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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by minpinmom

  1. I cant see what I am typing - I think your text color is the problem.

  2. I don't have any problems with vomiting or anything like that. I am down 38lbs. ;-)

  3. minpinmom

    Broken tooth, help with straws

    I haven't had any problems with the straw yet - thank goodness it isn't a huge bandster rule. I do think I swallowed the tooth wax when I was asleep last night.
  4. minpinmom

    Broken tooth, help with straws

    Thanks guys - I figured it was okay - but I have been warned of swallowing air with straws. This sucks. I hate going to the dentist.
  5. Thank you! I have no regrets. I don't lose as fast as a lot of the people on here - but I would do it again just to get where I am now. I feel so much better. The only problem I have - I have super tight restriction in the AM. Where it takes a while just for a drink to go down. Perfect restriction for lunch, I eat a few bites and I am full. For supper - I can eat anything - so I really have to monitor myself in the evenings. But - I am so much healthier and feel so much better!

  6. minpinmom


    Pete, I found out over 3 years ago that it was excluded and I couldn't afford self-pay. My insurance changed its policy last December. Don't give up. Keep calling every month - insurance companies change their policies all the time. I am proof!
  7. minpinmom

    50 pounds!

    I am so proud of you! You are truly an inspiration!!!
  8. minpinmom

    Bodybugg users report here!

    Just thought I would share my most recent experience. My Bugg decided it wouldn't download wirelessly. It was fine if it was hooked up directly. So, I called support, the guy walked me through 100 scineros and it never would work. I was seriously on the phone with him for an hour. He said he would escalte it to the next level. Today a rep called, asked me a bunch of questions and said he couldn't be sure if it was the wireless remote or the actual bugg, so they are sending me an entire new package! He is sending me a shipping label to send my old bugg in, and the new one will be shipped, along with an extra month added to my subscription for any inconvinences. I couldn't believe it! I love my bugg!
  9. minpinmom

    Anyone ever been perscribed steriods for band problems??

    I am on steroids for an allergic reaction - so I can tell you side affects. You feel like your body is going too fast, very jittery and hungry all the time. I get headaches, but I am on a ton of medications on top of the steroids right now. None of this is associated with my band, but I thought the side affects might help you :-) Good Luck
  10. minpinmom


    Oh how I wish I could avoid those damn brownies! It amazes me how something you take makes you so hungry. The Dr. said it does something to your sugar - but its weird, I want real food - like meat, potatoes - I thought I would just crave sweets, but NOPE, about 2 hours after I eat, I feel like I haven't eaten in a week. Growling stomach and all! I hate steroids. I sure hope it goes away soon. Right now, they go away for a few hours after each dose (6 doses today), but they come back before the next dose. I am taking SCUBA lessens on the 2nd of Sept and an outdoor Concert (Toby Keith and Montgomery Gentry) on the 6th. I can't imagine doing either of them with this. I look horrible and feel like crap. Thankfully I have my online friends who can laugh with me and make me feel better :-) Thanks guys
  11. minpinmom


    It spread to my neck. They started me on a steroid pack today - I don't feel like I am banded at all - I am starving - and eating like crazy. I feel very little restriction. I am super swollen - I hope that is what the weight gain is. I had gained 7 lbs when I went to the dr. today. I am trying to eat healthy. Okay - so the brownies weren't healthy - but they were low fat The steroids make me feel like I am running out of my skin. I feel like a humming bird. A huge freaking spotted humming bird. :-) The steroids are helping. I take 6 doses today. Everytime I take a dose - the bumps go away for a couple of hours. Hopefully it will get rid of them totally soon. Funny - at the Dr.s office - little kids were pointing and talking about me - and I knew it wasn't because I was fat! I guess you had to be there - in the elevator - I got in and everyone moved to the other side :-) too funny. I almost wish I was contagious!
  12. minpinmom

    How I'm doing...

    Look at that sexy new girl in the pic!!
  13. minpinmom

    Whats red and white and itchy all over?

