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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ELL1021

  1. Hi. I'm new to this site and the idea of lap band surgery. I'm registered for a seminar May 20th. I've read a LOT on the internet about the process and was hoping to gain input from others locally. I'm 56 years old, 300#, 5'2", take meds for BP, cholesterol, have arthritis and they are currently scheduling me for testing for sleep apnea. Otherwise I'm in great shape. hahaha. My insurance pays for the procedure which I have read is out patient but I'd love to have a lot more input. I am reading a lot of great things in the threads but some horror stories too. I'm so anxious to be approved for this yet haven't seen anything stated that tells me what would keep me from being approved. Anyone in the TampaBay area able to give me some great feedback. I'd love to be a supporter with others who will be there for me too. Thanks so much!!
  2. ELL1021

    Pre-Op Diet ROCKS!!!

    I have my surgery Monday. The first week of my two week pre-op I was able to drink the 5 Optifast shakes a day but had discomfort. The second week I have only been able to have the shakes a couple of days and then it was only 2 or 3 shakes on those days. They make me so sick, last night I thought I was having a heart attack. I was told I have a hiatal hernia that will be repaired with my band surgery Monday. I've done some serious research on the internet and see hiatal hernias cause the symptoms that I have. The hernia causes the body to not assimilate protein and minerals very well. Trying to force 70g of protein into a body that has a hernia sounds like it is setting the body up for more serious medical issues. Since I'm close to surgery date I stopped the shakes and I'm just loading myself up with fluids. Has anyone else had the problem with the shakes. I was seriously hurting last night. Lump in the throat, indigestion, gas, big time burping and a severe discomfort so bad I that I was dying. I was "this close" to calling 911 for a heart attack but knew it was from the shakes. I stopped the shakes and it subsided. I figure I'll have my surgery Monday and THEN should be able to do the post op shakes ok. Did anyone else have this severe a reaction to the shakes and have a hiatal hernia? It feels like the shakes made the hernia symptoms worse.
  3. ELL1021

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thank you. That seems to be what I'm determining from reading the posts. I think I'm getting a little over anxious and trying to over analyze. Monday is my surgery, I just got home from my pre-op tests. I think I'm trying too hard to "plan" how to live with the band ... I best take it one day at a time and feel my way, like a new baby. Thank you so much for the advice..... you make me STOP and realize I need to slow down my brain. It's a simple process and I'm trying to make it way too complicated. Thanks for the grounding!
  4. ELL1021

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Gosh I wasn't rejecting it... I hate having to type stuff. Sometimes it comes out not the way it was intended. I was only replying with what I've been told to do. My keyboard locks up on me so I was trying to get the message typed before it screwed up on me and I sent it without reading through it. Sorry it appeared I was NOT taking your advice. Definitely wasn't the case!
  5. ELL1021

    How do you feel after your fills?

    This is just a test. <a href="Weight Loss - Diet Ticker"> <img border="0" src="http://tickers.TickerFactory.com/ezt/t/wd7yc5l/weight.png"></a>
  6. ELL1021

    How do you feel after your fills?

    Help! Someone please tell me how you set up your weight loss tracker at the end of each of your posts. My surgery is the 26th and I'd like to have that little tracker on my messages too. Thanks for the input.. and I have to tell you, I joined several months ago when I was researching the lapband and this site has been a wealth of information. Everyone has provided all types of helpful tidbits. Thanks everyone!!
  7. ELL1021

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    It seems I was having a mild anxiety attack... I'm finding if I relax I can think and come up with great ideas. I realized fish is served at all restaurants, so is salads, so is Soups. My doctor absolutely refuses to allow steak/hamburger as he says it's way too dry. No drinking what so ever.. you can do it but it won't allow you to fill up properly so you won't use the band the way it is meant to be used. Defeating the purpose. I can eat anything obviously but I won't lose weight if I don't adhere exactly. I've located a LOT of recipes on line for lapband using chicken and fish so I'll be able to enjoy cooking at home. They gave me great ideas to watch for out to eat also. To start if I go out to eat again... salads, broiled fish meals. This allows me to not worry about how tough chicken is. I just have to think. I worry too much!
  8. ELL1021

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    This sounds odd but I'm to have my surgery in a week and I've seen nothing on the site that answers my question.... once you have the surgery and have lost weight and feel so much better about yourself, if you are fortunate enough to meet someone who wants to date you, how do you go about your first date? You can't eat steaks, you can't eat chinese food, you can't eat pizza, you can't eat italian foods so you have to be a bit selective when invited out. What has everyone else done in this situation? How do you "steer" the guy to what you can eat? Any input would be greatly appreciated!
  9. ELL1021

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I'm getting frustrated. No where on the site can I find instructions on how to start a new thread. I've gone to FAQ, I've even searched in Google.... nothing. Can someone help me, please!!?!? Thanks!
  10. ELL1021

    Pre-Op Diet ROCKS!!!

