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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by CyndiMomto3

  1. Hello, here's my story (I wrote this all yesterday, 5/13/09) I started getting ready for the surgery Monday night. I tried to do things that I knew I wouldn't want to do right away after coming back from the hospital. I scrubbed a bath/shower that needed to be cleaned, unloaded & loaded the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen, (TMI) DTD with hubby lol. I also had to wash our sheets so I could sleep on freshly washed sheets, per my instructions. I also had to take a shower with a hibiclens sponge and then take another one in the morning. I only ended up sleeping 2-3 hours so the showers weren't that far apart but oh well. I got to the hospital at 8am with surgery scheduled for 10am. (I wasn't early just for fun, they asked me to come that early) lol I signed a couple of papers at the admissions desk and then sat in the waiting room for about 5-10 minutes. Then they took me back to a small pre-op room with a bed, chair and tv. The nurse asked me to get all the way undressed and put on their stylish gown, gray skidproof sockies and blue surgery cap. She had me hop on the bed and asked a bunch of questions and I had to sign another paper. She also collected a urine specimen (to make sure I'm not pregnant I think). About this time my friend Becky arrived, which helped pass the time. (I had driven myself there because hubby needed to be home with the kids.) The nurse came back in and gave me a shot of heparin in the belly and it really didn't hurt or sting, thank goodness. She told me that they would be taking me down to the OR about 10:30 (so I guess it got moved back a little) she also started my IV and gave me some medicine to calm my nerves a little. That stuff was great, it did calm me down and made me mellow. They gave a little light up pager thing to my friend and sent her back to the waiting room until the surgery was over. They wheeled me down to the OR and transferred me over to another bed, put the mask on my face and I was out. I woke up in a recovery room and coughed a little from the breathing tube they had put down my throat during the surgery. I remember looking at the clock at seeing 11:30am or noon. I honestly don't remember much from the recovery room, just that they told me everything went really well. I think I might have cried a little as I was coming out of the fog, I don't know why, but I'm pretty sure I did. Other than earlier in the day when my surgeon came to say hello, I never even saw him at all. They wheeled me to my room, which was a double room and already had a lady in there. My roommate had a lot of health issues, I felt so bad for her. She had gastric bypass in 1999 and then a revision and she came in to have a hernia repaired for the 3rd time. After being in the room for awhile, I wondered where my friend was and called her cell phone. She, my husband and my 17 month old son were waiting to come to my room, but no one let them know that they could come up. That was kind of annoying...but I understand they get busy. They came up to visit and my son seemed a little scared by the IV, oxygen in my nose and leg compression thingees. My daughter was at school, thank goodness, I think she would have been really worried about me. After they left, I tried to take a nap and nodded off a little here and there. My roomate got discharged so then I had the room all to myself. :thumbup: I got up a little while later to go to the bathroom and walk the halls. I spent the evening dozing off and on, getting woken up constantly for vitals, blood sugar testing (even though I'm not diabetic) and once, around midnight, I woke up to find housekeeping stripping down the other bed in the room and cleaning that side of the room. Really, at midnight?? As of right now, I am still waiting to be discharged. I actually kind of wonder if they forgot about me...I was able to get the IV unhooked and took a shower. They also wheeled me downstairs to do the swallow test to make sure the band was in the right place (it is). They have not allowed me to eat or drink anything, other than a small amount of water...it has been 36 hrs since i ate!! I don't know what is going on but I am not having any problems so hopefully they will let me go soon.
  2. CyndiMomto3

    Pre-op diets?