    WENDY Okay, so on Thursday evening my hands started itching and got red. Then, my arms, feet, knees and legs. Soon I was covered with red whelps. I have never been allergic to anything - but something has changed. I started taking Benadryl (which knocks me smooth out) and putting Cortisone Creams on. It helped, but it would come back after about 3 hours. I called my Dr. Friday morning (they are only open a 1/2 day on Fridays) The nurse said to continue doing what I was doing, that it should go away - if it gets worse, to go to the afterhours clinic. It got worse. :-) So, this morning I went to the clinic. They gave me a sterroid shot and warned me that it would cause me to be very hungry - she said most people gain a FEW pounds with them. That is just what I need. She also gave me a sterroid pack to take home and get filled on Tuesday if I am not significantly better by Tuesday. I am also taking Zyrtec (double dose), Claritin (double dose) and Pepcid AC (which I thought was weird, but she said it contains an anti-hystimine). I got home, took an oatmeal bath and the spots started going away. That was around noon. They are coming back. Ugh. So, I guess I will continue what I am doing and hope for the best. I thought I would include a few pics for you guys to share in my pain :-)
  14. minpinmom

    Whats red and white and itchy all over?

    I am much better - I still have some spots - but the medicine is keeping the majority of them at bay. I am going back to the Dr. tomorrow to see if I can get a referral for allergy testing. I really want to know what caused this.
  15. minpinmom

    Whats red and white and itchy all over?

    Thank you! I am feeling pretty sorry for myself right now. I sure thought it was over after the shot and everything went away. It is back, not quite as bad as it was - but dang it I am tired of itching and looking like a freak!
  16. minpinmom

    Whats red and white and itchy all over?

    WENDY Okay, so on Thursday evening my hands started itching and got red. Then, my arms, feet, knees and legs. Soon I was covered with red whelps. I have never been allergic to anything - but something has changed. I started taking Benadryl (which knocks me smooth out) and putting Cortisone Creams on. It helped, but it would come back after about 3 hours. I called my Dr. Friday morning (they are only open a 1/2 day on Fridays) The nurse said to continue doing what I was doing, that it should go away - if it gets worse, to go to the afterhours clinic. It got worse. :-) So, this morning I went to the clinic. They gave me a sterroid shot and warned me that it would cause me to be very hungry - she said most people gain a FEW pounds with them. That is just what I need. She also gave me a sterroid pack to take home and get filled on Tuesday if I am not significantly better by Tuesday. I am also taking Zyrtec (double dose), Claritin (double dose) and Pepcid AC (which I thought was weird, but she said it contains an anti-hystimine). I got home, took an oatmeal bath and the spots started going away. That was around noon. They are coming back. Ugh. So, I guess I will continue what I am doing and hope for the best. I thought I would include a few pics for you guys to share in my pain :-)
  17. So let me set the stage. My hubbs and I are sitting in the waiting room, excited that our Godson is being born later that day (by planned C-Section). The nurse calls me up and says - "Okay Wendy, you will have a $12.00 copay for today's fill and here is your paperwork for your fill." I smile and say, I am not here for a fill, just a follow up. (uhm, duh, this is just a follow up). She smiles back and says, "Yes, you are getting your first fill today - they didn't tell you that when they rescheduled you?" Thinking back - I remember Dr. Spiegel saying something about we will talk fills next time. I thought he meant we will TALK fills next time, not DO a freakin fill next time. Bravely, I shake my head and say, oh darn, I drank a SlimFast this morning, she smiles and says, "No Problem, you can have liquids today" So, I pay, look at the hubs, with that deer in the headlights look - he smiles and asks if I want him to go back with me. Now, I do, but I say no, because with any babying, I will get worse, crying and pouting and planning an escape route. So I decline his offer and I take the long walk to the seminar waiting room. My name is called, my hands start sweating, the nurse takes me back weighs me and sends me back out to wait. Sigh of relief. Maybe I can think of an escape out of this crazy scheme they have here. About this time a breath of fresh air walks in. Her name is Stefani - it was her first fill too. She is just as outgoing and outspoken as I am. We sat and laughed about our fears and thoughts about the dreaded first fill. Time flew and they called me back. Damnit! I forgot about my escape plan. I had nothing. I had to go in. I sat in the room for a few minutes, as quiet as I could, awaiting the screams I was sure to hear coming from the other rooms. I heard the patient talking with Dr. Spiegel and laughing - oh well, she must be here for her first initial visit! Dr. Spiegel entered the room, smiled his "no worries" smile and shook my hand. All I could say is "I am really nervous, I hate needles" He put his hand on my shoulder and said "don't worry, this won't hurt." They laid me back (by this time, there was Dr. Spiegel, another Dr., and his nurse in the room). He was explaining the procedure to the other Dr. (he is in training I presume). He said that he always uses the smallest needle - he felt of my port, and inserted the needle - it really didn't hurt. Even less than a regular shot. However, he couldn't reach my port. He said, "Wendy, your port is very deep - I can do 1 of 2 things. I can pull the needle out and use a larger needle, or I can press on your abdomen, and get the needle down into the port." The chicken in me said, For the Love of God, PLEASE don't take the needle out! So he pressed (very hard) I wasn't looking, but the needle burned a bit when he was pressing, then he said ok, there it is, inserted 1.6 and pulled the needle out. They sat me up, asked me if I was ok - I, knowing it was over, was very ok. I returned to the waiting room and announced to the not-so-interested crowd that I had survived my first fill! Stefani came out shortly after and she survived as well. I guess a fill can't kill. :-) I am on liquids for 3 days, then mushy foods for 4 days. If I am still hungry, he will do another fill in 2 weeks!
  18. minpinmom

