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Everything posted by Malaika

  1. Malaika

    December 7th!!!

    Hope -that is so awesome about your surgery date and your financing! Give Grandmom a huge hug for all of us and keep us posted on your progress!
  2. Okay Steph you're making me look bad - I have 3 boxes in my car to send out - and I can't seem to get to the post office while they are actually opened! Thank goodness Chancie hasn't been able to send out her box(es) yet so that doesn't make me look too awful (yet)! I promise guys, they're on their way -- really!
  3. Malaika

    New Member

    Dan - welcome to VST and congratulations on the 10 lb lost - it's a start - and you're now on your way to a WLS and permanent weight loss - one lb at a time ... keep us posted on your decision and your progress.
  4. Lan - sorry you're still struggling so much with your grieving over food. What you are eating is very normal for no further out than you are -- I remember we bought meatballs - fixed 3 each -- I was lucky to get down 1. They are pretty solid and so you are able to eat less than you would of something else. Instead of scrambled egg, try 2 poached eggs- they may go down easier. I have also found that soda crackers with laughing cow cheese go down pretty easy. I know how you feel about wondering if this is the way it's always going to be, I felt that way - probably up until about 1-1/2 months ago -- now I am able to eat a little bit of everything - it may take me 45 minutes to do so, but I just take my time and eat what I want - Protein, fruits and veggies. Hang in there and try not to focus too hard on what you aren't able to eat and focus instead what you can eat. BTW - I am almost 6 months out and I STILL can't gulp any liquids - I sometimes forget and try - and boy does it hurt!
  5. Malaika

    Self Pay VSG and income tax return

    I have UHC; however, mine had an exemption for any type of WLS - so I went to Mexicali and Dr. Aceves - I think it was a good thing that my ins. didn't cover it because I can't imagine I would have gotten the service anywhere in the US that I got from Dr. Aceves and his group. Good luck with your surgery and you'll soon be on the losing side along with so many of us!!
  6. Oh yeah -In and Out burgers are GREAT -- and they have them all over the place here in LV - including one less than 2 miles from the house ... only thing with In & Out (TMI here) is that they give me (and Bearded too) HORRIBLE gas ... not sure if it's the burger or the fries ... haven't eaten there since surgery.
  7. Malaika

    Do you crave sweets?

    Daisy - you'll probably have to be REALLY careful now that the GB is out.
  8. Malaika

    Where is Mac?

    I know she was volunteering at the AZ Ironman - and she's posted a little bit on FB, but that's all I know about her whereabouts -- she's probably busy getting ready for the holidays ... and she does have a TEENAGER so who knows what's going on there.
  9. Helen, Yes, you can order one or 100. I am one of the "weird" ones that doesn't like them - but that is because they are steamed with onions and I don't like onions. When I lived in Indiana (they don't have white castles west of the Mississippi, I don't think) and everyone wanted to go there, I'd get their fish sandwich - it was really good. I think I may be one of the only ones in the US that don't like their hamburgers!
  10. Malaika

    Hi, I'm a newbie

    Hi Thinn - welcome to the VST family and thank you so much for sharing your story - you've got a great positive attitude and we look forward to getting to know you better.
  11. sweetie333 - It WON'T last forever It is very possible that you actually are not eating enough and that is why you are not losing -- I know it doesn't make sense, but it is true -- as difficult as it is, try and eat more and get in more Protein - obviously tuna didn't work for you - so try introducing it again in another month. Try the little cans of chicken salad- they are very moist and about 2-3 oz. When I first went to soft foods, I was only able to eat about 1/2 the can. Also, try eating Soup with eggs added for extra protein ... I would be willing to bet that if you increase your food intake/protein intake that you will see the scale start to move. I know it's hard to eat when you're not hungry - but you have to force yourself to eat at least 3 meals a day. Dr. Aceves told us to eat 3 meals a day even if we weren't hungry. Don't get discouraged and keep us posted on your progress.
  12. Malaika

    Self Pay VSG and income tax return

    Drive1long - welcome to VST and I don't believe it matters where the surgery was performed - it's the fact that you spent money on medical care which means you can claim whatever you are eligible to claim. Where did you have your surgery?
  13. Malaika

    butternut squash souffle

    Joon - you crack me up - but so true about the dutch ovens ... hopefully I'll never have to see if they stand up to sniper fire.
  14. Malaika

    When can I shower????

