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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by talkalot1981

  1. I had another person critisize me today. I was at my 1 on 1 with the dietician today, then had to have a group meeting. At that group meeting we learned about what to expect after be banded. Well while waiting for the dietician to come in the room for the meeting a lady straight up tooked at me and said "Why the hell are you here, You don't even look like you need it" I was shocked. So was the other 3 people in the class. I told her "Your one of the reasons I don't tell anyone I am getting banded because I would rather surround myself with supportive people" Well after that she shut up. When the class was over she told the other 3 ladies that they ought to start up thier own support group. Didn't even look my way. Didn't even ask if I wanted to join. Just ignored me. It hurt my feeling so bad. When I was telling my husband about it he said the sweetest thing, "I will be your support system, plus don't you have people on THAT website that knows what you will be going through" Of course he was talking about LBT. Then I thought about it. He's right. I wouldn't want to join their support group anyway, they(well she) wouldn't be that supportive anyway. She just really pissed me off. I actually wanted the tell her to Shut Up you Stupid B***h. But my kids had to go with me and I didn't want them to see me like that. LOL But if they weren't there. LOL Anyway, Sorry it's a book..... Jennifer
  2. Hey, I know you have had the surgery by now. Hope everything is going great. Just let me know how well Dr. Searles is treating you... I see him on the 3rd for my first appointment. Hopefully it won't be much longer.. Jennifer

  3. talkalot1981

    Why do women have anal sex?

    Well I have been reading this post for the past couple of months now and have decided to add something. My husband and I used to do it on occassion. and YES I did like it. But unfortunately after giving birth to my second son I developed a hemorrhoid(sorry TMI) LOL Now I don't think so. We try on occassion but after the head I am involuntarily shoving him off from so much pain.....Never had an orgasim doing it that way though but wish I had.... LOL
  4. talkalot1981

    Sex after Banding

    After you are all healed, will really ruff sex cause the band to slip? I wasn't sure where to post this question. LOL My hubby and I are very sexually active. 5-6 times a week. Sometime it is really ruff. I was wondering if all the ruffness(lol) will jiggle the band loose? Cause it to slip? I know this kind of sound crazy but I would like to know now cause I don't really feel comfortable asking my surgeon. :blush:I haven't been banded yet but hopefully later this month. Thanks, Jennifer
  5. About 8 months ago. A friend told me that she had decided to get the band. Tricare had finally decided to pay for it. She was quite a bit larger than I was and when I made the comment about wanting it to she stated that I wasn't fat enough. So I left it alone. March of this year I decided to go ahead and start the process. Well I called her to tell her I was going ahead with the lapband and I was super excited. She told me good luck. That was the last time I heard from her. I heard from mutual friends that she was mad cause she didn't think I needed it. By the way, she never got the band. She went to one seminar and that was it. I text her now and then but never get a response. I guess I don't really need people in my life like that. Maybe after I get the surgery and have great success(pray) then she will get inspired.
  6. talkalot1981

    Tricare anyone?

    I am not banded yet but I got an approval to see a surgeon. I have all my pre op tests already done. I have my first appointment with Dr. Searles, June 3rd. I can't wait. Hopefully he will be able to to send all my papework to Tricare shortly after that. I have to keep my fingers crossed. I will let everyone how it went after my appt. Jennifer
  7. talkalot1981

    Tricare questions

    TABLE 1 1999 METROPOLITAN HEIGHT AND WEIGHT TABLES FOR MEN AND WOMEN According to Frame, Ages 25-59 WOMEN Weight in Pounds (In Indoor Clothing)* HEIGHT SMALL MEDIUM LARGE (In Shoes)+ FRAME FRAME FRAME Feet Inches 4 10 102-111 109-121 118-131 4 11 103-113 111-123 120-134 5 0 104-115 113-126 122-137 5 1 106-118 115-129 125-140 5 2 108-121 118-132 128-143 5 3 111-124 121-135 131-147 5 4 114-127 124-138 134-151 5 5 117-130 127-141 137-155 5 6 120-133 130-144 140-159 5 7 123-136 133-147 143-163 5 8 126-139 136-150 146-167 5 9 129-142 139-153 149-170 5 10 132-145 142-156 152-173 5 11 135-148 145-159 155-176 6 0 138-151 148-162 158-179 Indoor clothing weighing 5 pounds for men and 3 pounds for women. + Shoes with 1-inch heels Source of basic data Build Study, 1979. Society of Actuaries and Association of Life Insurance Medical Directors of America, 1980. Copyright© 1996, 1999 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Courtesy of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. I found this on line. I think this is the newest one. I barely qualify. I might have to stuff my bra or wear weights. You should qualify.
  8. talkalot1981

