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Donna Wilson

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Donna Wilson

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 11/13/1961
  1. Happy Birthday Donna Wilson!

  2. Happy 51st Birthday Donna Wilson!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary Donna Wilson!

  4. Donna Wilson

    opp on friday (oh my god)

    Hi, yes slimfast is fine, if you have just an ordinary clear soup (not complan or build up or the like) you must fortifie it with either Sanatogen high Protein powder (from Boots) or dried milk powder as these are both full of protein which will help you heal. Don't worry if you feel abit sick or wierd in the first couple of days (i did) and dose go off, most people don't even have this, fingers crossed you wont either. Any way all the very best, will be thinking of you, let us know how you get on when your up and running. All the best, Donna
  5. Donna Wilson

    opp on friday (oh my god)

    Hi , just thought i'd let you know i'm doing alot better now, manageing 5 of my 6 x 200ml shakes and Soups, scars are healing and not so painfull and that wierd shoulder ach has all but gone, and NO indigestion first time in years and i'm NOT hungery wow! amazing. So upwards and onwards now, to hopefully a healthier slimmer future, bring it on. All the best , Donna
  6. Donna Wilson

    opp on friday (oh my god)

    Hi Louies, well i came home on Sunday feeling pritty rough, i was unable to take any liquids on saturday untill late, i am struggling with having the right amount of meals and drinks, i can only manage about 400mls of meals, slimfast ect... (75ml-100ml) at one time and about 600mls of Water ect...in between, i carn't belive how compleatly stuffed i feel, if i tryed anymore i sure it would come back yuk!:thumbup: so feeling a bit down husbands working away, but got thursday/ friday and weekend off so that will be nice. Also quite bad pains in my sholders, espesially at night. Oh and i defenately needed the movacol oooooooo:ohmy: anyway off to have an ice pole now. All the best, Donna
  7. Donna Wilson

    opp on friday (oh my god)

    Hi Louise, thank you, i'll let you know how i get on sometime next week, speak soon, bye Donna x
  8. Donna Wilson

    opp on friday (oh my god)

    Hi all, i have my opp this friday 2nd october, i'm ok just carn't quite get my head round it, seams abit wierd, like its going to be someone else having it done, not me! Well carn't change my mind now, i've paid, lol . Is there anybody else having a band around this time? Any words of advice or sensableness (new word) much apprieciated, i am doing ok on the pre diet, i've lost 7lbs so far which for me is amazing :scared2: well bye for now wish me luck. Donna
  9. Hi Donna, how you feeling now. Are your friends still trying to stop you doing it? Hae you managedto get into chat room on here yet, or do you use msn or yahoo. We could chat either of thoe places if you like.

  10. Donna Wilson

    Just starting down the slippery slope...

    Hi, i went to see my dietician this saturday, about the pre opp diet and post opp diet. She said liquids only for the 1st month and then pureed food only for the second month. This seams along while how long did you do the stage one and two for? any advice much appriecated. All the best Donna
  11. Donna Wilson

    So far.........

    Hi Louies, nice to hear you don't weight every mouthfull, i too would be borad with that after one possiblly two meals. I feel as if i eat too much now, too much good healthy food, fresh meat fish, fruit and veg but still too much and don't want my body to be deprived of all the vits minerals proteins and become unwell in any way as that defeats the whole objective. I hate exercise of any sort, switching chanel on the T.V is a chore, (and yes i do have a remote) lol, so that i know will be a real challenge for me to try and keep doing abit. Thanks for the constipation remady is movicol via a doctor or over the counter? And yes water is all important i know and will try to drink surficient. Did the roast potatoe reapear or just take along time to go down? lol, how long ? what dose it feel like? You say i will have a new life after the op, i think a big part of my apprehention is i really like my like right now. But I know i'm unhealthy thats the problem, and i need to do somthing soon. My friends have had a mixed reactions from great go for it girl we'er with you all the way, to comments on how it "dosen't work if you haven't got will power you know, the same as any other diet that youv'e tryed", or that it will change me, or even is that all youv'e got to spend your HOW MUCH money on. Or the most common , why don't you try those new tablets from the doctor. I too would never think about keeping it a secret WHY! nothing to be ashamed of is it? Our local pool runs a fun water arobics class for over weight ladies, maybe you might have such a class near you, i may (only may think about joining) in a year or two, lol. Anyway bye for now , Donna
  12. Donna Wilson

    Just starting down the slippery slope...

    Hi louise, if you get down to 133 lbs that would be amazing, did your surgon and dietitian set you this target and think this was do able or is it your own personal goal? and thats what your hopeing and aiming for? Also could you give me some advice/ideas of the kind of foods you have had though the first stages. What Protein, Vitamin, mineral,fish oil (yuk) supplements ect... you have had this is all a new and confuseing world to me, never having anything to do with these things before. And light at the end of the tunnel what can you eat now? and you sound in good spirits and health, have you had any problems along the way? if so what? Any and all advice welcome. Thank you Donna
  13. Donna Wilson

    Just starting down the slippery slope...

    Hi Fiona, I went to see my surgon on the 3rd August, we had a long talk and the out come is i am booked in for a band on 2nd October (oh my god!!!) i feel really wierd i carn't quite seam to grasp that its going to actually happen to me! I have talked, read, watched, listened to all information about bands and still carn't imagine what it will be like. I am in the fortuneate possition to be able to afford it, if i wasn't i would no longer meet the local (Leicestershire)nhs critieria which changed in April from bmi of 45 to bmi of 50 with medical problems. i have no problems at pressent and my bmi is 45.5 18st 12lbs. My surgon says that on average you can expect to loose 50% of your excess weight, this would mean i would hopefully end up around 14-14.5 stone, which would be great. At a support meeting in our local Spire Hospital their was a lady who had had a band on the nhs, she had only waited 7 months and because she was on the list before April her bmi was only 43, she had only had it 2 weeks and was feeling rough, but hopeful, getting better slowly. Very nice to hear from you, hope all goes well on the 28th, don't worry about being nervous everybody is, its not every day you go and talk to compleat strangers about such personal things, they will be used to nervous paitcents and you being nervous or supper confident wont effect thier desission anyway. Think of your questions and as with alot of things the thought of it is worst than actually doing it. All the best, Donna PS: excusse my spelling, Dislecxic
  14. Donna Wilson

    Just starting down the slippery slope...

    Hi, thank you for those words of encouragement Louise, that dose make me for one feel better about it all. Bubbly please let us know how Wednesday goes and yes would be nice to support eachother. All the very best, Donna
  15. Donna Wilson

    Just starting down the slippery slope...

    Hi, great to hear that you can change to keep up with the weight loss making new better habits, hope i can too and be happy or even happier! Thanks for encouragement :crying: Donna

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