    I was showering the day after surgery too - could have showered the day of if I wanted to. I was told to be sure to use antibacterial soap on my incisions even while the tape was still on them and afterwards until they were healed.
  15. Joon - thanks for the update; glad to hear that both you and New are doing well. What you're experiencing is normal and I don't think you need to worry about hurting anything. Just remember to walk, walk, walk. Tomorrow you'll get the BLUE Juice - keep on the hospital gowns at LEAST until you're done with that because it can be so messy and stains everything. Thanks for letting us know how both you and New are doing - tell her we're sending good ju-ju her way, and some to you too!
  16. Malaika

    feeling like I am failing

    From what I understand it's from loosing so much weight in such a short time frame -- I also think it is from the anesthesia. I wouldn't worry about getting in all of your protein until you're on at least mushies - even then I had a difficult time getting in all of my protein. I'm not even sure that now I get in all my protein - I eat healthy and try to stick to 3 meals a day; but I can't eat alot at any meal, so it's still hard to get in all the protein. I believe I'm getting in enough, inasmuch as all my labs came back looking "great" according to my PCP. Hang in there, it does get easier each day.
  17. Malaika

    Missing Food

    I think it's very normal - when I was in the hospital and Bearded came in with an ice cream -- I told him that was something he was not going to be able to eat around me. Then he had a hamburger and fries - they smelled so good - but I didn't crave them ... One way to deal with it might be to eat before the family so you're not tempted when they eat. Also, you might want to fix meals ahead of time so you don't have to be involved in fixing meals while you're on liquids. Also you need to remember that you've just had major surgery and that you have to stick to the liquid diet in order to avoid injuring your stomach and causing a leak. It is a short period of time - it doesn't last forever - you can do anything for a short period of time!!!
  18. I would email NINA and ask her - Gaby is the NUT - I've never heard of Dr. Aceves charging extra for any complications - he repaired my hernia for no extra cost, as he did others, and he removed moles or something from Susan and didn't charge her - he's also removed gallbladders and appendixes if they were bad during surgery. I'd double check with Nina and if there is a fee, I would think they would take a check - they take a check for the deposit - so they may make exceptions as you are right, you can't (and SHOULDN'T) carry an xtra $500 on you. Let us know what Nina has to say. Her email address is: nina@bandgastricbypass.com
  19. Manatee - I'm with you - I LOVE eggnog and even though I am very lactose intolerant since surgery, I figured a little couldn't hurt -- WRONG -- it didn't hurt my stomach, but man-o-man did my intestines revolt like crazy ... so, another thing off my list!
  20. Malaika

    Let's Dish or other meal prep kitchens?

    We have some here in LV but not sure what they are called. Since Bearded and I have both had the surgery, we just share our meals whether eating at home or eating out. Let us know if you decide to go that route how you like it.
  21. Congrats GinGin - glad to hear you're doing well and will look forward to hearing more of your story when you get home.
  22. Megan - I would recommend you order samples of a variety of Protein drinks as you may not like or be able to tolerate the same things as others -- me, I can't tolerate any of them - they're all too thick and too sweet or taste too protein-y. I also am extremely lactose intolerant since surgery and have to be very careful what I drink. The OhYeah Protein Drink is lactose free and it doesn't seem to be too thick, so I have a few of them I drink every now and again. Dr. Aceves pre-op diet was very easy to follow - high protein, low carb. Be sure to drink LOTS of fluids, too. I ate lots of eggs and cheese and veggies. I also ate chicken and veggie burgers - the veggie burgers are really good and high in protein. Being vegetarian shouldn't hinder you on the pre-op diet.
  23. Malaika

    Do you crave sweets?

    I can't stand anything that's very sweet at all -- now and again I'll eat something that is dark chocolate as it doesn't appear to be as sweet - but if I feel the need to eat a cookie or something like that, I will generally only take 1/4 of it and that is more than enough to cure any 'sweet' craving I have -- I'm like Tiff -- I prefer salty and crunchy over anything sweet.
  24. Malaika

    Chat appears to be down

    I'll see if I can let Ken and/or Alex know -
  25. Hi Joon -- glad to hear you two made it safely to Mexicali and that you are now safe and sound in your room. The antivan will kick in soon and you'll get a great night's sleep -- go out and walk around the property - it's so beautiful - or sit out on your balcony and enjoy the beauty of the resort. Tell Newmom that I will say a prayer for both of you ... when you enter the main nursing station -- before you go through the double doors to Dr. Aceves' wing - look to your left and notice the picture of Jesus with his hand on the surgeon's -- He will be there with you both tomorrow, along with Dr. Aceves and Dr. Campos ... post and let us know how you're both doing when you feel up to it.

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