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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Kage

  1. In case anyone is curious...I had my first fill yesterday. Yes, I'm 9 weeks post-op and should have had a fill 3 weeks ago, but had 4 solid weeks of business travel. 1) Laid down on the exam table, flat on my back. 2) The PA felt for my band. Located it no problem. 3) Gave me a shot of lidocaine. Couldn't feel the poke, but did feel the sting of the medicine...just a bit. 4) PA left the room for 2 minutes. 5) The PA came back and stuck me with the fill needle and dumped 3cc's in. I couldn't feel a thing...except a strange, painless "pop" sensation when the needle entered the port. No big deal whatsoever. Do you know some people decide to get the bypass surgery over the band surgery just because they're afraid to get fills? Silly nonsense! Some people have said that the fills are painful, but I can't imagine why...If your doctor doesn't use lidocaine, demand that he or she do! A few hours later, when the lidocaine wore off, I did feel like a had been poked with a giant needle though. It was slightly sore....but today I feel fine. No restriction by the way...
  2. I had to have emergency gall bladder surgery six years ago...complicated by pancreatitis and an inflamed liver. It was after going on the Atkins diet. I waited and waited and got sicker and sicker. I was an EMT and knew that something was wrong....but I guess medical professionals really do make the worst patients. :ohmy: Get it out...the sooner the better. My 80 year old hospital roomie got her gallbladder out on the same day as I did. She went home that night. I was in the hospital for a week.
  3. I had the glue as well...only I had an allergic reaction to it. After about 4 or 5 days post op, I started to develop a rash on and around all of my incisions. I was instructed to take Benadryl and put Hydrocortizone around each incision. I was not allowed to put anything directly on the incisions. It was awful. I was soooo freakin' miserable. Not just from the excruciating itching, but from the Benadryl induced coma. :ohmy: At my first post op appointment, the PA told me that my incisions were healed enough to go home and take off the glue with nail polish remover....because my body was still reacting negatively to it. I don't have very good experiences with band-aids or surgical tape either, which was probably a warning sign...but my surgeon never discussed how my incisions would be closed with me. I assumed I would be stitched. I was wrong. I'm 5 weeks post op today and my scabs have fallen off and my incisions look and feel great! Now, if only that darn port would stop making my abs sore...
  4. Kage

    I gotta ask about sex?

    Bump...for the best thread ever. I didn't feel well enough for sex for about 3 weeks....which was actually pretty great. My girlfriend was going crazy! By the time I was ready, she was a wild animal! It was like being a brand new couple again.
  5. I couldn't get into jeans for over 2 weeks...now they're sliding off of my rear! I can't keep them up!
  6. Kage


    snerub - I think we must have the same surgeon. I met him for two seconds in the hallway on orientation day...by luck. The next I saw him was on surgery day as he was shuffling through my chart. I haven't seen or heard from him directly since. Oh well, his staff is taking good care of me.
  7. Hey Guys, I went to Wal-Mart a few days ago and found Kellogg's Special K Protein Water mix. It was in the Cereal isle and it's awesome! A packet mixes with a 16.9oz water! It has zero fat, 6 grams of carbs and 5 grams of protein. I thought I'd mention it. It's a great way to sneak in a little bit more protein and it tastes great! (I can only vouch for the pink lemonade though...) I'll be getting more of these for sure!
  8. What do you mean by "keep your band in good shape?" I don't see how we can hurt the band... If the pouch gets too full, wouldn't we just feel discomfort and vomit?
  9. Kage

