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Blog Comments posted by minpinmom

  1. She was just wonderful! She kept thanking US for standing in line to buy her book - She was SO beautiful. It was really a great experience. Also - I am hoping that when Jenna continues the book tour - she will start signing her new name - because this was the last stop before her wedding - so it makes it a bit more memorable being the last set of books she signs as Jenna Bush!

  2. We made it! We are all unloaded and resting. It was 6.5 hours - then when we got here - they had us down to check in yesterday - but my card was declined (it was stolen a few months ago - so we canceled it) - So, anyway after begging and pleading, the honored my reservation - then we found out we are upstairs and there are NO elevators! Well, I guess I won't have to workout tonight!

  3. I have been planning and packing and giddy with excitement. Amy, one of my Dog Show buddies will be here this evening with Keela, her show dog. We will be driving out tomorrow morning - at the butt crack of dawn. :-) Headed to Oklahoma City and the Miniature Pinscher National Show.

    Piper is so excited, she knows something is going on she just doesn't know what. She sees me getting all of her show gear out - but she hasn't been groomed yet - so she is a bit confused.

    We are staying from Sunday to Friday - and most of it is pretty dressy, so I have a ton of clothes to take - then of course, the dogs have their own entourage of luggage and accessories. So we will have 1 packed vehicle.

    We will be showing on Wednesday (I believe), so wish us luck.

    I have packed all of my workout clothes - they have a huge gym - so hopefully I will find time to workout. It won't all be fun and games, I work from home - so I will be working from the Hotel while I am there - so it should be pretty darn busy.

    I will take lots of pictures to post when I return. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

  4. Okay, so I am dealing with blisters on my heels for the first time I can remember. (I wasn't too active up to this point). I joined the gym and am having a blast until the dreaded Blister.

    First, let me introduce you to the cause of the problem. My new shoes (which I really liked before they decided to rub me the wrong way - hehe).

    They are from New Balance and are actually pretty comfy. I paid $35.00 for them at TJ MAX. I am not going to hold this against them for long - everyone needs a second chance.

    My blister is not too pretty. I got it last week - and haven't been able to do the treadmill because of it. The picture was taken today, I think 5 or 6 days after it showed up.

    So, thanks to everyones suggestions, I went to Walgreens to see if they had Band-Aids for Blisters and they did! I bought them and a Blister Block Stick. It is supposed to slick up your heel so that there is no friction, thus, no blister.

    I tried them today and was able to workout like normal. It still felt a little tender, but it was do-able.

    The Band-Aid Blister Covers were $4.99 and the Band-Aid Blister Block was $6.99. I would suggest them to everyone - I wished I would have known about them before the "incident"

  5. I loved Ali on The Biggest Loser - and I couldn't believe she won! It was such an awesome transformation. The men look great and lose so much weight, but the women's looks change so much. I can't wait to lose a significant amount of weight and it be noticeable.

    Too funny about your hubby falling off - I have to hold on - I have horrible balance and I would totally fall.

  6. lol, I agree with the price of gas - my hubby is getting a motorcycle for that very reason. I can't wait to be thin enough to look good on the back of it!

    I have never seen blister bandaids, I am so going to WalMart tomorrow morning to try some! I went to the gym today and wore some tennis shoes that don't have backs - I could ride the bike, but I kept walking out of them on the treadmill.

    I had been looking at bodybuggs - and then noticed them on The Biggest Loser too - I think I was addicted to that show this year. I still LOVE my Bugg - it doesn't lie - this week has been crazy and it keeps letting me know - girl - you ain't gonna lose weight if you keep this up! I just wish it would zap me when I eat the wrong things!

  7. The gym WAS going great, but I have a HUGE blister on my heel from new workout shoes. I have taken 3 days off - but I will probably go back with some backless tennis shoes - hopefully I will be as motivated. :-)

  8. If you just had a fill, you should be on liquids until your stomach's swelling goes down. My Dr. has you on liquids for 4 days following a fill, then soft foods for 4 days. Then you start adding real food. There would be no way I would be able to eat real food right after a fill. Your stomach needs time to get back to normal - it is irritated and mad at the tightening it feels.

  9. It sounds like you are doing GREAT - My Dr. wants me to lose 1-2 lbs a week - a friend of mine got a fill 2 weeks ago and she was too tight, but didn't want to tell him because she wanted to lose the weight fast - she finally broke down and went in she had lost like 15lbs in the past 2 weeks - he gave her a complete unfill (she was also sick from it). He was very angry with her and told her to go on liquids for a week, then come back in 2 for a slight fill. I am a little jealous when I hear people with huge weight losses, but I just keep telling myself that I will get there - and probably at the same time they will. Bodies have a way of evening themselves out. Keep up the great work - the time before fills is the HARDEST.

