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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by talkalot1981

  1. I actually had to gain 7 lbs because my insurance only goes for the 100 lbs over. they don't care about your BMI. I am not banded yet, so hopefully I didn't gain for nothing. Hopefully I get approved!!!!
  2. talkalot1981

    Pre op prep time frame

    I haven't tried to do any liquid diet or anything like that. I have to weight till June 6th to see the surgeon, so for the next month I can't lose any weight. I am 103 lbs over weight and can't go below 100 lbs. Insurance doesn't go by BMI. Anyway, what I have done though is like taken really tiny bites and chewed the crap out of them. It is actually hard because I really wanna swallow them before they are ready to be swallowed. I have also been trying not to drink so much when I eat. I know that will be the biggest problem I will have post-op.
  3. talkalot1981


    You know I have been wondering the same thing. My husband and I have been together for the last 9 years. I have been heavy 8 1/2 of those 9 years with him. LOL I actually have always, even being as heavy as I am, had guys look my way. I don't think the added attention will effect us as a couple. Like some have said in other posts, I think it really helps to have a trust worthy and respectful marriage in the beginning. We do, so I am very confident in our marriage afterwards.
  4. I had my mental health evaluation today. It was ok. She said she would go over her notes and send the result to my PCM. I answered all the questions honestly. What I want to know is, Can the psychologist stop you from getting the band? They asked me how much I knew about the changes I will have to go through and about the sugery. She asked me about portions, what I can and can't eat. She asked me all kind of stuff. Thank Goodness I found this website because almost everything I learned was from here. I just hope everything goes good. I just have to keep my fingers crossed........ Jennifer
  5. I had my mental health evaluation today. It was ok. She said she would go over her notes and send the result to my PCM. I answered all the questions honestly. What I want to know is, Can the psychologist stop you from getting the band? They asked me how much I knew about the changes I will have to go through and about the sugery. She asked me about portions, what I can and can't eat. She asked me all kind of stuff. Thank Goodness I found this website because almost everything I learned was from here. I just hope everything goes good. I just have to keep my fingers crossed........ Jennifer
  6. The psychologist I went and saw is a military one. They get paid the same no matter what. She did ask about my younger years with being over weight and talked alot about my mother being over weight also. She did ask me what I expected after the lapband and what I expected from the lapband. I am sure she will give me a glowing review, but the thought of failing is still there. Jennifer
  7. I had my mental health evaluation today. It was ok. She said she would go over her notes and send the result to my PCM. I answered all the questions honestly. What I want to know is, Can the psychologist stop you from getting the band? Can they be like "She didn't know enough about the band or stuff like that. They asked me how much I knew about the changes I will have to go through and about the sugery. She asked me about portions, what I can and can't eat. She asked me all kind of stuff. Thank Goodness I found this website because almost everything I learned was from here. I just hope everything goes good. I just have to keep my fingers crossed........ Jennifer
  8. talkalot1981

    Is alcohol gone for good?

    My doc wanted me to quit smoking because it effects the healing process. He said nothing about it effecting the anesthesia. I have been put under anesthesia before and they didn't even ask me if I smoked, so I guess it wasn't a big deal. I actually decided to quit before I found out my surgeon wanted me to be 2 months smoke free. Only a week but I did quit on my own. The only reason I would say not to tell the surgeon is because esioulpy is wanting to be banded by the end of May. She can't if she has to be smoke free for 2 months. Some surgeons don't even require you 2 be smoke free.
  9. talkalot1981

    Is alcohol gone for good?

    If you don't smoke regulary I would suggest not even telling your surgeon. The only reason I say this is because my surgeon requires me to be smoke free for 2 months before I can get anything started. I am not telling you to be deceitful but you if you don't smoke as much then it shouldn't be hard for you to stop. If he says you have to be smoke free I would just stop all together until after surgery. I quit smoking Apr. 6th. I have to take a nictein test to prove that I haven't smoked. Even though nicotein only stays in your system for 48 hours. I am just way to happy now and don't plan on starting again. Jennifer
  10. talkalot1981

    tricare Europe(germany) lapband

    I am not sure how things are done in Germany but Tricare should all be the same. We also have tricare and I am going through the process now. I have all my testing done and now I am just waiting until June 6th. I have to be smoke free for 2 months before I can see the surgeon. That was the surgeons policy not Tricare. I am pretty sure it isn't much different over there as it is here. You can always call Tricare and ask them. Sorry I probably wan't much help... Jennifer
  11. talkalot1981

    Looking for a july bithday buddy.

    I am not banded yet but hope to be by my birthday. July 24th. If only I had not been a smoker then I wouldn't have to wait 2 months. Ohh BTW, I am Jennifer also LOL
  12. I haven't been banded yet but I know how you feel. About the guilty part. My husband, kids and I went to cold stone for some icecream. Of course my kids got a kids size. Well my husband ordered a "Gotta Have it" size. (Large) well I ordered the same thing. He looked at me all wierd and said "are you sure you want that size" I could have choked him. I know he wasn't tryint to be mean cause the 10 years we have been together he has never made any comment about my weight. EVER So for him to say this really pissed me off. He knew it made me mad so of course he tried to make things better. I just don't understand. Was it ok for him to order that size because he is not over weight? That is what pisses me off at some people. You see a skinny person eating ice cream or what ever and it is ok. You see a fat person eating the same thing and they get bad looks or those little snickers. Sorry just had to vent. Jennifer Don't feel bad for eating ice cream. If you eat the whole half gallon at a time them you might want to feel bad. LOL
  13. I am not sure how many people have seen this, but I came across it on youtube... YouTube - Lap Band Surgery
  14. talkalot1981

