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Posts posted by sarahbellzz14-4

  1. Going through that right now. I too am basically eating everything in sight. I'm going for a fill tomorrow, and I don't know how much I've gained, but I still can't eat and drink at the same time.. For a hot minute there, I thought my band had slipped because I had no restriction, it wasn't until I started PB'ing that I was like ok, still in place.

    I've fallen into the "crap trap" too... candy, chips, etc, Giving in to cravings, and just being hungry most of the time. I also realized that I bloat really easily. Last night, is a prime example. I felt like I was going to explode... to the point it hurt walking. but I resorted to matters that aren't necessarily healthy... Gas-Ex & Sennacot, I realize today, it was my "quick fix" to feeling guilty for what I ate yesterday, almost like an "out of body out of mind" type thing. the quickest fix for getting rid of the crap.

    We are all in this together. We are here for each other, and your not alone in this. Just a bump in the road. We'll get through it.

  2. DeAndreaBaby,

    I know what you mean, I haven't weighed myself because I'm scared to see what the scale says. I have probably about 2 1/2 cc's in my 10CC band, and my doc is really stingey with fills. I'm in for an ass reaming from him tomorrow when I go for my fill.

    It's really tough the situation we're in, I have absolutely no restriction right now, and it's terrifying, because you don't realize the lack of restriction until your to the point of vomiting (In my case anyway) And I'm in the same boat as you as far as not realizing that the compliments stopped. everyone kind of stopped paying attention to what I was eating, and how an outfit suddenly looked different on me. It's also harder in my case, because Not everyone knows why I was losing weight. Only 1 of my co-workers know that I had the Surgery, my close friends and family know as well.

    Since your doc discovered your thyroid being out of whack, do they think it's because of the WLS and hormonal changes that it suddenly acted up?

    Hang in there, and know that your not alone in this :smile2:

  3. $70 is not bad. Expect the first session to be more, though. I think my initial consult was $100 or $125, and then each session was $80 ($60 when I first started, I believe). At first I went twice a week for 4 weeks, then I tapered off to every other week, then every 3 weeks, then once a month, then every 2 months, etc., until we bought a house and could no longer afford extras like that. :wink2:

    It was great though! I hope it works for you! :thumbup:

    I don't think there is a consult fee. But either way, I'm so sick of this lol!!!!! I realized yesterday while I was laying on my bed that my leg is starting to turn... and what I mean is laying on my back with my legs straight in the air, my right knee is starting to face right, while my left is still straight... Strange, I know... Full of issues!!!

  4. Hey, Sarah, I have done acupuncture and it worked wonders! I had to stop, though, because it got to be too expensive. I highly recommend it.:biggrin:

    For Valentine's Day my dh gave me a really plush electric blanket, and it really does help with the pain! I fell fast asleep on the couch yesterday and had the best nap ever. So, I recommend that, too! :tongue:

    I'm scared of electric blankets (weird lingering childhood fear) And I found a wellness center 2 blocks from my house that does the acupuncture for $70 a session, Which I heard is not too shabby of a price, and a friend of mine recommended at least once a month for the arthritis treatments.

    Enjoy your blanket!!!!:thumbup:

  5. Sarah, yes I can relate! Does your arthritis hurt more when it is really cold outside? Mine does! And my fibro flares up like crazy, so all my muscles in my whole body are cramping up. I want to get a electric blanket, because I think it might act as an total body heating pad. And, I hear ya about those Migraines. I also get migraines if I get too hungry. I found out that one of the most common triggers for migraines is low blood sugar! So, I too, end up snacking. I also need to get back on the exercise band wagon. I wish I was one of those people who enjoyed it. Well, the good thing is, we're all hanging in there and not throwing in the towel! :biggrin: And we have each other to commiserate with! :wink2:

    Yes Ann the cold does make it so much Worse, which I think is why I'm being lazy b/c it hurts to move. Like today for instance, I want to saw my leg off!!! we're supposed to get hit with another snow storm tonight so the moisture in the air has me inflamed, so even sitting at my desk hurts... forget getting up to like, make a photo copy...:) Have you ever done acupuncture? I'm seriously considering it, I'm at my wits end at this point.