    Tricare questions

    I am going through Tricare as well. I am 5'4" and 239 and I have hypertention. I did have to gain 6 lbs though. I have a friend in NC who is getting the surgery June 16th. She is 5'10 and weighs 277. She has no co-morbities and she got approved no problem. But I guess Tricare can be picky with who they want to approve. I have my first consult with my new surgeon June 3rd, so I guess I will find out. Good luck, I hope you get approved.... Jennifer
  9. talkalot1981

    How to shrink a streched pouch?!?!?!?

    I am not banded yet... hopefully next month!!! But I was wondering if it would hurt to do the pouch shrinking diet once a month. I mean maybe the last 5 days of the month, once a month. It will help start the next month... I am so eager to get the band, I swear I dream of it every night...:thumbup: I just can't wait till June 3rd....
  10. talkalot1981

    So dang SLOW

    Congrats. I have been waiting almost 3 months just to have a consult with the surgeon. So I know how you feel. In the mean time I did get all my testing done. So hopefully we can schedule my surgery for next month. Again Congrats, Jennifer
  11. talkalot1981


    you are very pretty....
  12. talkalot1981

    135 pounds, March 2009

    If you don't mind me asking, what were your stats before surgery? You look great. I hope you are as proud of yourself as all of us are for you. Anyone that worked as hard as you have really does deserve to look amazing. I plan on working hard....LOL Jennifer
  13. My mother is having the GB next month. I am getting banded next month(hopefully). She chose GB because she has over 250 lbs to lose. I only have about 90-100 lbs to lose. My mother was in a car wreck several years ago and left her bedridden for nearly a year.That is when she started to gain lots of weight. She almost has no ankle cartilage left. So for her 450 lb body to stand on that leg it hurts really bad. So she is going with the GB to lose weight quick so she can finally beable to walk with out as much pain. I am supporting her in her decision and she is supporting mine. Like others have said, it depends on your situation. Each is a WLS and they basically have the same results. Losing weight.......
  14. I am waiting till June 3rd to see the surgeon, but I know tricare can be very picky about the weight and such. I am 5'4" 239 lbs I have 1 co morbity Hypertention. And I have been over weight for my whole teen and adult life. I have found many different hight and weight charts and everyone seems to be different. If anyone has any info just let me know. Thanks Jennifer
  15. The reason I ask this is because I will have to take one. What kind of a test is it? Blood, urine or the skin test? I am just so curious because I officially quit smoking March 21st. Well I used the nicotine gum. I have to be smoke free for 2 months. Well it comes to find out that I couldn't even use gum or patches. I stopped the gum Apr 6th when I found out we were going to be tested. Ok Which date should I go by? I officially stopped smoking Mar 21st but Apr 6th was the last time I used nicotine because of the gum. I tried cold turkey but had to use the gum a couple days after. I am affraid if I used the 21st then I might fail the nicotine test. Even though it only stays in your system for up to a month. If I use Mar 21st is it cheating? I use Apr 6th now but my mom said I could use Mar 21st. I don't know what to do. Someone please help....LOL
  16. talkalot1981

    Full Signal???

