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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tranquility

  1. Sorry this is long...but I do need your input... How do you know the difference between being "full" and the possibilty of eating the wrong food? I FINALLY got to eat Mexican today. It was wonderful...all the flavors and spices! Spicey foods never made me ill before, but I did have a hernia repaired. My surgery was 3 and 1/2 weeks ago. I ate the shredded chicken from a chicken enchilada, refried Beans, and tortilla Soup -minus the cheese and tortillas. I had some hot sauce, no seeds just the juice, and did eat a total of maybe two chips dipped in the salsa. I took newborn baby bites and waited a good while in between. But, after I ate, I didn't feel very good. I had to lie down and relax for a while, and for the next 3- hours I didn't feel well. I have either diaphram spams or esesophageal spasms, I don't know which, so I take a medicine to help with that, but it does not relieve my symptoms. SO. how do I know if I ate too much or ate the wrong food (spicey)? or, just the spasms?
  2. Yes, this week I can have shredded chicken or tuna. Next week, I go on to real food...and I am scared
  3. Tranquility


    yes, yes, yes All of the posts describe my relationship with food and especially Water. I can tell you what I did when I was having the most difficulty -the first 7 days... Everyone warned me that dehydration was a real possibility and some described visits to the emergeny room. SO, I called my doctor, of course they put me on with the nurse, and told them how I was doing...eating only teaspoons full of broth and drinking 1-5 ounzes of water. They told me to watch for dizziness and nausea and to come in the next week. I was glad that I called because then they had advance warning in case I had a severe reation. I didn't, but at least I knew that they would be ready for me. Later, I went in and found out that they had put 2.5 cc's of a fill in without telling me and that my hernia repair was extensive! Needless to say, they took out the fill. BUT, 3 weeks later, and I STILL cannot drink much! After tests, barium swallow... I learned that my diaphram was in spasms and that the liquid was sticking in my esophougus until...it got good and ready to go down. SO, jsut to let you know the many possibilities...AND to encourage you to keep in constant contact with the doctor's office! good luck....I am so thirsty :thumbup:
  4. Oh, I'm sorry, I know this is a scary time! BUT, Don't worry just yet, there are a few things you can do. Call your doctor and see if there are any of his previous patients who might volunteer to be your 'angel'. Sometimes there are others who've gone through the same operation and would love to step in to be there for you. Another option you might have is to contact the hospital and ask for a 'patient advocate'. They should have someone on staff who can be there to at least ask questions and take notes, if you are unable, so that you have everything for when you return. I know I would be there for you if you weren't so far away-I just had my surgery on the 22nd of July, so I realize just how much you need someone at a time like this. Don't give up! Keep asking until you find someone.....Good LUCK!!!! : ) ps. where are you?
  5. Tranquility


    Yay for Erin!
  6. Tranquility

    I need relief!

    You poor thing! Be prepared to go to the emergeny room if necessary! Do you have anyone to drive you if you do go? Maybe you can call someone to stay with you tonight? Leave first thing in the morning and let us know the outcome! Good luck and take care! ps...I don't go to the emergency room unless I feel there is no way to keep going. but my advice to you is to go now. I know it doesn't make sense, but it really is the practical thing to do when you can't swallow your spit. take care
  7. Tranquility

    Did I do the right thing?

    My answer to your question is, No, I would not have done this. We are very similar in that we are both ...over 50 and about the same time out (3 weeks). I've had many problems with eating, drinking and even breathing, so we might be different in that area...how are you doing with these things? I have lost weight, but it was almost all preop, which was under my own willpower. Tomorrow, I am going BACK to see the doctor, at my insistance, to have whatever test it takes to prove that the band is in place and all is normal. SO, if I had only known then, I would have used this hell as my motivation and lost the weight... But, then again...that is not possible. So, without the knowledge that I have today...the answer is NO, I could not have lost weight on my own. This is the only idea that gives me comfort now...and sometimes the trade off is not worth it. You definitaly will lose weight and that will help your knees and also help you to be more active and strong, which is always a good thing. Let me know how you are at each stage of your recovery. good luck
  8. Ok, I know there is a similar thread posted, and I've read all that and will continue to, but my question is a bit different. I am starting my 3rd week, and this whole time all I can think about is eating Mexican tacos, enchiladas, Beans, and mostly SALSA! and chips! If I'm not thinking about that, I 'm thinking about hot and sour Soup, eggrolls,etc... SPICEY! boohoo..what can I eat and WHEN? ..and will the spicey foods make me sick???
  9. I can't believe myself! I ate a hot fudge sundae. third week post op and still can't hold much with out discomfort- on mushie soft foods and most days, I have a soft scrambled egg, mashed potatoes, pudding, yogurt (and tried cottage cheese, but it was too lumpy) maybe one ounce at a time. (can't tolerate Protein drinks) Everyday I have at least two 'spells' after eating, even when I take small bites and chew well. I have to take lots of (halved) pills throughout the day and that hurts most of the time, too. My daughter is eating healthy for medical reasons, and we discuss her menus of fruits, whole grains and other nutritious meals. I want to lose weight healthily! I actually miss weight watchers, that feeling you get from eating whole foods!right ... a nice turkey on whole wheat with lettuce and tomatoes... But, I can't, I have to eat nutritiously incomplete soft foods! So, today, I just drove right over to Braum's and ordered a scoop of vanilla ice cream with hot fudge sauce, and whip cream...drove home and ate it all. I can't believe I ate an ice cream sundae only because it would slide down easily................................................................ ................and I wanted it.
  10. Tranquility


