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About SingingParrott

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 05/13/1961

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  1. Happy 52nd Birthday SingingParrott!

  2. Happy 51st Birthday SingingParrott!

  3. 2 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 2nd Anniversary SingingParrott!

  4. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    It's a year today since I was banded. I'm 50lbs lighter and a whole new person! Chris was great, the op the best thing I've ever done and Wendy at WLS fantastic for post op follow up, support and fills. I've had interviews wearing new suits and been looked at for the person I am, not the lardy lump I used to be. I've done a return to nursing Uni course and got a great nursing job in the speciality I love. To any of you having doubts - don't - this op really turns your life around. Thanks everyone for keeping the forum going, I drop in occasionally and keep up. It was this forum which helped me to decide in the first place. Keep writing and keep losing!
  5. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Puddlejumper and all those of you preparing to go to Belgium! If you have a look on page 447 I posted a few ideas on where to order money, what to take with you and food ideas for afterwards. I hope you'll find them useful. I'm happy with my progress, it's slowish but steady. Wendy at WLS is so supportive and will see us whenever we want (at no extra charge) whether for a fill or just a chat, and their monthly teaching sessions with the dietician are really helpful, giving guidelines for healthy eating whilst losing weight. I highly recommend them (WLS group Weight Loss Surgery Group - Aftercare) And no I'm not being paid, just speaking from experience! I have gained the confidence to make the career move I've been promising myself for years and come out from my corner with a smile. :frown: AND I'm now wearing size 12 jeans - a long way from the size 26 I used to be. Wishing you all the success you deserve SP
  6. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Cankster and well done on a fantastice weight loss already, don't expect it to continue at that rate (though we all wish it would!) I'm almost certain the lump you feel is the port, it's about 3.5cm across and close to the largest scar on your left hand side. The tubing from the band comes through the muscle there and the port itself is stitched to the muscle to hold it in place. It will be sore and bruised for a while, especially until the stiches are removed. If however, as said previously, it is much larger than that, becomes hot, red or more sore, please do visit your GP or practice nurse to get it checked for infection or haematoma (Mega bruise!) Keep up the good work and be kind to your body and its band! SP
  7. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi all, just to let you know I'm still here, calling in regularly and reading all the news. I'm doing fine and after only 4 months and 30lb lost, the first person noticed today that I'd lost weight! Hooray, it's working! Wendy at WLS says I've lost 40% of my excess body fat, not bad really when you put it that way. I'm beginning to find some confidence too and for those who may remember my appalling work situation, I've found the courage to come out of the corner and am leaving to go back to mursing, my first love. All I have to do now is tell the current lot I'm off without causing major family ructions..... I have a target date too, my elder daughter announced her engagement at Christmas, so I shall be "the mother of the bride" summer 2011 and I intend to wow them! Well done to all the rest of you who are turning your lives around, keep up the good work. SP
  8. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Where is everyone? Are you all partying / shopping / at school nativity plays? Just an interesting fact I learned this week. As a blood donor, they don't want you to dontae for six months after surgery and for six months after each adjustment. Shame really, but useful to know. Have a great Christmas one and all and here's to a thinner New Year! :biggrin:
  9. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    HI Fatpants. I had an extended tummy tuck in 2006 by Geoffrey Wilson at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital in London. He repaired all the separated muscles (from child bearing) and umbilical hernia, then removed all the excess skin using an anchor shaped incision and resited my tummy button. It was on the NHS as my "overhang" was really bad after 6 stone weight loss, two pregnancies and massive steriod doses for asthma. I had two drains, six weeks off work and now have a beautiful flat tummy! The weight I put on since (which I'm working on with the band) has gone elsewhere as he liposuctioned out all the fat cells from my lower abdomen. I healed really well except for a small patch round the tummy button. It is unusual for people who have unhealthy diets or smoke to heal as well so that's worth considering. My scar is about 30inches long in total. You can see some of the scar line in the photo of my band wounds on my profile. Do hope this has helped. Feel free to pm me if you want to know more. Best wishes SP
  10. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    That's just the way it's done I'm afraid. We've all done the same and I've not heard of any problems at all (and I have read every single entry on this forum!) The only alternative I can see is that instead of just payiing the deposit by bank transfer in advance of your arrival, you pay the whole lot, half a month before say, and half 2 weeks before so that the transfer all clears before your surgery date. You could suggest that to Fred if you wish and your other half finds it preferable.
  11. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    I'm afraid you'll find it can be done in surprisingly few notes - they have a €500 note, so you only need 8 to make €4000 Carry 4 each and don't lose them! I took the money out in £ from my bank account gradually over a period of time, then swapped great wads of it to Euros at a bureau de change in London (See page 447 for links to recommended places for good rates of exchange) Had my 3rd fill (.25mls) at the weekend and attended a very helpful talk by Colleen from WLS on recognising the difference between emotional hunger and genuine hunger. WLS offer so much more than fills, they're a great group to go with post op. Colleen was saying she went to Belgium recently and went into theatre with Chris and Fred to see how they work. She was impressed. It's quiet here without Freckles, hope she's having a great time, and is happy and healthy. Best wishes to all SP
  12. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Well done you! Great piccies, too many memories! What's a skerrick? Is it something you northerers aspire to? I've seen WLS Wendy a couple of times now and now am the proud possessor of 4.5mls saline, and it's made a noticable difference. She's lovely and so encouraging. Thanks forum folk for helping me find her!
  13. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Sheila! Lovely to hear from you! Yes, this is a lot tougher than I'd expected, but it is working slowly. Reading the boys chatter a couple of pages back, it takes time and we're still in the early days. I've had two fills now with Wendy and although I lost no weight with the first, I did lose 1lb of fat and gain 1lb of muscle, so it's not all bad. Today is day 2 of post fill mushies, and I've not really felt hungry since this fill (the 1st one made no noticable difference whatsoever) Yesterday I sinned big time, it was a Birthday at the office and although I avoided the cakes and biscuits, I couldn't resist the tin of chocolates that sat in the kitchen all day. Must be better today, at least that temptation's all gone now. I do feel it is really a one day at a time thing and we must put each bad day behind us and get on with today in a more positive light. Not one single person has noticed I've lost weight, which is quite disheartening, but then again, it means they're not watching me to see if I lose more or eat something "naughty", so I guess it takes some of the pressure off. Have you heard how our partners in crime are getting on? Do keep up the good work and be kind to and patient with yourself. It'll be worth it in the long run!
  14. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    Hi Dizzy. I had my first fill with Wendy at WLS on Saturday. It was simple and painless. I'm now on liquids for 3 days, then mushies again for 3 days before returning to normal food. By the time Saturday came I had become more hungry and had started looking for food (but still brought back anything I'd not chewed properly!) I would highly recommend the WLS aftercare package - you can go almost as often as you want whether it's for advice, adjustment or just accurate weighing (with a nasty printout of how much actual fat you're carrying!) They offer 12, 24, or 36 month packages. All the details are on their website - Weight Loss Surgery Group - Home Good luck in your weight loss SP
  15. SingingParrott

    Anyone know of Dr De Bruyne Chris

    So glad you're feeling better and looking to eat! If you have a look on page 447 (I think) of the forum, you'll find a list I posted of suggested liquids and mushies. Do take it slowly; I'm a month in and still find it difficult to eat some things - not bad for the weight loss, but a little tiresome on occasions. Hope this helps

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