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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Hotenuf2

  1. Hotenuf2

    This last fills thoughts

    SO I know get that every fill is different. I wsa good with the 2...3...was a whole new learning curve! Totally changed what I could eat--for the gooD...save me from myself! lol I am very pleased with it, I am hoping for one more light one I think, and I will be rockin n rolling along. Funny how we tell ourselves SLOW N STEADY...until that first 20lbs...and downsizing in clothes and then it is like MORE MORE MORE!! lol Gone again
  2. Hotenuf2

    Busy month!

    So what has been going on? I have been very busy, with all this new energy. I am down to 239 by my PCMs scale and look forward to the Official scale at the LB Dr office. This last fill was a new learning experience. For the better, it really cut me off where I needed it. I had a lot more barfing but all because I didn't do my part, chewing small bites...that kind of thing. Other than that I feel great! I started working out, The Crunch Dance, and a few others I like....and going to borrow an elliptical from a friend. My inner thighs are just aweful, at least while fat they were solid...now just dripping puddles of chub hanging down--not liking it AT ALL!! So all bets are on the Elliptical! I fit into the CUTEST Lane Bryant bermudas in an 18 today--only to find they didn't have the style I wanted in 18! ROFL Geesh. Tops are now 18/20's!!! LOVE it. I hope you are ALL doing great out there. I hope to get on and catch up with some of you.
  3. Hotenuf2

    Keeping Busy~Great Restiction since Last Fill! Tight!

    I think the friend you lost to cancer would want you to LIVE!! To the fullest. Grieving yes...but you went thru all this to live, not fall back into the sadness, so get to it :thumbup: (kick, kick) (ha ha) You sound like you are doing great. Funny how we still want to wake up and it be GONE! old habits and all. I too HAD to try my dearly loved Dr. Pepper--one sip...and BLAH! Hated it! So glad, cause it could be a major problem if I hadn't. Jump right back up on the track and keep on keeping on. Marie
  4. Hotenuf2

    May 4- Dr. Kurian

    READ! lol Really look thru this site, there are so many great people with 'their' stories that I think give you the reality of the situation. I, myself, have had a FABULOUS experience! Feel free to read my small blog. I go into details. Best Wishes!
  5. Hotenuf2

    3 weeks from 1st fill...report :)

    Ok So, 3 weeks ago I had my first fill... I have lost 6 more lbs!! FINALLY. lol Years fat, want it gone overnight. ha ha. I am at 243...I dont even remember being this weight. Haven't started working out--been so busy catching up on life I guess. Lots more energy, hardly taking any naps had to take one almost everyday before. I still feel like I EAT too too much, but obviously it is working ok. I am very happy about it. Have not re-visited the medication issue for my pre-surgery issues. But got blood taken today so will know in 2 weeks. I hope you are all well, happy and healthy. Hugs, Baggy pants. :thumbup:
  6. Hotenuf2

    3 weeks from 1st fill...report :)

    Ok So, 3 weeks ago I had my first fill... I have lost 6 more lbs!! FINALLY. lol Years fat, want it gone overnight. ha ha. I am at 243...I dont even remember being this weight. Haven't started working out--been so busy catching up on life I guess. Lots more energy, hardly taking any naps :biggrin: had to take one almost everyday before. I still feel like I EAT too too much, but obviously it is working ok. I am very happy about it. Have not re-visited the medication issue for my pre-surgery issues. But got blood taken today so will know in 2 weeks. I hope you are all well, happy and healthy. Hugs, Baggy pants. :thumbup:
  7. Hotenuf2

    Nine months

    Very positive! I was thrilled to read it being a newbie at 2 month post. I look forward to my journey everyday!
  8. Hotenuf2

    8 sleeps to go

    I am confused :wub: So you went thru with the operation, but then chose not to follow thru on fills and such?
  9. Hotenuf2

    here i go

    I am 2 months post and LOVE it!! It is great. Food...loved getting back to chewable food. But it is so so worth it! Keep up the good work. I had my first fill Thursday and it was nothing! Keep the great attitude I truely believe that can make the biggest difference. Just remember you are doing this to be healthy when there is that stand still in losing. Took us ages to put it on....can't expect to wake up skinny! haha.
  10. Hotenuf2

