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Blog Entries posted by SanDiegoUbermom

  1. SanDiegoUbermom
    I started something new yesterday. I filled up a jug with 64 oz of water and I drank it all. It wasn't hard, I just had to remember that I had it there to drink.
    B: 1.5 c Tuna Salad
    L: 3 Chkn Taqitos & 3 Fish sticks
    D: Beef Salad
    late Nite Snack: Coconut Caramel Promax Bar (all of it)
    16 oz water first
    10:25am: ProRated 20oz (1.5 scoop)
    working on 2nd water.
    12:45pm: 3 oz steak, 2 oz chkn flvrd pasta (in my back in the upper part it hurts like heartburn)
    working on 3 cup
    3:40pm: Promax coconut carmel bar
    My feet hurt last night after we got home and I had a headache. I think my shoes are not the right kind. May need to buy new ones (walking shoes).
    Only got up once last night to pee.
  2. SanDiegoUbermom
    I've thought it over and I'm going to pass on the fill this time.
    I've lost 3 pounds since surgery and my clothes fell great. I want to feel better about what I have inside of me. I want to wait another month or so.
    I meet with Dr. Brunson on the 23rd and I'm sure we'll talk about it again.
    I'm feeling great. No pain on my side.
    I do find that I can eat more then I thought I would be able to. I need to rememeber to eat the protein portion of the food first.
    We had chicken tacos last night and I had three. It sure was good going down but I was hunger later (10ish).
    I also need to find something else to eat while at Souplantation. It's becoming boring, same ol-thing again and again.
    I need to find that cookbook! Before & After: Living & Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery By: Susan Maria Leach
    Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery By: Patt Levine/Michele Bontemo Sarary. Both are over $20 in the local bookstores and under that on line but by the time you pay for shipping, it's like buying it local.
  3. SanDiegoUbermom
    Well I had a scare there for a bit. On the 28th I lifted a watermelon and I pulled some muscels.
    On Monday of this week I felt really bad. It hurt to do just about anything that involved my left side.
    I took some meds. Lortab and I felt better while sleeping and yesterday I felt better then I had in a few days. It's even better today.
    The boys have been helping me lift or bend over to pick up things. The girs too.
    I'm still at the same weight. I guess that is good but bad. I think I'm going to do the fill next week.
    I wonder what would happen if I did a 5 or 10 day liquid again? I know it would work and I would hate it but.... Well see after the fill how things go.
    We've been working on the kitchen--the kids and--and things are looking better.
  4. SanDiegoUbermom
    My scale is off my 3 #'s :omg:
    But all is well. He said that I can swim and continue w/the way I'm eating.
    Need to make an appointment w/Radiology for my first fill in about 2 weeks. But if I'm doing well enough I can cancel it.
    I know that I'm full faster now but I don't know how I'll be in 2 weeks.
    Bruce is concernded that me might lose his job because of a conflict w/the new department manager. If he loses his job where will that leave me w/this new tool?
  5. SanDiegoUbermom
    Well I'm not having those pains anymore. Well I haven't since the weekend.
    I'm back onto solid food and all is well.
    Sunday I took a nap around 4:30 and didn't get up till 7:30 the next morning when DH asked me to get up to make sure I was ok. I was fine.
    Monday was sooooooooo hot.
    Today is better but it's muggy.
    I've had a egg breakfast burrito. I tossed half the tortillia. I didn't like the way it tasted. I used immitation egg beaters. It wasn't to bad.
    Well it's 12:40 and I'm getting hungery again. Not sure what I want to eat that well keep me full for the next few hours.
    I need to drink more I know that.
    Oh ya; on Sunday I went to Taste of China and they won't give me the kids meal price. They say that they have people that just order from the full menu and take the rest home.
    The kids need to go back to school. Their getting on my nerves.
    I have my first follow up appt w/Dr. Bronson tomorrow. Won't get a fill for another 3 weeks.
  6. SanDiegoUbermom
    OMG; this morning at 4:30 am I awoke in a sweat & a bad tmmy ache. I got up and took some tumms and felt better instantly. But I found that I was very pale and very wet.
    I've called the nurse & she needs to speak to the doctor first.
    I'm doing half protein and mushy food. I started out w/yogurt 3 days ago (good), black beens w/cheese, fishsticks & taquettos (2 ea.), and mashed potatos last night. Oh ya somewhere int here I've had cottege cheese w/pineapple.
    I think I'm doing well. I do get hearburn every now and then but I can't tell if it's from the food or the protein. I need to pay more attention to that.
  7. SanDiegoUbermom
    I'm sore that true. By port incision is the sorest. I can tell that I still have gas, my tummy is extended.
    I did have a BM today though.
    I also had yogurt. It was good to have something other then jello, protein or water. I've also had about 15 fish crackers through out the day.
