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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by foodstampchamp

  1. Can You Tell Me What And How It Works And Is It Worth It How You Feel Things Like That

    so far I am really mixed about my feelings towards the surgery. I know that is just because I am sore and dehydrated a bit. Has anyone else had the feeling after surgery that you were not hungry at any time? I have had not one hunger pang, but I force myself to drink Water and about 1/4 cup of chicken broth. But then I really feel full. I'm not hungry one bit. I feel like I have restriction, but I'm sure that is just from bieng swollen.

  2. Vicoden is not given through the IV it is only po. It must have been Morphine, Demerol, or Dilaudid or something else. Maybe you are allergic to Morphine also. I will call and see what it was so you will know for the next time. In medicine you never know what you are allergic to until you take it

    hmmmm. maybe I am allergic to something else. Or maybe I am just assuming they gave it to me in my IV. You would think I would have a memory of taking it orally, but my husband says I was talking to them before it happened. I don't even remember that. All he knew was that they all of a sudden shooed him out of the room while my face was swelling and he didn't get to come back for almost two hours. I am really curious now.

  3. That is nice you like playing Devil's Advocate and all but all it is doing is causing a ruckus.

    Well if it is causing a "ruckus" with certain people and really bothering them. Maybe they should be asking themselves WHY it is bothering them so much. Come on, we are all adults here. How hard is it NOT to click on something you DONT want to read?

  4. I had my lap-band procedure done on Tuesday August 1st, which was less than two days ago. To make a long story short, the surgery went as planned in every way. Now recovery was a different story. Even though I told three different people within 30 minutes of surgery that I was allergic to Vicoden, what do you think they put into my IV directly after my surgery. VICODEN!!! I did not know about it till I woke up very sick late last night. My husband told me that I had a severe allergic reaction and it took just a minute for someone to realize what they had done. Apparently my face/neck swelled up and I had stopped breathing. I have no memory of this whatsoever. (I'm certainly glad about that). I ended up having to stay overnight so they could monitor me. I'm fine now, and thank god everything is ok. On a lighter note. I have EXTREME restriction. I can barely keep down two tablespoons of liquid. I was told it is probably swelling. Anyways, that's how it went. Thanks for listening.

  5. It's definately thoughts that have come into my head, especially when you start getting more attention from other people either because you are lookin good or you feel better about yourself and that is showing through. I would never act, but the thoughts were there.

    I think that is natural when you are not used to it. For alot of people, that is a life they are not used to. Not even when they were younger. I think it is natural for thoughts to go through your head. As far as what you do about it. Well that is another story. Thoughts are just thoughts though. Not a person in the world can help how the feel. If that were the case, everyone would choose to feel happy 24/7. You can only help your actions after the feelings.

  6. I agree, but I was talking about opportunity. When one considers that an unhealthy, unconfidant person, who potentially could be a cheater, but isn't, changes into a more attractive confident person, could that alter the opportunity?

    Some might say that "less attractive" people are more likely to cheat because they are looking for validation or are more desperate. There are some people like that. Looking for love in all the wrong places. Anyone can have sex any time they want. Especially women. Just depends on how much they wanna lower their standards.

    As far as opportunity. I think that you are likely to get more offers that's for sure.

  7. One of the main reasons I'm glad I found this message board is because of fills/restriction. I know the chances of me feeling restriction with band alone are pretty slim. But I also know that if it takes a couple fills to get restriction that is common. During one of my nutrition classes for surgery approval the nurse said it can take up to 3 or 4 fills for some people to feel restriction. I hope that does not happen to me.

    Look at me. I was so desperate to just get my "surgery date". I kept saying if I got that I would be happy. Now I haven't even had my surgery done yet and am already disappointed about not feeling restriction. Sheesh. :rolleyes

  8. I had made up my mind to pursue lap band surgery June 1st. I hadn't even gone to a seminar at that point. And now I am having my surgery August 1st. I too am scared sh**less. But I'm more scared of bieng a fatty/diabetic/blind/losing limbs. We are all making the right decision. Best of luck to you. :nervous

  9. This is happening on a message board I post on.

    This is my reply to her saying she has'nt had a "cake walk"

    I am trying to be nice here. But all I want to say, starts with an F, ends in a U.

    The tone of the whole thing is that I have lost weight the easy way, and I dont know what it's like to be fat, or to lose wight.

    I feel like crying.

