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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Corliss

  1. Corliss

    June 2009 Surgery

    My guess is experience. So glad for you! Corliss
  2. no I hadn't heard form you. I think my problems were a reaction to anesthesia and a let down after all the anticipation of banding and plastic surgery. As I have told you, I have struggled with depression all my life so this is nothing new, it just was more difficult than usual getting beyond.


    Thanks for emailing me, I was worried about you, since I hadnt heard from you in a long while.


    Love ya much,


  3. Corliss

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Luchay, I would say you have gotten into soft food syndrom. I would talk to my fill doc about it and request a tiny bit of fill taken out. I don't know how much you have but just a little can make a big difference between you eating healthy protein and veggies instead of sliders. The sliders are almost always sweets, fats and starches. Don't give up, Corliss
  4. Yes, it amazes me that people can continue to debase this approach to eating and health despite strong evidence both scientific and anecdotal that it works! All the time that I was loosing wt. and doing my labs long before I knew of or considered the lapband, my "friends" kept telling me, "you can't loose wt. like that, you are gonna get sick." I would show them the labs and the wt loss was obvious and all I got was puzzled looks! Fact is the larger majority of the American dieters have followed the "healthy low fat diets" and have also become fatter and fatter. It is almost like people say "don't bother me with evidence to the contrary, I am gonna believe wha I want to believe." Corliss:thumbup:
  5. So glad to hear fro you girl. I have really misse you. I was pretty depressed myself for a long while but am much much better now. Oh that ole Rooster, tell him to go sit on a fence till he can crow right. Talk to you soon Corliss

  6. Corliss

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    wow I have had probs with all but the coffee, but never like Monday. Thanks, sounds like some similiarities. I would not discount the IBS, but in my galbladder research I found that a lot of people have symptoms even after surgery. Thanks, Corliss
  7. Corliss

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Hey Slim what are the foods that cause issues for you? I had been on a real crazy eating roll and I had not binged as I do feel some restriction from my unfilled band, but I had eaten 4 pieces of toast during the day and I wonder if I could have had a reaction to the wheat. I have pretty much avoided wheat with minor exceptions since then and no problems. I am also avoiding the other foods I mentioned but cannot bring myself to give up coffee. Thanks, Corliss
  8. Corliss

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Hey Ya'll, If this had happened a couple weeks earlier, that would probably be what I would do, but since I really really need to go back to work week after next, I just can't see it. I am trying to do some wholistic things in an effort to help my gal bladder. I am trying to cut our chicken, Beans, a lot of fat, beef, cabbage, nuts, wheat and chocolate. Those things contribute to gall bladder attacks. I am eating beets, zucchini, avocado, tomatoes, greens, flax seed oil, cold Water fish and loads of berries , drinking my water, all in an effort to eat the things that are supposed to enhance gall bladder health. So far I have not had any problem and in fact have even had very little gas since Monday night. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I will try a gall bladder flush after making dietary changes for a few weeks. I get into wholistic medicine a bit and I only hope this works. At any rate it is not going to hurt me, it is very healthy, so if it works great, if not, I will probably just have the darn surgery and loose more time from work. Punkster, I know how insomnia feels. Do you ever go in chat on here? I go pretty often and lots of time in early morning you catch some interesting Aussies in there as they are just getting off work. Thanks all for the support. Corliss
  9. Corliss

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    [quote name=slim-n-tn;1287434 I have heard that if you have gall bladder problems' date=' that losing weight can make them more obvious. I had my gall bladder out well before I lost any weight, but gall bladder attacks are no fun.:frown: Where are the OA mettings?[/quote] Nope, no fun at all, if that was what I had, I really really don't ever want that again. It scares me because I dry heaved so bad I was afraid I could have displaced my new band. :crying: I did two days liquids and then started on softs just to make sure everything was okay and so far it all seems well. I know well the symptoms of a slipped band and so far I am not having any so It must have not damaged it. OA meetings are all over town. You can go on line to www.OA.org and it brings up the general service website for OA and there is a drop box that you can select the state and city. I so far have gone to the one that meets at Rivermont Presbytarian Church in Hixson on Thurs. night at 7, the one that meets at Grace Episcopal on Tuesday at 7 and the one that meets at Unity Church on McBrien road at 10 am on Sat. There are several others that I want to try but havent' gotten around to it yet. I have been open about my lapband in the meetings, and contrary to what I had heard and read, everyone has been very welcoming. I think it is really helping though I have not yet been successful in maintaining my food plan more than a few days. I will settle for progress right now. Because of the galbladder I am really having to relook at things. I have historically relied on low carb when I was in active wt loss mode, but from everything I read about gallbladder issues it points toward semivegitarian without beans, so right now I am trying to get out of the meat and into veggies and fish along with cottage cheese for my protein. Beans can provoke a gallbladder attack so, I can't rely on them as a protein supplement. I will drink the drinks if I have to but most of them are soy based, so back to square one. Oh well I just don't want any more pain and I need to loose wt anyway, so no meat, no fried foods, just a lot of steamed veggies and fish, lol! Oh also the major alternative medicine practitioners recommend Organics so my grocery trip yesterday was major expensive! They say eat better but less, so we will see. I think I need to break out my mediterranean diet books, though I can't eat nuts, most of the stuff they recommend fits in this gall bladder diet. I think I will just substitute cottage cheese for the ricotta in a lot of the recipes. If anyone has any ideas, please share. Thanks, Corliss
  10. Corliss