    I'm going to the movies w/Steph and her kids to get away. My kids have been just bored and bothering each other and I need out and DH sees this. He's the one that called her for me.
    Ok it's fucken hot and I need to get away from the computer.
  8. SanDiegoUbermom
    Two days ago Mom the kids and I went to Grandma's house. Ty locked the keys in the van. Bruce didn't come till close to 8 to get the keys out. Mom and I spent 4 hours working on Grandma's room which was a good thing but I was soooooooo hungry and so was everyone else.
    We went to JB and I got everyone food and sat there w/my diet soda. I turend my head but the food smelt so good. I was really hoping that one of the kids wouldn't finish their food. While waiting I had 4 fries. Kira was the one who didn't finish her burger. I hate half a burger w/lettuce and pickle and then mom gave me some of hers. I tell you that was the best dam burger I ever had!
    And I had the runs for the next two days.
    Yesterday I only had two spoonfulls of tuna salad and a slice of chedder chz at Steph's. Not bad. I had to leave the house last night cause we had Pizzu Hut and I really wanted some. So I went to Steph's.
    Today I haven't had a thing. Step and I went to the movies and I didn't eat anything---WAY TO GO MELIA!
    The popcorn sure did smell good though.
    The kids will be dropped off at the appropriate houses tomorrow night and then I'll be in the hospital by 10:30 on Tuesday.
    I've had a pain in my throat since yesterday and today it's hard to swallow. I've taken Tylenol so we'll see if it goes away.
    When I got home the family was out. It's 8:55 and they are still not home. Must be out eating.
  9. SanDiegoUbermom
    Well yesterday was alot better. I had a mild headache that Tylonel took care of.
    DH took me to a gathering but we didn't stay long cause I wasn't comfortable w/all the food and I hadn't had a protein drink since morning and the broth I had at Souplantation was starting to wear off.
    We came home but then went out to get JELLOOOOOOO for me and other stuff.
    We dropped the kids off around 4:30 yesterday at friends houses and its odd to have the house to ourselfs---SO QUITE
    This morning I woke up at 4:45am w/pain while swallowing. I thought I was over this. Today is my labwork day. I don't need them to tell me that I'm refused because of a cold. It doesn't hurt as bad as it was a week ago but I can feel it when I swallow. My RT ear hurts too. SHIT!
    But on a good note, if my scale is correct I've droped 9 pounds since the 2nd. Yaaaaa
    I hope that Dr. Brunson doesnt' want a food journal from me today---I AINT GOT ONE. I don't even know where mine is either.
    Talk later
  10. SanDiegoUbermom
    I did ok at the game. I saw the food but didn't really want it. We went as a family to Souplantation after and I had broths. It was ok.
    I only had one protein drink yesterday before the game and my tummy only grummbled onece.
    I had one more before the nights end.
    Today; I did a vanilla protein and made one of each for later in the day.
    I tried the one I made and it was ok but I like it better w/ice. It will do on those times when I need to leave and have one on the go.
    I did wake up w/a headach--mild but there.
    I borred at home so I'm thinking to much about food. I need to get out but the weather is stopping us from doing to much. 90's
  11. SanDiegoUbermom
    I woke up around 10ish. DH told me that I needed to take the DSs to the game since his throat hurt. I really was hoping that my first day would be spent at home not seeing or smelling any food.
    I drank the Joe Robb's protein drink and it was ok. I thought it would have that metal taste that I remember from Optifast but it didn't. I added ice and had to chew at least half of it.
    I was upset at meself this morning cause I didn't get the kitchen done the way I wanted to. It's still a mess and its hard to find a place to make my drinks.
    I'm coughing and have bloody burgers still. DH gave me 4 Vit. Cs this morning. I hope I don't get a tummy ache.
    Off to get ready for the game.
  12. SanDiegoUbermom
    Ok; we went to Golden Moon Buffet and I enjoyed each bit.
    Took the kids to the store and got top roman of all kids so I can have broths for the next 10 days.
    :hungry: I need to remember to have breakfast and make it protien!
    I hope I can survie the first few days.
    I CAN DO THIS!!!!!!:clap2:
  13. SanDiegoUbermom
    :peep:I'm scared. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do this for 10 days. It was easy before when there was no kids but now that there are 4 of them in the house I hope I can do it.
    I'm finding that I'm staying up longer each night. Getting up around 9 or 10 in the morning. Thank goodness it's summer break now.
    I still have a sore throat and I don't know what I'm going to do w/the pain. Can't take anything after Sunday.
    I'm looking into homeopathic though. I still have my kit.
    The other thing I've done is quite smoking again. I started 6 months ago. Why--I don't know. Did it later to calm my nerves and to calm me when I was upset w/Bruce.
    I quite 3 days ago and so far don't want another one.:clap2:

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