  6. Hey, Sarah! Good to see you again. :thumbup: I'm having the same problem. I'm waiting for my fill next Tuesday. I can eat a LOT right now, plus I get really hungry between meals. *sigh* This is not easy! But, let's hang in there together! :rolleyes2:

    Hey Ann!!! I was actually thinking about you the other day. how are ya?

    Anyway.. Yeah, My issue is really bad, and my doc is a fricken drill sergeant So I'm going to get an ear full when I see him on the 26th. I really needed my fill back in dec, when my appointment was orig. scheduled, but he ended up canceling all his clinic hours (he doesn't accept my insurance in his Private practice) And then to re-schedule was a nightmare. Plus, I know you can kind of relate with the weather we've been having, My Leg has been killing me, so I haven't exercised in a while. I'll get back in my groove. I'm having the same prob.. Eating, and then SOOOOOO hungry in between that I get a Migraine and end up snacking. PLUS I've slacked off on here, and I know I've said this before, I really need you guys.. SO I'm back.. Seriously this time.. new year, new me, have to do it!

  7. Hello, Maybe if you start off really simple. I only focus on Protein which is calculated by .37 times your weight and this will give you how many grams you need a day. I have a low cal GNC Protein Drink in the morning with two scoops of the powder so that is 40 grams then I have foods that cover the other 20 grams, greek yogurt has 14 grams of Protein. You can easily cover the rest with and egg or tuna. Follow all the rules, and maybe you will be able to get back on track... are you drinking your Water? Good luck

    I'm not doing anything differently since my surgery, I still know what my limitations are, what I can and Cannot eat, it's the quantity in which I eat, that has been my problem, because I have no restriction, so my "full trigger" comes a little late.

    I know there are no "special circumstances" when it comes to the band, but I don't eat fish, as I am severely allergic to most of them with the exception of certain shell fishes. The smell of tuna gives me hives. I'm also a vegetarian so I seek a lot of my protein sources from the Gluten/dairy free Protein shakes.

    I barely exercise, as half the time it is excruciatingly painful for me, I have severe hip arthritis and there are things I can and can not do physically. But thank you though, I appreciate it.

  8. Jennifer, I'm in the same boat as you. I haven't lost a lb since the beginning of december, in fact, I may have gained at least 6lbs. My surgeon cancelled basically all of his appointments for the month of december and I won't be seeing him until the 26th of this month (thats how back-logged he is). I CAN EAT. snd when I say I can eat, I mean I can eat & drink at the same time, and the only way I know that my band is still in place is because I will still PB. for a min there I thought my band slipped. but The same ol's still get stuck and come back up, so I know it's in tact.

    I've realized how absolutely lazy I am. and although I should have done this right after my surgery, I'm finally joining a gym. I'll let you all know how my fill goes.

  9. Vita Coco Coconut Water. the downside is that it has 60 calories per serving.... Upside... Coconut water is the only ingredient. I can't eat Bananas anymore, So it has 680mg of potassium in it, 15 grams of sugar (down side) Daily Values are as followed: 5% Calcium, 230% Vitamin C.< /span>

    Its basically Natures gatorade. Did a lot of research on it, spoke to the doc too, he agrees that I can have at least 1 a day. and it solves the potassium/banana issue. and it really doesn't have a flavor

  10. How did everyone survive thanksgiving?

    It was a breeze for me considering the 2 weeks of hell I have just had (haven't weighed myself in these 2, but I'm sure due to the stress *fingers crossed* I've lost something.