    1st Fill...woohooo

    Wow was that EASY! I was nervous as could be. WEnt in and found I had only lost 3lbs in 4 weeks, and I knew I was eating too much, but I ate until I was full....and that was too much. So when I told him I could eat 2 pieces of pizza and that I was HUNGRY he said NO no no,, you need a fill. It was a little prick, hardly any burn they described and it was in and done! I was walking out with NO side effects, and off to start my day. So glad I didn't fret too much over it--you dont either because it was nothing! Ok off I go more in while. I can say have not been HUNGRY today. Ate a shake, and egg drop soup...because I should. :blushing:
  11. Hotenuf2

    1st Fill...woohooo

    Good to know because I sure feel like I can still eat. lol I will be watching for that kick :wub:
  12. Hotenuf2

    1st Fill...woohooo

    Wow was that EASY! I was nervous as could be. WEnt in and found I had only lost 3lbs in 4 weeks, and I knew I was eating too much, but I ate until I was full....and that was too much. So when I told him I could eat 2 pieces of pizza and that I was HUNGRY he said NO no no,, you need a fill. It was a little prick, hardly any burn they described and it was in and done! I was walking out with NO side effects, and off to start my day. So glad I didn't fret too much over it--you dont either because it was nothing! Ok off I go more in while. I can say have not been HUNGRY today. Ate a shake, and egg drop soup...because I should. :wub:
  13. Hotenuf2

    Nothin' much happening

    So not too much to report. Which is good and bad. lol No loss, but no gain. No pains. So all in all it is great! I go for my month check up and hopefully a fill this week! I am excited. My 20's are BAGGY,,,,and I am anxious to hit the 18s and maybe 16's. Ok so I am getting ahead of myself a teeny bit. This weekend was big, I decided to sell my motorcycle...I have only ridden a little while, and moved up to a bigger bike way too fast. I LOVE it...but finally figured out that going down is bad enough but having a band, and the tethering port might be a bad bad thing. SO...the dream in my head of my bad-ass self is dashed forever! ha ha. I am a 42 yr old chunky lady who has no business on an 1800cc bike! Time to move on. It is sad. She is gorgeous...but hoping she finds a great home. THat is it here on the East coast...gorgeous weather happening. Spring is welcomed with open smaller arms! Come on summer!
  14. Hotenuf2

    Nothin' much happening

    So not too much to report. Which is good and bad. lol No loss, but no gain. No pains. So all in all it is great! I go for my month check up and hopefully a fill this week! I am excited. My 20's are BAGGY,,,,and I am anxious to hit the 18s and maybe 16's. Ok so I am getting ahead of myself a teeny bit. This weekend was big, I decided to sell my motorcycle...I have only ridden a little while, and moved up to a bigger bike way too fast. I LOVE it...but finally figured out that going down is bad enough but having a band, and the tethering port might be a bad bad thing. SO...the dream in my head of my bad-ass self is dashed forever! ha ha. I am a 42 yr old chunky lady who has no business on an 1800cc bike! Time to move on. It is sad. She is gorgeous...but hoping she finds a great home. :mad: THat is it here on the East coast...gorgeous weather happening. Spring is welcomed with open smaller arms! Come on summer!
  15. Hotenuf2

    Pre surgery jitters

    You know everyone is different, and I put a lot of faith in the attitude you have going in. Ultimately this is not and 'easy' fix, but for me it has been easy. It does not eleviate our mental baggage of food issues, but I can tell you set your mind to do what they say--follow the rules, and you will be successful. Just like anything-WW comes to mind--this IS a life style change, but with a TOOL to help you achieve a healthier you. I can eat anything right now, but I have not had a fill yet. But I do manage my choices in food better. I think SURGERY!! I risked surgery to help me, DO NOT screw it up! lol So for me it isn't worth it. I can still have a cheeseburger and fries, if I want, I just do not get it often and can't eat but half, and half of the fries. Also the pre-op diet really helped open my eyes to the truth about sugar and carbs, I was shocked and stunned that I felt SO much better without the masses of them I had daily that I have chosen to keep them at a bare minimum when I can. I have NEVER had this kind of control before... I set my mind and I just do it. Almost 40 lbs off since the pre-op and it is SO worth it. I didn't have to soul search to know I MUST help myself or I would be unhappy, unhealthy and hitting 300+ fast and then, that number being a big deal for me mentally, I would be a real mess. Honestly I was out of control, up to at least a 2 lt of Dr Pepper a day and I ate out sometimes more than one meal a day several times a week. With little excersize. BEST of luck to you.
  16. Hotenuf2

    almost a month out!

