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About niecyrenee

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    Bariatric Master

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  1. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary niecyrenee!

  2. Hello everyone! I haven't been on at all lately but things with my pregnancy are going great. I had a biophysical profile and non-stress test this morning. My doc wanted to do one because he isn't very knowledgable of the band and wanted to make sure the baby was handling it ok. I got a 10 out of 10 which means the baby is doing great! It's always nice to hear that. I do have a question for everyone....anyone's baby ever measured big? According to what they have told me all along, I am 30 weeks but he is measuring at 32 weeks. They said that could mean that he is either going to be a big baby or that my due date may be off. If my due date isn't off and he is just going to be big, I wonder if they will induce me early? Anyone have any experience with this? It would be perfectly fine if he was here the middle of March as opposed to April 4th as long as he is doing great! I go to my doc next week so I am anxious to see what he says.
  3. Good morning all! It's good to see reports and that everyone is doing good. As far as fills, my surgeon said he didn't want to see me again until after I finished breastfeeding. I assume at that point, he will give me a fill. I plan on breastfeeding for up to 6 months so it will be a while for me.
  4. niecyrenee

    Biggest Loser

    So true! I am not a fan of Kim's to begin with and that didn't help. Guess I just like Bob and Jillian and there has never been a place for Kim, who knows? The trainers should keep their opinions out. They are there to help them learn a healthier lifestyle, not play the game. Kae is doing amazing! I am always amazed at her strength and dedication. I have to admit I am always disappointed when players give in at the food challenges. I am certain that $5k is very tempting, especially if you need it but given the real reason you are there, say no. I am so proud of Kae for admiting how tempting it is (money and food) but stands her ground.
  5. niecyrenee

    Biggest Loser

    That is what I initially assumed as well. That very well may be what she means but she seems almost desperate about it which got me to wondering if it was something else entirely. Sure seems he needs her a whole lot more than she needs him. Of all the important things in life, I wonder about this....:biggrin1:
  6. niecyrenee

    Biggest Loser

    Another Biggest Loser fan here! I totally agree about Amy's actions toward the red team being a slap in the face! Then to call out Isabeau in the elimination room for not being loyal. I couldn't believe it! Amy is the one who wasn't loyal. I always hate when anyone has to go home because I know that desire to lose weight and I want them to all reach their goals however, someone has to go. I would much rather someone get to stay that truly wants to be there. I was sick thinking that B might have to go home because you can tell he wants to be there and change his life. I do have a question that maybe one of you can answer for me. An unimportant thing and probably stupid but I am going to ask anyway. Kim made a comment about how she needed B as much as he needed her. How so? Is it a paycheck thing? Or just that she won't be on the show this season anymore? I don't get it.
  7. Now that we know what we are having, we are going to discuss names more indepth. This is our first child and we only have one nephew so there are a lot of options open to us. I would think it would be a challenge to come up with something unique when you have so many boys in the family. I am certain you will come up with something great. I'll get to looking at my book and post some ideas later.
  8. I had my ultrasound yesterday and they tell us we are having a boy! We are very excited!! It was so great to get to see him again! How is everyone else doing?
  9. I hear ya! It is such a pain to get them just perfect after I make one of my nightly potty runs. By the time I get settled and all my pillows in place, I have managed to wake up dh. He just rolls over and goes back to sleep but I always feel bad for thrashing around so that it disturbs him.
  10. I have a question about sleeping. Is anyone else finding it difficult to sleep on their left side all the time? I am a right side sleeper but when I learned that it is best to sleep on your left side during pregnancy, I changed. I have bought a body pillow and the is propped up behind me for support but to also help keep me from rolling over in the night. I also have one pillow between my legs and lots of nights, I hug a small roll type pillow. I also have two pillows under my head. LOTS of pillows in our bed now! My problem is I have been waking up and having pain on my left side from laying on it all night. The last few nights it has been centered on my left hip. I have had to get up in the middle of the night and go to the recliner to sleep and some nights, I just start there because I know I will get a good nights sleep. Anyone have any suggestions for how to help this problem? I have wondered about yet another pillow somewhere but I really don't know where else to put one and if it would even help. I'm baffled on this one and quite frankly, I don't want to spend the rest of my pregnancy in the recliner. :phanvan
  11. niecyrenee