    Fill Question: Is this normal?

    In addition to what has been added, your tummy swells after a fill (the reason most are on liquids, then softs, then regular foods after a fill). Some people the swelling takes weeks to go down. Your swelling may have taken longer to go down along with your AWESOME weightloss - could account for the difference.
  19. minpinmom

    Tightness in the morning????

    My Dr. tells us to only have liquids in the morning - Slim Fast or Atkins, or something similar. If you can eat breakfast and have good restriction you are not normal.
  20. minpinmom


    It took me 6 or 7 fills - but I finally have it! I have to warn you - I am one of the ones who has super tight restriction for breakfast, great restriction for lunch and virtually none for supper. BUT, I have the band helping me 2 meals out of the day - I try to eat healthy and watch the amounts for super. Congratulations on your decision. I would do mine again a hundred times even if I never lost another pound. Losing 38lbs in 6 months and KEEPING it off - has made me a new person!
  21. Thank you - she is my baby! I have 3 MinPins and a German Shorthair Pointer - they are our children.



  22. Thank you for sharing your story - most people on this board can and do relate. You are a brave, beautiful soul. One day, I hope you can see it.
  23. minpinmom

    Swallowed Gum?

    If you aren't in pain, and aren't having reflux or anything - you are probably fine. I have read a thread on here about a lady who swallowed a piece of gum-they had her drink hot liquids to soften it, but it wouldn't go down. They had to go in and remove it. I have also read one where a woman had to get an unfill to let it go down. But they were both in pain - it was stuck. Keep us updated as to what happens. I think you are one of the LUCKY ones!!!
  24. minpinmom