    You are doing what's right for you and yours and that is all that matters. Good job Aussie Chick. It think the only tears you should be shedding are those of happiness to how healthy you are becoming. Hang in there and keep your head up. I know it is sometimes hard to brush things off but you just gotta.

  10. This is a totally ridiculous forum. Not because of the topic per se, but because of the rudeness here. A forum is where someone can post their own opinions!!! And the reader should either be able to walk away from it saying "eww I would never do that" or "I am so glad someone else thinks the way I do". Wow some of you profess you would never cheat yet you have no trouble bashing others.......so sad.

    For the hell of it, I looked up cheating. A lot of you who proclaim not to cheat .....are cheating in a way that may not be as bad as cheating on your spouse but damn it comes close. (your cheating on a potential friend)

    "To cheat is to deprive of something valuable by the use of decit or fraud". That is straight from Websters.

    So the bashers, slammers, flammers whatever you want to call it......are taking someone else's belief's away from them Or at best, telling them their beliefs aren't worth a damn....so...if you have nothing left to believe in, what is left?

    Stop pointing fingers...."it's non christians", it's christians", "it's men--they all cheat", "its porn" .............its none of the above....its human.

    I personally was not offended by anyone in this thread at any point. And I certainly didn't intend on offending anyone. I think this is a pefectly good thread for anyone who wants to post or read here. If anyone doesn't, they shouldn't. Seems very simple to me.

  11. This is why I love LBT. Where else can you get this kind of honesty? I feel like I know every scenario I could possibly get into after this surgery. That is thanks to this board.

  12. I guess using my logic I would be very likely to cheat on my husband too. I know for myself that is not the case. But I can only speak for myself. Not for him. Trust me, I have all the same feelings as most the other women in this thread. Love, respect, etc. You just always seem to hear how shocked people are when they find out it has happened to them after x number amount of years they have been married. I sure hope it never happens to me. And I am sorry for anyone it has happened to. Definately had some rocky times in the beginning though. I think that comes with getting pregnant and married as young teenagers. (16 years old).

  13. I don't think ALL men are low life dogs. Not at all. Like I said. I enjoy playing devil's advocate. Makes for interesting conversation for all who can handle it. And I absolutely would not be mad at you making the generalization of "all women are assholes". If that was your opinion I would respect that. And for the record. I know just as many cheating women. I read back over my posts and I did sound very anti-male. I promise I'm not. I apologize for that tone. I don't believe the "statistics" that it is mostly men cheating either. I think the amount is probably alarmingly the same between men and women.

  14. You are absolutely right about him stating his opinion. and no, as far as I know my husband is not cheating on me and never has. Same scenario as most the other women in this thread. I always seem to know where he's at, unless of course he doesn't go to work when he is scheduled to. I doubt that of course because we work at the same place. Like I said earlier. I just enjoy playing devil's advocate. I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

  15. I'm sorry. But anyone who says WLS is the "easy way out" is an uneducated fool. I have said this before. I have not had WLS yet. (my surgery is on Tuesday) But I do know what I have had to do leading up to the surgery and that alone is worth 100 pound weight loss AT LEAST. I have had to deal with a few people who are the same way. Amazingly enough most of them are fat too. You think they of all people would understand our struggle. Jealousy is the only word I can think of.

  16. Thats a ridiculous generalization. Its quite offensive as well! Im really sorry for you that you have such a negative outlook on your marriage. your view is not the reality i live in.

    Can you show me one place where I said anything about having a negative outlook on MY marriage. And it is not a rediculous generalization. It is MY opinion. I don't think my opinion is any more "rediculous" than yours. I'm pretty sure I made a point to say "MY OPINION". Maybe you missed that.

  17. I agree with nearly everything you said, except, the wife is the last to know. In preparing to conduct surveillance on a cheating husband, I generally interview the wife. Normally, the wife doesn't put all the clues together without the help of an investigator, however, when reviewing his recent history, the wife is able to recall he has begun to wear aftershave, began working out, works lots of overtime, buys new clothes, takes up a sport (bowling, softball, etc.) which gives him time away from home, closes the door when talking on the telephone, etc. Most of us have very distint patterns, or habits, and when an affair begins, those patterns change. Many times wives don't pay attention to small signs of behavior changes, but when it all comes out, most women admit there were signs early on that were dismissed.

    Heliosphere Bag

    Dr. verboonen, Tijuana

    Inserted 06/30/06

    06/30/06 - 230

    07/26/06 - 216

    you are right, you always hear women saying. " now that I look back, I guess I did know deep down."

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