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Posts posted by foodstampchamp

  1. Okay, it's a bummer and deinately a set back but don't want to take any chances. I have cancelled my appt with my plastic surgeon in Lake

    Tahoe. In my ongoing research on my current plastic surgeon and other plastic surgeon's and talking to friends of mine in Carson City I have had an eye opening when it comes to Dr.Foster in Lake Tahoe. I will not go into details but I am making a new appt. this week with Northern Nevada Plastic Surgery Center. My new doctor will be Dr. Strand. I will update on Monday the 14th.

  2. I'm going to keep a bit of a log for my cosmetic surgery here. I have my consultation appointment on May 14,2007 in Lake Tahoe. So far what I know is they could possibly have to do one surgery one day and the other surgery the next day. The nurse said that would be worst case scenario. Hopefully both on the same day. $6,300 for the abdominalplasty and $3,900 for the breast augmentation. I will post more as I learn more.

  3. I haven't had a sip since the surgery. At times it has been hard, but I am able to say it is one of two things I have not had in 16 months (the other is steak . . . I'm simply too afraid to try either).

    Does anyone else drink wine??? I feel I may have chosen a replacement "evil". I have a glass of wine almost each night.

    I know . . . empty calories. I consider it a treat.

    I don't drink wine but once every four weeks I allow myself to go out with my crew after work right before our 7 days off and I drink between 1 and 4 kahlua's and cream. Definately empty calories and a lot of fat but it hasn't impeded my weight loss yet. I also consider it a treat.

  4. ...would you be referring to the heli-swat team at the local crack houses 3 times in the past 6 months, the home invasion where the truck in my driveway was broken into a year ago the same night 3 other neighbors had their 'alarms' activate....or some of the other drug related crime?

    The frequency of drug arrests and various thievery, burglary and auto theft continues to climb. I've never seen it like this in all the years I've lived here.

    We are not far from the freeway corridor North-south that is a known drug conduit. And home crank operations spring up like dandelions after the ongoing raids...

    It didn't used to be like this out here.

    I live in a super small mining town. This town does not have one single stop light, cab service, restraunt (unless you count the burger king that is in the shell station). My town has a population of about 2,000. But I am looking out my living room window right now and can see Interstate 80. And when I look out the other side about a mile from me is train tracks that are very busy. There are a lot of homeless train people and I'm sure I don't have to tell you how many people travel Interstate 80 on a daily basis. I bet in this town and the small town that is about 18 miles from here has had one murder a month on the average in the last year. In fact, one ladies body was found about 5 miles from my house about 8 weeks ago. Due to some stupid decision I made when I was 19 years old I am not allowed to own/posses a gun. Even though I have never shot a gun in my life, there are times in the last year where my decision have come back to haunt me because I definately wish I could own one now. I don't know what's happening around here. ;) You know what else I forgot to mention. About half a mile outside of town (which I can see from my front porch) there is a prison and it is not unheard of for the cops around here to do a house to house search when someone escapes. That only happens about once a year, but that is once a year too much in my book. I'm not saying a gun can protect me 100% no matter what circumstance, but I do know that it would probably give me more peace of mind. There is no real way of knowing what may or may not happen to me in the future, but I do know I would like peace of mind now.

  5. I don't really watch too much of American Idol but I do know this. Sanjaya is a very beautiful man with those big brown doe eyes! Is he really a horrible singer? Are people really voting for him as a joke. I think I'm gonna have to tivo this show and see what all the talk is about.

  6. I agree with you. Take guns away from criminals.

    I agree with taking guns away from criminals, but if someone is a criminal that means they obviously do things while side-stepping the laws. I'm sure side-stepping the law is exactly how a "criminal" would get a gun. I'm not saying there shouldn't be gun control laws, but I wonder (because I have no idea what the answer is) are there more crimes committed with legal gun ownership or illegal gun ownership? There really is no full proof 100% way to do anything in the world, including taking guns from psychos.

  7. Hi Sunta, This is horrific. I feel so sad for the families of the dead. How and why did the person who comitted this heinous act have a weapon?

    So sad. Susannah

    This is heartbreaking and very tragic. My thoughts are definately with the families of these victims.

    From what I understand he had gotten the gun legally. He showed 3 forms of identification and it all sounds legal. I'm all for gun control but I think it is not hard for people with bad intentions to get a gun no matter what the laws are. I'm not a person with bad intentions, but I happen to be a person who is not allowed to carry, own, possess a firearm due to some stupid decisions I made when I was a teenager. But if I wanted to get a gun and do horrible things with it, I could no problem. I don't think more gun control laws will stop bad people from doing bad things with guns.

  8. I am honestly not sure if real romantic love exists. I think there are feelings out there that we classify as "love" when we feel them, but an actual emotion called "love"? I don't know. I think that lust exists, and infatuation, and friendship and comfort, and I think that if we experience all those at once toward a certain person, we call it "love", but I really don't think that any of us have a "true love" out there.

