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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by reneek

  1. I was wondering if there is anyone out there that was banded close to the same day i was. I fell like i am moving so slow in my weight loss. I keep reading everyone's tickers and them have way more weight lose then me and they were banded after me. I fell so depressed. I am following all the rules. I journal everything i eat everyday there isn't a day that i miss. I am getting between 900-1100 a day. I go and see the doctor next week and i so wanted to do be down 10lbs from my last appointment but right now i don't think that it is going to happen i am only down about 7.5lbs from my last appointment (3.5weeks ago). I lost 4 lbs of that the week of my appointment because i had a fill and was on liquids for a few days. Please help let me know how much weight you have lost. I am as of today at 25lbs. Is there anyway i can get the weight loss to pick up?
  2. I just had my 2nd fill and it was so easy one little stick and right in.
  3. I thought this would be a great thread i didn't see this posted anywhere. Everyone will have a bad day and sometimes you just have to get it off your chest. Sometimes you just can't confess to you husband, girlfriend, boyfriend ect. but you know us lapbanders will understand. Tell me your lap band sin for today did you eat something bad or did you lay on the couch all day did you 2500 calories. Get it off you chest and have a great day tommorrow. Here we go my sin was yesturday i eat a hugh peanut butter rivel ice cream cone and no it wasn't low fat, low calories or frozen yogert.:thumbdown: Your turn!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I didn't have any pain in my stomach at all. I was tired and the only pain i had was the pain in my shoulder but that was it. I was back to work in 3 days
  5. Maybe because of your success at weight loss she felt a little imtimidated and she told you she lost a higher number then she acutual did. Maybe she is just felling a little insecure. I think you did the right thing because if you would have make that comment that you didn't see a difference she might of started not to care and then not loose anymore weight. Some things are better left unsaid.
  6. surgery date may 12 and i am down 28lbs as off today.
  7. reneek

    Port question

    I still sometimes have some aches from it if i turn the wrong way. I sleep on my stomach also and sometimes when i get up in the morning my port is a little tender, but it never hurts to ask your doctor.
  8. I had surgery on Tuesday i went back to work on Friday. So i took 3 days off.
  9. My husband hid my scale this morning. I have always be a person who is Obsessed with the scale. I would get one it everyday. Even though i have been doing really well with weight loss i think the scale Obsession has gotten worse. My husband told me that i am only aloud to have it once a week ( so i can see the change and not panick at every little change). I must have been getting on his nerves with the OMG how could i have gained .1lb. Anyone up for a treasure Hunt :thumbup:. He is good at hiding things i probably won't find it.
  10. I have my 2 month post-op appointment on Thurs. I am not sure if i should get a fill or not (this is so confusing). My first fill went great which i recieved on June 15. I had great restricition i would fell full quick but i never got anything stuck or PB or slimed. But over the last week and a half i have kinda lost a little of the restricition i feel like i can eat more. I have lost 10lbs since my last appointment which is great. I kinda fell like i need a fill but i am so scared that i would get to tight. I don't want to PB or get stuff stuck right now i can eat what i want just in smaller potions but i am geting hungrey a lot quicker. Oh the questions that plague the lapbanders mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. reneek

    should i get a 2nd fill

    Thanks everyone for you replys i think i am going to get the fill last night i kept looking for food so i know i need a fill. Thanks so much
  12. reneek

    6 Month Bandaversary and down 60 lbs!

    Wow that's average 10lbs a month you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. reneek

    No Denying it....I need surgery

    I know how you feel i would always say that " i'm not that big" or "i still look good" untill one day bam it hit me when i saw a photo one of my friends took i looked so big I did the same thing OMG!!!!! but we are moving in the right direction so don't be depressed
  14. reneek

    confess you lap band sin

    I get what your saying and you are right but sometimes you just have to vent and get things off of you chest. I know you said that you are now past feeling guilty which is great i can't wait to get to the point that I don't feel guilty but some of us just take longer to get to that point. We didn't get fat overnight we arn't going to break all of our emotional habbits overnight. Oh and i do have thin friends that are like "OH my god i eat one twizzler today i could just die" LOL. Thanks for your post i alway love to read everyones take on things
  15. reneek

    Husband hid my scale

    Yes it did and since it was a couple of days since i was on it i did see the difference in my weight so i do get my husbands point. I have decided to only weigh once a week it gives me something to look forward too ( like a child at christmas). I did tell him i found it couldn't keep the secert.
  16. reneek

    How did you get through the preop diet?

    KEEP BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I kept my mind of food by staying out of the kitchen and when my family eat i would go up stairs so i didn't have to see it. It was hard i am note going to lie but you will see that scale move and that is the best feeling in the world. You can do It
  17. reneek

    Group- 5 day Pouch Test

    I am at a slow period and want to do the 5 day test but i read a post that scared the crap out me. She said that she went on the 5 day test and lost weight and then as soon as she was done she gained it back and it took her 9 days to get back to where is was before the test. Has anyone had that problem?
  18. reneek

    What Makes You Successful?

    I know i haven't been banded for very long but what has keep me losing weight is my little Black book. It is a litte book i ordered that is a food jounal. I know some people say that they don't want to diet and that they don't keep track of calorie and that works for them but i know my self better then anyone and if i didn't write it down them i would cheat and not loose weight and if 5 mins a day puting things down on paper is going to keep me skinny then so be it.
  19. I was banded the same day as you and i have lost 25lbs and i see that you have already lost 31lbs so i think you are doing great. I also have hit a slow period but i am just going to not think to much about it and just keeping doing what i am doing and i know it will pass.
  20. I had my first fill on June 15 was had great restriction been loosing weight doing good untill yesturday i have been starving looking for things to eat for the first time since being banded i am looking for things to put in my month. I am not cheating i am still only eating 1000 calories but i picked up an bags of chip out of the cupbroad yesturday look at them thought about it then put them back (didn't even eat one talk about will power). How am i going to make it the next two weeks my next appointment isn't till July 16 (dr will only fill once every 4 weeks). Any tips to keep my will power up should i include a small snack between breakfast and lunch and lunch and supper to help me not overeat at my meals? Did anyone else loose restriciton after having it?
  21. reneek

    Anyone else..

    I was banded 5 days after you and i have lost 23lbs and have been at a stand still for a week so no worries. I even posted that my husband hid my scale so i wouldn't get on it every day so i could see the changes every week. As long as i follow the rules i know the weight will come off no matter how slow.
  22. Ok so i am newly banded only 6 weeks post-op. I had my first fill on June 15 and have been losing weight i have lost about 24lbs so i am very happy with that but i am so confused on some things. The band has given me very good appetite control and will power. Before getting my first fill i dieted and messured my food so i didn't go over a cup. When i got my first fill he put 2cc in (had 4.25 at surgery) and i couldn't get the water down so he backed to 1.5cc. So you would think if that is all he could have gotten in then i would have great restriction. I can stay full for hrs but i still can fit about a cup in my band. Why is that? Is everyone different? The doctor told me during my first semimar that i won't beable to fit more then 3/4 cup in my band. Do i not have enough fill? but how could that be if he couldn't fit anymore in? SO CONFUSED!!! I am afraid that if i can fit a lot in my band that in the long run i will lose my will power. Will i stretch my pouch eating a cup of food i don't have anypain i just fill full when i am done? Sorry for the long post
  23. Being able to play strip pocker and look good (just joking) not having back boobies being able to wear heels and them not kill my feet 5 mins after i put them on being able to buy regular size clothing

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