    And thanks for going easy on a Republican here! :-)

  10. That cracks me up! You have such a wonderful sense of humor and a great writing style! Keep writing! Oh, and I have nothing good to add - I didn't have to do a pre-op, other than the day before - and that one day, I thought I was going to die!

  11. This has nothing to do with being banded, but last night my hubby and I took my mom to Barnes and Nobles to a book signing with Laura and Jenna Bush (we are total Republican Dorks). We originally only got 2 wrist bands to enter and them my mom found out and wanted to go, so I gave her my wrist band. So, I was going just to watch and take pictures. Some NICE lady gave me a band when I got there - so I got to go in. We stood in line forever and finally got up there. They were so nice and SO beautiful. I guess I was starstruck, they spoke to us like we were old friends. I was totally impressed.

    So, we noticed cameramen everywhere - not nearly as many as Secret Servicemen. Wow - talk about hot! But anyway, when we got home, we sat down to watch the news and there we were! They filmed us standing in line!

    Oh, and TV does add 10lbs hehe.

    The first picture is of my Mom and My Hubby standing in line (you can see a Secret Service Dude in the background) And the Second picture is a distant shot of Laura and Jenna.

  12. I just read about that stick too - so I can get it at like a large pharmacy? I went today and bought some "running" socks - they are supposed to "wick" the moisture away from my feet - but my feet didn't sweat - I think it was the friction. I will try your 2 sock plan. Thanks for the advice!

  13. I am so stinking proud of myself I can't stand it! I am now a member of Gold's Gym. I started going last week with my girlfriend (had a free week going with her) However, she could only go twice - so after much complaining, the hubby said to do it.

    I did. I talked them into only a 1 year contract. Currently they only do 2 year contracts at 19.99 a month. Well, there is no way I am going to commit to a 2 year contract. This is my first time to ever be a gym rat, and who knows how long it will last. As the hubby says, I am very fickle.

    So, I begged and pleaded and they let me sign a 1 year contract at 24.95 a month. I think that was pretty fair.

    Tonight was my second night to go in a row - and of course, today I went and bought workout shoes (because I had none), sure enough I am now the proud owner of a quarter sized blister on my right heel. This sucks!

    I have been researching ways to keep from getting blisters and to help them go away sooner. Any idea how long I need to stay off of it - I am dying to go back tomorrow - any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

  14. Ugh, the liquid diet is the worst! Luckily I didn't have to do it but the day before surgery and then 2 weeks after.

    I had problems eating a small amount at first, but now, I put a small amount on my plate and usually have some left over when I am done.

    I cook about the same as before (size wise) we just eat it longer. I have found myself throwing out food every now and again. I NEVER used to have to do that. We always finished everything off.

  15. For Protein shakes - I have tried a billion of them and I always go back to the Slim Fast Creamy Chocolate. BUT, I empty the can into a Magic Bullet Blender, add 3-4 cubes of ice and a splash of Raspberry, Hazelnut or Amaretto sugar free syrup. Makes them yummy!

    My tastes have changed so much I am amazed, my favorite meal is Tilapia. It is a light fish (not fishy at all). I sprinkle it with salt, pepper and flour and heat some Lemon Oil in a skillet till really hot. Cook 2-3 minutes on each size and serve with fresh lemon wedge! Can you believe the only way I used to eat fish was deep fat fried? Times have changed.

  16. Okay, so I went to the Gym with my BFF tonight and it felt really good. I did the bike for a while, then the treadmill for 20 minutes (a little over a mile), then some arm thingy. (Can you tell I am NOT a gym rat?)

    I am already a bit sore, I guess I shall see how I feel tomorrow. I may be pissed at the world - and mad at Molly for inviting me. Oh what tomorrow brings.

  17. I woke up this morning to a total loss of 20lbs! I am so excited, this was a mini-goal of mine. I can't wait to get some restriction - I thought I had some with my last fill, but now I am thinking I don't. Hopefully when I get some, I won't have to try so hard.

    I am counting calories (every single solitary calorie), exercising and keeping a 1000 calorie a day deficit (THANKS to my BodyBugg). It would be SO nice to get really full when I eat and to not be hungry again in a couple of hours. I have my fingers crossed!

  18. Yes, it stinks. It is kind of like after surgery, your stomach freaks out and says, hey what the hell is squeezing me? So my Dr. makes only have liquids the day of the fill, then for the following 3 days too. Then you go onto soft foods for 3 or 4 days (I can't remember) then back to regular foods. It normally isn't bad at all. After a fill, you don't have much hunger, but this time was different. I thought I was starving! I am much better now, I thought I might have to tackle a couple of people for a Turkey Leg and grilled corn yesterday!

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