    I almost choked on my turkey (which actually turned out awesome), stayed away from the mashed potatos (which I don't eat to begin with) had 1 scoop of stuffing, and Made the green Beans with low fat/low sodium cream of mushroom.... Made the turkey with sugarfree Apple juice concentrate, a fresh apple, Margarine instead of butter, and fresh herbs..... it was splended... Also managed to find a sugar free pumpkin pie.... 1 plate of food, and I was full!!! and the family didn't realize all the "Good stuff (fats & sugars) was substituted"... I survived thanksgiving despite all the BS that was thrown my way..... Just don't have a lb report for you guys... I will tomorrow.

    How about you all??? happy belated btw:wub:

  11. I make my baked apples with Oats... Oats brownsugar, Cinnemon, some vanil. extract, rasins and chopped walnuts and melted butter (or marg.) to keep the mix together... and then spoon full the melted remnents over the apples when their done.

    I found over the summer, melon was really hard to keep down (honeydew) Corn doesn't sit so hot with me either.

  12. Wow, Sarah, you look great! :Yawn: And in a size 10 already -- way to go, girl! :laugh:

    Thank you ann. it's funny in order to take those b/c I still don't have a full sized mirror, I'm standing on a cooler looking into my bathroom vanity, which when standing in front of basically stops at the bottom of my neck (That short!)

  13. O.k... I want to know what everyone can not eat now (healthier foods) that you were completely able to eat before being banded but can't now, even if on your approved foods list.

    I had japaneese last night (mom's b-day) and I was sooooo nausious 3 bites into it that I opted for the salad because I was so sick from it- immediatly.

    Broccoli hates me, Steak hates me (no matter how tender) deli meats, Sausage (whether veggie or turkey) and carrots.

  14. Ditto on the crossing legs business! I couldn't cross right over left but now I can both right over left and left over right!!! :thumbdown: LOL Seems funny but I sit with my legs crossed so much more now. I even find myself sitting on the couch hugging my knee's - who'd have ever thought that was going to be possible?!?!? :thumbup:

    I find myself doing that too... while sitting in bed watching t.v or talking to the dh... LOL I'm actually doing it right now.

    The DH also noticed that I'm not complaining about my hip as much (for those of you that don't know, I have severe hip arthritis from an injury) and the snoring has almost eliminated itself.....

  15. OK - this is such a minor, silly thing, but I LOVE my shadow!!! I have to walk back and forth outside between buildings at my work each day. Before I started this journey, I noticed how HUGE and unshapely my shadow had become. For some reason that got to me even more than looking at myself in the mirror! Well, now that I'm over 1/2 way to goal, I love looking at my much-smaller shadow that actually resembles a woman's shape!


    I was actually too embarassed to write that same exact thing. the first time it happend I looked behind me to see if there was someone there because this couldn't possibly be me. Way to go mama!!!

    Ann... FABULOUS feeling isn't it way to go

  16. What's a 5 guys :0) - I don't think we have them in Cali :blushing:)

    I'm lucky I didn't lose any hair - I took the Biotin prior to surgery - have always gotten my 60 grms pt and have cut my fat intake 99% but still get plenty of healthy fats :0)

    I could be Paula Dean's Sister or Emerils - Twin - Butter baby and pork fat rules - but alas thoses days are long gone - well 27 months gone :0)

    5 guys burgers & Fries.... It's mainly an east coast (Wash. dc, virginia, Maryland, NJ, PA, NYC) thing- (ANN, you better back me up here lol j/k) and in my personal opinion puts both in & out burger & carls Jr. to SHAME. They make awesome burgers, and I did as I said and had one for dinner last night, and it was amazing. There are somethings when cooking I just can't adjust and the #1 thing is my grilled cheese sandwiches, They have to be soaked in butter and almost to the point of being burnt, thats the only way I'll eat them. BUT I don't eat them often so that is a wonderful thing.

    Anyway, since I had one for dindin last night, I've been low cal/carb/fat today, thats how I alternate. and I'll do the same tomorrow. I didn't budge weight wise despite my fill last week, so I think by next weekend my ass will def be hitting the treadmill, because obviously what I have been doing isn't working anymore. so it's time to buck up and finally join the gym.

    hair wise, the re-growth is amazing, my part has filled in, and it looks like I'm wearing a wig lol!!!!

