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Everything posted by d4lussier

  1. d4lussier

    Stress Happens

    There is no getting away from it. Every day is a new day, with the potential for amazingly stressful things to occur. I have always had an immediate reaction to stress: EAT. Eat to replace the pain of stress with a pain in my stomach. It's an easier pain to deal with. Today's stressor is over the top, and I have very mixed emotions on reporting that I am not wanting to eat. In fact, I feel sick to my stomach. And I want a hug really bad and my husband is out of town on business. But I don't want to eat. Is this the start of a significant behavior change? Has all my therapy and thinking finally clicked in "Eating is not the way to fix stress"? Tomorrow will be just as stressful. In a nutshell, I worked from home today and found out late in the afternoon that a team member committed suicide AT WORK this morning. Tomorrow will be a tough day at work. So many emotions: Sadness mostly though. Eating is not the answer...eating is not the answer.....eating is not the answer.....
  2. d4lussier

    Stress Happens

    Thank you for the hugs....much appreciated. I'm at work but totally not accomplishing anything work related. That's to be expected. Had grief counseling this morning, more to come this afternoon I hear.
  3. d4lussier

    Stress Happens

    There is no getting away from it. Every day is a new day, with the potential for amazingly stressful things to occur. I have always had an immediate reaction to stress: EAT. Eat to replace the pain of stress with a pain in my stomach. It's an easier pain to deal with. Today's stressor is over the top, and I have very mixed emotions on reporting that I am not wanting to eat. In fact, I feel sick to my stomach. And I want a hug really bad and my husband is out of town on business. But I don't want to eat. Is this the start of a significant behavior change? Has all my therapy and thinking finally clicked in "Eating is not the way to fix stress"? Tomorrow will be just as stressful. In a nutshell, I worked from home today and found out late in the afternoon that a team member committed suicide AT WORK this morning. Tomorrow will be a tough day at work. So many emotions: Sadness mostly though. Eating is not the answer...eating is not the answer.....eating is not the answer.....
  4. d4lussier

    Well - Maybe MUCH Faster, Grasshopper!!!

    Last installment was that I was in for a delay because I needed a completely reworked letter for the insurance company from my PCP. Two days after hearing this from the surgeon's office, I came back from a meeting at work to find THREE phone calls from the surgeon's office. I was thinking "Oh gosh! What other challenges await me!?!" Well...the calls were to tell me that I was APPROVED! Even without the reworked PCP letter! Since then has been a blur...I've had my 2nd meeting with the surgeon, have a big long list of tests to get taken care of, have my surgery date (07/29), have my nutritional appointments made, etc. I am REALLY EXCITED. I think I was truly expecting some other issue to come up, or the insurance company to say NO, or something! WOW! Every day, almost on a continual basis, I think to myself "In a year, I won't be wearing this size clothes" or "I won't have to turn sideways to get out of the shower" or "I won't be exhausted from walking from one building to the other". It's like I'm living in a whole new world. Amazing!
  5. d4lussier

    Well - Maybe MUCH Faster, Grasshopper!!!

    Last installment was that I was in for a delay because I needed a completely reworked letter for the insurance company from my PCP. Two days after hearing this from the surgeon's office, I came back from a meeting at work to find THREE phone calls from the surgeon's office. I was thinking "Oh gosh! What other challenges await me!?!" Well...the calls were to tell me that I was APPROVED! Even without the reworked PCP letter! Since then has been a blur...I've had my 2nd meeting with the surgeon, have a big long list of tests to get taken care of, have my surgery date (07/29), have my nutritional appointments made, etc. I am REALLY EXCITED. I think I was truly expecting some other issue to come up, or the insurance company to say NO, or something! WOW! Every day, almost on a continual basis, I think to myself "In a year, I won't be wearing this size clothes" or "I won't have to turn sideways to get out of the shower" or "I won't be exhausted from walking from one building to the other". It's like I'm living in a whole new world. Amazing!
  6. d4lussier

    Not So Fast, Grasshopper!