    Day 5 of Pre-Op

    I was supposed to do a two week diet where I replaced Breakfast and lunch with Protein shakes and then ate a light and healthy dinner, like chicken and non-starchy veggies. If hungry in between, I was allowed half a turkey sandwich or a piece of fruit. Which I took full advantage of. Ten days before the surgery, I came down with the flu. I didn't eat much for three days...but when I felt better, I was absolutely ravenous. I had the "last supper syndrome" big time. In the days before my surgery, I was hitting Panera Bread and the Chinese restaurant. The day before surgery, I stuck to Clear liquids...and I'm doing great now. 15 days post op and I'm down 17lbs. I don't know...I think the fact that I allowed myself a few "last meals" was beneficial. I prepared myself mentally, knowing that after that, the fun was over. All the protein that I had to drink over those two weeks must have done the trick on my liver, because I had the surgery without a problem. The time has gone by so quickly that it'll be over before you know it. Yes, not being able to eat solid food stinks...but if you're creative, you can figure out how to be satisfied. Personally, I found new and exciting ways to doctor applesauce. My face is thinner..my watch spins around my wrist..my wedding band is loose..my clothes are too big. My confidence has already shot through the roof. It's all worth it! Hang in there!
  10. I wore very loose sweatpants, a white cotton undershirt and a sweater...and slip on shoes! I balanced myself and was able to get my underwear back on no problem. You shouldn't really have to worry about your incisions because you'll probably come out of surgery wearing a stretchy binder on your tummy that goes right over top of them. Leave a pillow in the car that you can put over your tummy so the seatbelt won't bother you on the way home! Good luck!
  11. How weird....I actually went and bought one of these at Wal-Mart last night because today is my first "puree" day. I was a bit surprised at the price, which was $54.97, but for as much as I think I'll probably use it...it was well worth it. I just used it for the first time...and I can already tell it's going to be my favorite thing ever. I put in a can of Albacore Tuna, some light Miracle Whip and Newman's Light Honey Mustard dressing and mixed it up. Awesome. I can't wait to throw some chili in there. :thumbdown:
  12. I'm a bit concerned... I've lost 13lbs in 9 days after surgery. That can't be good for me. I feel like I'm wasting away. Last night I was dead set on getting in some substantial calories and carbs. I took matters into my own hands and had about 3/4 cup of mac and cheese. No problems at all...of course I did take my sweet time. Probably over an hour to eat it all...but my surgeon says no Pasta until week 5. I've had it with liquids! Anyone else fast forward to the soft foods stage?
  13. I feel sick after drinking too quickly. Maybe your sips were too big or too close together?
  14. Wait, wait, wait. Some of you are busting my chops. Let me clarify. I have felt absolutely awful. Like I'm completely malnurished. I felt weak and tired...getting progressively worse each day...which is why I wondered if I was losing too much too fast. I needed to eat something of substance, so I ate 3/4 of a cup of Pasta over the course of an hour. It isn't like I'm eating pizza and cake frosting. :scared2: I felt much better after getting a small dose of carbs. I still lost 2lbs in a day. I just wondered if anyone else jumped ahead of the recommended diet. Honestly, the only thing I've had any problems with at all is drinking Fluid too fast. Thanks for all of the info, everyone. It seems as if we've all gotten different recommendations from our surgeons. I guess it is best to just go with trial and error with our individual bodies....
  15. What is going on?!?! I keep getting this really sharp pain in the very center of my chest and what almost feels like a burping sensation, but I don't need to burp. If this is heartburn...I guess I've never really known what heartburn really was. Anyone? :smile2:
  16. I was sick the week before I got banded too....the flu. Just get as much rest as you can. My cough wasn't gone before I had surgery. I'm still coughing now! Just make sure that you have your tummy restriction wrap on...it really does support you, especially when you need to cough. Also, because I was sick, I didn't eat much. When I felt better a few days before my surgery, my appetite was ravenous. I threw the pre-op diet out the window...so be careful.
  17. Hi Guys, I was banded on March 25. I have not had a bowel movement since March 24th. I'm not feeling any pain or pressure from it, but I anticipate it is only a matter of time. Last night I managed to get in 4oz of high Fiber yogurt over the course of an hour...still nothing. I've eaten applesauce and baby food fruit and even decaf coffee which is one of my usual triggers. Nothing. Anyone have any ideas? Also, I'm finding it almost impossible to get in enough Protein or fluids...I'm averaging 30oz of Fluid per day and maybe 20oz of protein. I feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day if we have to wait 2 hours after eating before drinking again.
  18. You should probably have some Colace or another type of stool softener. Also, I'd be lost without my little measuring glasses. The compression garment is an absolute must! Although it irritated my skin after a while...so now I wear it over an undershirt when I need to wear it.
  19. Kage


    I'm in the same boat. I was banded last week and my partner is now beginning the process. I almost don't want her to do it... I know it will be beneficial...and the hard part won't last forever, but we never want to see the people we love in pain or suffering. It's their decision. We just have to offer them the same love and support that they've shown us. Good Luck!
  20. It is gas... I laid down for a while and it's like there is a freakin' air parade going on in my chest and abdomen. Lord help me... I've been taking Gas X like crazy. Time to give Phazyme a try I think.
  21. Hmm...maybe that's it. I have been trying to get more fluids in today. Maybe I'm over-doing it. Thank you...I'll see how it goes.
  22. Thanks everyone! My surgeon's nurse just returned my call. She recommended baby food prunes and Colace. I'm off to the store! Thanks again!
  23. Hey Everyone, I just really wanted to say a quick thank you to all of you who have contributed to the forum. I have been lurking since January, and had a pretty good idea of what to expect regarding just about everything. Coming here to get real information and feedback has been so helpful! Thanks again! Kage

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