbs to "soothe the savage beast" so keep looking for your answers. Reaching out is perfect and that's what you're doing. You may find some help listening to our free call The 10 lessons of successful lap band patiens - it's a download available for a few more days at no cost, so give it a try and let me know if you got any useful information from it. Hang in there and good luck. I am still learning even having been banded in 2004, so how can you possibly know everything it takes after a month or two/

  14. From what I have read on this site and my own experience, there is commonly a stall in week two. There have been several threads about it. Even with the stall, I lost 25 pounds in my first month. Don't panic. It will happen.

    Having patience and not getting frustrated is the key as both your head and your body adjust to your new way of eating and the drastic reduction in calories. Just make sure you get in enough potein and enough Water (follow your doctor's instructions here- they all vary a bit) and before you know it you will be losing again. I too, even with over 200 pounds to lose) stalled at 2-3 weeks for a bit and then one day hopped on the scale and 7 pounds had disappeared. I realized I was getting on the scale too often. This period after surgery is a helaing time for your body and an adjustment period for your head. I managed to get off 250 pounds so it is definitely doable if you have patience and learn what your body needs to fuel it to lose weight. You may want to download our free call the 10 lessons of successful lap band patients and see if you can find some help for going forward there. What do you think?

  15. Okay, so I am a moron

    I watched my friend go through an old fashion stomach stappling and thought that the lap band was the same thing

    She was on the liquid diet because...that's all she might of been able to eat.

    I thought the same thing

    So, I got home with my diet guidelines in hand.

    I followed them for the two days....

    But I was feeling fine.

    I became more confident

    I starting 'testing the waters'

    I ate a WHOLE big mac, and I ate it fast.

    I've been eating like before I had it done

    (I have had no fills)

    Then I start messing around on here and find out that the diet had a reason- SO YOU DON'T SLIP!!!!

    Needless to say, I'm freaking out!

    How will I know if I get a slip??????

    I read about acid reflex....

    Any other signs???

    And yes, as I stated I AM AWARE I messed up, you don't have to tell me!!

  16. Can anyone give me some advice on what to eat tonight for dinner. I'm on Stage 2, purred, but can start adding soft things in. I want a quick break from stuff Protein shakes and yogurt. I want something that is a little food like.

    I'll be honest. I've been craving Mexican like, though that may not be possible.

    What works besides babyfood, yogurt and cottage cheese.

    Please help. Any recipes???

    Hey Newbie, if you've been craving Mexican food you may be able to handle some fat free refried Beans microwaved with a little shredded light cheese on top..mmmmm can be pinto Beans or black beans, but chew them thoroughly. what do you think?

    If you would like some ideas on how to work your new tool to achieve maximum success with it you may want to join our Free call tomorrow night- Wednesday, January 5 . For more information or to regoster go to The 10 Lessons of Successful Lap Band Patients

  17. Thank you for this information. I am being banded on Jan. 27 and take in all the information..good, bad and the ugly!

    I think the description of bandster hell is totally on the mark. Rather than expecting it, or worrying to much about it, just know that it may hapen to you, but you can make it through it without too much trouble. Just keep your Protein high so you are as physically satisfied as you can be, don't drink with meals but do get in all your fluids, and journal so you know exactly what you are eating and when you are hungry (this will help you learn the difference between physical and emotional or head hunger) If you would like some more information about how to use your "tool" to optimize your success with your lap band you may want to join in our free call tomorrow night, Wednesday January 5 atThe Ten Lessons of Successful Lap Band Patients.

    By the way, I didn't need a fill for over a year after my surgery so not everyone goes through bandster hell. I am definitely an exception though....

    Good luck to all of you having surgery soon.

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