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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by want2lose

  1. want2lose

    Bra Sizes Before/Now

    I was fitted last year and have been wearing a 38 DDD (38 F). My Bras are already way too big, but I'm trying to hit 200 before I get re-fitted. On the Oprah website they said you should get re-fitted for every 5lb weight change. Well there is no way I can afford to do that. I need bras to last more then a couple weeks!
  2. want2lose

    Bra Sizes Before/Now

    Oprah did a show that said 85% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. The majority of women have the band size too big and the cup size too small. I, like many women, ran right out and had bra fittings after that.
  3. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    Bettina, Congrats on the rapid weight loss. 15lbs your first week is awesome. How are you feeling?
  4. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    I took the lazy way...I bought a tub of Lloyds BBQ chicken, heated 1oz in the micro, then ground it up in the food processor. Very moist, and BBQ was a nice change of flavor.
  5. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    I started with scrambled egg, applesauce, pureed pears, melted cheese w/ pasta sauce. After a few days I moved onto pureed meat, and have had no problems with any meat. I have 1 oz meat and 1 oz fruit/veg for each meal, 3x/day. Good luck!
  6. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    OK...I'm in. I want to be 190 by Christmas. My more immediate goal is to hit 200 by Nov 1st. I'ts gonna be pretty tough, but I'm trying. We are going on vacation to California, and I would love to hit that milestone. I don't get a fill until I get back, but I'm not starving...yet, so there is hope. Thanks for starting the Christmas Challenge.
  7. want2lose

    Gotta Fly-Embarassing Question

    Congratulations, and thanks for the follow up report. I was wondering how the trip went.
  8. want2lose

    Got Approved>>>yeah!!!!

    Thanks. The pain wasn't too bad. It hurt to change position for a few days, (ie change from sitting to standing or sitting to lying down), but I was on liquid tylenol by the end of day 2, and driving about 48hrs after surgery. I now feel great and have adjusted well. It's pretty rare that I am hungry, and I eat about 600 calories/day. Good luck!
  9. want2lose

    Got Approved>>>yeah!!!!

  10. want2lose

    Newbie Questions

    I am 3 wks post op and have had no problem swallowing small pills. I took my thyroid med 2 days post op. It is pretty small (the size of BC or Sudafed) and I had no issue swallowing it. I am back on my BC pills, and again, no problems swallowing it. I switched allergy med to one that disolves on the tongue (clarinex), and I take chewable multi Vitamin and chewable Calcium. If you have other large pills that you are required to take, see if they come in a liquid form or if they are crushable and you can put in applesauce. No, there is not a clothing swap on the board. Good luck!
  11. Wow! Those are two amazing accomplishments. Congratulations:clap2: :clap2:
  12. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    I have my dietician follow up this Friday. I hope I graduate from mushies to whatever is next. I have been doing well eating meat that I put in the food processor. I have had pulled pork, pot roast, and chicken. Last night I took a meatball, Pasta sauce and a little mozzarella cheese. Heated it all up together and put it in the food processor, and it was probably my favorite meal post banding. 2 oz total was very filling and different flavors then I have been eating. I'm glad everyone is doing well. Welcome to all the newbies on this thread. We've had a number of new bandsters join us this week. Let us know how your journeys are going.
  13. want2lose

    No support from friends.

    Mindy, That email reads almost word for word the conversation my DH & I had once he realized I really wanted to have this surgery. He wanted to hire me a personal trainer (like on Biggest Looser) and after 6 months of boot camp type training, I would lose the 85lbs. I had just finished typing out my weight loss history, documenting over 10 years of medication, WW's, and even a personal trainer. All for nothing. I was at the same weight that I was 10 years ago. Sure there were lots of ups & downs, but nothing that kept it off. I even completed a triathlon 2 years ago with the help of a trainer, and lost only 2 lbs while training daily (sometimes twice a day) for 2 months. I printed it out for him, and I think he finally understood my frustration. I have tried everything, and nothing worked for me. Yo Yo dieting is very bad for you, and I needed something to help me long term. I feel your frustration. Because of my fear of more negative reactions, my DH is the only person that knows I was banded. Not my kids, not my sisters, not my parents or my friends. I just didn't want to hear their opinions. Good luck! LBT can be a great source of support!
  14. want2lose

    Band Friendly Med!!!

    I just found these at Wegmans today. They were selling the 6 tablet packs for $0.99. Thanks for mentioning these or I wouldn't have even noticed them.
  15. I'm almost 3 wks post op and on mushies. I'm running about 500 - 600 / day.
  16. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: :wow2: WE DID IT!!!!! September is officially over, and as a group, we are 101 new bandsters. Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement. Now the hard work begins. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
  17. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    Congrats larry! I was sore for about 2 days. I understand about how hard it is to move around. It took lots of mental planning to change from laying down to sitting, or sitting to standing. This too will pass. Everyday will get better. Hang in there.
  18. want2lose

    I went for my first visit today!

    Congrats on this first step. Good luck with the insurance process.
  19. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    Bettina, Congratulations! I'm glad all went well. I moved VERY slowly for the first few days too. Welcome to Bandland.:clap2:
  20. want2lose

    Let's talk about spanx

    I wear the capri length spanx when I am wearing "snug" pants. They definitely should solve your issue of pants going where they shouldn't. The power panties always leave a line across my thighs when I am sitting, that is why I prefer the footless capri length ones. They definitely offer more control then pantyhose.
  21. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    Welcome sweet31eve. My lifting restriction is 20 lbs.
  22. I don't feel you need to tell them it is for WLS, just simply saying for a medical procedure should be sufficient. Do you get time off around Thanksgiving or Christmas? One other question...are you a nanny for small children that you need to pick up? This could complicate your recovery period.
  23. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    Welcome harlito and ashley. It looks like you are both doing well since surgery. I haven't had a fill yet so I can't help you there, but I know once Sept Bandster has and hopefully will chime in. Otherwise check on the main board or on the August thread. Many of them have just had their first fills and could answer your questions. My first fill is scheduled for 11/8, so I have quite a while to wait.
  24. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    I'm glad all went well. I thought I had small veins, but you win the prize. I'm sure the central line was no fun, but at least it is over and your recovery can begin. Congratulations!
  25. want2lose

    September Bandsters

    Good luck tomorrow to our LAST group of bandster: Lapoli7, ratgirl, sweetsue, chattanoogabrat, phw72. You guys are gonna do great! Update us over the weekend when you feel up to it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
