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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by fatblasting

  1. I think my girlfriend is worried about me getting to thin. But not because she won't find me attractive, but she's afraid other women will find me attractive.

    She's correct about other women find me attractive because I am constantly being hit on by women at work. Lol! Who knew women were so forward these days....or maybe it's just because I've been fat my whole life. Lol!

  2. For the past couple of months, I have came on here; whined, complained, bitc##d, begged for advice, and most importantly vented about my lack luster and disappointing weight-loss. I've had to laugh when the nutritionist and doc told me I have to eat more calories then most VSG patients because my body was starving, because I'm so big. :wacko: :blink: :unsure: And I'm talking like double what most VSG patients eat. Clearly there's no room for that in my "Baby Belly".

    But today I decided, I'm effing over it, maybe not the venting, lol, but most definitely the bitc##ng and complaining part. What led me to this amazing moment of clarity and enlightenment? It's when I finally start realizing that I have had Non-Scale-Victories happening all around me, but I was to engulfed in my self pity to recognize them.

    For starters, I have lost 2 shirt sizes, I've only lost 65lbs SINCE SURGERY, but I have lost 2 shirt sizes, down from a 6xlt, sometimes 7xlt to a 4xlt. I also have lost 6-8 pant sizes (depending on the pants...lol). I no longer have to sit 5ft away from the wheel to accommodate my super super super sized belly, while driving. I don't spill over in every chair I sit in anymore. I no longer force feed myself and allow myself to cover up stress with 6000+ calories a day. Although the wieght-loss isn't coming to me as fast as it is for some of my VSG buddies, it's okay, because it's still coming off. Walking from my basement to my second story is not nearly as laboring as it use to be. I don't need 101 medication to regulate and counter regulate my bodies comorbidities. I have achieved a new found level of mental clarity in my life. I can shop at Macy's. I can jog at 4.9mph on the treadmill, up from a 2.7mph walk.

    And today, I had the NSV that is more important than all of them combined, that is; I FLIPPING love who I'm becoming!

    So here it is, my Declaration of Independence from the Scale! In my household it's officially, No-Scale-November, meaning no weighing myself for the whole month of November.

    Victory for Me! :) Because it's all going to work itself out. Fidem Servare!!! Latin for "Keep the Faith"

  3. I just got over a rather bad bout with it and was looking for fast relief, try fleet enemas. It still took about a day, I don't want to go through that again so I'll make sure to get more fiber and mild laxative. Anyone who says this is the easy way out has no idea of the changes we have to adjust to.

    @@vincereautmori most definitely not the easy way out. No pun intended! :)

  4. Milk of Magnesia will give you relief. But going forward try to incorporate a few things:

    A. Probiotic; Some people are against it, but my doctor was completely cool with it.

    B. Trader Joes Very Green Capsules

    C. Cod Liver Oil (softgels)

    This regimen does miracles for me, because I was getting blocked up like every other day.

  5. CALORIES! You need them. One to live, and two... so your body doesn't go into starvation mode and start creating fat stores out of anything you do put in it. Its okay to gain weight, just stop watching that scale and eat more healthy foods. 1000-1200 minimum still creates a deficit for overweight people to lose weight. Muscle weighs more than fat.

    @@GummyTummy and @@thelion99 ... you both make a valid point! I think since I'm still a big guy my body needs more calories to just survive. But like many of us VSG folks understand, after surgery, eating is not nearly as desirable.

    The crazy thing too, I lost the most weight when I was on vacation and probably eating 1300 to 1500 calories. So @@GummyTummy and @@thelion99 I think your on to something.

    Oh this body of mine! :D Thanks so much for your feedback.

  6. Stop right there Mister !!! It could be anything from you gaining muscle. Your body retaining Water for some reason. I mean 1 gallon of Water is 8 lbs. Just give yourself a week of doing what you normally do (working out and eating right) and see what happens !! Might be your body just adjusting. You're 135lbs lost ! You're kicking ass and taking names.

    Okay, I know you probably don't want to hear that , but seriously. Our bodies are going through a lot of changes.

    ::::: HUGS:::: Keep doing what you're doing ! I hope that helps.. I know if it was reverse I'd be telling myself.. 'Yeah yeah person.. shut up.. I don't want to gain weight" ... but that's why we come to these boards. To set our heads right :)

    Thanks @@chellede! Lol @ the "Yeah yeah person.. shut up.. I don't want to gain weight"

    I really do come on these boards to vent to people who understand and to get valuable feedback. :)

  7. I am so frustrated, again, so I have been doing extremely well these past couple of weeks. But today I had a very frustrating moment. I have been working out everyday and I'm a big boy, so my body needed rest. So I took Saturday and today off; WHY have I gained 5lbs? -_-

    I am now eating 800 calories a day, down from what I was eating just a couple weeks ago. I am so confused by this whole process. Isn't our bodies suppose to be losing weight from a caloric deficit?

