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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by want2lose

  1. Hopefully the Dr. also mentions the "side effects" for GB, including dumping, which sounds far worse then PBing to me. Good luck with your decision.
  2. want2lose

    12 hours until banding!

    Lin, Thanks. I just added you to our list of sept bandsters. Check out this thread to find others that are going to be banded around the time you will be. Good luck with all your pre-op stuff. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=22421
  3. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    Good luck tomorrow to by fellow 9/12 bandsters: ItsGottaGo!, TxAngel, HopeWorks, kattiegirl. I am scheduled for 9:00, and have to be at the hospital at 7:00. I'll fill everyone in as soon as I can. I also want to wish our Wed group good luck: katt, jewel, and avasa. I hope everything goes smoothly and everyone has a quick recovery.
  4. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    You will be fine. I didn't have to do any "cleaning out", just 2 days of liquids. What time is your surgery??
  5. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    Welcome to LBT. I totally understand how anxious you are, but I promise the time will fly by. My day is actually tomorrow and I don't think I will be able to sleep at all tonight. As far as how much to lose, that is up to your surgeon. Did he give you a target to hit? Some surgeons have an extensive pre-op liquid diet, some require atkins type diet, some do nothing. Please check in with your Dr. I was required to follow atkins for 2 weeks and liquid for 2 days before surgery. PBing is Productive Burp. You can read about a lot of causes on the general board. Most cases seem to be caused from overeating, eating too fast, not chewing enough, or some food not agreeing with you. Some people live successfully with the band without ever PBing. Good luck!
  6. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    Congrats!!! That is a huge milestone. Even if you fall into Oct, you can still hang with us Sept bandsters. Good luck with all your pre-op stuff.
  7. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    OK...I'm 2 days away from surgery, and I'm trying to get everything at home ready for me to be out of commission for a few days. So first thing this morning it means folding about 6 loads of laundry that I washed earlier this week but didn't get around to folding. To get in the right mindset I search for a good repeat movie for background entertainment. Hoping to find something along the line of Breakfast Club or Ferris Bullers Day Off, I see Beaches was just starting and I think this will be perfect. WHAT WAS I THINKING????? By the end of the movie (and yes, I've seen it 100 times and know how it's going to end) I am bawling my eyes out. All the what if's start swimming through my head thinking of my 7 & 11 year old daughters. I'm also on my first day of all liquids, so maybe I'm a bit more emotional then normal. I have recovered and now am laughing at myself for choosing that as my morning entertainment. Note to self...no movies about dieing 2 days before surgery.
  8. want2lose

    How soon to drive?

    How quickly after surgery did you drive? I'm just trying to cover all bases before surgery Tuesday and pre-arrange carpools for my DD's activities. Thanks!
  9. want2lose

    10 top reasons why not to get FAT

    5. Waste a lot of time and $$$$ on diets that won't work.
  10. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    Good luck tomorrow to cindyn, BJean, SheryBery, SherryA, RHCPgirl, lamamama. Wow, 9/11 is a busy day for Sept Bandsters. 6 surgeries on a day is our busiest all month. I hope all goes smoothly for everyone.
  11. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    Welcome Elaine! I'm sure you will find lots of information here at LBT. Congratulations on getting a date for your Surgery scheduled. Were you able to get your surgery covered by insurance or are you self pay?
  12. want2lose

    Tip from Dr. Phil

    I was just watching Dr. Phil, and I know it's a repeat, but first time I saw this episode. There was a woman on who lost 140lbs through gastric bypass, and went from a size 24 to a 4. One side effect of her weight loss was that her husband gained 75 lbs! He would eat everything she left on her plate in addition to his meal. I could easily see my DH falling into this pattern. Has anyone here run into this? My DH would love to lose about 40 lbs so I'm hoping some of my new eating habits will rub off on him, but not in a bad way!
  13. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    I didn't know about the socks!!! What a bummer. I'm glad your feeling better.
  14. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    I had my pedicure on Wed. I knew I needed pretty toes for the hospital . I'm trying to get my house cleaned up and all the laundry caught up so I won't have to deal with any of that next week. I keep trying different protein shakes to be prepared for my week of liquids. I start my 2 day liquid diet on Sunday. I can't believe it's only 4 more days! How is everyone doing today?
  15. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    dovie6523 & valgal1968 good luck tomorrow. We'll be thinking of you. Try to get some sleep tonight. I can't wait to hear your post-op reports.
  16. want2lose

    Newby with questions

    The baby is 1 now, but you could start researching now, finding the right surgeon, working the insurance game, and before long the baby will be 16 months old and able to get around better with less lifting on your part. My DH was VERY reluctant. I kept bringing up the subject and sharing information I learned. It would not be his choice for me to have the surgery, but he is supportive of my choice. Good luck with your journey.
  17. want2lose

    How long do dogs live?

    In April we adopted a Saint Bernard from the local St. B rescue. She is 1 1/2 and just a big (120lb) baby. My DD's 7 & 11 love her. We have invested in some very good training and a fence, but she really is a lot of fun to have. Lifespan is tough to deal with, but we get to enjoy her for now. We debated the puppy thing, but I just didn't want to deal with the chewing and "potty" training. Good luck with your new addition. A dog also makes a great exercise companion.
  18. want2lose

    Isopure--low carb or zero carb?

    LOL I couldn't agree more. I had a sip of the alpine punch and searched the bottle for an expiration date, because there was no way a company would intentially sell something this gross. I was convinced it must have expired and gone bad...but no, it really was just that bad. I had my DH try it, who is not fussy and will eat / drink anything, and he spit it out. This was truly one of the foulest products I have ever tried.
  19. want2lose

    Strawberry seeds ???

    I met with my nutritionist today and asked her again. She said I should avoid them in the beginning because they are scratchy on my insides and while I am healing everything should be smooth. But then she said as long as I am pureeing them in my Protein shakes that they should be OK. I can't imagine a blender would make a significant difference in a strawberry seed, but I'm glad she said they are OK. I ordered some beneprotein and unjury unflavored protein and will try them blended with OJ for the orange julius thing. I used to love those.
  20. want2lose

    Strawberry seeds ???

    My nutritionist said we need to avoid all seeds, including strawberry seeds. I like adding frozen strawberries to my Protein shake to alter the taste occasionally. Does anyone else eat strawberries and if so, do you ever have problems with them? Did you have them during liquid or mushy stages? Thanks! One week from today and I'll be an official member of the club!
  21. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    dovie, Good luck! I know you will do great. Try to get a good nights sleep tonight. Keep us updated.
  22. want2lose

    Gads, I sooo screwed up!

    Ask them specifically if they do lapband (adjustable gastric banding). If they don't they will probably give you the name of another surgeon who does.
  23. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    I'm off to see my nutritionist for my pre-op 1 on 1. Anyone have any questions they want me to ask?
  24. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    James, How are you feeling today?
  25. want2lose

    Finally A Bandster

    Congrats! I'm glad it went well and you don't seem to be in too much pain.

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