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LAP-BAND Patients
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About angelfish

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 01/20/1959
  1. Happy 54th Birthday angelfish!

  2. Happy 53rd Birthday angelfish!

  3. :frown: Good for you I'm of an older era and disabled and have chosen not to tell anyone it's my life and my choice our mobility problem is going to make it harder still for us the last thing we need is anorexic sarcasm by stupid people who don't get there brain in gear before they open there mouths keep your chin up and go for it Good luck
  4. With freinds like that you don't need enemies sounds a bit like sour grapes to me maybe they can't afford it or haven't reached the level where enough is enough with there weight. So does that mean when a drug addict is trying to come off heroin and they are taking methadone that's cheating. No it does not everybody is entitled to help no matter what they are addicted to be it drink, drugs, or eating it's your perrogative to keep it to yourself it's nobody elses buisness if that is his attitude now imagine what it's going to be like months down the line my advice is keep it to yourself and find a better freind Goodluck and well done for taking the first step.
  5. Hi Elcee I had mine on friday and was in a lot of pain over the weekend because the hospital forgot to give me painkillers as it was the weekend and bank holiday monday I couldn;t get any pain relief till wed and was regreting getting it done but now I feel great I could climb a mountain yeah as if lols take no notice of her everbodies different some people sail threw some have a struggle but it's worth it in the end a couple of days of pain for a lifetime of pleasure I know what I would choose I havent told anyone because it's mine and mine alone it's to personal and i find no matter how long you have known people or how good a freind they are in weeks or years it comes back to haunt you but everybodies different that's just my slant on it Go for it keep your chin up (or chins if your like me lols) and grap your life back with both hands Goodluck
  6. Hi michelle telling your hairdresser is like putting it in the paper and announcing it. lol but if thats what you feel comfortable with that's fine i just feel anything as personal as this should be kept private we have enough to deal with getting our weight and life on track without hushed whispers and pointing fingers plus you will come across jelousy that's human nature I wish you all the best for the journey you are about to take Goodluck
  7. You don't have to it's personal to you everybodies different if you want to chat or ask questions come here or ask at the hospital for a support group that way you can get things off your chest (excuse the pun) plus have a bit of privacy Goodluck
  8. Hi Patt first off goodluck with the op tomorrow everybodies different but I feel this is one of those things that are very personal and private to yourself if you feel the need to tell someone chat on here where nobody really knows you or find someone you connect with at the hospital who's having the same op that way you can share your fears and thoughts without wondering if people are going to judge you or even worse keep asking how much weight you have lost. if you feel you need to talk to someone Im no expert but i will listen and help as much as I can your not on your own my email add is pixie0151@googlemail.com
  9. I have recently had a Lapband fitted at Abbey Sefton Hospital Sefton Suite Aintree could anybody else who has had this procedure done their please contact me at pixie0151googlemail.com Thank You
  10. :smile: Yes I am it's nobodys business but my own Iv had 50years of fat condemnation from thin pretty people and when you manage to loose the weight on yoyo diets over the years that's when there jelousy sets in and the snide remarks it dosn't matter how many years you have known them just be true to yourself there looks and size will fade character and personality dosn't Stay strong people and Goodluck to all and everyone of us.
  11. Hi Dawn thanks for your message I have spent the last three days in and out of sleep the hospital released me on sat morning with indegestion tabs and injections for blood clotting but no painkillers as it was bank holiday this monday i couldn't get hold of a doctor plus I was to tired to do anything I live alone so nobody to help I just feel like I was rushed in and out and thats it take care of yourself I am very self reliant and usually don't like people fussing over me but a little help wouldn't have gone amiss this time I feel lost and don't no what to do for the best but I do hope everything goes better for you I think everybody reacts different to the lapband I expected to feel totally different a new me but I dont oh take no notice of me im just feeling down today oh and sorry for the wait for my reply Iv only been studying computers for 2 months
  12. I got banded on friday morning and was starving after the op had sleepless night in hospital thinking of food iv lost nothing and keep getting hiccups what's that all about? its very painful with stiches
  13. Hi I had my lapband operation 2days ago and feel lost alone and in terrible pain can anyone out there tell me the truth as I keep getting the run around off doctors what is the success rate of this operation in percentages or have I wasted my money my time and put myself through hell for nothing HELP!!!!

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