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About jennut

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 12/15/1980

About Me

  • Biography
    Easy going and honest
  • Interests
    swimming, board games
  • Occupation
    Kidergarten teacher
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  1. Happy 32nd Birthday jennut!

  2. Happy 31st Birthday jennut!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary jennut!

  4. jennut

    E G D (esophagogastroduodenoscopy)

    So I will be knocked out for the lovely EGD. That is good news. I wish insurance would cover more of the procedure than I know they will. I having this done because I am at the one year mark with my band and I have recently (the past three weeks) been experiencing a "lump in the throat" feeling. It feels like there is a ball in my throat that I can't swallow. I am able to eat fine and drink fluids. Today I felt a little discomfort after lunch right under my rib cage where I think my band is. It was a sore feeling nothing came up. So has anyone had anything bad found when they had an EGD? One more question. Are you unfilled for the procedure and then refilled? If that is the case then I guess you go back to the liquid phase for a couple days after the EGD. Thank you for any additional information.
  5. jennut

    E G D (esophagogastroduodenoscopy)

    Did it hurt? Was everything ok? I am going in for one next week. I have had terrible reflux for the past month. I am anixous about it. Thank you for any information.
  6. jennut

    Lump in my throat

    I hope you find out what is causing it and feel better soon. I'm still feeling that sensation. It has been a week now.:welldoneclap: Please let us know what it is.
  7. jennut

    Lump in my throat

    I have just started having this feeling. It feels like the lump you get in your throat before your about to start crying uncontrolablly. The feeling is just uncomfortable not a pain. At first I was worried I couldn't breath but I can breath fine I can eat and drink fine too. The discomfort goes away as I eat and drink. I think it is just a muscle in the throat that is having a spasm. I guess I'll go to the dr. if it doesn't get better soon. SO did your throat lump ever go away?
  8. jennut

    Unfilled & Can't Keep Anything Down

    Is a liquid diet needed after an unfill as well? I just found out I am pregnant and I am still filled and loosing weight weekly. I need to get the fill removed ASAP. I am leaving on a cruise on Saturday and really don't want to be on a liquid diet for 4 days of it. Thank you for any help. Jenn 6/23/06 start 262 current 208
  9. jennut

    What r signs of Slippage

    Let me know what your doctor says. I am still trying to get an appointment with mine here in Houston. I called yesterday and the nurse ws not concerned at all. She said she would have the doctor call back if he thought anything of it. I woke up last night with the pain, its not as intense as after first having surgery, but it is bothersome. I am worried because for the past six months of having the band I never really felt different and now I have a little pain in that area. I really hope it is nothing.
  10. jennut

    What r signs of Slippage

    I have just recently (last week) started feeling this pain. It isn't constant. It is only on my left side under my rib. I am wondering if it has to do with to much sex. I am able to eat just fine and still feel restricted.
  11. jennut

    Am I approved through Tricare?

    Dr. Speigel's staff has been very nice and supportive to me. I don't know why there are so many negative comments about his office staff. I didn't have to deal with any insurance issues so I don't know if maybe that issue makes people more frustared and alters their opinion about his staff. Good Luck!
  12. jennut

    Am I approved through Tricare?

    My husband was in the army about three years ago and then Tricare would not cover a surgery like this. I would call Tricare direct and ask them what has been approved. It sounds like just office visits. That would be helpful for the fills you will need for your band after surgery. I was banded by Dr. Spiegel on June 23. I was self pay so I don't now about all the approval stuff. Good luck!
  13. jennut

    Weightloss and PCOS - WOMEN/Adult

    JanetC, So have you gotten pregnant yet? I am reaaly wanting to get pregnant and also have PCOS. I have tried Clomid with my OBGYN and my ovaries are not responding. I was banded on June 23, 2006. I have lost 14 pounds so far. I really hope losing a lot of the excess weight is the key. I so long to be a mother. I am getting really depressed. My husband and I have been trying for two years now. I guess if the weight lose doesn't assist with pregnancy we'll have to pay big bucks for in-vitro. Thanks for any info you can give, Jenn
  14. jennut

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am a new member to the discussion group. Iam a Kindergarten teacher in Houston, TX. :clap2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
