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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by xavier

  1. Thanks for putting up more pix...You are an inspiration to many!!!

  2. Great to hear from you...rest a little!

  3. Hey...82 pounds is a Quinn AND a plump Meko!!! Skype me tomorrow if you feel like it...D

  4. Sometimes I leave messages for people here instead of on THEIR page!!! Duh!

  5. Please feel free to ask me anything!We are a very supportive group here! Welcome!!!

  6. I will be cheering for you tomorrow for an easy day and recovery! Let us know as soon as you can how you are doing!!! Diane

  7. Hows it going these days?

  8. Hey BK, how are you doing? Its a struggle every day, I think! I am back on the wagon I guess after really lying to myself and overeating for about three months! At least I didnt gain during that time but I think I'm on the right track now. Did you follow band_groupie to her new site? Her blog is better than ever!Let me know how its going!!

  9. Did you have your body lift before or after your baby? If before how did the pregnancy affect your beautiful waist?!? Maybe since you're so tall you didnt get too big with the pregnancy?Are you back in those true religion jeans??

  10. Hey! Hoe are you doing these days?? Have you followed BG to her new place??? Keep in touch!

  11. How are you doing after that fill? Have you followed BG to her new site?

  12. How's it going??? Have you followed BG to her new blog?

  13. Im sure you are busy but I love your blog and wish you blogged more! Hows it going???

  14. Thanks for the honest info...looks like it was ALL worth it!

  15. Just looking at the profile page and before/after pix of "puddin" !!! Wow, they even used her photo in an ad! She is amazing and swears by the bodybugg...what do you think?

  16. WOW! You are a BEAUTIFUL after picture!!! Thanks so much for putting up all your pictures!! I am wondering how the recovery/pain was from your body lift compared to getting the band? Or even compared to having a baby?!? LOL! You are inspiring so many of us!!! Thanks!

  17. Rededicated myself to the band...no more drinking with meals to get my 'money's worth' in a restaurant, more water in between, counting cals and protein, a little treadmilling and...drumroll here...I lost three pounds!!!!...well sort of because I had gained two and been living at 187 for quite a while but never added them to my ticker...184 today!D

  18. Saw your post about being stuck on BG's message board...me too! I think I am at perfect restriction but have decided to start writing all my intake down so I cant lie to myself...good luck! D

  19. I have finally started exercising to get over this plateau. . I think I could forget the whole thing and just stay here at 185 but obviously that's not what I want. I have been overeating a bit and cheating by drinking with meals so I am rededicating myself to following the band rules and getting on that treadmill! I do let myself drink with food when I am out with people who dont know about the band otherwise I can only eat such a tiny amount of food they would know for sure...(but, I have done it out with my family in a restaurant I think because I feel like I SHOULD be able to eat normal amount which would be fine for a special occasion but these really arent!) I really can barely eat a cup of food but with drinking I can triple that I think...bad I know. The struggle continues!!!

    MY tagline should be "best 15K I ever spent!" Good luck! D

  20. You are always an inspiration! I thoughtI'd add my two cents about your discussion with Kartman about intensity vs duration. Yes, they do equal out. I takes the same amount of energy to climb a hill whether you wlk or run.One is faster and more intense and the other is longer and easier in intensity but on the same hill the work achieved(calories burned) are exactly the same! keep doing what you are doing and setting n example for us!!

  21. Second day of treadmill this week...walked at 3mph...ran for ONE minute at 4mph!LOL!

  22. Hope your preop diet is not going too bad...the way I look at it, whatever loose now is staying off which is the great part about the band. Im sure you have read a lot of people on here whose docs are really stingy with fills...you'll love Dr. O because he and his PAs just give you one whenever you say you want one (after your post op healing period I guess). Im sure I have told you I had perfect restriction on an empty band for about six weeks after the surg...it was awesome and other than my crzy work schedule it was easy to get it back later when it loosened up....good luck..D

  23. I have no doubt you will do just that. I feel that I am at a good place restriction-wise and that I have to start getting some exercise to get off this plateau! I have so many silly excuses I could write a book...I would usually wish you good luck but I really dont think you'll need it. I hope you'll be blogging, maybe the details of your preop diet will help others...by that, of course, I mean ME!

  24. Been out of town for a while without the laptop so..WOW, WOW, and WOW!!! You are amazing and a role model to so many...mainly me!!!

  25. I'm excited for you and really glad to have you back on the site... hope you'll have time for some blogging! I have definitely lost weight slower than a lot of people but I know I have really changed my ways and that I learn something or relearn it every day...best decision ever!

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