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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DownInSocal

  1. Please start a thread in the complications area. I want to hear what you have been going through. Everything. I want to hear why you feel hopeless. Please?
  2. I would have watched my liquids more when in the first 6 weeks. I would have been excited, not in fear, of the step I was taking. I would have given myself a break after surgery. I am not super woman. I can rest and recover without feeling guilty that I am not at work.
  3. DownInSocal

    Abdominal Pain

    If you don't mind me asking how was prepping for the colonoscopy with the smaller stomach? Did you have to drink the gallons of terrible stuff? I have to have one every 3 years because my grandmother on my fathers side died of colon cancer at 32. I am 33.
  4. DownInSocal

    Anyone Else feel Stupid?

    Sounds about right for someone who had major surgery 2 weeks ago and is consuming probably less than 500 calories a day. Not being sarcastic, honestly! You should only be eating 4 oz. That is how big your stomach is. Don't eat anymore than that at a time. In fact I would eat a little less. Your tummy is still healing.
  5. DownInSocal

    Sleeve so tight..... Stress?

    My therapist has helped a lot. I don't mind the restriction so much. It was just a sudden change. I am so in tune with my stomach now I know if it is zigging when it usually zags. I look at it like it is doing the job!
  6. The last 4 days my sleeve has been so tight. I don't get it. I can only eat like one or two ounces and I am full for hours. This is definate restriction, not just the full signal. I thought I was going to throw up for the first time today from being too full from two 1 ounce or so meatballs. Yesterday was 2 ounces of cottage cheese and I was done. I am 4.5 months out. I have been under a lot of stress in my personal life. I am wondering if anyone has their sleeve tighten from stress? It doesn't bother me but it is sudden and new.
  7. DownInSocal


    I have a straight bar thing in my wedding ring. I don't know my ring size but it is has gone down by half. My finger looks funny in it now. I wanted to wait to have my ring resized because it is a chanel set.
  8. My first thought is follow what your Dr. says. I have seen many schools of thought. I still don't swallow pills unless I have to. I crush, get liquid, or open them (if the pharmacist says it is ok). I take the Flinstones complete chewable everyday. I use liquid Tylenol if needed. I don't take ibeprofin. My personality is overly cautious though. I hated the feeling of pills sitting in my stomach before surgery so I doubt I would like it now. I don't want to risk irritating my stomach anyway. We get along fine. No need to rock the boat.
  9. DownInSocal


    I have a body fat meter. I am kind of stuck and this weight but my body fat is still going down. Get off the scale. Our relationship with the scale is so unhealthy. Concentrate on meeting your goals for the day and see if you can afford a body fat meter. Mine was 9.99 or 19.99 and it is as accurate as the drs. office one. they are always within .1 of eachother. Have you had your thyroid and female hormones checked?
  10. DownInSocal

    The hair loss has begun!

    I have also lost a lot of hair. I would rather be thin and healthy though. My hair is everywhere. My coworkers know where I have been in the office because there is blonde hairs left behind. My new vac had an actual clog of blonde hairs when I first used it. Took me 20 mins to get it unclogged.
  11. How long were you in surgery? 1.5 hours Did you have a private room post op? Nope but I didn't care How many days did you stay? 3 At the worst point, how would you rate your pain? (o-10 with 0 being the least amt of pain) right out of surgery - 7, esophagus spasms 6 What kind of pain killers did they use? Did they work? I had a morphine pump for the first 24 hours worked like a charm, Lortab (liquid vico) after that worked good, I also got valium for the spasms. What did you do to pass the time? (I don't like to sit for long and I will walk the hospital all day long if they let me) Watched movies on my itouch, walked, walked, and walked some more. What did you take for entertainment? Anything? iPod Touch and a book. I am trying to find out if my hospital has DVD players in our rooms. I would love to catch up on some movies and books! How did you pack and what would you leave at home if you were to do it over again? I would leave my fear at home. It was the best thing I ever did. Don't forget chapstick. My lips were so dry.
  12. DownInSocal

    Too Full or Too Fast

    This sounds normal to me hon! I am 4.5 months out and I can only eat 4 ounces or so of anything. Early on you have to chew chew chew. Try weighing and only eating 3 ounces, waiting, and seeing how you feel. Some of that feeling is "full" and some might be food backing up into your esophagus. A sure sign you are eating too much/too fast.
  13. DownInSocal


    Hi Deb. I also struggled with Protein. I would say worry about liquids right now. The protein part can come after you are settled in and heal a little. Your tummy is still so small! I didn't start meeting protein goals until Mid-October and still have issues some days. I am not saying it is ok just that it happens. I believe my protein misses has a lot to do with my hair loss coming a little early. You will make it through this time I promise.
  14. DownInSocal


    Omg that might one of the smartest things I have ever seen posted on this board. Good idea!!!!!!!
  15. DownInSocal

    Need some opinions - New Hairstyle

    I like that first one too. I also was thinking of getting a different do! You have inspired me to think more about it.
  16. DownInSocal

    Respect the tummy!

    I am a lucky one. My stomach puts a "shot across my bow". It is a tinge right under my breastbone. I know I need to stop now. No if, ands, or butts. I bet you will get your own type of early warning later. It took about 3 months to develop mine.
  17. DownInSocal

    Did everyone get a card?

    I never got a card and still order off the child's menu. If they look hesitant I just say "I had a surgery and can only eat about 4 oz." They either understand or look scared I am going to sue them for discrimination and let me order. I have also been able to carry a Water bottle in all kinds of places by saying "I had a surgery that requires me to drink water all the time. I can't go X minutes without it." They back off. I even got in an art gallery with a water bottle.
  18. DownInSocal


    I am cold often now also. I figure it is getting used to having less insulation. I complained to my Dr. and he is running a check on my thyroid just in case. I try and wear layers. Cliche I know but it really helps. A $4 tank top from Wally World under my shirt warms me right up. My feet on the other hand..... I have taken to putting a blanket over them at work. I have been known to wear the cheap $1 gloves at work. Slippery to type in though. For home I bought a heated matteress pad. That thing is like heaven.
  19. Flintstones Complete. It has 100% of the Iron you need. I also take a Calcium suppliment when I remember. It is liquid. Flintstones Vitamins – Complete
  20. Whoa! You are a stunning woman!
  21. DownInSocal

    Food restrictions????

    I am 4.5 months or so out and I can eat almost anything. If I try to eat fast I am in for it though. Also tough meats are hard to digest, I chew them well or avoid them. I can't eat most bun type breads. Out for me is burger buns, hot dog buns, subway sand style buns. That is ok I don't need the carbs anyway. Dry breads are ok in small amounts, like scones, a few Sun chips (I don't overdo it because they sit heavy in my stomach), a few crackers (same, heavy).
  22. I also believe your carbs are too high. The drink Premier Nutrition's shake (available online and at Costco) and it has 5 grams carbs. You must get into and stay in ketosis (I believe) for at least the first 4 months after surgery. Your body will get good at burning those 60 grams of carbs and not touching your fat. If you stay at 800 cals and reduce your carbs you will lose weight. I promise. Don't lose hope. It is hard in a stall. Good Luck.
  23. DownInSocal

    constant light period

    Well I talked to my doctor and since this is a new thing for me (just since surgery) he feels it is all hormonal. Estrogen stored in fat, shock to the body losing weight so fast, yada, yada. He offered to put me on birth control pills but felt since I didn't need them for birth control why take more pills? I agreed. I will wait it out and buy stock in Always.
  24. I also never count calories. I am careful about liquid calories though. Half a small frosty goes down way too easy..... I figure as long as I am losing weight then I am good.

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