    This is just a guess. Not trying to be insulting in the least. But do you have children? I'm guessing no. Because I don't think I ever really, truly , knew what full on unconditional love was until I had my first child. Except of course for my wonderful, loving mother. But I loved my newborn even though she didn't really knew I existed. I mean I was probably just a heartbeat sound to her at the beginning.

  9. Congrats on your weight loss! Over 60 lbs. is absolutely amazing to me. The most I've ever lost on one diet is 37 (Weight Watchers). Of course, if I were to add up all my losses over the years, I would have lost way over 60! lol.

    Have a great week everyone! Karen

    I often hear people say they have lost the amount of weight they needed to lose 3 times over and such. They also say they were successful on a diet till they got off and then they gained all their weight back. I can't remember a time that I even had temporary success. I think the most I ever lost was 10 lbs on the Atkins diet. And I think we all know that your weight can fluctuate 7 lbs in just a day or two so I wonder if I can even count that as weight loss ! lol. I love being with the band.

  10. I'm doing good, how about yourself? Just resting up today, i'm working some O.T. tomorrow. I am still saving for my plastic surgery. It is so expensive. I have over half of it already though, hoping to have the rest in the next two months.

  11. I love King of Queens, by the way. I used to love Roseanne, too. Right up until it got so popular that she took over every aspect of the show and it became downright STUPID.

    Rosanne is still one of my most favorite shows. I watch all the re-runs on Nick at Nite. I thought the show lost its funny right after they won the lottery. The whole funny about the show was that it was relatable to me. Poor family, struggles with weight, tomboy, smart ass comments. My mom used to call me Darlene when I was younger because I watched that show and played sports and wanted to be a boy like my twin brother.

  12. My second pet peeve is those that brush their teeth in the public bathroom at work. I don't want to watch my husband brush his teeth, let alone a co-worker. It's just too gross for me.

    I'm not fond of watching other people brush their teeth either. But, I am less fond of talking to the many co-workers I have with rotted out teeth, bad breath and/or chewing tobacco all over their mouth. I brush my teeth/floss/mouthwash at work at least 3 times during my 12 hour shift. I happen to have the locker room to myself because I'm the only girl on my crew but even if there were 50 girls on my crew, I still want to keep my good teeth/breath.

  13. Thanks to rereading some of Puddin's posts, I decided to get finally get a BodyBugg. After not losing an ounce for over a month, I've lost 2 pounds in the five days that I've had it.

    If you're competitive (even with yourself) this gadget is great! I've had the device for five days. Since getting it, I've been in the gym every morning and have logged every morsel of food before eating it. It is incredibly motivating and fun to try to hit your "deficit" number for the day.

    I bought the body bugg last year. I have decided to get it going tomorrow. I just have to get my membership up and running. It is a great program which takes out all the guesswork.

  14. hi foodstampchamp,

    your son sounds sweet. Here in Jersey, for pre-K age kids they offer a pre-k for kids with special needs where it can affect their learning. Also, the school has speech classes in them. check your local schools they may have the same thing. My daughter was misdiagnosed by teachers as having a hearing problem because she had a speech problem. She passes all hearing tests even the "in depth" ones by a hearing center, but she is in speech class and has mastered all but those tricky R's.

    My son was diagnosed with his hearing loss within 48 hours of his birth. We knew from the beginning. He was about 10 weeks premature and was also a twin. I was careflighted to Salt Lake City, Utah to give birth. Apparently it is the law in Utah to test newborns hearing. I guess that law had been passed a couple years earlier. I was shocked that they tested for that and even more shocked when I found out he was deaf. When he got to come home a few months later the Nevada Early Intervention program started coming to my house a few times a month until he was 3 years old to help with his speech/communication development. Now we are waiting to hear back from the school district for further help. He is doing pretty good though we think. And he is very happy.

  15. Yep, I've seen Very Bad Things and loved it!

    Susannah, I am really horrified by what happened to your grandfather. My father's side of the family is Jewish. Most of them died in the Holocaust. Nevertheless, I found Borat to be one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. This is because I have a juvenile sense of humour. I also used to like Howard Stern and I loved the Dave Chappelle Show.

    I have the first two seasons of the Dave Chapelle Show uncensored on DVD. I had never seen the show until I bought those DVD's. It is hysterical and I wish he would have continued with more seasons. In the second season, there is a guy on that show named Bill Burr. He is a comedian from New York. He is often on the Opie and Anthony show on XM Satellite Radio. I think he is the only white guy on that show. He has bright red hair and freckles. He also has a 1/2 hour stand up show on HBO. I would recommend you see it. I think you will like that too. Opie and Anthony are very similar to Howard Stern. In fact they are big time rivals that HATE eachother.

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