  17. sarah,

    i'm glad i read this. i have tried to eat turkey deli sliced meat twice now, and the first time it came back up, and the second time it got stuck and took forever to go down.

    i never would have thought such thinly sliced meat would have been a problem, and i really thought i was eating it super slow, but maybe it's just deli meat doesn't agree with my band. strangely happy to know i'm not the only one who's experienced this.

    Juniper, it is miserable... 5 months out and it's just simply on my list of no-no foods, no matter how awesome it looks and how much I'm craving it, I'm just asking for trouble. but for some reason, I can eat deli ham, not a sandwich though, but like ham (1 thin slice), egg & cheese omlets. Pepperoni (turkey or otherwise) is also out of the question for me. when I was a good 3 weeks out on solids I attempted a turkey wrap and almost choked to death on it, to the point the DH stuck his fingers down my throat while I was hovered above the toilet to get the bite out. So I just stay FAR FAR Away from the deli counter now.

  18. I am having this same issue. When I went in for my post op appointment I had lost 18 lbs, then they set my fill for a month out, when I went back I had lost 1 lbs, but it looked like I had lost about 8. I have 5 cc's in my 10 cc band and feel like I eat way more than I should, but when I went in for my 3rd fill this month, I had lost 11 lbs in 4 weeks and they didn't do an adjustment. I feel like I'm going to sabatoge myself bc i do eat more than a 1/2 cup, but obviously if they didn't do a fill, I'm doing ok. I wish they would have, however I am sustaining now for the last week 1/2. I was banded July 20th and am down about 30 lbs as of now. I buy new jeans, and they fit but i get them home and sit down for more than 10 minutes, they look like garbage bags. But the smaller size is too tight, I have a muffin top and I feel like I just got rid of that lol Such a hard place right now. No one understands how it feels to lose weight and be succesful and not feel cute in your clothes. Weird problem to have. The good part is I know in time they will eventually fit. I just hate walking around in my clothes that feel like tents. I should be more thankful than stressed I suppose :closedeyes: Good luck! sounds like you are doing great!!

    I feel ya jenna. I have 2 poblems... The muffin top & the bread basket. Basically when I was pregnant with my son 8 years ago I didn't wear a support garment so my stomach muscles seperated at the belly button, so now I have the bottom pouch as well... I joke around and say I have 4 stomachs, 2 on the inside and 2 on the outside. Everyone I've spoken to from Personal trainers to doctors have all told me to start saving my pennies because the only way to get rid of it is a full Tummy Tuck (where they re attach your muscle wall- give you a new belly button etc) The trainers have said that we can work on it but the damage has been done and that skin is just flapping in the breeze on it's own. Thats my frustration with size of pants... I have to compensate a size for the "bottom half" so while my "Real" size is probably 2 smaller then I wear, I won't know until I reach my goal weight and *when pigs fly* have the tummy tuck.

  19. Have been holding my weight @ 227 for about 3 weeks now which is great. Went to buy jeans last night and actually went down another size to 36. I think the last time I wore 36 jeans, I was 25..........:closedeyes::thumbup:

    John, That is awesome. Congrats!!!!!!!!! I was a size 8 when I was 25, but that was 3 years ago, and it was for a Hot min. I did a lil shopping this morning in a store that caters to the microscopic, but has a plus sized section (basically for the slightly anorexic) Bought a blouse in an XL came home put it on (Because I refuse to use the fitting rooms b/c the mirrors LIE to you) and it's too big. I'm just finding things in my closet that I haven't worn in ages, they either fit or they will soon fit. But Jeans are a tough one. I had an incident recently where I bought a 12 and had to exchange them for a 14, basically, I really should have kept the 12's because once they're broken in, they fit... so now, the 14's after a few hours, start to slide on me.

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