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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Terahble

  1. I was banded by Dr. Wilkenfeld on May 19th, 2009. I worked the previous night, 7p-7a, and left work at 0430 after turning over my patients to the charge nurse. I ran home, took a shower to get the hospital buggies off me, and got ready for the ride to Houston. Good thing I knew where I was going. I drove, hubby snoozed. We found a good parking spot and in we went. I was greeted by a wonderful nurse with a great sense of humour. He only took one stick to get my IV in. That's a big plus as I have sucky veins. I've had as many as 12 sticks at one visit to try and start and IV and two of those were in my feet. Just another one of the joys of me... I'm laying here in this little room and the woman behind the curtain next to me won't stop whining... I'm hungry, my back hurts, why am I waiting so long and (wailing) I'm hungry! Geebus, lady, can't wait till they get you into surgery and put you to sleep... I'm kinda cranky myself and I was at WORK all last night. They came and got her pretty soon after. Then anesthesia came to see me and started giving me the fentanyl. Boy, did it burn. I think the tip of the catheter was near a valve. He diluted several times and that eased the sting. After that, the meds kicked in and I didn't care about it burning. Then Dr. Wilkenfeld stopped by and said hello. Kind of amused me to see someone wearing a brown leather belt with surgical scrubs, but whatever. I got wheeled into surgery and asked to inhale with the mask and the next thing I know I'm in recovery. And it's not terribly comfortable. I had gas stuck behind both shoulders and looked like was about to give birth! I was moved to step-down recovery pretty quickly. After I could drink and pee, they let me go home. Glad I had a pillow with me to put between me and the seat belts... OW! After I got home, my best friend came over to check on me. She ran to the store and got broth stuff, sugar free popsicles and GasX strips and sugar free mint lifesavers... also helps with gas. My husband went in search of dulcolax suppositories, also good for getting gas out the bottom end. Let me tell you, I have NEVER had that much pain after surgery. I would rather have had back surgery again, and that was also an outpatient procedure. I paced, I cried, Anything I could do. I only slept at about 10 minute intervals until late that night when I got a whole hour in. It was awful. Things are better now. My only problem was a reaction to the Dermabond that made my skin feel like it was on fire. It had to go, or at least as much of it as I felt safe in taking off. My skin is still red around the incisions. My follow up is tomorrow and hopefully things are progressing as they should. I return to work tomorrow night. I've been tolerating liquids, mushy foods and small pieces of reguar food chewed to smithereens before I swallow. Here's wishing all of us luck and success on our journey.
  2. Terahble

    The journey begins....

    So, I went for the seminar this past Saturday... while I was there it started raining cats and dogs! Seriously, looked like a turd-floater out there. Then I get home to find my house has flooded. My daughter's old room smells of cat pee, I guess from the water that came in from outside. Much, much cleaning to do.... I spoke to my Dad the next day and he is going to front the money for my surgery. I called the office today to email him an invoice. I'm shooting for May 19th... if I can get my work schedule arranged. I'm very excited and a bit nervous.
  3. Terahble

    The journey begins....

    So, I went for the seminar this past Saturday... while I was there it started raining cats and dogs! Seriously, looked like a turd-floater out there. Then I get home to find my house has flooded. My daughter's old room smells of cat pee, I guess from the water that came in from outside. Much, much cleaning to do.... I spoke to my Dad the next day and he is going to front the money for my surgery. I called the office today to email him an invoice. I'm shooting for May 19th... if I can get my work schedule arranged. I'm very excited and a bit nervous.
  4. Terahble

    Post Op day 4

    You need to blog more, hunny bunny. I'm so excited to be going on this journey with you.
  5. New here from near Houston, TX. Got an appointment for a seminar on Saturday. Will be self pay cause my insurance blows...
  6. Terahble


    My wonderful father is paying for my surgery... Now I just have to pick a date. Got a good doctor too, my best friend saw him.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