    Thanks to all of you for the good responses. And, Restless, You are hereby cro:smile2:wned my band mentor. Thanks a million!
  11. Tranquility


    Thanks for the good tips. Question: How many teaspoons, would you guess, of each of those foods do you eat in one meal?
  12. Tranquility


    I don't think I have any fuid left, but can't be sure. The doctor took out 2.5 cc's on Monday and I assumed that was all there was, until I continued to have these problems. So, I called the office and the nurse said he took it all, (but she is guessing because she was not in the room and did not look at anything in my chart)...who know's what's going on in there... not me
  13. Tranquility

    Work, how soon?

    I thought this would be a piece of cake, but it was FAR from that. It has really surprised me that it's taken so long to recover, but that's how it is in my case. I would plan on two weeks, just in case, If you get well sooner, then you can go back early. good luck
  14. thanks restless..I have an update! Today, I finally found out why I've had such a problem -I had a hiatal hernia repaired, which I thought I would, but it was extensive... so FINALLY the doc listened when I said that I can't BREATHE and SWALLOW or DRINK Water and gave me presecriptions, something that relaxes and a steroid that is opening my diaphram/esophagus (or whatever, your'e a nurse so I know you know what I mean):ohmy:! VIOLA...I am not suffocationg in agony! I was already starving, but now I want to DREAM big for when I'm feeling better I'm interested in all your experiences with SPICY FOODguys!
  15. Great question Erin...exactly what I've been thinking about today!
  16. Tranquility

    Omg!! Real food here i come!!!!

    Hiya, kiddo. Enjoy your soft foods!
  17. Tranquility

    Check In!

    I am 2 weeks out and in the soft foods stage, eating scrambled eggs, pudding, and mushed up Beans. I can only eat about 1 oz. at a time -even after I had, an unknown to me, 2.50 cc fill taken out. Will be calling the doc once again tomorrow to make sure that he did take out all of the fill and left nothing, as I still can't drink Water or eat much. feeling nauseaus and choked all day. Psychologically, obviously, not well, being sad and really, really tired of all this. I'm so hungry and talk so much about food all day, that I just decide to stop talking and try to wait it out. Most difficult thing is to make it through each day, wasting my summer off which is almost over. Not exercising at all because I get dizzy, but I should be trying to build up my strength. Have lost some, but gained a few back when I ate the eggs and beans, but not really concerned about weight loss now.
  18. Tranquility

    Should I do lapband or should I not???????????

    Some people love it and I am happy for them, but I feel compelled to tell the my hard truth -I hate it, wish I had never done it, would like to take it out, and feel betrayed that I was misled into thinking what I thought the band would do. Ok , so here's what I thought: I thought that after the band, I( would avoid white bread, and some other foods,) but I would just eat less, and say, "Yum, that was good, but I think I am full!" NO. Pain and fear of slippage means full. I am still in the beginning stages, but this is my reality - Pre op diet was protein drinks -that is where most people lose the weight. It was tolerable, but the last few days, I was nauseas to look at the drinks anymore...I was happy, though, because I was getting BANDED! yea. My surgery was a million times more distressing than I expected. I felt betrayed and surprised. My recovery: I felt like someone has mugged me and is slashing my guts with razor blades. I couldn't breath, I couldn't sleep, couldn't find peace, my throat was sore and not swallowing well, like I was suffocating, and thought that something was wrong all the time. Two weeks out -I have called the doctor's office because - I Couldn't breath, sharp scary pains, was something wrong? did the band slip? Did they puncture my lungs? Maybe, it happens... I Couldn't eat even broth, Was I going to become malnourished and have to go to the hospital? I Couldn't drink water, Was I going to become dehydrated and have to go to the hospital on the weekend? Yes, maybe they said. I just sat and looked at my water glass with the level not moving all day...urging myself to take one more sip of water that felt heavy and had no place to go, I finally ate Mashed potatoesyesterday and a scrambled egg today! No, it doesn't feel the same to be full. Your throat feels full, but your stomach is still empty. You do not get a satisfied feeling. I hurt and am not participating in my own life because all I want to do is nothing but wait for the ticking clock to tell me that 4 (More) weeks have gone by so that things Might be better... Right now, I am nauseaus and my incisions are burning. I told my daughter that yes,I was desperate, but if I knew then, I would have instead shipped myself off to some fat camp..another deperate measure, but one that would not butcher my body for the rest of my life (or until removeal) If now my motivation for not overeating is running from pain -then I would have chosen weight watchers (yes, again for the hundreth time) So sorry, but feel it is my responsibility to tell you what MIGHT happen. If the trade off is worth it to you, then you should go ahead. No one has a crystal ball, so we can't really KNOW how it is going to be for us. I wish you good luck, I know how it feels to be looking for that magic cure. Read the messages carefully and you will se that, yes! people are so happy to be losing weight, dressing better,feeling livlier, but also look at the DAILY pain, discomfort, fear,worries? Those messages just pop out at me now. I feel your pain and am sorry for the bad news. Maybe others will chime in to tell you better things :sneaky:
  19. Tranquility