    A quiz about me

    Sometimes: I get mad just to get mad No one realizes: It is hard to be me I am so: glad I had the Lap Band People think: I am crazy for having so many dogs Tonight I: Will watch TV with Eddie It is hard to believe: I am wearing size 16 I realized that: I may never see myself as anything but heavy More than before: I wonder if I will regret not being able to have kids Obviously: I wish I could start over at age 20 I can't stop: Obsessing with the scale Nothing matters if: I didn't have my Eddie All I want is: Enough money, or a job to provide enough money to be stable Without even thinking: I know how many calories are in almost everything! It is clear to me that: People judge you no matter what size you are I dont know: What other people see when they look at me The only way: My way :-) sorry, but its true Its hard to tell: What others really think The only person: in this room with me is Piper - my dog It kills me that: Eddie has a Terminal Illness If I were: able to make my parents live forever I would It is not that I: Am vain, I just want to know what THIN feels like My life: Seems to be easier than most One thing I know is: I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband I would never: Say I told you so I can not stand: When people are late Im sick of: The Texas Heat of Summer Im afraid of: Losing someone I love The best: Is yet to come Its weird that: I just recently started using Myspace I do not have enough: Self-esteem I need: Clean House I love: My family, friends and dogs I tried: to ride on the back of Eddie's Motorcycle - but I really need a sissy bar I am starting to: Take SCUBA lessens For some reason: I worry so much about what other people think - Everyone has to like me I should: Finish College I cant: Stand Spiders, snakes and ticks Tomorrow: Zoe has a Vet's appointment I cant wait until: We can travel more I miss: Chris, Stacey, Jodi, Tina and Alisa I always: Show up 10 minutes early My parents: Are the best parents in the world Someone: Lives too far away - ROBIN My friends: Always make me feel better Valentines Day: Is a great date night Parties: Have too many people Why can't: I get motivated to go back to school I dont want: To be different I have to: CLEAN HOUSE! I will never: Give up on Medical Science Marriage: Isn't just for the good days. Children: Make the world fun It seems like: Time goes by much faster now than ever before I dread: Making mistakes School: Uhm, I need to go back, but feel like I am way too old The best food: Mexican Eventually: I will buy a purse for my concealed carry Everyday: I have to try to eat right and workout Rarely: Do I get angry I still cannot decide: Who else I want to go to the Toby Keith Concert with me I am hoping: My job to get busier The suspense: Is killing me It turns out: Life isn't over at 30 Everything: Happens for a reason Wendy
  25. minpinmom

    A quiz about me

    Sometimes: I get mad just to get mad No one realizes: It is hard to be me I am so: glad I had the Lap Band People think: I am crazy for having so many dogs Tonight I: Will watch TV with Eddie It is hard to believe: I am wearing size 16 I realized that: I may never see myself as anything but heavy More than before: I wonder if I will regret not being able to have kids Obviously: I wish I could start over at age 20 I can't stop: Obsessing with the scale Nothing matters if: I didn't have my Eddie All I want is: Enough money, or a job to provide enough money to be stable Without even thinking: I know how many calories are in almost everything! It is clear to me that: People judge you no matter what size you are I dont know: What other people see when they look at me The only way: My way :-) sorry, but its true Its hard to tell: What others really think The only person: in this room with me is Piper - my dog It kills me that: Eddie has a Terminal Illness If I were: able to make my parents live forever I would It is not that I: Am vain, I just want to know what THIN feels like My life: Seems to be easier than most One thing I know is: I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband I would never: Say I told you so I can not stand: When people are late Im sick of: The Texas Heat of Summer Im afraid of: Losing someone I love The best: Is yet to come Its weird that: I just recently started using Myspace I do not have enough: Self-esteem I need: Clean House I love: My family, friends and dogs I tried: to ride on the back of Eddie's Motorcycle - but I really need a sissy bar I am starting to: Take SCUBA lessens For some reason: I worry so much about what other people think - Everyone has to like me I should: Finish College I cant: Stand Spiders, snakes and ticks Tomorrow: Zoe has a Vet's appointment I cant wait until: We can travel more I miss: Chris, Stacey, Jodi, Tina and Alisa I always: Show up 10 minutes early My parents: Are the best parents in the world Someone: Lives too far away - ROBIN My friends: Always make me feel better Valentines Day: Is a great date night Parties: Have too many people Why can't: I get motivated to go back to school I dont want: To be different I have to: CLEAN HOUSE! I will never: Give up on Medical Science Marriage: Isn't just for the good days. Children: Make the world fun It seems like: Time goes by much faster now than ever before I dread: Making mistakes School: Uhm, I need to go back, but feel like I am way too old The best food: Mexican Eventually: I will buy a purse for my concealed carry Everyday: I have to try to eat right and workout Rarely: Do I get angry I still cannot decide: Who else I want to go to the Toby Keith Concert with me I am hoping: My job to get busier The suspense: Is killing me It turns out: Life isn't over at 30 Everything: Happens for a reason Wendy

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