    CONGRATS on your 4.0 average!!! That is very admirable!!
  3. CyndiMomto3

    Sugar Free Coffeemate

    Hi everyone! I am on day 8 of my 10 day full liquid diet-I am being banded this Tuesday, May 12th. (I am so excited I can hardly stand it!) I have been doing extremely well on my diet and am proud to say that I have stuck to it faithfully, not even a BITE of anything that is not on the list. :tt2: I need to adjust my ticker b/c I've lost 12 lbs already! My question is regarding sugar free coffeemate. I recently purchased some and have noticed that it really seems to upset my stomach. I'm assuming it's because of an ingredient in there to replace the sugar but I'm just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience. Thank you in advance!! Cyndi
  4. Hello, here's my story :smile2: I started getting ready for the surgery Monday night. I tried to do things that I knew I wouldn't want to do right away after coming back from the hospital. I scrubbed a bath/shower that needed to be cleaned, unloaded & loaded the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen, (TMI) DTD with hubby lol. I also had to wash our sheets so I could sleep on freshly washed sheets, per my instructions. I also had to take a shower with a hibiclens sponge and then take another one in the morning. I only ended up sleeping 2-3 hours so the showers weren't that far apart but oh well. I got to the hospital at 8am with surgery scheduled for 10am. (I wasn't early just for fun, they asked me to come that early) lol I signed a couple of papers at the admissions desk and then sat in the waiting room for about 5-10 minutes. Then they took me back to a small pre-op room with a bed, chair and tv. The nurse asked me to get all the way undressed and put on their stylish gown, gray skidproof sockies and blue surgery cap. She had me hop on the bed and asked a bunch of questions and I had to sign another paper. She also collected a urine specimen (to make sure I'm not pregnant I think). About this time my friend Becky arrived, which helped pass the time. (I had driven myself there because hubby needed to be home with the kids.) The nurse came back in and gave me a shot of heparin in the belly and it really didn't hurt or sting, thank goodness. She told me that they would be taking me down to the OR about 10:30 (so I guess it got moved back a little) she also started my IV and gave me some medicine to calm my nerves a little. That stuff was great, it did calm me down and made me mellow. They gave a little light up pager thing to my friend and sent her back to the waiting room until the surgery was over. They wheeled me down to the OR and transferred me over to another bed, put the mask on my face and I was out. I woke up in a recovery room and coughed a little from the breathing tube they had put down my throat during the surgery. I remember looking at the clock at seeing 11:30am or noon. I honestly don't remember much from the recovery room, just that they told me everything went really well. I think I might have cried a little as I was coming out of the fog, I don't know why, but I'm pretty sure I did. Other than earlier in the day when my surgeon came to say hello, I never even saw him at all. They wheeled me to my room, which was a double room and already had a lady in there. My roommate had a lot of health issues, I felt so bad for her. She had gastric bypass in 1999 and then a revision and she came in to have a hernia repaired for the 3rd time. After being in the room for awhile, I wondered where my friend was and called her cell phone. She, my husband and my 17 month old son were waiting to come to my room, but no one let them know that they could come up. That was kind of annoying...but I understand they get busy. They came up to visit and my son seemed a little scared by the IV, oxygen in my nose and leg compression thingees. My daughter was at school, thank goodness, I think she would have been really worried about me. After they left, I tried to take a nap and nodded off a little here and there. My roomate got discharged so then I had the room all to myself. :tt2: I got up a little while later to go to the bathroom and walk the halls. I spent the evening dozing off and on, getting woken up constantly for vitals, blood sugar testing (even though I'm not diabetic) and once, around midnight, I woke up to find housekeeping stripping down the other bed in the room and cleaning that side of the room. Really, at midnight?? As of right now, I am still waiting to be discharged. I actually kind of wonder if they forgot about me...I was able to get the IV unhooked and took a shower. They also wheeled me downstairs to do the swallow test to make sure the band was in the right place (it is). They have not allowed me to eat or drink anything, other than a small amount of Water...it has been 36 hrs since i ate!! I don't know what is going on but I am not having any problems so hopefully they will let me go soon.
  5. CyndiMomto3

    Sugar Free Coffeemate

    What I've read and been told is 1-2 cups of coffee a day is fine, decaf is best due to the caffeine content in regular. And obviously they don't want us going to Starbucks and ordering something high in calories, fat, carbs and sugar.
  6. Thanks for making a spot for our stories! I am so excited and feel like I have so much to do before I go in tomorrow at 8am! I feel like I have a scheduled c-section tomorrow or something! lol I want the house spick and span, the kids bathed, car cleaned out...you get the idea...But the chances that will all be done are slim. I do need to wash my sheets though as my surgery prep instructions are to take a thorough shower with the special scrubby stuff they gave me, sleep on freshly washed, clean sheets and then take a shower in the morning with the special scrubby stuff again! I am planning to stay the night at the hospital and take the laptop so hopefully I will post my story sometime tomorrow. I am the most nervous about not being able to pick my 17 month old NON WALKING son up after the surgery. He is heavy and he REFUSES to walk! That will be hard. It is also going to be hard to explain to my 7 year old daughter why I am a little tired and sore. We decided not to tell her about the surgery itself because she worries too much. She does know that I am dieting and trying to be healthier though. Good luck to everyone tomorrow!!
  7. CyndiMomto3

    Sugar Free Coffeemate

    Ok good to know it isn't just me I guess I can use it as a morning laxative! lol
  8. I'm in the same boat, I have a 17 month old who refuses to walk and my surgery is scheduled for this tuesday. I won't be able to get him in or out of his crib, carry him to the car, ect. I am really nervous. DH will be there to help, but may not always be there...<crossing fingers>
  9. CyndiMomto3

    Pre-op diets?

    Hey surgery date buddy! We go in on the same day! I am on day 9 (of 10) of a full liquid diet, luckily I do not have to switch to clear liquids. You are strong girl! I have lost 10-12 lbs in these 9 days (it seems to fluctuate) and I have also noticed the pants fitting a little bit looser. Hubby joked that I don't need the surgery, I just need to keep doing the liquid diet for 3 months...I told him that I did not find that amusing lol. Here's to us staying strong for the last couple of days, see you on the other side!! Are you ready??
  10. CyndiMomto3

    My Story...