    Well...today was to be the day I finished up all my prerequisites for submittal to the insurance company. I took my PCP letter to the bariatric surgeons office, the gal took one look at it, and pronounced it inadequate. :crying: I had thought about providing it as soon as I got it, but figured I'd just bring it to them in person when I had my last nutritionist visit. I should have gone with my first instinct. So...I have an appointment on Friday with the PCP to discuss the letter, with specifics about what has to be in the letter. Hopefully she can put together a better letter and fax it to the bariatric surgeon's office and my paperwork can go in early NEXT week. The first possible surgery date is now July 29th. My birthday is August 12...maybe I'll get my surgery for my birthday present. :frown: Oh - and the guy who did my psyche eval DID diagnosis me with Binge Eating Disorder in the report - even though I have 3 of the eleven symptoms. I discussed it with the nutritionist who has spent 6 hrs with me over the last six months (as opposed to his 90 minute session) and she was vehement that she doesn't agree with his diagnosis. She's going to discuss it with the "insurance person" and if they agree that it's a poor psyche eval, I'll have to get ANOTHER one. Grrrr...I wonder if I can discuss it with him and have him change it? Patience....perserverance....determination
  7. d4lussier

    Not So Fast, Grasshopper!

    Well...today was to be the day I finished up all my prerequisites for submittal to the insurance company. I took my PCP letter to the bariatric surgeons office, the gal took one look at it, and pronounced it inadequate. I had thought about providing it as soon as I got it, but figured I'd just bring it to them in person when I had my last nutritionist visit. I should have gone with my first instinct. So...I have an appointment on Friday with the PCP to discuss the letter, with specifics about what has to be in the letter. Hopefully she can put together a better letter and fax it to the bariatric surgeon's office and my paperwork can go in early NEXT week. The first possible surgery date is now July 29th. My birthday is August 12...maybe I'll get my surgery for my birthday present. Oh - and the guy who did my psyche eval DID diagnosis me with Binge Eating Disorder in the report - even though I have 3 of the eleven symptoms. I discussed it with the nutritionist who has spent 6 hrs with me over the last six months (as opposed to his 90 minute session) and she was vehement that she doesn't agree with his diagnosis. She's going to discuss it with the "insurance person" and if they agree that it's a poor psyche eval, I'll have to get ANOTHER one. Grrrr...I wonder if I can discuss it with him and have him change it? Patience....perserverance....determination
  8. d4lussier

    Ok, This is Gonna Happen!!!

    I have four things to provide to the insurance company. 1. Bariatric Surgeon recommendation 2. Primary Care Physician recommendation 3. Six Months of nutritional counseling along with a Nutritionist recommendation 4. Psychologist recommendation I had kind of been putting off the PCP recommendation. Long story short, I'm using my OWN insurance to do the lapband, but use my husbands insurance for all my other medical needs. So I was avoiding confronting the fear that I would have to get a WHOLE NEW PCP from MY insurance to get item number 2 above. On a lark, I called the insurance coordinator at the surgeon's office; she told me that it doesn't matter WHO the letter comes from, just as long as it's a recommendation. So I called my current PCP (from my husband's insurance) and asked her if she'd write the letter. She said "SURE!", did it, I picked it up 2 hrs later and I've GOT IT in my hot little hand. On Saturday the Psyche eval will be dropped off at the surgeon's office. On June 9th I have my last nutrition appointment. On June 10th the paperwork will be submitted to the insurance company. One week from today! THIS MIGHT ACTUALLY HAPPEN!!! OMG. I'm gonna get skinnier!
  9. d4lussier

    Ok, This is Gonna Happen!!!

    I have four things to provide to the insurance company. 1. Bariatric Surgeon recommendation 2. Primary Care Physician recommendation 3. Six Months of nutritional counseling along with a Nutritionist recommendation 4. Psychologist recommendation I had kind of been putting off the PCP recommendation. Long story short, I'm using my OWN insurance to do the lapband, but use my husbands insurance for all my other medical needs. So I was avoiding confronting the fear that I would have to get a WHOLE NEW PCP from MY insurance to get item number 2 above. On a lark, I called the insurance coordinator at the surgeon's office; she told me that it doesn't matter WHO the letter comes from, just as long as it's a recommendation. So I called my current PCP (from my husband's insurance) and asked her if she'd write the letter. She said "SURE!", did it, I picked it up 2 hrs later and I've GOT IT in my hot little hand. On Saturday the Psyche eval will be dropped off at the surgeon's office. On June 9th I have my last nutrition appointment. On June 10th the paperwork will be submitted to the insurance company. One week from today! THIS MIGHT ACTUALLY HAPPEN!!! OMG. I'm gonna get skinnier!
  10. d4lussier

