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Helen Bauzon

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Everything posted by Helen Bauzon

  1. One of the biggest mis-understandings or hope to achieve post weight loss surgery, is that the surgery will force the individual to stop on a certain amount of food, or restrict the. This is not the goal of surgery long term. Short term sure, swelling can provide false sense of restriction. However surgery has a stretch factor. If it is helpful for you, I have created a 20min master class video comparing all surgeries and how to get the most out of each surgery regrading appetite and portion support control. The following link will help you watch the video https://helen-bauzon1.aweb.page/p/776a1a9a-fd05-4851-a838-208a39db2975 Feel free to clarify any questions
  2. Helen Bauzon

    Has anyone every switched surgeon's?

    Are you able to share what the surgeons said was ok and others said was not ok by any chance? Curiosity has gotten the better of me. I could possibly help you also address these discrepancies,, as I have over 20years consulting lifestyle and mindset management for weight loss surgery.
  3. Helen Bauzon

    Hitting goal

    That is so exciting. Congratulations
  4. Helen Bauzon

    1 Year PostOp

    Can you tell us more about what makes you feel like you have failed? What has failed? Your quality of life has done a complete flip
  5. Correct, you need to start eating solid food to maxmise the effect of the band. 6cc in 10cc band is a good amount, should ideally be in or close to the green zone. I have created a 20min master class video that will help you in your journey if you would like to take a look at https://helen-bauzon1.aweb.page/p/d4ff1c92-6d88-4860-bd57-cc44aaa50e3a
  6. Helen Bauzon

    Food issues from one day to the next

    Hi Guys There is certainly some clear explanations that can help you. It is quite an answer, t help I have developed a 20min master class video which will certainly answer your queries. The link is following https://helen-bauzon1.aweb.page/p/d4ff1c92-6d88-4860-bd57-cc44aaa50e3a Please take a look and then feel free to ask any question to clarify I find the biggest issue, is that most people actually forget how the band works, this may sounds odd. The band does not create a small stomach but rather a 30ml funnel.
  7. Helen Bauzon

    Dumping or lactose intolerance?

    It sounds like this is a lactose issue. Cheese iso very low in lactose and yohurt has bacteria to support the digestions, so it often poses little or no problem. After surgery you may also consider general IBS issues, if you experienced ay of these after surgery also, could be causing some issues. The good old food diary is key to track everything. Good luck
  8. Helen Bauzon

    13 years later and - I Love my band

    If the surgery is working, leaving it be if it isn't broken I say. Well done
  9. Helen Bauzon

    Extreme Appetite

    I agree, it is likely head hunger also. A few other things you can look at is to ensure you are managing your physical hun ger with the sleeve as much as possible. Please consider the following the options: (1) eat solid food that needs chewing, helps to reduce hunger (2) 50% meals are protein based, of a solid form also to help reduce hunger (3) Be well nourished with nutrition have a shake with extra protein powder and a MV for weight loss surgery (4) avoid looking for fullness Hope that helps Helen
  10. Helen Bauzon

    I need help [emoji25]

    Your band is far too tight. Yes swelling can result after each adjustment but this is unreasonable. When the band is so tight it becomes very temperamental to fluid changes in the body, stress and time of the day to mention a few that can make the band tightness vary so much each day. Hope that helps
  11. Helen Bauzon

    Failure with the lap band

    I would consider a few things in the following order: (1) check to ensure your band is in the green zone (2) ensure you are eating to maximize the effect of the band to control portions and appetite (3) highlight and recognise the core things in your lifestyle that may need to be looked at, such as non hungry eating, food types, fasting, activity levels, stress levels Hope that helps as a start
  12. Hi everyone,my name is Helen Bauzon and I work as a Bariatric Dietitian and I am a magazine contributor within this forum. I have received the permission by Alex Brecher to ask your assistance in completing a survey. I am presenting in 3 weeks at a conference detailing "how to keep the bariatric patient well nourished while losing weight". I am looking to ideally obtain 100 replies from individuals who have had a sleeve gastrectomy. If you would like to contribute your feedback, you can do so by clicking on the following link https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6G76QLV Thank you very much in advance Helen Bauzon
  13. Helen Bauzon

    Sleeve survey (5-10mins), can you help?

    Hi everyone Thanks so much for your feedback with the survey It is now closed as I have received plenty of surveys completed Regards Helen Bauzon
  14. Hi everyone,my name is Helen Bauzon and I work as a Bariatric Dietitian and I am a magazine contributor within this forum. I have received the permission by Alex Brecher to ask your assistance in completing a survey. I am presenting in 3 weeks at a conference detailing "how to keep the bariatric patient well nourished while losing weight". I am looking to ideally obtain 100 replies from individuals who have had bypass surgery. If you would like to contribute your feedback, you can do so by clicking on the following link https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6G76QLV Thank you very much in advance Helen Bauzon
  15. Helen Bauzon

    Bypass survey (5-10mins), can you help?

    Hi everyone Thanks so much for your feedback with the survey It is now closed as I have received plenty of surveys completed Regards Helen Bauzon
  16. Helen Bauzon

    Bypass survey (5-10mins), can you help?