    Ok well I have been so busy that I haven't been on. Still hovering at 245...Happy cause I am under 250! LOL BUT, am anxious now that I looked in the mirror...my shelf on my ass is GONE! I knew my pants were baggy, and it wasnt a huge shelf (ha ha--denial is wonderful). But it was starting to get there. NO MORE! smooth round tush! COOL! Less love handles! Now if it would aim for my thighs--though they are the only thing holding my jeans up at this point. Am I picky or what!?? I still have 2 weeks until my appt. I am HOPING for a fill. I feel like I eat way too much to fill up, not as much as I did, and I am definantly eating better--still going very lean on the carbs. No soda--big big thing for me. I can eat ANYTHING I want...that is the cool thing--I have had no problems with any of my faves. Only had one barfing incident and all my fault cause I failed to chew. I do expect that to change with a fill. My one weird thing--My rib cage is tight--and maybe that makes no sense...but feels like someone wrapped me up with a bandage or something. I still get sore sometimes too. Thinking I will go scan some posts and see if that is normal. No pain just snug. lol I am getting myself a Total Gym from our local yardsale sight :tt1: and can't wait. My fav was my Bowflex which really helped my arms n back get stronger even though I was big. However, stopped one day and never went back. What is that about? Ok Well I hope you are ALL doing well, and happy.
  17. Hotenuf2

    A rose by any other name...

    I LOVE IT! I honestly told a friend of mine--WHO will I be? ME is revolved around being big, I joke about it, I am outgoing and enjoy life with my "BIG" friends and really didnt care if someone didn't like my Voluptuous self. I didnt but life is what it is! WILL I be different thin? Will I be meak and vulnerable (because I am NOT now) You know what She thought I was NUTS!!! What a ridiculous thing to say she told me. OBVIOUSLY not! lol I have found you! ha ha. Fact is I did it to be healthy not Skinny, but I am happy my pants are falling off! SWEET! I enjoyed your bloggin' a bunch! Marie
  18. Hotenuf2

    pre op appointment today!

    Congrats!! You know I think it depends on your job...but I think I could have worked after 9 days. Sometimes it is Mind over Matter, thinking positive and doing what they say. Seems simple right? BUT, I see other blogs and chats about people figuring out how to cheat, and I think WHAT? As if the surgery wasnt Drastic enough why would you cheat?? lol ok..anyway, MY TIPS: Getting up as soon as you they let you and walking is a BIG help!! Pain meds-take em' your body heals best when not in pain. Just dont get a false sense of doing more, rest up. I found using a pillow to hold against your tummy when getting up was a big help. Also not trying to sit straight up, roll to your side, bent knees, push up with your arms and just be slow. For me my 'kicked by a mule' feeling was about a week, I still get sore if I do too much, at almost a month out. But never more than uncomfortable. Vitamin E oil for the scars when your bandages come off really helps. And WALK walk walk...the more you walk it seems to relieve many pains. THat is all I got! I really just DID it 110%, I feel good, and my pants are falling off, so what more could a girl ask for!? lol
  19. Hotenuf2

    day 3 post surg.

    Hey there. Congrats First! I found using a pillow to hold against your tummy when getting up was a big help. Also not trying to sit straight up, roll to your side, bent knees, push up with your arms and just be slow. For me my 'kicked by a mule' feeling was about a week, I still get sore if I do too much, at almost a month out. But never more than uncomfortable. Vitamin E oil for the scars when your bandages come off really helps. And WALK walk walk...the more you walk it seems to relieve many pains. THat is all I got! Feel better, it is SO worth it! Marie
  20. Hotenuf2

    almost a month out!

    Ok well I have been so busy that I haven't been on. Still hovering at 245...Happy cause I am under 250! LOL BUT, am anxious now that I looked in the mirror...my shelf on my ass is GONE! I knew my pants were baggy, and it wasnt a huge shelf (ha ha--denial is wonderful). But it was starting to get there. NO MORE! smooth round tush! COOL! Less love handles! Now if it would aim for my thighs--though they are the only thing holding my jeans up at this point. Am I picky or what!?? I still have 2 weeks until my appt. I am HOPING for a fill. I feel like I eat way too much to fill up, not as much as I did, and I am definantly eating better--still going very lean on the carbs. No soda--big big thing for me. I can eat ANYTHING I want...that is the cool thing--I have had no problems with any of my faves. Only had one barfing incident and all my fault cause I failed to chew. I do expect that to change with a fill. My one weird thing--My rib cage is tight--and maybe that makes no sense...but feels like someone wrapped me up with a bandage or something. I still get sore sometimes too. Thinking I will go scan some posts and see if that is normal. No pain just snug. lol I am getting myself a Total Gym from our local yardsale sight and can't wait. My fav was my Bowflex which really helped my arms n back get stronger even though I was big. However, stopped one day and never went back. What is that about? Ok Well I hope you are ALL doing well, and happy.
  21. Hotenuf2

