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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by libra

  1. libra

    pain in left side?

    I'm almost 2 years out and still occasionally get a pain just under my left rib cage. I've told my surgeon about it and he said that quite a few patients have complained about it. He doesn't see anything wrong though. It's good to tell your surgeon but sometimes it's just one of those inexplainable side effects, I guess.
  2. libra

    New to the Board

    Congrats on your upcoming surgery! I wouldn't want to recommend adding anything in your diet without your surgeon's approval first. You'll find that all surgeons feel differently about diet, etc and you need to follow yours.
  3. libra

    Lump in throat and sliming?

    Um, these sound like symptoms of something being stuck in the stoma. Yes, you definitely want to stop eating if you feel that. You can try and sip on warm liquids to help it pass through...otherwise you may end up having to PB. It's really not as horrible as it sounds. So nothing to worry about really.
  4. libra

    Switching Addictions

    Me too! Somehow, that just doesn't seem likely! I've actually become addicted to my ipod! When I'm stressed, I play an upbeat song, crank up the volume and sing at the top of my lungs. My family probably prefers that I eat but they'll have to get over it. LOL!
  5. libra

    married life

    I've said that before! LMAO!:angry_smile:
  6. libra

    I'm eating a brownie... okay, 3.

    Restriction is not a steady thing, it does fluctuate due to several factors. Menstrual cycle and congestion are a couple. If you're hungry, STAY AWAY FROM THE BROWNIES!!! Drink Water, have a yogurt, eat a piece of low fat cheese. Yes, you have a lapband but you still need to make proper food choices. It takes a lot of focus and commitment. You can do it, just think before you put something in your mouth. "Do I really need this?"
  7. I'm going to say "it's allright" followed by a warning. Don't get in the habit of trying to "beat" the band. A lot of people start with a small cheat and then start testing the band to see what they will be able to eat. We all mess up once in a while but you need to keep focus.
  8. I never gave up coffee. Don't recall my surgeon saying it was necessary. I would go by your surgeon's recommendations though.
  9. libra

    a little lost

    Productive Burp. It's when food gets stuck in the pouch and can't get through the band. They differ in severity and we pretty much all experience it at least once, some more frequently than others. Nothing to stress about though.
  10. Don't think that could hurt anything. You're still healing, that's probably what you're feeling
  11. It's your life and your ultimate happiness. You should tell her that if she's your friend, she should support you no matter what decision you make. You don't need to justify a decision to a friend, they should just understand.
  12. That never worried me. I guess I figured everything will improve with weight loss. Besides, I never wanted to hear "She's got a pretty face. If she lost some weight, she'd be beautiful" again. I know there was a compliment lingering in there somewhere but it never felt like one, no matter how many times I heard it. If my face ended up ugly, I still wouldn't have to hear that comment again. LOL!
  13. I'm not a doctor so this is strictly my opinion. I really don't think a sore throat should cancel surgery. I mean, a fever, the flu or something like that I can understand.
  14. libra

    American Idol '08

    Just needed to pop in here and say that I LOVE Michael Johns. (The sexy Aussie!!!) They always say he reminds them of Michael Hutchence and I agree. Loved Hutch too!
  15. libra


    When, where, and how successful has the procedure been for you? I was banded in August of 2006 at St. Barnabas in Livingston, New Jersey by Dr. Nusbaum. (Awesome doc, btw.) What do you wish you had known BEFORE the procedure? I was pretty prepared and had done a decent amount of research before having it done. Would have been nice to know that I was allergic to morphine before hitting that button after surgery. LOL! Any regrets, anything you would change? My biggest regret has been being lax about it over the last several months. I moved into a new house, started a new job and pretty much lost focus on what I was eating and completely dropped the exercise. It's been a struggle to get back on track. I felt really good about myself when I was exercising regularly and really concentrating on my diet. Good luck...hope we could help.:tongue:
  16. libra

    Easy Way OUT??

    Yeah, why do we have to suffer with weight loss over and over in a life long cycle. What's so wrong with it being "easier" for us? I can actually throw away my fat clothes now instead of saving them in the back of the closet. I don't see anything wrong with that.
  17. Molly, Hey girl. Glad to see you're back. You didn't fail, we all suffer setbacks and you had one of the worst. I've been sort of lax the last few months too. Maybe we can encourage each other to stick with it like we used to.
  18. You may want to track your food in a food journal like fitday.com. It really helped me, especially in the beginning, to get an understanding of what I was eating. Also, are you exercising regularly? I know if I don't exercise, I just don't lose, no matter what I eat or don't eat. Exercise is the key.
  19. libra

    restaurant issues

    I've never asked for a child's meal either. I just take home what I don't eat. Most kid's menus have lousy choices anyway. chicken fingers - can't eat 'em spaghetti - won't eat it burger or hot dog - can't eat 'em grilled cheese - would love to but it's a guaranteed PB. I stick with appetizers (that helps to avoid the additional carbs from fries or potatoes) or just take the rest home.
  20. libra

    Fills, Fills, Fills

    It really is a personal decision of tolerance. I eat about a cup of food per meal. I pb more than you do...a lot more. I'd say, on average, every other day. It's usually my own stupidity at work (not chewing enough, eating something I know doesn't go down) I prefer to be a little on the tighter side, simply because I know I have no willpower and this works better for me. If you don't want to increase your restriction, you may choose to up your exercise regimen. You won't lose nearly as much without a solid exercise routine.
  21. I absolutely loved Dr. Nusbaum. He's incredibly caring and compassionate. I think he's one of the best. I chose him because I knew of several other people who went to him and thought he was incredible also. His staff is also right on the ball and very supportive as well. I would even have to say that my stay at St. Barnabas was fine too, no problems at all. It's up to you as you need to be comfortable with your choice, but I would highly recommend Nusbaum.
  22. This was tough to pick just one. White meat chicken is probably the worst. Followed closely by pasta (unless it's cold in a pasta salad), soft bread, steak (except for prime rib), and any vegetable (unless it's overcooked) This is not like a diet. On a diet, I would be eating a lot of chicken and steamed veggies, neither of which I can eat now. LOL!
  23. libra

    Urggh Sick Again ! !

    Once you're around a bunch of kids, the illnesses are expected. One of the pitfalls of being a teacher. It's common to not be able to eat much when sick. Try to get in some Protein shakes and drink plenty of Water, so you don't end up weak and dehydrated. By the way, if you have strep, you'll see some white pussy stuff on your tonsils and they should appear swollen. You probably have difficulty swallowing too.
  24. libra

    The natural way.

    It is frustrating isn't it? Just try and remind yourself that they just aren't educated about the band. It's not the easy way out. We still need to watch what we eat and exercise. It's just a tool to help us through. You just can't convince some people.
  25. Neck pain is totally normal, although I don't really understand why. Sounds like you're heading in the right direction. Congrats!

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