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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by NinaC

  1. I'm getting banded tomorrow and I was wondering if you lose you hair like to do with bypass surgery? My sister had bypass surgery about a year ago and has noticed that her hair has thinned. I know it's a side effect with bypass, is it the same with the band? SOOOOOO EXCITED FOR TOMORROW!!:thumbup:
  2. I was banded yesterday and I'm so sore and bloated. How long does this last?
  3. I paid $15,000 in Los Angeles which includes all my labs, follow up labs, fills, support groups, etc. From what I researched that's about the going rate.
  4. NinaC

    Scared and thirsty~

    Oops, that last post was for princess. I wrote Hope, sorry!
  5. NinaC

    Scared and thirsty~

    Hope - It's totally normal to be nervous. I was banded on the 22nd and I was very scared and nervous. I like the idea of you trying all the different Protein drinks before you have surgery to see what you like and what works for you. I didn't do that. I bought all the stuff weeks befote surgery and just stared at it in my kitchen. I was avoiding it as much as possible. Do you know if your lactose intolerent? That's probably why you're getting diereah. I'm very lactose intolorent and I can't drink any milk products I get a horrible stomach ache and diereah (sorry if that's TMI) The protien I've found that works great and is easiest to get down is New whey liquid Protein. It comes in what looks like a test tube and it's got 42g of protein! Two of those and I've had my protein for the day. I tried drinking other kinds and it seem to take me all day to finish one. Good Luck and don't worry. I'm shocked at how easy it's been! I'm not hungry and can't wait to be thinner! This is going to be a hard road for us, but it's going to be sooo worth it!
  6. Congratulatons I can't imagine how good that feels! I have the dress I wore on NYE 1999 (juniors size M) hanging up in my bedroom. I look at it every day and it reminds me why I'm doing this. My goal is to wear it this NYE 10 years later!! It's still a cute "little" black dress! I was just banded yesterday so I have a long road in front of me!!
  7. I'll just grin and bare it! My pain med puts me to sleep, at least I'll get a good nights sleep tonight. Hopefully it'll be better in the morning. Other then this pain and bloating I've been feeing awesome!!
  8. What did you take to help it? I have to gas x strips, is there anything else?
  9. My surgeon is going to use a "low profile port" tomorrow when I have my surgery. He says for me that would be better and less able to feel/see. Does anybody have one of those and if so is it hard for the surgeon to find during fills?
  10. NinaC

    Low Profile port?

    My surgeon told me about the low profile port because I'm a stomach sleeper. I don't want to feel anything after I lose the weight. I also don't want any chance of it showing once I lose the weight. I need to lose 70 pounds to reach my goal weight. I was banded yesterday and I'm to swolen to feel anything in my tummy and it's way to sore to go poking around just yet. Thanks for all of your comments.
  11. Thanks for all the advice. I was able to sleep OK last night once I took the liquid vicodin. I woke up around 3:30 and had to walk around and take more. The pain isn't as bad today as it was yesterday when I was banded. I've found that liquid vicodin or liquid tylonal work best. I tried the gas x strips and they don't seem to work. I hear my stomach constantly groning and I keep burping. I'm thinking that's a good thing since I'm getting some of the gas out. Thanks again!
  12. Thanks for the advice guys. I have the Gas X strips and they don't seem to work that well, like you mentioned. The only thing that seems to feel good is walking and burping! Thank god I live alone!! I don't know how I'm going to sleet tonight, laying down is the worst! I don't have a recliner either. My pain med make me sleepy, so I hope it knocks me out!!
  13. NinaC

    I was just banded today!

    I was banded today too and it was super easy!! I'm not in much pain from my incisions, it's the gas pain the hurts the worst! It's only comfortable when I stand and walk. I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonigt! Any ideas? I'll try the pillow thing. I'm a stomach sleeper also!!
  14. NinaC

    Tomorrow's the big day!