    Smoking post-band

    i had to stop smoking in order to get the band. It had been 3 weeks. Only have to wait a month and 1 week left, then I can schedule appt with my surgeon. I don't plan on starting back but I also didn't plan to start back after I quit while I was pregant. BOTH times. This time I am hoping it will be easier since my DH stopped as well. I actually talked myself into thinking that just because I cut down to 5-6 cigs aday wasn't really smoking since i used to smoke more than a pack a day. All I can do now is just take it day by day. Just having my kids happy for me not smoking is enough not to start again.
  15. I smoked for almost 11 years. I started my process with getting banded in March. I was devistated to find out I had to quit smoking for 2 months before the surgeon would even let me go to his siminar.:thumbup: I was told I couldn't even use nicotine gum or patches. I actually have to take a nicotine test. :smile: Well Apr.6th was my last smoke and I won't go back. I sucessfully stopped smoking with both of my pregnancies. Why I started back I will never know. june 6th I can make as appt for the siminar and I can't wait.:thumbup: I do still miss smoking and do crave it but I will not let smoking interfer with my health anymore.
  16. I have one comorbity. Hypertention. I also have depression/anxiety but my insurance(TriCare) doesn't consider those as a comorbity. I have heard Tricare denying people just for being under 3 or 4 lbs. I think I would just die if that happened to me. My surgeon's office won't even put me in as a patient until I as smoke free for 2 months. So I can't have them record my weight. I had to quit cold turkey because I have to take a nicotien test at the siminar. I can't chew gum or use patches. It hasn't really been as hard as I thought it would be. I looked on line and the high end of my BMI is 136 so I guess I need to make sure I gain 6 lbs before I go to weigh in. Thanks Jennifer
  17. What weight is the one they go by? I mean, is it my weight from my PCM, dietician or when I go see the surgeon? I have to do a seminar before I even get to see the surgeon. I have to wait 1 1/2 more months because I have to be smoke free for 2 months. I haven't picked one up in 2 weeks.:rolleyes2: Well I am at the lower end of the scale(so I have been told 5'4" 230) Well I thought I would gain weight from not smoking, but I have actually lost 3 lbs. I can't lose anymore because I am affraid I won't weigh enough. I might do the bra thing but poor me isn't well endowed up there and I am affraid the stuff would fall out. My luck right in front of the important people. LOL That would be bad...LOL I have to keep a food and excersise log. I feel bad cause I am actually lying about how much excersise cause I don't really wanna lose weight until I do my first weigh in.
  18. talkalot1981

    Mmmm, "Ice Cream"

    I haven't been banded yet but I have been trying to invent(lol) mushies. Well last night I made something my kids call Strawberry Suprise. in Magic bullet 8-10 frozen strawberries 1 of the pudding cups fatfree vanilla 3 tablespoons of reduced fat cream cheese a little bit of 1% milk (I didn't measure it) blend until smooth. My husband decided it wasn't sweet enough so in his I just added a tablespoon of splenda. It is really good. I had to sneak the splenda in my husbands cause he doesn't like it. But of course he didn't know it was in there. LOL you could probably add some type of protien powder but I am not banded YET.......
  19. talkalot1981

    too much exercise?????????

    The only I can say about the excersising is just becareful. I am no therapist but the same thing happened to my cousin. She lost about 55 lbs from just excersise and diet. I was very proud of her cause she really worked hard. She replaced her addiction to food to addiction with excersise. Now she has become serevery depressed and is having body issues. She still thinks she is fat and is having problems with not eating anything with fat. She has started going to see a theropist. She is starting to get it under control. All I say is just becareful. When she was starting her journey I am sure she didn't think she was excersising to much either. I am not saying don't excersise cause that is what got us fat in the first place.... but just do it in moderation. You look great by the way and I can't wait to be banded..... Keep up the good work....
  20. talkalot1981

    Easter '09'

    From the album: The before me!!!

  21. talkalot1981

    My puppy KiKi and I

    From the album: The before me!!!

  22. talkalot1981

    Our ride on the Ferry...

    From the album: The before me!!!

  23. talkalot1981

    Alaska here we come!!

    From the album: The before me!!!

  24. talkalot1981

    diet before approval?

    usually they use your weight before it all starts. My moms nutritionist messed up her papers. She has to do a 6 month pre-op diet and her nutritionist says she has been doing the program for 3 months but it is recorded in her insurance as 4 1/2 months. She is a little upset. The nutritionist didn't have a scale to weigh her. So the first 3 times she went in they didn't record her weight loss. So that month and a half don't even count. You would they should have had a scale that would weigh her. It is a nutritonist/dietition(sp) clinic. Anyway, long story short they should use youe weight before you start the diet.
  25. talkalot1981

    any fill doctors?

    Thanks for letting me know. My insurance will only let me use Dr. Todd. Not sure why but if I want to switch I might have to pay things out of pocket. I know he has a COD(code of excellence) I guess that might be the reason they referred me to him. I didn't do much research on surgeons because I knew my insurance would referr one to me. I was supposed to have several to choose from but I guess there are slim pickens here in Alaska. Thanks Jennifer

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