    Thank you for the feedback, I have included this.
  17. Helen Bauzon

    Sleeve survey (5-10mins), can you help?

  18. Helen Bauzon

    Bypass survey (5-10mins), can you help?

  19. Helen Bauzon

    Bypass survey (5-10mins), can you help?

    Hi Hilary Sure thing will do. With bypass supplements are life saving ans crucial. Thanks Helen
  20. Helen Bauzon

    Bypass survey (5-10mins), can you help?

    Thanks for the heads up. I have changed the criteria for the last question all should be fixed. Thanks for your input.
  21. Helen Bauzon

    Salad In A Jar

    Thanks for the clarification Debbie. There is no reason why this concept could not be used with left over roast vegetables with Protein of legumes even. Happy jarring (if there is such a word).
  22. Helen Bauzon

    Salad In A Jar

    As the weather becomes warmer, lighter meals are more appealing, such as salads. However a a common problem results in unappealing soggy salads. The exciting news, this can be avoided by preparing a salad in a jar. I have prepared a video to help you create your own salad in a jar There are two key points to preventing a soggy salad. Place the dressing first into the jar Place hard vegetables next that do not absorb the dressing and become soggy With all weight loss surgeries you want to make it more suitable to your nutritional needs. A consistent message with all surgical procedures is to cut all salad ingredients into small pieces such as a salsa.This allows the smaller components of the fibrous skin to be better tolerated. These salads can be prepared the day before and kept fresh in the fridge. Regarding the ideal balance of foods in the jar, protein is crucial to help make you feel fuller for longer, which can include tinned tuna, flavored tofu, scrambled egg and legumes as examples. Each type of surgery will request different portions. A sample recipe is indicated below Moroccan Salad In A Jar Ingredients 4 oranges, peeled, white pith removed 250g packet cooked beetroot, cut into wedges 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 garlic clove, crushed 2 x 400g cans chickpeas, rinsed, drained 120g pkt Coles Baby Spinach Leaves 6 radishes, halved, sliced http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/37794/moroccan+salad+in+a+jar Reminder; eat a portion that suits your weight loss surgery
  23. Helen Bauzon

    Bypass survey (5-10mins), can you help?

    Hi James Thanks for your feedback. This is the issue with modern technology on various computers. On my phone and PC the survey is lined up perfectly each time I check it. If you completed as much as possible of the survey would be fine, from my end all surveys results are looking fine. Kind regards Helen
  24. Helen Bauzon

    Salad In A Jar

    I have prepared a video to help you create your own salad in a jar There are two key points to preventing a soggy salad. Place the dressing first into the jar Place hard vegetables next that do not absorb the dressing and become soggy With all weight loss surgeries you want to make it more suitable to your nutritional needs. A consistent message with all surgical procedures is to cut all salad ingredients into small pieces such as a salsa.This allows the smaller components of the fibrous skin to be better tolerated. These salads can be prepared the day before and kept fresh in the fridge. Regarding the ideal balance of foods in the jar, protein is crucial to help make you feel fuller for longer, which can include tinned tuna, flavored tofu, scrambled egg and legumes as examples. Each type of surgery will request different portions. A sample recipe is indicated below Moroccan Salad In A Jar Ingredients 4 oranges, peeled, white pith removed 250g packet cooked beetroot, cut into wedges 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 garlic clove, crushed 2 x 400g cans chickpeas, rinsed, drained 120g pkt Coles Baby Spinach Leaves 6 radishes, halved, sliced http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/37794/moroccan+salad+in+a+jar Reminder; eat a portion that suits your weight loss surgery
  25. Helen Bauzon

    Dietary Preparation For Lap Band Sugrery

    Review and consolidate your knowledge at your own leisure on your own or even with your family to embrace their support at a time that is convenient to you. So let me guide you: Step 1. In preparation for surgery, you may be asked by your surgeon to follow a very low calorie diet such as Optifast to shrink your liver. 1. There is an online lecture you can refer to at: http://lapbanddiet.com.au/optifast/ 2. There are also some recipes to create some interesting meals with your permitted carbohydrate free vegetables at: http://lapbanddiet.com.au/category/lap-band-recipes/optifast-pre-surgery/ Step 2. Immediately post surgery you will need to be on fluids to allow time for the scar tissue to form between the Lap Band and the stomach, for it to settle and minimize the chances of the band slipping. Which type of liquids, how much to drink and possible to issues that you will need to consider are discussed at: http://lapbanddiet.com.au/fluids-post-surgery-diet/ Recipes to help during the fluid phase: http://lapbanddiet.com.au/category/lap-band-recipes/fluids-post-lap-band-surgery/ Please be guided by your surgeons preference regarding the time frame to spend in each dietary phase. Step 3. Begin to transition onto solid food. Recipes are also located at http://lapbanddiet.com.au/category/lap-band-recipes/wet-and-easy/ to begin your transition diet You can also download your free book providing all the details for the pre-surgery and immediately post surgery diet at http://lapbanddiet.com.au/. Look at the bottom right hand column. Feel free to ask any question to clarify also

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