    The First Day of the Rest of My Life

    I figured I'd start now...no need to wait until I have the surgery, right? So I'm practicing: 30/30 - successful for all meals except dinner was 30/15 - I totally forgot! Chewing well - Gosh until I started thinking about it I never realized how little I chewed my food! I will work on these two behaviors for a week or so, then add eating in the correct order P/V/C (Protein, Veggies, Carbs).
  11. d4lussier

    The First Day of the Rest of My Life

    30/30 stands for "No drinking 30 minutes before a meal, no drinking 30 minutes after a meal". I've personally changed it to 30/0/30....no drinking 30 minutes before a meal, no drinking during a meal, and no drinking 30 minutes after a meal. I have to change everything I think. It's my nature; I'm a process improvement engineer. LOL
  12. d4lussier

    I Told My Boss Today

    And relief! He knew what I was talking about! He told me he has a friend from church who had the surgery and lost a lot of weight. Another thing off my "To Do" List: Ask for time off. Well - I didn't ask, I TOLD. Every time I tell someone, I expect a negative response. To date, the only negative response I have received was from my mother, who changed her mind eventually. Today I spoke with the surgeon's office to discuss my PCP letter. I have two insurances, and the person on the phone patronizingly explained to me that MY insurance is my primary insurance and the insurance I have through my husband is SECONDARY....she said "...most women don't understand that." WOW! Harummmpph. I have a word for her, it rhymes with witch....
  13. d4lussier

    I Told My Boss Today

    And relief! He knew what I was talking about! He told me he has a friend from church who had the surgery and lost a lot of weight. Another thing off my "To Do" List: Ask for time off. Well - I didn't ask, I TOLD. :w00t: Every time I tell someone, I expect a negative response. To date, the only negative response I have received was from my mother, who changed her mind eventually. Today I spoke with the surgeon's office to discuss my PCP letter. I have two insurances, and the person on the phone patronizingly explained to me that MY insurance is my primary insurance and the insurance I have through my husband is SECONDARY....she said "...most women don't understand that." WOW! Harummmpph. I have a word for her, it rhymes with witch....
  14. d4lussier

    The First Day of the Rest of My Life

    I figured I'd start now...no need to wait until I have the surgery, right? So I'm practicing: 30/30 - successful for all meals except dinner was 30/15 - I totally forgot! Chewing well - Gosh until I started thinking about it I never realized how little I chewed my food! I will work on these two behaviors for a week or so, then add eating in the correct order P/V/C (Protein, Veggies, Carbs).
  15. d4lussier

    Am i too old?

    How old are you?
  16. d4lussier

    Can you FAIL your Psyche Eval?

    I think I just did! In a nutshell, the question was "How often do you eat to the point where you are uncomfortable?" Answer: Just about always! Response: Hmmmm....that sounds like a diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder. I don't know what the insurance company will say about this. WAHHHHH....So I came home, jumped online and researched the definition of BED. I don't have most of the symptoms. So now I sit on pins and needles until I get authorization from the insurance company I guess. Ugh.
  17. d4lussier

    Can you FAIL your Psyche Eval?

    I think I just did! In a nutshell, the question was "How often do you eat to the point where you are uncomfortable?" Answer: Just about always! Response: Hmmmm....that sounds like a diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder. I don't know what the insurance company will say about this. WAHHHHH....So I came home, jumped online and researched the definition of BED. I don't have most of the symptoms. So now I sit on pins and needles until I get authorization from the insurance company I guess. Ugh.
  18. And today is one of those days. Yes, the exercise lady was wrong. I DO NOT have to do 6 months of supervised exercise plan like she said. SO THERE! :biggrin: Tomorrow is Psyche Eval. I'd better get my head tidied up, someone is gonna be in there looking around. :thumbup:
  19. d4lussier

    I Am Happy Sometimes When People are Wrong!