    I loved reading your story, I can relate on so many levels. How did the surgery go???
  11. CyndiMomto3

    OK I did it

    Congrats on your band!! Do you feel hungry all the time or just at certain times of the day? What are you taking in? Did you have a pre op liquid diet at all? Stay strong, I am sure it will get better, the hard part is over!
  12. CyndiMomto3

    Easy way to get my protein in

    That's a great idea with the unflavored! I ordered and received the sample packs in every flavor and now that I have tried them, I think I am going to order the chocolate and unflavored. I definitely do not like the strawberry and I am teetering about the chicken soup b/c although I like the flavor, it has a STRONG aftertaste to me and I have seen people post about it being too high in sodium. I tried the vanilla in my cooled hot coffee today and I really did not enjoy it like I thought I would. I actually felt sick after I was done and I just did not like the flavor. I wish unjury would come out with a coffee fllavored Protein supplement! I would love that for sure! Day 9 of my pre op diet and no slipups! Woo hoo!!
  13. CyndiMomto3

    They Say I Look Terrible

    That's awesome! I can't wait until I have the same problem! And to josiebies, good luck with your plastic surgery tomorrow! Is your insurance paying for any of it?
  14. CyndiMomto3

    Scheduled for May 12th!

    Hi everyone! My name is Cyndi, I am 30 years old in Omaha, NE. I had my consult with the surgeon yesterday and I have been scheduled to have my surgery on May 12th! I am looking forward to reading all of your stories and getting to know you. :biggrin:
  15. Hi everyone! Here is my second attempt to post this message as my other one went poof and froze up on me :biggrin: My name is Cyndi, I am 30 years old and live in Nebraska with my husband of 7.5 years and our two kids; Emily, who will be 7 on Sunday, and Gavin, 17 months. I have been struggling with my weight all my life and have always felt fat, even when I wasn't. I was never a skinny minny, but I didn't look as bad as I thought I did. I am close to my highest weight ever at 270lbs. I am about 5'5" or 5'6" (not sure) and a size 22 is getting tight on me. I am tired of being overweight and I am tired of being paranoid that people don't like me because of the way I look. I don't like the woman staring back in the mirror and I want to learn how to eat healthy. I am tired of being tired all the time and I want to be here for my kids as they get older. I know I have a long uphill battle ahead of me, but I am ready, boy am I ready! So on to the surgery details! I had my consult with the surgeon today and got scheduled to have my surgery May 12th! I can't believe how soon it is! My surgeon requires a 10 day liquid diet so I will start that this coming Saturday. That is going to be hard, especially when I'm at work since I tend to munch at my desk a lot. Here is a list of what I have done so far: (Anthem BCBS through eBay) -Attended seminar late last summer -Met with the bariatric dietician and nurse navigator -Met with my reg dr so we could discuss the surgery and had him send in my file, complete with all documented weight loss attempts over the years -Psychiatric eval about 2 months ago (that lady took forever to send my file over!) -Dr visit with the surgeon today! I am wondering what to tell my daughter, the almost 7 year old. She worried a lot about me when I was in the hospital having her brother so I don't want to give her too much information. I don't necessarily want to lie, but don't know what to say. Thanks in advance for any advice and nice to meet you! Cyndi in Nebraska
  16. CyndiMomto3

    Pre-op diets?

    Thank you for the encouraging words, I will need plenty more and will offer plenty to anyone who needs them
  17. CyndiMomto3

    Pre-op diets?

    Wow, that is awesome! I hope I have the same results!
  18. CyndiMomto3

    Scheduled for May 12th!

    Hi everyone! I am nervous and I can't believe it's coming up so quickly. I start my pre op diet on Saturday and am really dreading it! On one hand, I know I will feel good about not eating junk but on the other hand, I am worried that I will be hungry ALL the time!
  19. Thank you so much to everyone for your advice, I really appreciate it!
  20. Awesome! Good luck and keep us posted!!
  21. CyndiMomto3

    Pre-op diets?

    I will start my 10 day liquid diet Saturday and am VERY nervous about succeeding. I forgot to ask about putting creamer in my coffee and sweet n low. Did anyone ask about these things? I have put vanilla soy milk in my coffee before and it was pretty good, I assume soy milk is ok for the liquid diet?
  22. Thanks for the advice. Am I reading your ticker right, that you has surgery about 6 months ago and have lost over 100 lbs? WOW! Congrats! Please share some tips with a newbie :biggrin:
  23. Thanks for your input. The only reason I am thinking about telling her is that A) She is going to wonder why I will be in the hospital and :biggrin: I am assuming that I will be a little sore after and she may notice that I seem "hurt" and she will definitely notice that I won't be picking up her brother as much.

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