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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by mandie175lbs

  1. #1

    What's up Guys,

    I finally got my calcium chewables, iron meds, one a day chewables, protein intake and constipation issues under control! Whew! I have been on one CRAZY ride and I'm glad to be getting off of that one! lol! I was confused and was really about to ask to have this band removed, but my fiance told me to change my vitamins to chewables and make out another schedule and see how that works and then if I still have problems, to look into having it removed. I've done that and things seem to be getting better. Getting pills stuck and constipation was making me think that being fat wasn't so bad. lol! I was seriously ready to throw the towel in.

  2. OMG! Thanks Shonette! I was told by my doctor that it was ok to switch from the chewable vitamins, but what you said makes a lot of sense. What are you taking for calcium? I'm going to start crushing everything. I hate taking pills and the vitamins smell sooo bad that I would hate to crush them and open them up. I can just imagine the smell that would come from it. I'm cutting them and when I do that it makes sharp edges and that scrapes the back of my throat. So I guess I'll be out looking for other was to deal with taking these pills. Thanks for responding and thanks for caring.

    Girlfriend! Looking at that band gave me the creeps! I would never watch the movie because I was to chickened to look at it.lol! You look sooo good in your pictures! Keep up the good work. My weight has slowed down a lot. I am so afraid that when I go back, my doctor is going to want to do a fill. I am so scared that it's going to hurt. Take care and keep up the good work.

  3. OMG! Thanks Shonette! I was told by my doctor that it was ok to switch from the chewable vitamins, but what you said makes a lot of sense. What are you taking for calcium? I'm going to start crushing everything. I hate taking pills and the vitamins smell sooo bad that I would hate to crush them and open them up. I can just imagine the smell that would come from it. I'm cutting them and when I do that it makes sharp edges and that scrapes the back of my throat. So I guess I'll be out looking for other was to deal with taking these pills. Thanks for responding and thanks for caring.

  4. I just had to get back on here just to let you guys know that, that the pills just went down! They JUST went down! I was so miserable ALL DAY! Every pill I take from now on is going to be cut in half. If it's a really large pill like the one a day, I'm going to cut it 3 times. If I ever get another pill stuck, I will start crushing them! This was so scary and it ruined my entire day and almost cost me an ER visit. You Guys, please be careful with these pills after the band. Take care and good night.... FINALLY, I CAN GET SOME SLEEP!

  5. Hey, It's been a while. I'm just trying to come to terms with these vitamins that I'm taking. I hate taking pills and now that I have to take the calcium 4x a day, iron 2x a day and a one a day?. All of these everyday for the rest of my life.... I swear this is a hard pill to swallow (literally speaking!) I'm going to check with the pharmacy today to see if I can get any of these in a liquid form. I feel like I still have the calcium pill from this morning stuck somewhere! I've had this terrible feeling ALL Day! It just won't go down. I keep taking deep breaths and now after 9 hours, I feel like I am going to vomit. I just don't want to vomit! Any suggestions? I know this wasn't a good idea, but at 3pm, I took the one a day and an iron knowing that the calcium still felt as though it was stuck! But I went ahead and took it because my day was running out and I had all of these other pills to take.... I am so sick of this! The same thing happened to me on yesterday and the day before.

  6. Tomorrow is my first day back to work. I wanted to be less than 200 lbs but I am only at 220 lbs. I haven't had any fills yet and from the way these pills are getting stuck I may just opt out. At this point, if I was able to eat any less, my body would shribble up?. I'm not hungry, but my food intake is ridiculously small! If I get a fill, I probably won't be able to eat anything! Anyway, I?m feeling a little nauseous and I don't know what to do about it. I'm going to just go down to in basement and walk on the treadmill and hopefully these pills will find its way. Take care Guys.weight.png

  7. Ok Jamie, where are you? Are you ok? I getting a little worried about you:(

  8. Hello People!

    I'm feeling a lot better today. I've been walking and have picked up a little speed too! lol!

    I have been off of pain pills for at least 5 days now! I won't be taking anymore any time soon! Now, if I could just have a bowel movement.... yes people, I'm going here. I'm trying to figure out what to take as a laxative.... what did you guys take?