    Down another 5lbs! Sweet!!!

    SO I went to my 2 week check up and expressed my concerns of moving too fast. He was not concerned since I was doind what I was told...working thru the stages. my incisions were good, and I had no issues other than my worrries which he said not to worry about. So I wait 4 more weeks and see what I lose. I got up this am...and I was at 245!!! It has been 2 yrs at least since I have been under 250. And the thought that late last year I was at 280+ amazes me that it is gone so quickly. I feel great great great. I have had NO food problems. I chew, chew and chew. I have to sip a little liquid now and then but dont full on gulp it. I actually had filet mignon a 1/4 of a baked potato, and some squash, Obviously not the whole peice of meat. It was great, and NO problem getting it in, and keeping it in. CHEW. I ate with my family like a normal person :smile: Only excersize he said was walk 5 minutes a day---I thought Dude I do that 10 times over in a day! I worry I will drop 50 and just stop...but I guess negative 50 is better than gaining any. So just gonna go with the flow. Anyone have an excersize program they like? Curves? or something you do at home??
  22. Hotenuf2

    Adjusting @ three weeks out!

    I completely understand. I just got on solid foods-3 weeks out, and my tummy is like WHOA! but it is ok. Gas...that is huge--never had issues with it before, so hate it. the hunger...it is eat your arm hunger. I eat my 'meal' and in 2 hours I am hungry again!. I too use the EAS low carb shakes, 2 a day, moring for sure. Helps me not want to jump up and have a bagel! lol I have to wait 4 weeks to see if they will fill me at that point....so for now, good food choices, and chew chew chew! ha ha. But I have lost 34lbs so...trying not to whine about it.
  23. Hotenuf2

    Down another 5lbs! Sweet!!!

    SO I went to my 2 week check up and expressed my concerns of moving too fast. He was not concerned since I was doind what I was told...working thru the stages. my incisions were good, and I had no issues other than my worrries which he said not to worry about. So I wait 4 more weeks and see what I lose. I got up this am...and I was at 245!!! It has been 2 yrs at least since I have been under 250. And the thought that late last year I was at 280+ amazes me that it is gone so quickly. I feel great great great. I have had NO food problems. I chew, chew and chew. I have to sip a little liquid now and then but dont full on gulp it. I actually had filet mignon a 1/4 of a baked potato, and some squash, Obviously not the whole peice of meat. It was great, and NO problem getting it in, and keeping it in. CHEW. I ate with my family like a normal person :tongue_smilie: Only excersize he said was walk 5 minutes a day---I thought Dude I do that 10 times over in a day! I worry I will drop 50 and just stop...but I guess negative 50 is better than gaining any. So just gonna go with the flow. Anyone have an excersize program they like? Curves? or something you do at home??
  24. Hotenuf2

    Post op check up

    Down 32lbs...and I am happy. I felt like I was moving too fast from liquids to food. But I did all the steps and had no problem transitioning to the next food. So it is good. I go back in a month, and we will see what I have lost and then discuss a fill, or not. So glad I did this, No regrets not one. I feel great and am back to my normal schedule. Find I am a little tender when bending right over the port area...but I just adjust so I don't. Hope to come on and read some of your stories to catch up on ya'll. :rolleyes2:
  25. Hotenuf2

    Post op check up

    Down 32lbs...and I am happy. I felt like I was moving too fast from liquids to food. But I did all the steps and had no problem transitioning to the next food. So it is good. I go back in a month, and we will see what I have lost and then discuss a fill, or not. So glad I did this, No regrets not one. I feel great and am back to my normal schedule. Find I am a little tender when bending right over the port area...but I just adjust so I don't. Hope to come on and read some of your stories to catch up on ya'll. :tongue_smilie:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