    This is my third day of my 2 week pre-op with optifast and I have to say I feel much better today than I did the first day. I'm not hungry any more and I've found some sneaky ways to enjoy the shakes. I added instant coffee to the vanilla and turned it into an iced coffee drink. The chocolate I heated up and made it hot cocoa. I'm finally getting the hang of it. Since I've got to do this 2 weeks pre-op and 2 weeks post-op I figured I better figure this out quick. I also found taking Lactaid tablets has also helped tremendously.
  11. ELL1021

    Pre-Op Diet ROCKS!!!

    I hate to sound stupid but can anyone tell me how to set up more of my profile. I want to put a picture on it and see what else is available to set up. I joined and only read for months, this is only my second post. I need HELP with figuring out how to use the forum profile. Please and thanks!
  12. ELL1021

    Pre-Op Diet ROCKS!!!

    Hi all. I'm reading everyone's posts.... finding them very informative and helpful. I'm two days into my pre-op. Got my insurance approval for surgery today. Surgeon started me on the two weeks of Optifast while waiting for the approval hoping it came in before the scheduled surgery date. I'm scheduled for Oct. 26. I was hoping for an Oct. 21 surgery date as it's my birthday and wanted to have a new "birthday". The surgeon only does this type of surgery on Mondays so I had to settle on the 26th. I'm nervous, anxious, excited, scared, and can come up with about 20 more descriptive words. I also started walking this morning. Most walking I've done in a while. Usually my walking is to the bathroom, mailbox, taking out the trash, and to the elevator at work. :thumbup: I finally kicked myself into gear and went out walking this morning before work ... did two laps around my street. I enjoyed it. I'm on an 800 calorie Optifast pre-op. 5 shakes a day, nothing else but clear beverages. Same regimen for two week post-op so this is goign to be quite a long shake hall. I know I won't drink the Optifast as post op. It's too artificial tasting. I have looked into Kellogg's new protein shake and heard the Carnation Instant is good. I really appreciate all your posts as they've been so informative as I worked through my 6 month program required by the insurance. I've learned so much from everyone... I don't think I'd have gotten this far if you all hadn't provided so much helpful information. I'd like to thank everyone!!!
  13. ELL1021

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Hi Indiogirl55. I can reply from the email message I got but when I go to the main LapBandTalk.com home page and sign in. From there where do I go? That's where I get confused. How do I find the 50s page? I hope the surgery is easier to navigate than this forum! Thanks so much for any additional help you can give me.
  14. ELL1021