  9. Another question for you guys, when is a good time to start exercising? I'm talking weights, stair climber, and the whole gym experience! I'm ready to get my hands dirty. I always wished that I could start over with this weight issue.... here's my chance and I plan to be good to my body this time! I've been given a second chance and I'm going to take full advantage of it!

    I'm still having these crazy pains every now and then, but either I've gotten use to them or they are slowly going away.

    I am really hoping that I am able to get out of the 200lbs range before I go back to work! Not that anybody at work will ever notice, but I would really feel like I have worked my butt off if I was less than 200 lbs before then. Is this possible?


  10. I'm calling my doctor in a few minutes to check on my first fill date. She told me that I did a great job on shrinking my liver by losing some weight and that the surgery was one of the easier ones that she's ever had to do (one incision through the belly button) and that she would see me in 3 weeks. Well, I think I need a date, so I'm going to call them so that I'll know what my next step is.

    I can't wait until I am able to eat some soup. This 2oz of protein every hour, 2oz of water every 15min is really getting played out! I'm not hungry, but I need to have a little more of a variety than that! Take care guys and keep in touch

    Weight Loss - Diet Ticker]


  11. You Guys,

    I just don't know anymore! These under the breast bone pains are really making me think very negative about this whole thing! I went without drinking for an entire hour to see if it was the liquids and it wasn't! Is it gas bubbles? I walk for an hour EVERY morning, so why would I still have gas/forced air trying to escape! Damn! I'm just so tired of all the crazy body pains/pressure! I can't remember reading problems like this! I know I didn't just look over all this stuff.... I swear, I didn't read that I would have all these painful gas, belching etc. etc. I don't even know if it's real pain or not! There is just so much going on with my body right now that I don't even know when to take pain meds and when to just suffer.

  12. If taking pain meds are not going to help, then why bother taking drugs.... I am really getting depressed because I seriously thought that I would have discontinued taking these pills by now! I think I will call the doctor tomorrow! Buyer's remorse for sure! I guess I will try taking two tylenol and try to sleep until tomorrow.... I don't even want to wake up anymore today.... this is so sad.... I'm done for today:( :(

  13. Hey Guys,

    Yesterday was a REALLY BAD DAY! I spent most of the day forcing the fluids down(protein/water). I felt that I wasn't getting enough and I for some reason I remembered reading about this woman who's hair started to fall out because she wasn't taking her vitamins and doing her meal plans then way she was suppose to..... to make a long story short, I panicked and was drinking more protein and water than my body could handle. I almost vomited! I started getting dizzy and then the chest pains, sweats, hiccups(?) and the 1/2 belching.... you know the kind that really isn't a belch, but it is? Anyway, I was really struggling so I called my nutritionist and he told me not to do that. He said that if I am sleeping, just don't worry about it and that I only really need to be on that schedule religiously when I am awake. I told him that I got less than 2-bottles of water in and around 1- bottle of protein in ALL DAY!

  14. I slept most of the day yesterday for some reason! I walk for an hour EVERY morning and I sip water while walking (usually drink a bottle before I'm done walking) Once I get home, I am so tired. I take a shower and then I sleep the remainder of the day. The nutritionist said that I was doing a lot better than I thought and to keep up the good work.... I hope he wasn't just brushing me off! I need a second opinion guys, do this sound alright? I just feel like I need more stuff in my stomach. I'm not hungry or anything, but this just don't feel right! What about my hair! lol! Is it gonna fall out if I don't get more nutrients in my body!


  15. Yea, I had the surgery on the 25th. Girl, It's been a painful journey! lol! I had the one incision through the belly button. My stomach is still very swollen! Read my post from from Saturday. Thanks for the picture compliment.... when you get a chance, read my response. Take care!

  16. Thanks for the encouragement. I'm going to need ALL the help I can get! This was some painful stuff to go through. lol! The first day was unreal, while I was sitting on the table, I seriously thought I was going to have a heart attack! I was scare to death! My anesthetist gave me some anxiety meds through the IV. (Thank Goodness!) How have things been with you so far?