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    I for one have finally come out of this depression. I am back to eating right. I think I had a gallbladder attack the other night and it got my attention big time. I am back to planning and measuring though I have no fluid in my band. I talked to my doc last night and he is going to order a scan for me to check on the gal bladder. I am feeling great today however. Going to some OA meetings which I really, really need. Major food junkie here, band or no band. Hope you are doing okay. I posted latest pics the other day. Take care, Corliss:thumbsup:
  11. Baby girl, where are ya, I miss ya! Muah! I am out of my depression, it was the pits.


    Talk to me soon, K?


    Love ya,


  12. Chooks, where are ya girl? Talk to me!



  13. Corliss

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Big Ole CongaRatz to you! Way to go. I am very happy for you. Corliss:hurray:
  14. Corliss

    Plastic surgery album

    These are my pictures from early plastic surgery and as I progress. I will also post my pre plastics which were made just a few weeks prior.
  15. Corliss


    From the album: Plastic surgery album

  16. Corliss


    From the album: Plastic surgery album

  17. I started out in OA 30 years ago. I went to other 12 step programs from that point and have been happy in recovery from alcohol, mood altering drugs and relationships for many and varying years, one day at a time, but i have never been freed up from the desire to eat compulsively, band or no band. The band has kept me from doing major damage to myself and allowed me to take off a lot of wt. in spite of my active food addiction. It is sort of like harm reduction. I returned last week to OA, and having the band and still feeling compulsive is the reason I returned. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I am a food junkie. As an old time 12 stepper, I am sure that the 1st tradition applies, and I have to place principles before personalities. If someone has a hard time with my personal choice to be banded then they need to take thier own inventory, not mine. I just know that I need this program and plan to take what i need and leave the rest. It is part of why I am here, I have done everything humanly possible to control this disease and I can't. Maybe we just need to be out about the band and let the chips fall where they may. I know that is my plan. I am not out to convince anybody else to be banded and I have great respect for those who can do it without the band, but for me it was a tool I needed and I believe it is about my powerlessness. Corliss
  18. Corliss

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    You can put any kind of italian style sauce on that you would use on pasta or you can go oriental and that is tasty with a bit of sauteed veggies and chicken, onions, mushrooms and some peanuts or a little crunch peanut butter and i get the sesame oil and oriental chili sauce and use those, just make a stirfry and put the noodles in it. They tend to tangle up a bit like sewing thread, but they are very satisfying. I only used them 2 x. I also put a chunky italian sauce, I make it with diced tomatoes canned, and mushrooms, onions, garlic and just let it simmer. You can add meat if you want to, I just added mozzarella and some parmesan. I also use basil and oregano for flavor too. You will end up with more veggies than noodles it seems, but for us that is a good thing. They add almost no cals to the mix! The only down side is the scent, but as i said you can take care of that easy enough. I buy the boneless chicken and stock up when ever price goes low and it is so easy to use in anything, anyway you want to use it. I use chicken so much when i cook it is a staple at my house. you could even make that oriental noodle salad with the shitaki noodles. I may try that myself, I need to make a run to greenlife anyhow. Corliss
  19. Corliss

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Hey, I got the shiratak noodles at Greenlife back before I was rebanded. The texture does seem as if they might be easier to go down that regular. I could eat about anything at this point without fluid in my band. I am pretty much wide open, but may buy some just to keep the carbs low. And YES do rinse them extremely well, several times, and go exactly by the cooking directions. They stink really bad when you first open the package, but they do not retain that smell when rinsed and cooked properly. Chicken nuggets are just too easy to fix from fresh chicken to bother ordering them. Just put you a fresh chickne breast or strip on a cutting board and slice. No problem. Marinate it and frie, bake, stirfry or steam, what ever your appetite and consience dictates, lol! Corliss
  20. Corliss

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Oh my, how long since you had surgery? Did you just get the lapband? Hope all goes well. Corliss
  21. Corliss

    Had a tummy tuck today

    That is some good advice! I used to wear thigh high compression stockings and had to deal with the same issues, lol! I have also found with these compression sleeves I am wearing on my brachioplasty that I have to give myself and extra 20 minutes when I shower cause i have to treat the incisions and then get the sleeves on right. With the face lift, I am now trying to practice good skin care and am trying to get in the habit of wearing makeup, so that means at least an extra hour to get ready to go out! Now i remember why I never liked being a "girly girl". It takes too much time, and I am still just as ADHD as ever! Maybe if I get in the habit, I can develope some speed and time management skills on this one, lol! Corliss

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
