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LAP-BAND Patients
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About candice2027

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 06/10/1981

About Me

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  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, candice2027!

  2. Happy 32nd Birthday candice2027!

  3. Happy 31st Birthday candice2027!

  4. candice2027

    missed the phone call..

    THANK YOU!! I actually have some I want to know the most important questions to ask @ orientation..I'm starting my list this evening after work,but I want to make sure I cover it all Thanks~:juggle:
  5. candice2027

    I got ???

    I have no idea if I'm in the right area for this,but I have Kaiser & my orientation is this Friday, what are some of the questions I need to ask on that day? I am new to this whole process & I want ALL the information I can get! Thanks~
  6. candice2027

    missed the phone call..

    THANK YOU SO MUCH jem8384!! & best of luck to you too =)
  7. candice2027

    missed the phone call..

    Thank you so much for responding..& YES it was a LONG weekend, but I got the news on Tuesday that I was indeed APPROVED!!
  8. so.. I got a call from someone @ Kaiser saying that Modesto patients & I guess surrounding area..are now going to Fresno instead of Fremont! I'm attending Fridays orientation & I AM SOO EXCITED =) :biggrin: I feel I'm moving somewhere with this now..How long from the time of orientation till my actual surgery date?
  9. candice2027

    missed the phone call..

    Okay so while I was @ work today my niece @ home got a phone call from the Kaiser surgery facility in Fresno.She didn't inform me of this & by the time I got home (5:03pm), they were closed! My question is does Kaiser typically call you to inform you if you were denied? I am hoping for the GREATEST news EVER that I was approved.BUT I won't really know til Monday morning when they open! My understanding is that if you were to be approved they would call to set up appointments & if you were denied you would get a letter & NOT a phone call. Can someone PLEASE put my mind to ease by answering me..I have ALL weekend to wonder about this & it's going to drive me insane!! If I only were 5 minutes earlier to call I would have my answer :cool2:
  10. candice2027

    Approved--- YAH!

  11. candice2027

    Kaisers mandatory meeting

    So.. I went to my MANDATORY meeting @ Kaiser a few weeks ago & called them last Friday to get an update on my referal. They told me it was being reviewed..Is this typical? & does it usually take Kaiser a few weeks to approve/deny referals? The waiting game is killing me!! I meet EVERY one of their "guidelines" to have the surgery approved by them!! As for now I'm still waiting with my fingers crossed
  12. candice2027

    Kaiser class??

    My Dr's office called me this morning saying that Kaiser requests that I attend a weight loss surgery class "prepare for success".Has anyone attended this before? I'm assuming Kaiser puts it on,since they require this.AFTER I attend this class I need to call back my Dr's office, THEN she can resubmit my referral for the lapband..GOOD NEWS is she asked the (Kaiser)lady that already had my first referral in front of her..if she saw any reason for why it wouldn't be approved she then told her with my BMI so close to 40 & with me having hypertension, she see's this getting APPROVED and everything running SMOOTHLY!!SO..I'm scheduled for the class on June 30th & keeping my fingers crossed every step of the way!!
  13. candice2027

    ive finally got the money and booked in 10 june

    Way to go...i am sooo happy for you! Good luck =]
  14. candice2027

    now what?..

    I am new to this whole process & already feeling overwhelmed & alone.. The lady from my doctors office told me she sent Kaiser all my paperwork & is just waiting to hear back from them,does anyone know how long this could take? My BMI has not hit that 40 mark(38.9),but I do have other factors..I am only 27 & I'm on blood pressure medication,my joints hurt,my knees & ankles pop,and my emotions are up & down ALL the time.That's just listing a few! Is luck even on my side when it comes to Kaiser accepting my referal for the lapband? I want this sooo bad..not just for me but for my family.If there is anything I could be doing to help move this along,can you please give me some insight on what I can be doing & also what's the next step of the process.I am in Modesto,Ca so I do not know what facility I would be going to & how often do I go? I know I have A LOT of questions..anything helps!! THANX =]

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