  17. Do I have to copy and paste the ticker every time I want to post a weight change, or is there a place I can go in the settings to make it come up automatically? And again, what is PERMALINK?

  18. Sorry Guys, this is a long one! lol! Start reading from the bottom up. I know that the time is listed, but I numbered them for people like me who see little notations/guides like that after the fact! lol!

  19. 4.And because MY grandmother can tell if something is wrong, I also lied by saying that I was having back pain and that I wasn't feeling well today! lol! (I didn't tell my grandmother either about the surgery!) But now I have back pains for real:(

    Oh well friends, I really don't have much more to report. I guess I will be alright and I apologize if I scared anyone in the beginning, but this is truly how I am feeling.... I guess, I'm just having mixed feelings about the whole thing. Tomorrow is another day so hopefully I'll have something more positive to report. Until next time.... Please take care of your selves and if any of you are experiencing the same problems that I am and know some quick remedies, please let me know. Oh! Before I go, what are y'all drinking on the liquid diet. I'm just doing water and vanilla/chocolate boost. Please send me some suggestions! Thanks Guys! Keep in touch

  20. 3.On the flip side of things.... maybe it isn't as bad as I'm making it out to be! lol! Maybe it was the one incision technique that made it that much more painful. I am enjoying the fact that I'm drinking 2oz of fluids every 15 minutes and I have not gotten hungry. I am also enjoying the fact that I'm not craving anything. My town is having a carnival today and my mother stopped by to see if I wanted to have a few hot dogs! (remember guys, I didn't tell her about the surgery!) I just told her that I didn't want any because I had a huge breakfast! lol! My grandmother stopped by to offer me some grapes (my entire family loves grapes- she had a CASE of them!) my daughter took several bags, but I told her that I was dieting and I wasn't at the grape eating stage yet.

  21. 2.My stomach is so swollen (I look like I am pregnant and the left side close to the belly button is sore to the touch!) I am constantly popping pain pills and I hate that! Last complaint guys, but surely not the least complaint, I think my cycle is on! Either it is my cycle or I'm having internal bleeding! My cycle don't usually come on until around the 6th or 7th of each month! I am seriously shocked that it is early! Guys, I am no surgery virgin! I've had several surgeries recently! AND I must say that this one takes the cake! From beginning to end, I've done everything that I'm suppose to do , so I hope this is just a phase! lol! I can't imagine several weeks of this. My surgery was this pass Thursday August 25th, I hope that by next Thursday September 4th, I'll be walking around enjoying the freedom of my weight decreasing.

  22. 1.Maybe I shouldn't be posting just yet because I am really struggling with having something positive to say right now! You Guys, OH! MY! GOODNESS! I am in soooo much pain! I have to say that this is one surgery that I wouldn't push on anyone unless it was a do or die situation!. My shoulder, side, stomach, chest .... everything is in this crazy, sort of dull, nagging pain!

  23. Well Guys, Looks like I made it through the CLEAR liquid phase with flying colors. I only got hungry a few times but I was very focused. I have about 30 minutes left so I'm probably going to have one last sugar free popsicle and maybe some boullion(?) soup. Tomorrow is the day! I have to be at the hospital at 5:45am! I am so glad that my appointment is early! Well, wish me luck and I will try to get back in contact with you guys before the weekend is over. Take care!

  24. You look so much taller in the picture! Well, I guess your feet are not big after all! LOL! I hope you get your surgery soon. I played the wait game for several months. When it was time for me to go in for my initial meet with my doctor, I changed my mind. When I changed my mind, it's like it took them 3 months to get me back in there! Once I got back in to see the doctors, they told me that I didn't weigh enough! I was soooo upset! I paid a $60 co-pay just for them to tell me to go gain more weight! Because I didn't weigh enough when I saw the doctor, it's like it took them 4 more months just to get me to this point. Tomorow is the day and I am as ready as I'll ever be! It's been a long journey and just to think that this is just the beginning.... I'm so freaked out!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
