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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by chantel03

  1. chantel03

    do fills hurt?!?!?

    thanks fang! i can handle blood being drawn. it never hurts. i just hate the needle.lol.
  2. chantel03

    do fills hurt?!?!?

    did they numb you first?
  3. hey everyone, so i have a question for those with tricare.for the past month ive done all the little test and evaluations that my PCM has asked for. this tuesday i meet with my PCM to get the referral to the surgeon. so my question is,has anyone's PCM not given them the refferal after telling them they would if you saw the shrink and nutritionist? my shrink says i should expect a extended supervised diet but i CANT lose any weight yet. in fact i had to gain 5! i guess im just nervous but i would really like some feed back from those with experience with this. thanks everyone.
  4. if that was the case then i would be glad to prove her wrong, but its not. she's already approved the surgery she just dosent understand the requiremnets for it. im her first ever lap band patient and she just dosent know what to do with me. she even told me she wasnt sure what i should expect afterwards because she dosent know. i wnat to see another shrink so i can get a better understanding of the after effects. ive read every single thread on here about what to expect afterwards, but i would love to talk to a doc about it, you know? im just upset at the fact that she dosent know anything about it, yet shes willing to waste my time. plus, my nutritionist looked at my food journal ive been keeping for the past year and he recommended it too.i have a problem with portions not commitment! trust me, this is what i want and i know it will work because im not going to let it fail!!!
  5. chantel03

    I hate shrinks!!!!

    i wish i could go to another shrink but i cant. i have tricare and live on a military base so i cant change my PCM and i cant change the shrink he sent me too. i think im just stressing about it. ill see what happens tuesday and then go from there.thanks guys for the advice.
  6. chantel03

    Tricare questions

    the 200% isnt the only thing that matters though. do you have any comorbids? ive found people on here going thru tricare with a 37 bmi and getting approved. i would make sure you get all your test done first and then see what your doc says. if tricare denies you, you can always gain weight and then get an appeal. :smile:
  7. lol. :lol:i thought i was the only one with a shoe tieing problem. i always make my husband tie them. or i just wear flip flops.lol thats defiently going to be one of my NSV 's......
  8. this might sound stupid, but i was watching this abc(i think) special about people in the coal mining countries who had something called "mountain dew mouth". supposedly after a while it rots your teeth out of your mouth and it was the same addiction quality as cocaine. i've never been addicted to anything in my life( i've never even smoked) but i can only imagine how hard it is for you. and by what you say happens to you at night, it sounds like youre going thru withdrawls.i would defiently tell a doc about it. maybe not your surgeon but defiently a doc , say at your next physical. good luck hun.:thumbup:
  9. chantel03

    Psych Test

    urghhhhh you are so lucky!!! after my first visit with my shrink, she made an appt for me to take a two hour test about hearing voices!!! i went in today for the results and she said everything looked great and she would approve me....but, she would be "surprised" if my primary doc didnt put me on a supervised diet! i went to the nutritionist and was approved by them as well. my appt's next tuesday so well see. hopefully everything will work out just like you. congrats!!!
  10. chantel03

    I hate shrinks!!!!

    :mad:urghhhhhhhh!!! i am so MAD!!! so after all my jumping thru hoops with the docs and the nutritionist and the STUPID shrink's 3 hour test....i go in today to find out the results of the test.of course everything was fine, i know im not crazy, and i realize how big of a decision this is. but the STUPID shrink (who knows nothing about lap bad, i might add and only about the gastric bypass)told me that she will approve me getting the surgery but , basically is going to request i go on a supervised diet for a while!!!! wtf?!!??! i gave them every diet in the book that ive tried! i have a food journal and i work out!!!my problem is not stopping when im full. hince the lap band! im so pissed off! not to mention i have tricare and im right at my weight limit so if i do lose any weight its just going to come back on but it'll probaly be another year before i can get the surgery!!!so im going to have to be fat for another year of my life, my husbands deploying for 6 months so i'll be spending the hoidays by myself and now...IM GONNA HAVE TO GO ON ANOTHER DIET!!!! I HATE SHRINKS! oh and did i mention that the nutritionist will approve me too for the sugery?!?!?! why would a nutritionist who specializes in food management approve me and the shrink think its her place to go against him? I HATE SHRINKS!!!!:devil:
  11. chantel03

    Approved..Setting a Date

    congrats savannahsmommie!!!:rolleyes2: i have tricare as well and my bmi and weight is the same as yours. i have a few more appointments til i figure out if tricare will approve me, but knowing you got approved, makes me extremly happy!!!! did you have any comorbids?
  12. im kinda in the same boat as you. im 5'8 and 247. i have AVN and arthritis so im hoping for the best. i have to go to a mmpi test on monday then back to the shrink then to a nutritionist then back to my PCM and then and only then, he'll put in a consult to the surgeon. everythings going quite fast but im so worried that after all this testing their going to say no. my bmi is only 37.5 and i havent talked to anyone thats my age with that bmi getting it. (docs worried that because im so young that i wont stick with it) WTF:angry: why would i go thru surgery if i didnt plan on giving it 100%. i hate doctors!!! but i know with tricare the main thing is a 100 pounds over weight. anyways good luck and keep us updated!!!
  13. hey,

    i was reading one of your threads and i was just wondering if you got approved from tricare?

    im 22 and living in germany and ive already seen the doc and psych and i have my mmpi thing on monday but the doc said they usually dont do it for our age. i dont see why not though. why should we have to wait til were older to get it?

    also how long did it take you?