    And today is one of those days. Yes, the exercise lady was wrong. I DO NOT have to do 6 months of supervised exercise plan like she said. SO THERE! Tomorrow is Psyche Eval. I'd better get my head tidied up, someone is gonna be in there looking around. :thumbup:
  20. d4lussier

    Sudafed Head

    Wow - if I need to stay awake, I know what to take! Sudafed! Started coming down with a cold...took one of them. Stayed awake all night! Yikes! So...can we take cold medicines post lap band? Will I have to crush my other pills? So many questions. and since I slept all day, didn't call the dr's office to find out about the exercise mix-up. Tomorrow is another day.
  21. d4lussier

    Sudafed Head

    Wow - if I need to stay awake, I know what to take! Sudafed! Started coming down with a cold...took one of them. Stayed awake all night! Yikes! So...can we take cold medicines post lap band? Will I have to crush my other pills? So many questions. and since I slept all day, didn't call the dr's office to find out about the exercise mix-up. Tomorrow is another day.
  22. d4lussier

    Telephone Tag

    A fun game when we were kids, but not so fun when you are an adult trying to get an answer! So...the continuation of yesterdays thread where I was told that I had to do 6 months of supervised exercise program. Um...I'm in my fifth month of preparation - a little late now to be told this. So I called the office this morning to speak with the program people. "Sorry, they aren't answering the phones right now, call back in 15 minutes." I tried five times. Got the same message everytime. Grrrr.... I will try again tomorrow.
  23. d4lussier

    Telephone Tag

    A fun game when we were kids, but not so fun when you are an adult trying to get an answer! So...the continuation of yesterdays thread where I was told that I had to do 6 months of supervised exercise program. Um...I'm in my fifth month of preparation - a little late now to be told this. So I called the office this morning to speak with the program people. "Sorry, they aren't answering the phones right now, call back in 15 minutes." I tried five times. Got the same message everytime. Grrrr.... I will try again tomorrow.
  24. d4lussier

    Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men?

    Today I had my fifth nutrition meeting and weigh in at the doctors office. The nutritionist told us when we got there that the meeting would be very short. Sure enough, we all sit down and she explains that this class is supposed to be about exercising and she is not qualified to give the class. Then she handed out a card and a waiver form for us to go to the hospital for the exercise class. Told us that all we had to do was go; we didn't have to call ahead and make a reservation, we didn't have to actually exercise, we could just take notes. The class is held every Tuesday, I had no plans for tonight, so I figured I'd go and get it done. I show up for the class. The instructor has no clue why I'm there, and then informs me that this is the six month required exercise class THAT MY INSURANCE REQUIRES! WHAAAA???? I'm REALLY REALLY hoping that the instructor is wrong. If I find out now, during my fifth month, that I was supposed to be going to an exercise program all along TOO....I'm gonna be one pissed off lady! It's too late to call the office tonight but you can bet your bippy I'll be calling them tomorrow morning! Side benefit - the exercise class was good. I sweated. Met some nice people, heard some good tips. Good Tip #1: Write a "To Me" letter, describing your life now. In 1 year, write another "To Me" letter, describing your life then. Compare. The woman who suggested it said it was striking how much better her life and attitude was. Good Tip #2: Make a list of all the things you can't do now (ride a horse, use a turnstile, sit in a booth, ride the rides at the amusement park, etc.) and then as you lose weight, mark the date down when you can once again do those things. I can see how this would help sustain motivation to see those things getting crossed off the list.
  25. d4lussier

    Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men?

    Today I had my fifth nutrition meeting and weigh in at the doctors office. The nutritionist told us when we got there that the meeting would be very short. Sure enough, we all sit down and she explains that this class is supposed to be about exercising and she is not qualified to give the class. Then she handed out a card and a waiver form for us to go to the hospital for the exercise class. Told us that all we had to do was go; we didn't have to call ahead and make a reservation, we didn't have to actually exercise, we could just take notes. The class is held every Tuesday, I had no plans for tonight, so I figured I'd go and get it done. I show up for the class. The instructor has no clue why I'm there, and then informs me that this is the six month required exercise class THAT MY INSURANCE REQUIRES! WHAAAA???? I'm REALLY REALLY hoping that the instructor is wrong. If I find out now, during my fifth month, that I was supposed to be going to an exercise program all along TOO....I'm gonna be one pissed off lady! It's too late to call the office tonight but you can bet your bippy I'll be calling them tomorrow morning! Side benefit - the exercise class was good. :devil: I sweated. Met some nice people, heard some good tips. :glare: Good Tip #1: Write a "To Me" letter, describing your life now. In 1 year, write another "To Me" letter, describing your life then. Compare. The woman who suggested it said it was striking how much better her life and attitude was. Good Tip #2: Make a list of all the things you can't do now (ride a horse, use a turnstile, sit in a booth, ride the rides at the amusement park, etc.) and then as you lose weight, mark the date down when you can once again do those things. I can see how this would help sustain motivation to see those things getting crossed off the list.

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