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Everything posted by TexasQueen

  1. TexasQueen

    July Surgeries

    The Big Day is Monday July 26, 2010, that's in 3 days whoo hooo. I am so ready to have some energy! So not looking forward to the suppositories. They said they don't want me throwing up. So wish me luck!
  2. Sorry it has taken me a while to respond, it has been a busy week for me. I hope that in August my desire phone will come out on the market, so I can get on line more. Every one tells me they are seeing a difference but I have yet to see it. I know what you mean about how celebration and socializing all most always revolve around food. Last night my uncle turned 60 so we had a party. The good thing is he cooked food that I could eat which was nice of him. I did have 2 very small bites of cake and I wanted more but I just thought “you only eat to live not live to eat". My surgery is schedule for this Monday I have to be there at 6:00, and I will stay for 23hrs. I am so excited!


    I live in Ft. Worth and I am hating the heat right now.

    So how are you doing with your diet? How far are you in post op?

  3. I am on the last week of my pre-op diet and its tough. I have 2 shakes a day and lean meat and veggies and fruit at night. Today I had 3 boiled eggs instead of a protein shake witch probably was not the best But I figure its was some protein. I really couldn't stomach a shake this morning. Thankfully I don't have a week of liquids. I have lost 12lbs on my Pre-op diet. I hope I can loose another 3-5 lbs before surgery.

  4. I Know what you mean about the shakes. I can't stand the vanilla it makes me want to vomit. what does your diet consist of now?

  5. That would be great I was really needing some one to chat to. I am still trying figure this website out. Where about Texas do u live?

  6. TexasQueen

    Day 3,4,& 5

    I keep forgetting I am on a diet! On day 3 I went to get my student some animal crackers, because it was after 5 and they are usually hungry by then. When I was getting them I was saying to my self I will get some extra for me and the other teachers. What the Hell! I hate having this habit. Yesterday was day 4 and it went well I had enough energy to clean my kitchen. I am taking English comp 1 and I have been working on my final so that has helped to keep my mind off food. I worry that now that it is over I will be staring at thefridge. Day 5 I am sick of the shakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is taking me every thing I do to choke them down. I will be going to the store later so I hope I can pick up a few things to liven them up!
  7. TexasQueen

    Day 2

    Day 2 of my pre-op diet was not so easy. At your head start school we have family style meals. Today for breakfast there was eggs and toast with grape jelly. Well I just started making a plate. When I put the plate down I thought "what the hell am I doing?" It is going to be hard to break old habits.:scared0:
  8. TexasQueen

    A New Beginning

    Today is day 1 of my pre-op diet. So far so good. Getting ready for lunch soon mmmm another shake yummy. My Dietitian has given me some recipes to make the shakes more enjoyable. I am excited to start the new me and change my life forever.
  9. TexasQueen

    A New Beginning

    My Diet is 3 weeks! My surgery is secluded for July 26 but I might try to move closer to the end of the week, due to the fact I don't have much sick time to cover a whole week. My diet consist of 2 protein drinks one for breakfast one for lunch. For dinner boiled, baked or grilled chicken, fish, or turkey(4oz). Low calorie vegetables(2 cups) fresh fruit(1 cup) 1 High protein snack Total of 1200 calories 73 grams of protein
  10. TexasQueen

    July Surgeries

    Hello everyone! I too am having my surgery in July in fact July 26. I just started my pre-op diet today. I am a head start teacher and we go to school all year round. I am 24, live with my boyfriend and our 2 dogs. I have always been fluffy all threw high school but my senior year I was down to 145 in size 12. Well life events and food have had a toll on my weight. I now weigh 261 and in size 24 jeans. I have been researching bariatric surgery for over a year now. I am able to have the sleeve surgery because my grandmother is going to pay for it. She said she is tired of hearing me huffing and puffing when I answer the phone. I also have Polycystic Ovaries and the Dr said I could increase my fertility if I lost the weight. If you guys have any tips or recipes for pre-op or post-op I am all ears.

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