  14. hi,

    i know we dont eachother, but i was reading one of your threads and i just had a question.i go in for my psych 2morrow and im terrified!! what are they looking for? i have tricare too (hubbys in the airforce and were stationed at ramstein germany) and ive heard how picky they can be. and also any tips about the nutritionist?

    i keep a food diary but im afaird if itake it she'll have one look at it and say " this is why youre fat"...im a nervous wreck. any help would be much appreciated!!!

    congrats on the surgery!!


  15. chantel03

    germany... tricare...frankfurt

    hey everyone, im currently living in ramstein germany...hubbys in the airforce, and i was just wondering has anyone had the surgery recently over here? and do you know if landstuhl does it or do you have to go to frankfurt.i'd rather go to frankfurt anyways, that way i know someone experience is doing it, but right now i'd take anything. im 5'8 247 pounds with severe arthritis and a degenerative hip diesease. do you think that would be enough for tricare? obviously im also a 100 pounds over weight. i have my PCM appointment on thrusday. should i bring anything with me like my food journal, list of diets ive already tried,pictures of my $1000 elliptical sitting next to my counch in the living room .:lol:lol. or do i save that stuff for the surgeon? im desperate!!! ill do whatever it takes! we leave next year in may and i want this to be my last fat base! help anyone:blink:! please
  16. chantel03

    germany... tricare...frankfurt

    hey everyone, im currently living in ramstein germany...hubbys in the airforce, and i was just wondering has anyone had the surgery recently over here? and do you know if landstuhl does it or do you have to go to frankfurt.i'd rather go to frankfurt anyways, that way i know someone experience is doing it, but right now i'd take anything. im 5'8 247 pounds with severe arthritis and a degenerative hip diesease. do you think that would be enough for tricare? obviously im also a 100 pounds over weight. i have my PCM appointment on thrusday. should i bring anything with me like my food journal, list of diets ive already tried,pictures of my $1000 elliptical sitting next to my counch in the living room .:lol:lol. or do i save that stuff for the surgeon? im desperate!!! ill do whatever it takes! we leave next year in may and i want this to be my last fat base! help anyone:blink:! please
  17. chantel03

    the waiting....help...someone ...anyone

    okay so im going crazy:lol:. after 2 years of debating this im finally going for it. my hubby is in the airforce and we ae currently overseas in germany. i started the first step of making an appointment with my PCM but am terrified of not getting a referral. not to mention even if i do get a referal, so many people are having trouble with tricare. im 22 years old, 247 pounds. 5'8inches tall with severe arthritis and a degenerative hip diesease that can only be fixed by a hip replacement. has any one on here had hip surgeries (i've had 2 so far) and got approved for the band? im worried that it could hurt me instead of helping me with the surgery. they might say the hip diesease caused the weight gain and i know that you cant have any condition that causes the weight gain. you can only have a condition that gets better by less weight. even though ive always been a big girl, i have to admit, i wouldnt be this big if i could exercise more. (my hip has no cartlige in it so its painful to exercise.i still do though, and im sure with less weight on my joints it would be less painful. anyways, thrusday is approaching ever so fast and i have no clue what to do. :ohmy:
  18. chantel03

    the waiting....help...someone ...anyone

    okay so im going crazy:lol:. after 2 years of debating this im finally going for it. my hubby is in the airforce and we ae currently overseas in germany. i started the first step of making an appointment with my PCM but am terrified of not getting a referral. not to mention even if i do get a referal, so many people are having trouble with tricare. im 22 years old, 247 pounds. 5'8inches tall with severe arthritis and a degenerative hip diesease that can only be fixed by a hip replacement. has any one on here had hip surgeries (i've had 2 so far) and got approved for the band? im worried that it could hurt me instead of helping me with the surgery. they might say the hip diesease caused the weight gain and i know that you cant have any condition that causes the weight gain. you can only have a condition that gets better by less weight. even though ive always been a big girl, i have to admit, i wouldnt be this big if i could exercise more. (my hip has no cartlige in it so its painful to exercise.i still do though, and im sure with less weight on my joints it would be less painful. anyways, thrusday is approaching ever so fast and i have no clue what to do.
  19. chantel03

    just me

    building up the courage
  20. chantel03

    brother in laws wedding last june

    From the album: just me

  21. chantel03

    last january before the pregnancy

    From the album: just me

  22. chantel03

    me and the family on easter

    From the album: just me

  23. hi army wife,

    im in germany right now @ ramstein and i was just wondering if you ever heard of anyone getting it done at landstuhl? i know this is stupid but im so embarrased to even call for an appointment with my regular provider. im afraid ill get denied. im 22 5'8 246 pounds. i have arthritus and a hip dieses that can only be cured by a hip replacement.i just had my first son back in november and i cant even sit on the floor for 10 minutes without my butt and back hurting from all the weight.

    do you think i have a chance?


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