    Vomiting and pregnancy

    Meltini-I can only speak from my experiences but maybe they will help. I am 19 weeks pregnant and tomorrow is my one year bandiversary. To say it has been an amazing year for me would be an understatement. When I started my lb journey, one goal in mind was to have a family and I was not going to do that unless my health was in line. I wanted to have a healthy pregnancy and be here for my kids. I was very open with my surgeon about my desire to get pregnant within the next year and if that would be an option for us. He said absolutely and was very supportive. All surgeons are different on this so check with yours first. While I wanted to get pregnant soon, I wouldn't do it unless I had reached a goal that I had set for myself. My doctor told me to not set myself up for disappoint because my goal was very high and it is rarely seen with lapband patients. I wanted to lose 100 lbs. by July 2007 and I was banded in November 2006. I knew that I could accomplish it and worked hard to get there. I reached the 100 lb. mark by Memorial Day. Even though I had reached that first goal, dh and I decided to wait to start trying for a baby until July anyway. When we got ready, I talked to my surgeon (who was ecstatic about my progress) and he said to go for it. My health was perfect and with the 100 lbs. less that I was carrying around, I would have a smoother pregnancy. Dh and I started trying the first of July and got pregnant right off the bat...much to our surprise! I did have small unfill (.5 cc) but no more than that was necessary. I did experience some morning sickness with vomiting but not much. My band is just fine. Vomiting is not something they want bandsters to do however. If I would have had a more of a problem with it, I would have went to them for some anti-nausea meds but since it wasn't bad, I didn't. For me so far, everything is going great! Dh and I couldn't be happier about our little bundle of joy coming in April and I am feeling great! I wish you much luck in your journey to healthier you and with adding to your family. There are other pregnant bandsters here and we have a thread going where we discuss how everything is going. Check it out: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/pregnant-banded-come-join-me-37874/ If you have any other questions, feel free to ask and I will help if I can!
  12. Welcome to the new mommies-to-be! Raynie--I am glad you are feeling better! This is such a wonderful time you certainly don't want to spend a single minute of it sick. Well, last Thursday I had my doctor's appt. and they took blood to test for Down's and I don't really don't know what all (if anything else). They told me that they would have the results by Monday and they would only call me if we needed to investigate furthur. I gave them another day in case their results were slow in coming, but it is now Tuesday and I haven't heard from them!! Praise God! I have my ultrasound on Thursday, November 8th (which is my bandiversary!) and hopefully we can find the sex out. I can't wait!!!
  13. Thanks to everyone who responded on my weight gain question. It sounds like it varies so much from person to person and that 5 lbs. isn't something to be concerned with. I go tomorrow and I am interested to see what his scale and he has to say. I should have known that picking a doctor who is rail thin wasn't a good idea. I needed a jolly, old, fat guy! :heh:
  14. Yes! I have heard that it is a fairly common occurence. I go in tomorrow for the same test. When my doctor was talking about it last month, he said that a positive just means we need to investigate furthur, not that there is necessarily anything wrong. I know it's difficult to remain calm, but try. I am trying to not let myself get worked up and worried about the test, but it's hard not to. I just have to remind myself that whatever will be, will be and we will love the baby no matter what. Let us know what you find out. We're thinking about you!
  15. Bexleygal-Halfway!!! I know my next ultrasound is about 2-3 weeks away and that's when we will learn the sex (if the baby is coorperating) and I can hardly stand the wait. I can't imagine how long your weekend is going to be waiting to hear your news on Monday! Be sure and let us know how it goes. Raynie-A boy! How exciting! I can't wait until our next ultrasound to learn the sex. I too have that feeling that I am having a girl, don't know why really, but we are kinda hoping for a boy. We will be ecstatic with either though! Ok, I have to ask this question as my next doctor's appointment is next week and I am already worrying myself about the scale....How much weight is everyone gaining and at what point in your pregnancy are you? I am 16 weeks and the last time I saw my doctor (at 13 weeks), I had gained a total of 5 lbs. and he said we needed to watch that. I was really proud that I had only gained 5 but he wasn't overly thrilled with it. I am just wondering if that is normal, not normal? I have no idea seeings how I have never been pregnant before. I know from my scale at home that I have put on a little more weight and I just dread that part of the appt. I really can't help but wonder if my weight gain is due not only to the baby and placenta growing but to the totally different lifestyle I have. I mean, before I got pregnant, I exercised a whole lot more than I do now and I was so strict on my eating. All I am accomplishing now as far as exercise is walking and I hate to admit, I'm not as faithful as I should be. And I know they say you only need 300 more calories when you are pregnant, but can that be true based on how little we bandsters ate before? I was STRICT! I lost over 125 in 8 months, I was a fanatic about it. Now, I am not focused on that and am eating more because I know that my baby needs it. I guess what I am asking is, could our weight gain not be "textbook" because we are adding more than just 300 calories because our intake before was so low? I can't help but wonder if that's the case. What's your opinions?

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