    I am not banded yet but I wanted to comment on the feeling sleepy after eating. I am going through nutrition classes now and the nutritionalist said if you get sleepy after a meal it is because you are full and the blood is rushing to your stomach to start the digestion process. which causes you to be light headed. So technically you are not really sleepy. I don't know about the diabeties stuff so I won't comment on that. I just wanted to share what the nutritionalist said. Jennifer
  17. talkalot1981


    Congrats. I am not banded yet but hope to be next month. I am sorry about everything you had to go through and am hoping everything goes well for me. I am glad you switched docs and now everything is going better.....Jennifer
  18. OH congrats. I also hope my approval goes that fast. I don't have Aetna but my other referral requests were approved with in a day. My first referral was to see the surgeon. Appoved next day. Then had problems with that surgeon so I requested a different surgeon and approved to see new surgeon day after request. So I hope this is the start of my good luck. Congrats again...... Jennifer
  19. Cathy- Tricare only goes by the 100lbs over weight rule. They don't care what the BMI is. And they use the highest side of the weight chart. I gained 4 lbs so I would qualify. I know it sounds bad but it is not like it is 20. being 5'4" and 27 yo I should be 125-136. So now that I am 239 lbs I am just trying to maintain my weight, I am affraid to fall below that 100 lb mark since I am so close.
  20. BigAli- I didn't think you were lecturing me. I think this was a blessing in disguise. I wanted to switch surgeons when I found out he made me quit smoking but I stuck in there and almost made it to my 2 month mark. It will be June 6th. I am very proud of myself. I know that if I can quit smoking and stay with it then I know I will have great success with the band.
  21. UPDATE!!!!!!!! Well I have officially switched surgeons. I didn't do it because the previous surgeon required me to be smoke free and wanted me to pay out of pocket, I did it because with the insurance I have pays for the surgery 100% (Tricare) My new surgeon isn't making me pay out of pocket and I have decided to stay smoke free. I am much more happy. So you won't see anymore post on here asking questions about nicotine tests or smoking LOL:tt2: Thanks for everyones input Jennifer
  22. talkalot1981

    What do you all do?

    Right now I am a PT sales assoc for Toys R Us. But most important I am a mother of 2 beautiful boys 8 and 4 and an Army Wife. I used to be an LPN in Illinois but haven't taken my state test for Alaska. I really want to go back to school to get my Vet tech.... I almost love animals more then people... LOL They seem to appreciate the way you care for them more. I worked for 5 years as a vet assistant.... *volunteer* my mother called it. She is a Vet... LOL Then after that worked in a nursing home. Where I decided to become and LPN. Never wanted to go RN. I guess it is like I wanna be a Vet tech not go all the way Vet. Dunno I love being a mommy most of all.....
  23. I also has to quit smoking in order to have surgery. It was really hard but I sure did suprise myself. I have to be smoke free for 2 months before I can even go to the seminar or have a consult. June 6th will mark my 2 months and I can't wait. They say they will give me a nicotine test to see if I have been smoking. I don't want to risk failing because I will have to wait another 2 months. I wouls die if that happened. I just can't wait till June 6th.....
  24. talkalot1981

    Why are people so MEAN???

    Some of my family can be just as mean, but for different reasons. My whole family is over weight. The reason they are mean is because they are jealous that I am actually doing something about my weight. I am actually smaller than the rest of my cousins and I am 239. All of us girls(we have a big family) would get picked on by all of our uncles, but the thing is all of our uncles were over weight also. The comments my female cousins make are "Well you wouldn't be losing weight if you didn't get the surgery" One even has the nerve to say," I bet you will fail this just like all your other diets" They just don't understand what this surgery is. I try to explain but they don't care. I feel bad because I actually avoid calling home(Illinois is home, I am in Alaska) just so I wont hear the comments. My mom is behind me 100% because she is having GB next month. She knows what it is like because she has struggeled with her weight her whole life also. I hope to be banded late next month or early july, so right now I would only like to be around(or talk to) people who support me.
  25. talkalot1981

    Bucket list

    Well I am not banded yet but these are the things that makes me want this so bad. 1. Run, actually be able to run and play at the park with my son who is 4. I would also just like to run for fun....LOL My DH is military so they always run. I wanna run a 5k with him 2. Wear a strapless dress to one of my husbands military balls. He has been in for 5 years and I have avoided them. 3. Snowboard with my family instead of watching from the bottom of the hill. 4. Get a full body massage. 5. Wear shorts.. I haven't wore shorts in over 12 years...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