    Banded July 30th - how long do you wear the surgi-strips?

    Hey there. Our battle wounds! :sneaky: I went for my 2 week check up yesterday and they took off the bandages, they said "Nicely healing!" Everything looked great and they took off the bandages. I felt like a kid who was praised for his good work...lol Leave them on until you see the doctor, (unless it won't be for a long while)
  20. I am going crazy with this lap band and I wish I could have it taken out. 2 weeks post op, had 2.5 cc's fill removed today, just stated mushie/soft foods, had mashed potatoes and pudding today, Still hurting. My head hurts, my chest hurts and throat up into my neck, like I am beging suffocated, my throat hurts, I am burping nonstop, every single day all day long I thought that when I finally got to eat something, that I would feel better, I feel like indigestion and suffering. So my question/statement: I want to eat like I did before, but just less, (like they told me the lap band would do)and feel that satisfied feeling from eating good food. I love mashed potatoes, I was full, but not at all satisfied. It is like a painfull fullness. My mom asked me -like a thanksgiving full hurt -and I said NO, thanksgiving full still feels all warm and yummy.... Does anyone else feel this way? When, How, will I ever feel good about food like that again?
  21. Camsonge, How are you feeling today? Did you talk to your surgeon? What happened? I feel the same way you do about the band. I am 2 weeks post op and went to see my doctor today...I did have a fill and he removed 2.5 cc's. I began mushie foods, but can't really eat much still because I feel a tight constriction in my chest and throat =like someone very big is choking me. I don't know if I will ever feel better. Hope you are though...
  22. Tranquility

    Kinda worried

    I am 12 days post op and have had the same problem. I called the surgeon's office on Friday night, and they said that as long as I am not 1. dizzy, or 2. nauseaus, then I shoud be Ok unti Monday (tomorrow) morning at which time we are looking at taking out some fill. I know it is scary, but just keep in contact with your doctor. Post an update to let us know what they say!
  23. Tranquility

    I SO want to eat MORE!

    Yes, I want to eat more too. I am 12 days post op and of the food that I am allowed to eat, I can only eat watered tomato soup and broth. I actually Want to eat more, my head hurts, I am a bit nauseaus, and just plain TIRED of not feeling like myself (I know it is crazy to miss the fat me). I am going early to my 2 week appointment, tomorrow. I am going to ask that they take out the fill until I can get to feeling better, and I KNOW that I will gain weight. I just hope that I will be able to get back into the groove after this reversal. So, yes, I want to eat more, but only so that I will feel good. But, I also love food so much that I think I will possibly try to hold on to that ability to eat and keep on going. You know the same old thing - I'll start eating less tomorrow. Just like you, I think that I'd rather keep on eating than lose weight... I love good food...feel stuck in the same place I was before all of this agony.
  24. Ok, here we go on with my band saga -Guys, I am getting really tired of this and just want to let you all know that I couldn't have gotten through this so far with out all of you! I called the nurse again, 9 days post op and cannot drink hardly anything, and she said that I DO have some, a little, FILL. I did not know that! So, this is one reason why it is so hard for me to drink, but the problem still remains. She said that I could either come in to take some out, and that will be painful, or I can wait until I go in for my post op on wed. of next week. (as long as I do not dehydrate) I am walking a thin line here. I am choosing to wait until wed., and Not do anything, unless, of course I get dehydrated, which will then meanTHE hospital. My question: I know that people get fills to become tighter, SO, if I am too tight now, will it lessen some with time? And how? Thanks for the answers to my question.

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