    I'm getting banded at 7:30 today! Good luck!
  15. I'm having surgery today too! I'm really scared also! I'm leaving my house in about 10 minutes and I'm the first case at 7:30! We'll be fine! Good luck to you!!
  16. NinaC

    I was just banded today!

    I hope mine goes as good as all yours!! Tomorrows my day!
  17. NinaC

    No surgery today...

    That's great! I'm glad you"re rescheduling! I took three different antinausea drugs yesterday to make sure I wouldn't vomit!! They really don't want you to be sick! I'm having mine done tomorrow and I'm very excited!! Good luck to you and I'll post as soon as I can!!
  18. NinaC

    No surgery today...

    My surgery got cancelled today too! Mine was because the air conditioning in the OR's broke over the weekend and it was too hot to use. Neither of these are our faults! I was thinking it was a sign as well! This was the second time my surgery was cancelled, both had nothing to do with me! I think we're totally going to be fine and we're going to look and feel great in another 9 months. I'm going to try and think of it like this . . .we weren't meant to have surgery today! When we do have it done, we'll be so happy we did. Keep me posted as to when yours is rescheduled. Good luck to you!!
  19. I was originally supposed to have my band surgery on July 10th, but that was cancelled the day before because the hospital didn't have a Care Credit account. And not to mention that they lost my paperwork when I went for my pre op labs, my EKG was done incorrect and showed I had a heart attack (which I didn’t) , and I got a speeding ticket on my way home. See a theme? I went ahead and rescheduled it for today the 20th. I checked into the hospital and got prepped for surgery. I had my IV bag and antibiotics, my shot of Lovanox, my legs were wrapped in ace bandages and I was ready to go!! Then the anesthesiologist comes in and says that the air conditioners and dehumidifiers broke in the OR over the weekend and all surgeries were cancelled today. WHAT?? I was shocked and sent home. My surgeon did call and profusely apologize, he’s well aware of all the problems that have been happening with me. I'm wondering if this is a sign that someone is trying to send me about not getting the surgery. Should I go through with the surgery? My surgeon wants to do it this Wednesday. I'm 33 years old, 5'8”, 210lbs. I'm so confused and scared. I don't know what to do!! Any advice would be appreciated! Is three a charm?
  20. I know he's a very skilled surgeon and I've never doubted him or his team. It's seems the hospital is unorganized. I'm going to write a letter to their CEO about my experience with them. Although, ultimately I'm putting my life in their hands. I like the idea of "Wednesday is my day!" The other days just weren't meant to be!! Thanks Monkey!! I don't think this has anything to do with being a "quitter" It has to do with me going with my inner feelings.
  21. Thanks for the advice Juli! I'm not a quitter and odds are I'm going to go through with the sugery. Hopefully three is a charm!! I guess I'll just call today "dress rehersal!"
  22. I'm really going to think about it tonight. I've already put out a lot of cash for the procedure. I wish there was some magic answer for me. I'm very sick of being overweight and unhealthy. I have a long family history of heart problems and diabetes. I've been so ready for this for so long and to quit now would be so disappointing. :smile:
  23. I'm right there with you folks!! I'm getting banded tomorrow too!! I'm excited/nervous, and ready to have it over with! I'm STARVING!! I was told to eat breakfast and then only Clear Liquids all day! I just caught myself watching Top Chef!! I've noticed that I'm surrounded by food all the time, magazines, tv, radio, no wonder I'm overweight!! Good luck to everyone!! Thanks for the info on the youtube video, I'm going to watch it now. Also, they sell special Vitamins for lapband patients. I'm going to order them online this week. I was told not to start taking them for a week or two, your stomach needs to heal. Good luck everyone! Good Speed!
  24. NinaC

    Just a Week away...July 20th

    Tomorrows the big day!!
  25. I'm having my surgery on Monday and I'm really scared of drinking this stuff! They said I have to drink it and have the upper GI before I can go home. I hope it's not that bad! They don't want to you vomit after the surgery yet they make you drink something that makes you vomit. I'm so worried! Oh well, I'm sure I'll make it though, no pain no gain!!

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