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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by want2lose

  1. I started researching this on 7/1, which is when I found this board :clap2: . I told DH that night that I was considering having this done, explained how the procedure worked, highlighted adjustable & removeable, and his response was "talk to me once you're closer". I attended a seminar 7/18, invited DH to come but he had a schedule conflict. We talked that night briefly about what I had learned. I had my consultation on 7/31, and when I got home DH asked why I am rushing into this. He thinks that I should spend 3 months trying a heavy duty - boot camp style exercise program before resorting to this :faint: . Over the past 10 years I have tried just about everything, including many years of phentermine, xenical, etc. I hired a personal trainer to prepare for a triathlon, which I completed, and I have spent years in WW meetings. I'm still the same 225 lbs that I was 10 years ago! How have others here turned around reluctant spouses? I honestly don't believe a new exercise program is going to get me to lose 80 lbs. I know exercise is a key part of losing weight with the band, and keeping it off. But not changing my eating habits will not allow me to be successful. I know I'm venting here...but I don't know what else to do to get him on board. My insurance approved me and i have a date of 9/18.
  2. want2lose

    NSV with Levi's Jeans

    WOW!!! That is some serious inspiration. From a LB size 20 to Levis 10 in 5 months! I can totally relate to the jeans experience. I have NEVER worn Levis. They just weren't cut for my body back in the 80's. I'm so thrilled to hear there is hope for me yet. Not that we should compare rate of loss with others, but if I lose at that rate, I could be a size 10 by Valentines Day. :wow2: I better start saving my money because I've got a lot of shopping to do.
  3. want2lose

    Reluctant spouse...need advise

    Thanks for all the responses. I think I will try and share some of this with him to see if it helps. This is a great way of seeing it. Thanks Carol for this input. I really appreciate your perspective. My DH is 5'10" and about 225. He could lose 40-50 lbs, and has tried a few programs in the past (South Beach, working out, hydroxycut), but never gets below 215.
  4. want2lose

    Helloooo Onderland.....

    Congratulations! You have had great success. I hope I will be as successful. Any tips. I am scheduled to be banded next month.
  5. want2lose

    Is Sex Better?

    Thanks everyone for sharing. This might be the thread I needed to help get DH on board with my surgery .
  6. I asked my surgeon about whether he uses regular ports or low profile ports. He said that he only used regular, and he didn't believe that inamed made a low profile port for the 4cc band. Does anyone know differently? I'm very nervous about port visibility.
  7. want2lose

    I was approved in one day!!

    Congrats!!! What insurance do you have?
  8. want2lose

    HELP! Psch Eval referal

    No luck with Fernback. Thanks for the input though. Teresita, I am seeing Dr. Moazzez too. Were you happy with him? Anyone else have any other names?
  9. I am approved by insurance, and was hoping to be banded the first week of September. I have a vacation planned with my family to Disneyworld the beginning of November, and felt that would give me 8 weeks to heal, and adjust to solids by then. My surgeon is not available until 9/18, which brings me down to 6 weeks of recovery. I have requested an earlier surgery date, but if that isn't available do you think I would be better off waiting until after vacation in Nov. to be banded? Or will 6 weeks be enough time to feel comfortable eating out for a week (oh yeah, and riding roller coasters)? Thanks!
  10. want2lose

    Travel after banding???

    Anyone else out there go on vacation shortly after banding?
  11. I will be 7 weeks from 1st appt to surgery. I had insurance approval in 3 days (CareFirst, Blue Choice). I did already have 6 mos of Dr. supervised WL and 9 mos of WW.
  12. I just got off the phone with CareFirst BlueChoice insurance. My DH works for Montgomery County, MD, and apparenty their insurance policy follows the Blue Cross "National" policy and not the "Maryland" policy. Lap-band is covered in the Maryland policy, but the National policy lists it as experimental. They will only cover Gastric Bypass, which I really don't want. I thought I had researched this pretty well, but this totally through me for a loop! Has anyone else dealt with this? Is it possible to get past this via appeal? Thanks! UPDATE I got approved on the first pass! I had my initial consultation on Monday, and got a call Thursday that I was approved. I have a BMI of 40, and had my pysician supervised diet records with my at my consultation. I have scheduled all my pre-op stuff, and am scheduled for 9/18 for surgery. It just seems too easy. I was all geared up for a fight with the insurance company. Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement.
  13. Well, I had my initial consultation with Dr. Moazzez on monday 7/31, and got the insurance approval on Thursday. I can't believe this is happening so fast! I have scheduled all my pre-op tests, psych, nutrition, and sleep study and am scheduled for Surgery 9/18. I am excited, nervous, anxious, hesitant, surprised, and thrilled all at once. I love this board, because I feel very well versed in all things banded after reading everyone's stories. Thanks to everyone!
  14. want2lose

    Ugh!! BCBS says experimental!!!

