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LAP-BAND Patients
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About diana2798

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 08/18/1976
  1. Happy 37th Birthday diana2798!

  2. Happy 36th Birthday diana2798!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary diana2798!

  4. diana2798

    Hair Loss

    I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and my hair has been getting thinner and thinner on the top over the past year. Now I just got banded two weeks ago and I am SO scared about loosing my hair. Do you think it would help to start the Nioxin NOW versus waiting until later? Telly, you look gorgeous! I agree that most people can't do that though. I hope mine doesn't all go! :cry
  5. diana2798

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Starting Over - That's horrible about Dr. Carter, I hope he's okay. I know my surgery was postponed three times because of his blood clots and I finally got my band on the 14th and he said the blood clots were shrinking. So scary to have one in your leg and especially your lung since it's so close to the heart and if it travels that means he's toast. Poor guy, he's really sweet and has a great bedside manner. I'm glad you got in with another doc so quickly though. I'm so glad to hear everyone is doing so well. I just keep loosing every day. I'm definitely getting hungrier than I was though but I know when I'm full. I can eat about 3/4 cup now and feel full. It's amazing between my three 3/4 cup meals and my two Protein shakes I'm taking in 1000 calories a day. WOW, it adds up SO quick with SO little food, no wonder we were all overweight! My port is still a little uncomfortable but I'm not having gas pains anymore which I had for about a week. I can sleep on either side or my back, just not my stomach. I haven't tried jeans on yet, just wanted to stay comfortable for a while in stretchy pants. Congrats to all the successful bandsters and well wishes to those to come!
  6. diana2798

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Hi Michele, we were banded on the same day! Anyway, I have those cold/hot flashes too. I don't have the nausea though, thank goodness. It's weird. Nothing changes but one minute I'm freezing and the next I'm dripping sweat and SO hot! I guess the anesthesia makes sense since I don't have nausea or light headedness. Does anyone know about the question in my previous post about drinking my 8oz shake instead of splitting into two 4 oz shakes?
  7. diana2798

    how much water should you really drink

    My docs paperwork said 5-8 glasses (8oz) each day so I think I would definitely agree with all the specialists Susan spoke with - 6 sounds like the magic number.
  8. diana2798

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    I woke up this morning feeling the best I have since surgery. I could have died last night though. DH made me laugh .... OH the pain!! I was crying it hurt so bad. Anyway, The port area is still a little uncomfortable and it's still sore below the port so I agree about laying down and getting up badmadmama, but everything else is feeling fine. I can finally walk and stand straight up versus hunched over because the port was pulling and hurting my tummy muscles. It's been almost a week since my surgery and I've already lost 12.6 lbs, I'm SO excited!! I ate some applesauce last night and it hurt everytime it hit the band. It was one of those little cups and I could only eat about 1/2 of it. Maybe because it was cold? The malt-o-meal I ate yesterday was yummy though and went down fine so did the blended soup! I only eat 1/2 cup of something at a time but the feeling of "full" is so different. It's more like pressure and I'm like, I think I might be full but I'm not sure?!?!? LOL I was previously going to have my surgery at the WISH center in San Antonio but I switched to Dr. Carter up here in Arlington. Anyway, Dr. Carter has a Protein shake and I bought it but I had also bought the Protein Shake from the WISH center. Dr. Carter's shake has your protein and Vitamin C I think and that's it. I was really surprised and disappointed, haven't even opened it. The WISH center shake has all the Vitamins, minerals, and protein that a gastric bypass patient would need if they couldn't eat anything. Our needs as lapband patients are less on some of the vitamins because we don't have the malabsorption aspect of it to deal with. Anyway, it has lots of B vitamins to hopefully prevent hair loss and you don't have to take any other vitamins or protein. The chocolate tastes great and you can buy it online so I thought I would recommend it - http://www.wishcenter.org/storefront/detail.aspx?id=16 It was $10 cheaper than my Dr.'s protein too. Plus you can get it in a big tub or in individual packs to keep in your purse if you're going somewhere. I do have a question though. I know that we're only supposed to take in about 4 oz. at once so I have been splitting the 8 oz. shake and doing it 4 times a day with only 4 oz. each time. This keeps me nice and full but I'm supposed to start adding liquidy mushies now and I don't know when to fit those in with the alotted time of no drinking before and after eating. Can we actually drink 8oz. or does the 4oz. apply to liquids too? I haven't tried it because I don't want to hurt myself. Lyn - I think the shake is 105 calories with 4 oz. of organic skim milk so up until yesterday I was getting about 420 calories a day. Now I'm adding in 1/2 of malt-o-meal or cream of wheat, yogurt, applesauce, and blended Soups so the calorie intake has increased to about 650. Lett - make sure to take socks with you, those places are freezing! Caroline - My doc told me that eating salad was really a waste of time because lettuce has no nutritional value, it's more of a filler. Great when you don't have the band but when you have the band you want to eat the most nutritionally dense foods you can since you can't eat that much. Plus I heard it's hard to get down sometimes. Anyway, sorry for such a long post, hope you all have a great day!
  9. diana2798

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Libra, you should definitely call your doc. I dry heaved the first two times I took my liquid pain med (hydrocodone) and I just about died. I can't imagine doing that all the time. Did your doc give you nausea medicine? I hope you feel better soon!
  10. diana2798

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Hello again! Well, I was FINALLY banded on Monday (14th) after several reschedules and such. My doc was really nice. I'm still in lots of pain, but it's not unbearable. My port is on the left side and if I lay down on my right side I hardly hurt at all but the second I sit up I get shooting pains again. The strangest thing is that it hurts the most about 4 inches below the port where there isn't even an incision! I wonder why that is? I've already lost almost 8 pounds since Monday and I'm not feeling hungry really. Just drinking my protein shake and water. Good luck to everyone else, I'm SO glad this forum is here!
  11. diana2798


    I put ice on my tummy and it felt alot better. I think ice will work better than heat maybe?
  12. diana2798

    80% Divorce Rate!!!!!!!!!

    Hey Rachel, sounds like that shrink wants some more of your money. 80% sounds ridiculous. Don't you think they would have already had a 20/20 special or something about it if that was really the case?
  13. diana2798

    August Band Crew!!!!!

    Hello everyone!! I'm being banded on Monday, August 7th and I am SO excited!!!! I have been waiting for this day and I just can't wait to start loosing this weight so I can be healthy. I think the best thing will be able to shop in regular clothing stores! Good luck to everyone!! Is anyone else going to Dr. Carter in Arlington?
  14. I'm going to have my lapband with Dr. Carter on Monday and so far everyone in their office has been really helpful and nice.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
