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Status Updates posted by Carriedaway78

  1. Hey Heather, just checking in to see how you are doing! How was your weekend?

  2. I had my first PB yesterday though, yuck! It was with tunafish. I can start going back to solids this week. I'm excited. My first fill is the 29th. Wow, that's great that you're doing so well! Keep up the exercise, I know it sucks sometimes for me though! Wow, 2 miles that's awesome! Good for you. I hope you have a great week!

  3. Hi Heather! I was just going to write you this morning. I'm doing really well this week, lost 2 pounds yesterday and have just been more motivated. How are you doing? Any challenges for you this past week? Everything going smoothly?

  4. Hey Meredith! I'm doing well. It's now 2 weeks post op. I'm feeling pretty darn good. All the soreness and gas pains have gone away and I'm feeling back to my old self. I'm now officially on the mushy stage, and it's been pretty good, compared to the liquids! I haven't lost much, but I guess that's normal as you reintroduce food back into your diet. I go for my first fill June 29th. So, is the 26th your surgery date then??? I understand being nervous, but trust me, you'll be glad that you did it! Are you getting excited though too? IF you have any questions, just let me know!

  5. I'm definitely going to go to the store today and get some different things! Yep, healing really well, knock wood. I went back to work last Wednesday, which I think was too soon. But I'm doing ok now! I hope you have a great week!

  6. That's great news! I know you can do the 21 lbs by then! I'm going to have to go to livestrong.com.


    Thanks for the heads up. I go for my first fill June 29th, so 4 weeks from today. I'm so ready for it, I still have quite an appetite, although not eating too much.

  7. Hey there! I'm doing alright, how are you? I'm feeling pretty good, but was a little discouraged when I got on the scale this morning. I stayed the same since last Monday. I know it's to be expected because I have started on soft foods, but still, was hoping to lose a little. Oh well. How are things for you?

  8. Hi Mary Anne, I'm Carrie, nice to meet you. I know it can get frustrating with all the waiting, but trust me it will be worth it! I say just be patient, continue to work out, {I am afraid of the arm fat too} and try to watch what you eat, so the pre op diet won't be too much of a shock on your body. Post op is pretty difficult so far, but I am only 4 days post op. I mean, I can't complain really because I haven't had any complications, knock wood. Just some gas discomfort and port site pain, but it's worth it because it will be over soon. Just hang in there, and if you need anything, let me know!

  9. Wow, 50 that's awesome! You should be so proud of yourself. I bet you feel great already. Did you have a nice time with your mom?


    I actually slept on my side for part of the night last night, the most sleep I've gotten in days! And I have alot more energy today. I am getting through the weekend pretty well. Today will be the true test because my parents are bbqing steaks and having baked potatoes, while I'll be having blended soup. But that's ok, I go home after dinner tonight and it won't be as tempting! How about you? How do you handle it now when you can actually eat when people have bbq's and stuff?

  10. Hey there! I hope you are having a great weekend at your moms! That sounds like fun! I was glued. I am feeling pretty good today, just some port site pain, but otherwise ok. Still not sleeping great, but I guess that's normal. I want to sleep on my side so bad but haven't been able to yet. I hope your weightloss is going well! How much have you lost now?

  11. Oh no, that's awful! I'm so sorry to hear that. Did they say how long to expect before you can schedule? How truly frustrating for you...don't give up hope! My surgery was yesterday, home now and feel pretty good, a little sore, but that's normal! Otherwise, I feel good!

  12. Hey! Thanks for thinking of me! I was like you, was really nervous the morning of, but luckily, they took me at 8:30 am! So before I knew it, it was over. It went really well. I'm really pleased with everything so far. And my scars aren't even bad, and it's only one day post op! How are you doing this week? I do have a question for you, after surgery, and when you returned home, how long did it take before you were sleeping comfortably? I tried to take a nap today, but just could not get comfortable, my stomach muscles were aching badly! Just thought I'd ask your experience! Hope you are having a great week!

  13. Hi Teresa! Thanks for the nice message! I am home now from the hospital, and surgery went well! I am still sore, which is obviously to be expected, but otherwise feel great. I'm really happy so far that I made this decision! I know you will be too! How far along are you in the process? Have you had to go through evaluations and everything already? Let me know! And if you have any questions, please feel free to ask! Great to meet you! :)

  14. Hey, Meredith, just checking to see if you set your surgery date yet?

  15. I think at this point, I'd take a lean cuisine! lol, I'm getting sick of plain chicken and fish. Oh well.


    Thank you! I will let you know how it goes! I know, I'm looking forward to those meds in the hospital! :)

  16. Alright, that's great! Keep up the good work! 2 pounds a week is great, and the healthy way to do it too! :) The diet is going alright, not too bad. I'm down 10. Less than a week and I can actually have broth and jello, lol. I'm excited. My surgery is going to be at Henry Ford Bi County on 10 mile and Schoenherr. I can't wait!

  17. Hey, just checking to see how you are doing this week? Was it as bad as you thought when you stepped on the scale?

  18. Thank you, yeah I'm already feeling better as it is!


    Don't stress about that, I'm sure you're doing the best you can. When you weigh yourself tomorrow, you may well be surprised, you never know. And like you said, if you did gain a little this week, you know that next you will have it right off and then some! Keep up the positive attitude and good luck with your weigh in tomorrow! :)

  19. Hi there, I just want to say that you are my new inspiration! You and I started at the same weight, well a one pound difference, and you've reaffirmed the fact to me that this is all worth it. I'm being banded in less than 2 weeks, and all I can say is thank you so much for posting your photos and everything, because I was truly inspired! Congrats to you!

  20. Hey thanks for remembering! LOL, I have wanted to kill people this week, but everyone has been very understanding. My poor boyfriend, I think he'd like to go without talking to me for a couple of weeks! But, I've lost 7.5 lbs since Monday. So it's working! How are things for you?

  21. Hi again Meredith! Oh no, that's frustrating for sure. I hope you don't have to wait too long. It was great to meet you too last night, and Linda finally! Did you decide if you are going to go with the band or the sleeve? I know last night, the sleeve started to sound good to you! Ok, well keep me posted! And I'll do the same. Have a good one.

  22. It was so great to meet you yesterday in person Linda! Thanks so much for telling me about the group. Sorry we couldn't stay longer. Did I miss anything good? How do you feel after attending the meeting? I'm even more excited now. Less than 2 weeks now for me!!! Keep me updated or email me! Talk to you soon! :)

  23. Just wanted to drop by and say keep up the awesome work! You look great, and you seem really determined. I'm getting banded in 2 weeks, and finding this website has been so helpful because I get to the see the progress everyone is making. Inspirational! :)

  24. Thanks Amy! I just read some of your blog, and it's awesome! I will continue to read! You look great! Keep up the good work. You and the others who have been banded are true inspirations. :)

  25. Thank you very much! I'm nervous, but I'm excited. Wow, you do work out alot then! Well, after surgery, I may hit you up for some exercise tips! Keep up the good work! :)

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