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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tamra.

  1. you guys are too funny!! I dont know how to spell marshmellows either? LOL :crying: I am in a 22 pants right now, but I dont think I live close to you !
  2. darn I buckled at lunch and had a venti decaf skinny vanilla latte.....110 cals...lol...
  3. Hey Jes I might even check that link out!! LOL
  4. Good morning everyone!! Heather is it 12 cherries? crap I swore I saw 18 and that's what I have been eating. I will drop it down today then. I got in a argument this morning with a friend and the minute I hung up I wanted a coffee SOOO BAD!!! I can really see I am an emotional eater. :crying:
  5. got it! no more potatoes. They were the only carb I was eating anyway, so I wont miss them. I have decided to weigh in @ the Dr every 2 weeks, on payday (Since this past tues was my first one). I am not getting on a scale until then, becuse I loose hope to fast!! Riley I love Ross, congrads on the find!! Well going to sleep. night!!! :laugh:
  6. mmmmm coffee!! I am on day 3 without any and I havent missed my venti vanilla latte yet....what about a skinny decaf latte is that okay on this pre-op diet? Heather, thats it for dinner?? No wonder you loss so much so far :laugh: maybe I am eatting wrong?? you all tell me: Breakfast: 3/4 cottage cheese, 18 cherries, 1 slice turkey bacon Lunch: 1 cup lettace, 1 cup cucumbers, 1 oz reduced fat feta cheese, with 1 tbs olive oil Dinner: 3 oz chicken no skin (breast), 1 cup broccoli, and 1 medium potato cooked in 1 tbs olive oil......
  7. I put a chicken in the crock pot! gonna have 3 oz of that, 1 small baked potato, and some broccoli....hopefully that's enough!! :laugh: I also drank ALL my 64 oz water already! whoo-hoo!! Nicole I cannot wait to when I am at the point food is not my bestfriend
  8. Riley you think YOU think about food alot? LOL today I was eating my salad telling myself MMMM DINNER IN A FEW HOURS!!
  9. Thanks Reggie! I love all the info I have learned here, if it wasn't for this site I wouldn't even be thinking about this. Now my mom, boss, and friends want to follow the pre-op diet with me too!
  10. I ment running in and weighing at your Dr to track your loss pre-surgery! I was thinking about stopping by every 2 weeks and logging it, but i dont want to pay a co-pay LOL!
  11. A summer dress how smart!! I will pick one up this weekend. How often did you guys go back to get weighed in? Do you have to make an appointment or can you just walk in? Thanks for the support girls, I so need it!! of course my friends are telling me yay but I feel it more here
  12. Candra your not old stop it!! LOL. I hope I am sucessful at loosing, I want this so bad! I wish I would have got Baggs or Park who doesn't seem to make everyone loose so much. I don't carry my weight in one place, I am very "round" its spread out LOL :thumbup: He said based on my weight, it seems it's "always been there" and wants me to loose a significant amount. No sense in whining, I am doing it!!
  13. Good morning ladies!! Day 2 of my diet. I also drank 64 oz of water yesterday whoo-hoo!! I don't miss my coffee YET. Heather - 46 lbs is AWESOME!! I only HOPE I can get there! I feel like I should cut the carbs out of this diet. For dinner my carb was one small baked potato with "I can't believe it's not butter" spray. 1 small ribeye steak, and some broccoli. I am going to try so hard, I really am. I haven't been to the gym in a while, so I will get there. It's funny in the morning naked I weigh less. I hate that. My scale said I was 275 this morning.
  14. I know! I was pretty sad....I am gonna try anyways :(

  15. wow 2.5 months is great!! I hope I can loose that quick! I'll tell you what, I am STARVING!!! I ate dinner already *sigh*
  16. I am darn sure going to try!! I will need support that's for sure..I hope I can. How long did it take you Riley / Pam?
  17. Hey girl!

    Saw my Dr today and they want me to loose 32 lbs pre surgery! bummer! I have to follow their 1200 cal diet...I am praying I can do it!!!

  18. Drum roll pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 32 lbs!!!!!!!!! I was so sad. He wants me @ 250 for surgery. I lost 3.7 lbs since yesterday's weigh in LOL. I was 282 today or somewhere around there..... He also didnt push gastric AT ALL! he said looking at my chart, lapband is exactly what I need :juggle: I liked him alot, he listened to me, joked, etc.....
  19. Hey save some clothes for me one day : ) Finishing up my lunch and gonna head over to Kaiser - not sure how parking is so even tho I am about 7 mins away I am leaving @ 2 pm. Can't hurt to check in early right? Will talk to you guys after ! :biggrin:
  20. yeah needless to say I doubt he will go all the way - he didn't seem very interested lol. The videos were so cool too - it scared me at one point when Dr Fisher said thats a heart, you don't want to poke that!!!!!! I am like OMG THIS MAN IS GOING TO POKE MY HEART AND KILL ME lol!! i am paranoid enough and comments like that are not ok!!
  21. I think I will be okay! I am hoping he goes easy on me and says 20-25...it sucks because they said they will look back and previous weights, and I had lost a good 15 lbs between dr appointments but gained it all back within the referral time to now! grrrrr! I forgot to tell you guys, a man in the class sitting in front of me fell ASLEEP during Robin showing us the foods and diets! she said IS HE SLEEPING??? everyone turned around and looked....he woke up quick! way to go! :biggrin:
  22. BTW Nicole My almost 3 yr old still sleeps in her CRIB! I took it apart and made it into the toddler bed and she freaked out, she wouldn't sleep it, cried, would wake in the middle of the night and climb in with me - the min I put the crib siding back on, she was fine. I think it is a security issue!
  23. I am getting scared! What if he totally downs me for wanting the lapband then makes me loose 30lbs which I have NEVER DONE in my life! I need a nice 20 lb suggestion. Am I allowed to call and my change my surgeon after this appointment today if he isn't for me? I't won't look bad? I didn't realize the next appointment gets made today too, sheesh! I figured I wouldn't miss anymore work for a few months, even told my boss that! :biggrin:
  24. Good morning! Well, here I am day one of this preop diet. Did you guys have to kind of "tweak" this as well? I really don't want any carbs, and I also don't eat eggs / drink milk. I am trying hard to follow it tho. This morning I have 3/4 cottage cheese, 1 small apple, 1 slice of turkey bacon, and water. Is that ok?? I can't wait to see Dr. Fisher today and see what he tells me!! :thumbup: I am leaving here @ 2.

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