    See update on first message.
  15. want2lose

    Ugh!! BCBS says experimental!!!

    I have my consultation on Monday, 7/31, which will get the ball rolling. I picked an in network surgeon, which hopefully will help insurance go smoothly. I will keep you updated. Thanks for the advise!
  16. want2lose

    My NSV Very Exciting

    I absolutely love this story!!! Especially the part where you took out ONLY. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
  17. want2lose

    Program Fees??

    Everyday I feel like I find another new wrinkle in researching this. Today's surprise is program fees. Does everyone have to pay these??? I'm trying to deal with this through insurance. My DH is not a huge fan of WLS to start with, so paying out of pocket is not an option. I have been researching surgeons between this site, obesityhelp, and my insurance list. I found a surgeon that comes highly recommended, is in my state, and takes my insurance, but after further perusing of his website I find they have a one time, non refundable, non insurance covered program fee of $2000! This is for their outsourced education program and nutritional consultations. Is this normal????
  18. want2lose

    Different Sizes in Clothes

    I too haven't been banded yet, but lost about 80lbs 10 years ago. I am 5'6", and find I drop about a size for every 15 lbs I lose. I also found starting out I could skip a size. I started at a size 22, and got away with baggy clothes until I bought size 18's. Those lasted until I lost another 30lbs and bought 14's. Then after the last 20lbs I bought some 10's some 12's. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  19. want2lose

    Ugh!! BCBS says experimental!!!

    Thanks! I'm trying to pick a surgeon and get the ball rolling. I just don't want to feel like I'm getting my hopes up if there isn't a chance. I've been out of work for almost a year, and self pay is not an option. The more I read, the more I know I definitely want this surgery.
  20. A quick question for those now small bandsters...Does your port show? I'm concerned if I get to my goal of 145, that I will have a visable lump. Has anyone experienced this?
  21. want2lose

    Bandsters at goal or under 150

    NewSho, Thanks for your reply. I haven't been banded yet...still in the research phase. When I meet with my surgeon I will be sure to ask about the low profile port. Laura
  22. want2lose

    What is your height?

    5'6" I would love to get to 145, which should be about a size 8 for me. My lowest adult weight was 158, which was a size 10, and that was in 1997. I'm currently 220, and am still researching lapband and surgeons.
  23. want2lose

    Shortest wait time

    I would love to know what some of the shortest time spans are from the first meeting / consultation / seminar to actual surgery. I know insurance can take a while, but am just curious how quickly some people were able to make it happen. Thanks!
  24. want2lose

    Shortest wait time

    Thanks. I just started researching last week, and am very excited about the possibilities. I'm just hoping it won't take 6 months. I have many years of documented md supervised weight programs, and currently doing ww, so I am covered there. I have a BMI of 36, with high cholesterol, Knee, feet and back pain, asthma, and a mother with breast cancer, HBP, and type 2 diabetes. I don't expect to sail through with insurance, but my plan has a history of quick approvals for WLS. Self pay is not an option for me. I have spent many hours perusing these boards reading everything possible. They are a wealth of information!
  25. Reading through these reactions has just reassured me of why I don't want to share this with anyone. I am still in the research phase, but am seriously exploring this option. I told my DH, but told him that I don't want him to discuss it with anyone. If I make an educated decision to deal with my weight, I don't want to deal with everyone's $.02. My BMI is about 36, and I have about 80lbs to loose. Has anyone else "lied" or withheld the fact they had surgery? I'm really struggling with this. I'm a very private person, and don't think I want to be a poster child for WLS. And I definitely don't think I could handle everyone giving opinions on my business. Any advise???

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