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LAP-BAND Patients
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About chrissie

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 02/22/1968
  1. Happy 45th Birthday chrissie!

  2. Happy 44th Birthday chrissie!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary chrissie!

  4. Please double check and make sure its not .4 that was put in! That decimal point is real important! I have the same size band as you, my first fill was 1cc with NO restriction-after two weeks I was able to go back and they put in .5cc. I have just now begun to feal something!! Good Luck.
  5. chrissie

    Fill 'Er Up....Git Er Done!

    P.S. I asked my fill Dr. why Ive read about some people saying it takes time for thier fill to 'kick-in' like a week or two.She said theres no such thing, because the fill goes in immediatly and as tight as you leave the office is how you are going to be.Wich does make sense but....with sooo many people having had that kind of experience, it seems to me that it has to be acknowleded that it does happen. Does anyone no why? or hear any theories?
  6. chrissie

    Fill 'Er Up....Git Er Done!

    I got my 2nd fill Mon. night. The first was 1.2cc, then .5 for this one. I had very little restriction with the 1st fill. But boy this one has made me really take notice. I still have alot of "first bite" issues. After 2/3 bites of anything I get a tremendous tightening in my sternum,followed by PBing, so bad that Im having a hard time telling if its JUST a pb or if Im really going to vomit! (luckily its JUST been pb!) the back of my mouth starts watering just like before you vomit and I get real hot and sweatty. Its horrible but strangely only lasts a few minutes and passes as fast as it comes on. Then Im fine to continue eating, but who wants to eat after all that?!! Does anyone else here have any "first bite" problems? Ive heard drinking something warm 1st might help?
  7. chrissie

    Fill 'Er Up....Git Er Done!

    I too have very little restriction after my first fill. Its been about a week, and after the first few days of "first bite syndrome" I'm back in action now, and I'm able to eat way to lagre portions. I have to wait anouther week to get a second fill, and my apt.time is @ 6:oopm--I hope mini-me's experience will make a difference with me, maybe going later in the day will help---thanks for your thoughts on that! Please let us know how the next fill works out for you all.....chrissie
  8. chrissie

    ABC September Chat

    Justy--Best wishes to you hope your feeling well again quickly. Pebbles--So glad your back! you don't need a stinky 'ol good for nuttin' tumor anywaz!
  9. chrissie

    Anyone from NY area??

    I have a card the Dr. gave me the day after surgery.On the front of the card it says 9.75/10.0cm band. I will be going to Long Island Bariatric Center in Levittown on Mon. for my first fill. So I don't know yet how often or how much they put in, I'll have to ask. But it sounds like you have had the same experience that I've heard from others-that it can take a few fills before you feel restriction?? I think this is a large band and may take more to fill. What is everyone elses experience with fills?
  10. chrissie

    Anyone from NY area??

    Thank you everyone for the kind words.It really helps to have the comfort of people who undertstand. I'm so happy right now that I DIDN"T tell anyone I was having the band done because at least I don't have the questions and looks from outsiders as to why its not going well. Thank goodness I dont have that added pressure. I did know going into this that the first 6 weeks were just for healing-but when I go on some of the other boards and read of all the restriction just from the surgery and the lucky few who are still losing and putting off thier fills longer, Its extremly frustrating! Sure, Im a big girl and know your not suppose to compare yourself w/anyone else but.... I have said from 3 days post-op that I felt nothing! no restriction! no golfball no PBing! and could/did eat just like before. Maybe its not there!? Well like I said I'm banking on this fill to do something/anything. But then again I read that the first fill makes no difference for some and it takes a few fills for restriction. Has anyone here been filled? If so how many times? Iam trying to do this on will power-but like I said if I had that I wouldn't need to get the band. Thanks again for the support all my new N.Y. friends!
  11. chrissie

    Anyone from NY area??

    Pebbles--- so glad your back with us! welcome all our new New Yorkers!! I'm having such a hard time,still. I will be getting my first fill next Mon. 1o/2. The last few weeks I've been feeling like this has been a 10,000. diet disaster. I was 214lbs.@ surgery and went to 205 within 10days, put have been stuck @207.5 for the last 2 weeks. I keep reading all the posts of people who have lost like 30lbs, who had the band around the same time as me!! I have NEVER had any restriction from DAY ONE! so right now, I haveto rely on sheer will power-well guess what?! If I had ANY will power at all I wouldn' need a freakin' band!! I am so frustrated.I hear of banders who can only eat a kids portion or appitizer when they are out to eat- and I'm still easily able to eat appy and entree-just like before.WTH? And since you've all been so kind in letting me vent---to make it all even harder for me--Does it have to be Mallomar season??!!?!?! Im ready to rip this thing out if the fill dosent help.
  12. chrissie

    ABC September Chat

    hey Libra...don't be surprised if you do loose!! the best diet works when you do let yourself go once in awhile. It wakes up your metabolism,gives it a kick,so your body dosen't get used to the same # of calories and becomes non-compliant. Its o.k. every so often to let loose, just remember to savor and ENJOY!! you might be pleasantly surprised!!
  13. chrissie

    ABC September Chat

    wow roiansmom I wanna go to your dr.!
  14. chrissie

    ABC September Chat

    Jahair---you've found us! Welcome to the ABC band group! Faybie---Thanks for the great link info. it had alot of suggestions to keep in mind @ fill time. Libra--- Keep your chin up! We knew it was going to take some time for us to get the hang of this. I know how frusterating it is, Im dying over here! Still no restriction, still able to eat way too much, still waiting for that 1st fill 10/2. Thank the good lord I havent put any weight ON-I just havent lost ANYTHING since my 3rd week out.Auugg!! The best part of my day is reading all the ABC posts and knowing were all in it together, and that we will all make it.
  15. chrissie

    ABC September Chat

    Pebbles---- If you took Rx pain meds and its still that bad you HAVE to call your GYN. If it did ease up some after the med., and your flow is heavy you might have PCOS wich is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.Thats what I have, and the best treatment is birth control pills. They regulate your cycle and shrink the cysts its acualy pretty common. It hasent stopped me from having 6 kids! and the only really stange part is that I still have to take b/c pills even though my husband is now...well "just for show" ya know!? Hope you feel better....chrissie

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