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I wish someone would tell me how to log into my "account" on lapbandtalk.com and then find a specific string of emails. I have tried in the past but never know how to find a group of people I chatted with in the past. Can someone email me at my regular email address and tell me. shesinstpete33710@yahoo.com how do I get back to this group. I'm 56 working on my 4th month of insurance requirement testing to be able to qualify for my surgery. I have to do this for 6 months, then see the surgeon for final determination in Oct. My insurance pays for this and I have more than enough qualifiers. How do I stay in touch? Please.. help! Thanks!!
  15. Hi Thank you! I've finally been able to get my process in the works and I've seen Dr. Kevin Huguet at St. Anthony's. He has a fabulous program to help someone through the process. It's awesome and so far I'm loving working through it all. I'm hoping for my surgery in October if all goes well and the insurance gives their blessing. How long since you had your surgery, if you had it already?
  16. Hi, I'm just beginning the journey! I've attended the required seminar, had my consultation with the surgeon, received confirmation my insurance DOES include bariatric coverage, and due to no recent structured program I have to spend 6 months having a battery of tests and meeting with nutrition trainers for the lap band. It took me this long to get this size so six more months till I receive my surgery date is fine with me. Is anyone else in the St. Pete area and fairly new? I'd love to have a "support and info partner" if anyone is interested?
  17. Hi Malissa. Thank you so much for your reply. I'd love to be in touch. Do you use Yahoo? IM? I'm shesinstpete33710. My doctor is Dr. Huguet and St. Anthony's. When did you have your surgery? How much do you hope to lose? How much have you so far? I'm not sure how to read this website so I'm in training mode. It's easier for me outside the forum but.....
  18. Hi. I'm new to this site and joined because I'm attending a seminar May 20th for information about lap band surgery. I think I've read so much about it so far on the internet that I could be a surgeon purforming the surgery. BUT the experts are those who have had the surgery or are seeking to have it so I thought they are who I'd contact. I'd adore any input from anyone pertaining to thoughts, ideas, suggestions, why I should or shouldn't have it. I'm 56 years of age, 300#, 5'2", have high BP, cholesterol, arthritis, and now they think sleep apnea ... otherwise I'm in great shape. haha. My insurance will pay for it and I have read laproscopic is day surgery and they will also repair hernias which I have a hiatal and a ventral. I'm a working girl in Florida. Anyone willing to help me with all the suggestions you can give?! Please!!?! Thanks!
  19. I can't thank everyone enough. It never dawned on me... mutilate what I already had in the house. I just figured baby food was the easiest, but using my regular groceries would be the least expensive and best tasting. I'll just need the guidance as to what I can and can't.. and I adore grits, oatmeal, stuff like that. Any idea what reasons someone is NOT approved for the surgery? That's my biggest fear. If I can get the final approval and have it done... I can suffer through whatever they toss at me... just to get to be someone I've never been. A slimmer and healthier me. I've always been a large person and it's time to enjoy my life. I go to the seminar the 20th. From that point on I have no idea what happens or how long it will take. I did contact my insurance HMO and they will cover it if I meet the qualifiers.. which I know I will. Size, high BP, cholesterol, arthritis, back pain, now possibly sleep apnea... and I'm watching my blood sugar since all my family are diabetics. Doc has me watching with a meter just to be on the safe side. Any other suggestions or ideas or thoughts that would help me?
  20. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your replies! This website is hard to find your way around on. I know it will be tough but some of it won't be that bad for me. I'm a tea drinkers only and I don't drink alcohol or carbonated beverages. I'm definitely someone who drinks with a meal so this will be a big change but once I know what I can and can't, I will be fine. I think once I make some friends who instant message me or email me all the time I'll be fine... I have no other support structure from this end so I'm all on my own.. but I'm so interested in doing this. I fully intend to adhere to the rules and regs. I've been trying to find threads saying if baby food is good to keep in the kitchen once I have the surgery... from that point on. I'd think that would be great food to eat once off the liquids. How long did it take till you had the surgery once your insurance approved you?
  21. ELL1021

    Getting worried.

    Hi. I'm new to this site and the idea of lap band surgery. I'm registered for a seminar May 20th. I've read a LOT on the internet about the process and was hoping to gain input from others locally. I'm 56 years old, 300#, 5'2", take meds for BP, cholesterol, have arthritis and they are currently scheduling me for testing for sleep apnea. Otherwise I'm in great shape. hahaha. My insurance pays for the procedure which I have read is out patient but I'd love to have a lot more input. I am reading a lot of great things in the threads but some horror stories too. I'm so anxious to be approved for this yet haven't seen anything stated that tells me what would keep me from being approved. Can anyone give me some great input? How long does the entire process take? What to expect, not to expect? Things like that.... Thanks so much!!
  22. Hi. I'm new to this so please bear with me. I'm in the process currently of looking into having lapband surgery. I'm scheduled to attend a seminar on Mary 20. So far all information I find on the web is going to cause me to not be able to fulfill my dream of losing a lot of weight (at least over 100 pounds) due to not having receipts for weight loss programs. Who knew you had to keep receipts for buying products to try to lose weight!? Now what do I do? I'm not a wealthy person so paying fees to gyms and weight loss programs isn't an option I had the luxury of enjoying. I'm 56 and not interested in starting again from scratch after all these years of trying to lose weight with buying things again just to have the receipts now. Did anyone else fall into this rut and what did you do to get past it with the insurance? I have books but no receipts. I can tell you all the foods I purchased over the years but no receipts. My insurance covers the surgery but reading information on the web it all shows that I need proof of all these other weight loss attempts programs. I can't afford all that after all these years. Can someone give me some guidance?! Please!?

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