  8. Tonight, I had a little pity party, not a big one, just little bitty tiny one. :) :mellow:

    I haven't been losing anymore weight and when I see how well all of you are doing, let me just say it, I'm jealous. A healthy jealousy of course, but non the less, I am red in the face for the same success you all are achieving. :blush:

    Let me first say, I am not so in denial that I will sit here and say, "I'm not sure why I am not losing more weight", because I know why, but I just feel so super discouraged. The fact that I am 4 months out and haven't lost more weight and that I have developed bad eating habits again, is horrible. I feel like I have jacked my sleeve up and there's no going back.

    It all started off wrong, my girlfriend, who I love dearly, is also a bariatric patient, but she doesn't eat like one, and since she had the bypass she can get away with cheating since her body is malabsorbing, plus she's lost 125lbs, so she's pretty content with her weight. It all really sucks because I try not to be difficult and just eat what she eats. But I am growing significantly discouraged with my weight loss.

    Unfortunately the environment that I'm in, is full of sweets, carbs, more carbs, and did I mention carbs. I eat/drink my 80-100 grams of Protein daily, but I also eat 50-100 grams of carbs daily too.

    How I got on this road is from having this issue with my throat, the only thing, at the time, that went down and didn't feel like it further damaged my throat was Soups, crackers, and other carbs. I also started back drinking at the same time because I felt like food was getting caught in my throat.

    The crazy thing, I'm not over eating (at-least I think) because I track all my calories, I'm at like 800 to 1300 calories per day.

    The day of surgery (06/24/14) I was 526lbs, today I weigh 479lbs. I haven't lost any weight this month.

    I don't know where to restart. I don't feel bad for myself; I just want your help, your direction, and your guidance!

    Any advice? How do change my diet and habits? Any suggested meal plans?

  9. A couple of weeks ago I posted this forum question, http://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/312336-stuck-feeling/, sad to say I am still having a few problems with this. I GREATLY appreciate everyones feedback.

    It happens when I eat/drink, Protein shakes or pureed foods, I get this soreness/pressure/stuck feeling in my throat. The soreness/pressure/stuck feeling happens in my upper esophagus, no where near my belly, it's like right where the food starts to go down. It almost feels like a sore throat. I should also mention, it doesn't happen all the time, just sometimes. I have backtracked and I am thinking I need to let my throat heal some more, so I am going back to full liquids.

    Has anyone experienced this? Any feedback or suggestions on what it could be? Do you think it's a smart idea to go back to strictly liquids?

    I thought maybe I was eating and drinking to fast and that may of agitated my Upper Esophageal Sphincter, but it happened right after surgery so I am thinking that's probably not the case and I am no longer taking pills so I don't think it's that. I have an EGD scheduled for August 1st, but I LOVE getting everyones feedback, opinions, etc..; you guys have helped me so much. :)

    Seeing the glass half full, I'm down to 503lbs. :D

  10. lblondon, you're attitude was a little off. I think people do the best to give advice based on how they understand you question. We all should be respectful of how we treat each other. Each of us have endured our challenges and we owe each other respect. lblondon, people are not mind readers, your question was positioned for the responses given. I feel you owe everyone an apology and a thank you.

    Also, I believe if we are offended by the OP's responses, we should not start name calling. Let's ALL be respectful!!!

    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

  11. Shel, I took some prescription Prilosec, I think I will try the Zantec.

    Hi I'm six-month out and just went through this.... I took an Iron capsule and it turned sideways and got stuck.... the next morning I felt like I had something still stuck in my throat. I called my nurse and she told me that the pill was not stuck anymore... she said when it got stuck it irritated my esophagus and it caused me to have indigestion so she told me to take a fast acting PPI...She said that the irritation on the lining of my esophagus caused me to have instant gastric acid that acid feels like food that stuck on the side of your throat down towards the bottom of your chest.... when I got to work I did exactly what she told me and took some Zantac I felt better instantly.....


  12. I was sleeved 6/24 as well

    I found that taking my blood pressure pill (crushed) with omeprazole and the multivitamin was too much at once

    Did not feel stuck felt full and created more acid then necessary

    I did one evry 30 minutes and made it better

    It's so weird and frustrating,I feel like something is just glued to the back of my throat.

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